General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Ugh J i hope it all gets better. Btw, ever found out what happened with most recent ex's court date?

Well nope- only got the one day of texts from him Thanking me for the daughter's gifts. He was mopey and sounded pitiful- apparently big trial was this month, but I am not friends with him anymore on FB and I am not gonna ask- figured I'd send a Merry Xmas and ask then.:shrug

So sorry ladies JUST catching up- FIRST time on laptop today
Spent HOURS and HOURS cutting a very thorny 8 ft bougainvillea to hang light on house, then son had to go to work, so lights weren't done
THEN mom needed to do weeks shopping UGH 2.5 hrs in walmart and traffic right bfore Xmas:huh:
I pointed out some houses with land I am gonna call the realtor about...guess Sh&* got real for her because she moped and sighed and teared up all thru walmart etc pfft whatever, she does this everytime and I am NOT being the nice one anymore and saying ONE more try :finger:
OK F-ing BnB just deleted my WHOLE story about the MAN I am meeting tonight :finger: to BnB fix your sh^+!!

Summary- MINUS all the details
The guy buying $100+ of hats from me is FOOT dude from when I worked at the Mayor's bldg in 2008-10. He was in IT separate bldg.

He has been chatting with me here and there re the hats colors etc. Then flirting etc. I'm like whatever lol.
He's like why won't you give me a chance??
Basically he's always flirted but we were both married then. He's separated from wife over a year, and I am divorced no real reason other than....

His look was not really my type. He's really cute- very light complexion but Black and wore shoulder length dreads then:shrug:
Great smile, very smart, funny, annnnd I actually have known him since like 15 yrs old!! Only a :hi: now n then in passing- same schools, same neighborhood. He's was a year behind in school, but I started a yr early so like 7 mos age diff:shrug:
Oh and he actually massaged my sore feet many days after work at the busstop after work waiting for the bus( park n ride thing they do here)
He always complimented my feet and back then your girl had indulged in a weekly Pedi for EIGHT yrs so yes feet were awesome.
I asked what was wrong with his wife's ft- are they HOOVES? Pegleg?
He laughed and said no that she just didn't keep herself up after like 12 yrs together:shrug:

Anyhoo he kept asking and last cpl nights I'm like Dude! I like you as a friend but seriously we are like opposites:haha:
He's verrrry healthy Vegan, Very Religious ( which is fine but I loveees my meat lol).

Sooo come to find out he went back to lean meats to gain more muscle working out, he's no longer religious, but meditates, and leads that whole Karma Zen life thing, and he is completely into the same music food etc...and :shock: OMG...he kept threatening to "let me hear his freaky side" lol Whatever- :shock: Oh my damn....yea the messages of what he would do to me were OH so friggin hot!!!

Totally diff view of him - He kinda called me out with " Well how do you know we aren't meant to be together? What if I am the right one and you didn't even give me a chance ?
Ugh I felt like an ass cuz it's true- was totally keeping at a distance

:cloud9: So after all our phone talks and texts late into night this week...totally mtg up with him later.

I made it CLEAR I am in Baby NOW mode and he didn't say no...actually said he always wanted 2 kids ( he has a DD 14) but apparently wife said hell no after the first??
Anyway he has her half every wk, great dad.
So we shall see what happens, but The dreads are gone- dude is buff abd rockin a bit of gray in the goatee and hair annnd omg total deeeeeep sexy voice.

He is rdy to jump me after all the challenging sexual txts lol buttt ugh AF is stillll finishing up today...not gone... booooo.

Gotta go get Pretty hehe.
It was 40s here last night Brrrr Florida!! Low 50's tonight so we won't meet long and def not his house as daughter is there.
Probably walk some art galleries, coffee shops etc he's into those like mee YAY
OOOHH :shock: and I forgot:smug:
He wants to sell some of his VEGAN recipes but didn't know where...who does? Oh yeaaa THIS girl.
So we are gonna talk Going half on booth fees at the local organic and art markets!!!!
Sooo excited. Totally making up for mom ystrdy!!!
Omg J! That is all so exciting! You HAVE to report back here and let us know how it goes!!! I'd be so happy for you to find so,eone who is totally on board with the kid thing. Would you be into co parenting if the relationship didn't work out but you got pregnant?


