General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Jez, I ment to say thanks for sharing the cbc article.. looks like we did the same brand as you... PC organics!
As for teachers. I sat in the front row, not by choice. Popular kids all sat in 3. and 4th, keeners in 2. and the rest got the front. I totally agree, teachers can have a huge impact on kids, but we can't expect them to raise our kids. Teaching them manners and respect is still up to the parents. On the other hand, my grade 7/8 teacher ignored the fact that I was the main Target of the class bully. It only got fully resolved when he had to repeat grade 8 and therefore had to leave our class.

Gigs, i think our plan is pull ups and no pants (we do have some carpet and this home being a rental I am not willing to risk our damage deposit ;) )...but if mil truely does come up this weekend, we may put it off another week.
Gigs- we've started potty training a little bit max is pretty good at it but Michael is horrible lol he sits to go potty and as soon as he starts to go he says "yay potty" and stands up while he's still peeing lol
We have little pottys in our living room that they use most days. We use candy too but I'm starting to think that was a horrible idea.

Flu- any update????
Sorry guys I've been reading but not had time to reply/update. So going to be a selfish post.

Went to appt this morning and I got the mw to strip my membranes. I've once again had so cervix changes but she said S was really low. I've actually not been real crampy today. If I'm still preggo by appt on Monday I'll schedule an induction for next week, but hoping she gets her act together before then :haha: my only thing is I don't want to go into labor Wednesday as DH is having his surgery that morning. The lady at OB office that does fmla papers was out today so I'll be calling tomorrow to get my leave date effective Wednesday.

I tried to rest as much as I could this weekend so I'm not starting out exhausted.
PL glad you finally got to see that castle! I’d totally love to visit a castle, I think they’re so cool, though the old ones are much less enchanting when you realize they had no electricity and used chamber pots or holes in the wall and rarely bathed lol. Though I’m sure the old ones have a different kind of enchanting, knowing people used to live there and that was their world. I’ve been to Windsor Castle in england and it was gorgeous, and of course it’s still in use so it’s got electricity and indoor plumbing. The queen was actually in when we were there, but of course we couldn’t go to the area of the castle she was in. There were a lot of rooms that were just for show with no real use. The outside was gorgeous though, the greenery was beautifully maintained.
Anyway, yes 10 inches of snow is beautiful to look at and horrendous to shovel.
That’s awful about that teacher.

Gigs so I looked up that’s song... ummm... I’m afraid I don’t feel as if I missed much :rofl: but very sad obviously that a member passed away.
In other passing away news, Luke Perry died today! I’m so upset, mostly because he plays Archie’s dad on Riverdale and I’m a total baby millennial who cares about her TV shows. He was only 52 though, he had a stroke. It’s very sad. He was very good looking for 52 as well, he didn’t look old in the slightest.

Jez I definitely agree the teacher was treating me unfairly, and I also agree that teachers play a big role in our development and we remember being treated unfairly by them. I still remember when my 4th grade teacher made me cry and yelled at me for crying. We had been taking pre-tests and there was a question I couldn’t figure out and I was 9 so I just sat there upset that I couldn’t figure it out, and the assistant teacher came over (I’ll call her Mrs. Jones, I don’t remember her name). She asked what I should have done and I said I didn’t know, she said I should’ve skipped it and gone back to it. Then she sent me to the main teacher, I’ll call her Mrs. Black cuz she had a color name. Mrs. Black asked me the same question, what should I have done when I didn’t understand the problem? Of course Mrs. Jones had told me, so I responded “I should have skipped the question and gone back to it”. Mrs. Black yelled “you lied, you told Mrs. Jones you didn’t know what to do, go turn your card!” And of course I started bawling and tried to explain that Mrs. Jones had told me what to do but Mrs. Black wouldn’t hear it and yelled at me to stop crying. It was a shitshow. That’s probably when I stopped trusting authority.
Argh potty training... I was going to start trying at 18/19 months after she’d clearly been aware of when she was about to poop and pee and even bought a potty and everything but then got super lazy so never tried other than got her to do a couple of incidental poops in the potty while standing up (she only poops standing up!). But now she is so so stubborn that I’d know I’d have to go into the training full force and I don’t have the time or energy for that, esp when they can’t follow through in the same way at daycare. Mind you, a friend of mine said her son got potty trained SOLELY at daycare, so idk what to think. They do offer her the toilet every time they do diaper changes at daycare but so far she’s only sat on it, not done anything. If I ask if she wants to go at home on potty or toilet, she’s like “no” so I don’t push it. I think I’m scared to try! I feel like she’ll never be potty trained as a result.