It's 12:31. Af has not arrive yet.

This is big means i'm officially late.

I haven't been late in any recent months (none of the ones i've charted since july), or in any time i can remember in the past.

I've popped a tampon in just in case she shows when i pass out....but, other than being pregnant, why would my period be late? I am absolutely certain i ovulated.

My fingers are tightly crossed for a late implanting baby! But i know the odds aren't in my favor...
Can't wait to hear all about it J!

Gigs my fingers and toes are crossed for you!!

So hubs just brought home a puppy. A freakin puppy when we don't even know if we're getting the house with a hard yet!! My poor kitty is terrified! we wanted a puppy but not until after we moved!!!
Ahhh MrsG a puppy lovely :) haha i bet the cat is hissing all over it lol, what puppy breed? Congrats on new pet

ooooh Giggles this could it!!! Let us know today if you test :thumbup: oober excited hehe!! Should af arrived on Friday??

OMG J!!!!! Keep us posted its nearly ov window aswell yay!!! I let out a lil squeak in bed reading that post this morning Lol!! Hope it goes well, eager for an update hehe

Campn, i used concieve plus (like preseed) last cycle - inserted before, used during & after.. Used it & i fell pg with Riley & this time around, its awesome stuff! Get your jiggy groove on girly :)

Stills, hey there! Hope you catch that egg :thumbup: we're nearly all set for crimbo here, i havea couple more gifts to get Monday morning while Rileys in day Nursery ;) then its food on Tuesday then last working day on Weds woop! Im not liking food shopping at the moment, struggling with the bloomin sickness eurghhhhhh
sooo a bit after 2am...been home about 30 mins.
LOL We literally sat in my car and talked for a few hours...WHILE he massaged my feet the whole time! It is like 50 tonight, not bad but I ran out wet hair, and Nike Flip Flops so I said was chilly cuz I didn't change into socks a real nikes- so after 5 mins of sitting in the car seat with my feet Under my behind- like you sit on a couch - he was like give me your foot- I'll rub it and warm you up- I'm all mmm hmmm :roll: You just want me for my feet lol. We joked about it, and after like and hour, he stops me ( cuz he only had my right foot) and he says :
Give me the other- I was mid convo so I was like other what?
He said your other FOOT laughing- and said this one's warm and you said you "feet" were cold not foot so give me the other:blush:
Got me there, but it was nice having 2 hour foot massage!
And as my feet were in the crotchal region lol I did not note any arousal for the foot rubs :rofl:
We just talked about everything for like over 2 hrs- exes, when I worked there, old coworkers, and FOOD- omg he was a vegan for 15yrssss!!! I had no idea that long. He has the best smile Super white perfect teeth.
Sometimes I laughed so hard I teared up - was a great time.
I mentioned several times I want to be married again- he agreed ( oh and they were together20yrs not 12 eek- went to mult counselors etc, just grew apart )
I def mentioned the baby thing and he didn't say no so :shrug:

Oh Gigs- yea he is a realllly nice guy- his daughter called when we were talking to say she was home from a show and asked if he was ok- he said yes and then LUv yous back n forth - sweet Dad DD moment
I wouldn't mind co-parenting with him at all. He's very mellow and level headed and he'd have no prob with baby being with mee all the time , and as older I would just want to make sure child is with me when my DS is so they grow together.
Trying to think positive tho- we both are big on talking probs out, and communication so stuff doesn't build up- so the mature route.
Hell after 20 yrs together when she said she just wasn't happy despite counseling, he left the house, got an apt, and only took a TWIN bed for him and one for daughter, and only 1 pot and 1 pan LMAO
He is so Mr don't make waves.
SO no dirty talk tho he brought it and said I was dirty I'm like nooo you did the talking.
When he went to leave my car, he kept hesitating, so I was like gooo but gimme a hug, testing him out. he gave me a hug and was about to leave Then he said mmhhmmm your scared - I'm like oh yea ? Im still right here you moved back not me
back n forth- so we end up half an inch from each others face and he stops
So I again said umm hmm young ppl he talked back then as I replied he gave me a Peck kiss and said see i kissed you and I said yea and backed UP lol
So face to face again another peck- I said not like are a kid- he asked well how do you want me to ...An let JLM show you how it's done - Few mins of some nice deep kisses and tongue action- and he said Wow ok I have to go lol
I told him yea I can't corrupt you all in one night lol.
He's soo gonna fall hard :dohh:
MrsGAhhhhh we need :dog: stats!!! Puppy wuv!
The kitty should train it up right. We have 3 older kittys and when I got my bullmastiff- he stared and watched them slink by, got a few nose swats from one but now the pass by him and sit right next to him and that 140 lber just sees them as odd creatures that occasional show up a few time a day to slink past