PL I agree teachers shouldn’t raise kids but if a young kid is going to spend so much time a week away from parents, I feel like they’re inevitably doing some raising (in that their actions/approach can affect the kids more than they may know).

Very sad about Keith Flint, and omg Gigs that’s so true about that song title. I don’t think anyone thought there was anything wrong with it back then, but today there’d be complete outrage!

Flueks, glad you’re hanging in there, and either way it won’t be long now! FX she chills out on Wed or comes before!
Mrs G, sorry I had to giggle at Michael! How did you transition away from diapers?

Flueky, my guess is that you may have a baby by the end of the week. Dont do anything labour inducing until Wednesday, and thursday go full on! Was your mw still able to feel the head?

Shae: I love the old castles. DH and I saw a number on our trip. I remember in grade 6 we did a weeklong class trip. We stayed in an old old castle turned youth hostel on top of a small mountain. While a road did lead up there, our teachers always made us do the hike. Smart man knew how to tire out 20 kids.... Interestingly: my mom had stayed in the same hostel when she was a school girl!

So after all this cellphone typing I have come to see an awfully suspicious looking yellow spot on my thumb.... I really hope it isn't what I think it is..

Also, our cat is trying to come inside with a half dead something in her mouth.
Re: insurance and healthcare. My job doesn't offer any insurance, but I've been lucky enough to kind of not need it. Cuz of my eye issue, I get the cost of exams waived and my prescription from years ago is still good, so no need for new glasses. I have to pay out of pocket for dental and my dentist makes any and all work 30% cheaper for patients without coverage. And I just claim everything on my taxes. SO had coverage at work and Alex is on there with him, so that's good. Not like SO ever goes to the Dr though. And, thankfully, Alex hasn't had any major issues.

Re: Disney World. We would visit like every other year when I was a kid. Then we didn't go for a few years when I was a young teenager and then started going again every few years. The last 2 times SO, Alex and I were in FL, we didn't go, but we will next time (hopefully in Jan '20). Alex will be young enough to be free, but old enough to kind of enjoy it. And I should be able to go on some rides.

Re: potty training. The only thing I've been doing is (on weekends) taking of Alex's diaper as he's waking up, but hopefully before he's peed, and putting him on the potty. I have a few small toys and books to keep him busy, so he'll hopefully sit longer and actually go. It's worked a handful of times and I reward him with a few M&M's, but I think the point of the training is for them to understand that they have to pee and alert you, so you can help them go. My method doesn't really do that though. :/

Re: celebrity passings. Ya, it's really sad about the guy from Prodigy and Luke Perry. Both not even that old. It reminded me about the fact that Chester Bennington took his life on the day Alex was born. So crazy.

I hope everyone is doing well. FX all you tired mamas get some good sleep soon, that all the LOs who are under the weather get well quickly, and that Serena gets here soon. :)

AFM, got my 2nd blood work appt tomorrow. If my number was 34670 before, should I be expecting like 75000+ 4 days later? Still feeling kinda tired, uterus fullness has come back a little bit, been getting a bit more boob soreness too, and I feel like I'm slightly hungrier recently. Oh, I also peed a lot today, but I have been actively trying to drink more water. I think that's all for now.
Pretty- I have no idea on the HCG because I know it slows down the father you are. Maybe google can help? Not that I ever think it's a good idea to google lol

Pl- we haven't done away with diapers completely yet. We've used pull ups but in all honestly I don't know how I feel about them. I think once we really go for it (after vacation next month) I'm going to go to regular underwear all day except when we're in public I'll use pull ups. In all honesty it's more me being lazy and having no energy than anything. My goal is just to be done with at least max before baby arrives. I'm not pushing it on Michael, he'll let me know when he's ready.

All I want in life right now is some cake and a nap.
Pretty according to Dr. Google as you get further into your pregnancy (like where you are now, I think) doubling rates can slow to 96+ hours, which is 4+ days. So if it’s under 70,000, don’t freak out.
Also my family did the same thing with Disney world, we’d go every other year and then it slowed down a bit as I got older.
ETA: glad you’re able to get along without insurance, my family has plenty of health issues so we’d be doomed without it.