CB Sorry you are sick still- I love when you say Crumbo hehe

Giggeth:thumbup: Sounds pretty darn goood!
Can't wait!!
Omg J im sat here smiling like a cheshire Cat reading this hahaa! He sounds like a possible keeoer & after your 'JLM' kisses no doubt he got the horn & had to shoot off lol! Ooooh im so excitrd for you :)
Mrs!!! My crazy ex gf adopted us two kittens, like, a day before we moved in together....and this was after we had a discussion on cats and I specifically told her we needed to make sure we were compatible (like, live together well at LEAST 6 months) before we got any animals together. But they were sooo cute i couldn't resist....well somewhere between 6-9 months i moved out haha. Took one of the cats i bonded with with me; i have no idea the fate of the other kitty :( my point being, i feel ya on not getting an animal as a mutual decision. It's kind of annoying....but you're all, "awwwwww but it's cuuuute!" I'm sure it'll all be ok, and pup will be nicely trained before any baby arrives :thumbup:

J, that is so exciting! I love my husband more than anything but i sometimes miss the exciting "newness" of a budding relationship, and those exciting first kisses and intimate conversations....hope he's on board with the baby thing! May not be a live in penis but it's second best! struck in the night, as expected. Now i'm hungover and bleedy. I looked back at last month and she showed up at 9:30pm on cd13, this time it was probably 6am cd14. I'm wondering if my LP is gradually lengthening or this is just "one of those things". Either way, i do hate the anticipation of her coming on, especially when she's late....even if it's for only a few hours.

My uterus hurts. Waaaaaah.
Hehe Thx CB and Gigs
Yesss he is very cool, but we all know how men are soooo not gonna say he's 100% wanting another right this second, but
He has been warned I'm in Baby NOW mode, and that I don't have time to wait forever so
(insert crazy hair lip lady) May the odds, be ever in MY favor lol

Sorry about AF Gigs, my 3 days early hurt, so I know how you are feeling with the wench playing the late show up :( :hugs:

Ugh- tired but off to get little boy yay!
back later!
OH and ladies - remember I said weather/seasons can affect BBT
Check out my last 2 days ystrdy night was low 40s here, last night was 50 degrees...usually 70s here in FL- Temp CRASH.
And the house is nice and warm- not cold but BBT sure plummeted!
Sorry af showed up sneakily in the night Gigs, cheek of it! Still, CD1 & power through to next ovulation :thumbup: this cycle could just be the New Years news :) What are you hanging on? Thought of any alcohol at moment is like :sick: lol

J at least he has been well educated on the baby stuff & if hes fine then climb on board girl haha! I have to admit like Gigs said, i love my SO loads but i do sometimes miss the newness & excitememt of first meeting someone new esp when you fancy the pants of them lol! It should be all sex & kisses & movies (but ending up having sex halfway though :haha: ) hope you get a couple of donations thus cycle but if not you'll def get some ready for next month hehe
I LOVE the new relationship thing. Sometimes I see old couples still snuggled up or walking holding hands I just MELT<3

I want THAT! He is so cute to me tho- deep sexy voice, built bod, talkin all dirty and sexy and challenging me blah blah lol
Then we meet and he has that shy scholboy thing going lmao
That's why I called him out on backing away from the kiss
But it was A-MA-zinnng once he stopped being shy lol.

He is at his Zen temple this morning till noon- meditation, health seminars he sent a few txts earlier and wished me a good time with DS,...
Sooo you know I had to shake things up a bit and send him a sexy pic :flasher: :rofl:
Nothing nude but I just had on my bra and low cut jeans - belly pic with my bellybutton tat showing ( thorny heart around it)
hehe and below it I put FOCUS on the Temple lessons...
I know he totally will be off task but :muaha:
Last night he was driving back from some Zen class - before we met- and I sent a pic of me in the tub- all steeamy with the pic clearly showing the tub, BUT cut at an angle so it only went to just above where you would see any cleavage.
He said he almost wrecked his car LOL
Apparently wifey was not frisky or adventurous at all sexually...Poor guy...I'm so gonna ruin him :haha:
Thanks ladies :hugs: not sure what to do differently this cycle, if anything...think i might hold out until 10dpo to test though, and reaaallly try to NOT pay attention to my dpo's...which means not recording symptoms after ov. That's fine by me though...this cycle and last cycle, symptom-wise, was so opposite from each other that i just don't feel like there's a point in paying attention to it.

Cb, i started the night with a shot of apple jim beam, then had two beers, then a hard apple cider. I was pretty buzzed...i don't drink often at all so it doesn't take much. I'm mostly fine today, with the exception of a headache. I'm sure that's due to mixing alcohol.

J, you naughty little minx you! Corrupting that poor innocent man :haha: so what happens if he doesn't agree to a donation?

So, non pregnant ladies, where are you all in your cycles?
J- He sounds pretty exciting! I'm not into veganisim either but since he's at least starting to eat meat again I think it's so promising! I always thought you have to be vegan to date one, but that's because like you I really do enjoy some meat on a charcoal grill every now and then!

G- I'm few days away from ovulation hopefully! CD16 and I usually ovulate late but hopefully soy will have worked its charm and bring it forward a few days. How are you feeling!?

CB- Hope you've been feeling wonderful!


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Thanks Campn.. I wish i was feeling wonderful, feeling abit yukky tbh & struggled eating my dinner this evening :( hope it passes soon :)
Ooh & your opks looking almost Positive hehe hope your getting lotsa jiggy-jigy in hehe

Glad its just a headache & no sicky hangover Gigs.. Sometimes not stressing & not paying attention to ov symptoms but humping your way through a good thing :thumbup: Could always try some of that preseed stuff & help those spermies live longer pre ov;)

J he sounds really great, so glad the pics went down a treat hehe & from his reaction i think your def in for some good lovin :haha: im a sucker for sending rauncy but not revealing pic to my SO lol!
I thought about preseed but afraid that's going to lean me toward a boy....

Feeling better campn, thanks for asking :) I've accepted i'm on cycle 4 and am over my pity party. Physically, i took some Excedrine for the headache and it knocked it out :thumbup:

Sorry you're feeling poorly cb :(
Gigs- I've also made my peace that it will take longer this time around, DH and I are older so it must effect our fertility. It'll happen when the time is right! I really want a girl this time, I've always wanted a girl I was actually a little sad when I found DS is a boy, but now I'll take what I can get, also I've so much boy clothes so it'd be cheaper to have a boy :p

CB- sorry Hun, is it MS? I'm hoping next time I don't get any but knowing my luck I'll be sick as a dog! Hope you start feeling better soon :hugs:

Gig- so so sorry AF showed!
J- glad your date went amazing. So excited you have a new beau AND will still be on this month.

Afm- today was the third day I for "high" on the digital opk but the line seemed to be lighter than yesterday's. So I either missed my peak, urine was too diluted, or I'll get the peak tomorrow. We've been bding though so we should be ok. We will again tonight.

Dog updated! He's adorable. He's 9 weeks old and half German short haired pointer and half walker hound. So he's a hunting dog but honestly probably won't be used for that with us. We did take him with us while we were shooting today. He didn't seem to mind it. He was in the truck while we shoot so he could hear without being overwhelmed. I'll post a pic in a second!
Here he is! His tentative name is Bear but it might get changed.

Also! We got the house!!!!


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