Jez I agree with you, teachers shouldn’t be responsible for raising their students of course, but their behavior does affect kids and they should be careful to set a good example that would aid in the molding of kids into good people as best as they can.

PL what are you worried the yellow spot could be? Also I’d totally love the explore old castles, don’t get me wrong. I think ancient ruins and stuff are amazing so I bet I’d love old castles. It’s just funny to think of the lack of amenities despite the expense and royalty of the castle.

Green I hope you get both cake and a nap.

Flueks sorry I missed your post, fx’d baby doesn’t come Wednesday.
Flu- FX baby comes SOON what is the name you decided? I forgot, or maybe I didn't know?

Omg guys! For anyone I don't have on social media. Kids are hilarious and Michael can't say car... he says c*ck... hahaha it's so funny. I'm sure many more funny word moments will come but this totally made me laugh so hard.

RE: insurance. We're lucky DH has good insurance. I think he pays like $100/ month for our whole family. He's free and he pays extra for the 3 of us. We have a $3000 max out of pocket per person but a $6,000 family max. So it's not too bad. We'll probably have to pay around $3,500 for the birth. The boys were $6,000 because of the nicu but still cheaper than getting better insurance.
A suspicious yellow spot?! I honestly can’t imagine what that could be/mean.

Shae I find it so sad that you got shouted at like that for crying. That’s so terrible, and that’s not just opinion.

ETA: Green that’s hilarious. I’ll have to find the video tomorrow.
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Green, Kids are so cute when they learn words!

A small selection from L:
Tomato and potato are both: potato (and I have clearly shown him the difference)
"This one" -- "this sucks"

And the classic:
"Momma in the big truck" --- "momma in the big c©ck" .
Umm what? :haha:
Green that’s so funny about how Michael says car omg

PL hahaha “momma in the big c*ck” I’m dead

I think the ultimate classic I’ve always heard of is kids saying firef*ck instead of firetruck.
Busy day but popping in to say my favorite kid mishap was a first grader writing about her favorite memory of taking a big shit at Disney. Best part was her cruise ship looked like a big turd :rofl:
Jez, yes Rileys been vomit ill :( thought he was ok as he went from most of afternoon yesterday & night without being sick & then this morning urhhh again & this afternoon! Hes been having odd bland bits of food as hes so hungry bless him but hes on Water with a teeny bit of squash in it now, no food at all! Hes been confined to his bedroom in fear of the younger ones getting it :sick:

Omg MrsG the video of ‘c**k’ HAHA! Your boys are so adorable <3 cheeky like butter wouldnt melt hehe!

Flueks, im glad your hubs is booked in for surgery & he gets on the mend very soon! Can i ask why you will be induced at around your due date? Will they not let you go over or is an early induction at 40wks optional? Ive never been induced so i cant comment really buuuut.. (from what ive read & heard of from friends) I know majority of inductions usually end in intervention & if you have the hormone drip the contractions are continuously there & horrid & epidurals are usually needed.. just a thought, although some women are fine with inductions going smoothly to a successful non intervening birth, fx S will arrive before then :)

Hahaa kiddy mis-sayings are soooo funny!! I have no idea what Nuala sings but the last word sounds like Bitch :haha: me & SO were laughing so hard the other day!

Im also thinking about potty training around end if April/beginning of May time = omg dreading it!!! Riley was easy as he was in day nursery, seeing his friends using the toilet etc & he wanted to do it, so straight to pull ups & have to say he got it first time, was daytime dry in a few wks & night times a couple of months before dry nappy in the morning! But he was 3yrs old.. Nuala isnt 3 until August & i want her to be trained before the school pre-school in September but urhhh i think shes gonna be a pickle! We got the toilet step up & toilet seat insert for her to use, she likes the look of it but asking her to use it atm we get a very stern ‘NO!!’ I’l probs go the route of pull-ups.. fx she’ll be ok when it comes to it! Although if she does, it’ll be nice only to change one lot of nappies :)

Shae yes i heard about Luke Perry aswell.. its so sad & he was so young aswell :( The Prodigy was just like as Gigs said, .. il always remember ‘Fire Starter’ & ‘smack my bitch up’ lol
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Fire Starter! That's the one I couldn't remember the title but it's been in my head!

Awww Shae that makes me sad for little shea. It's funny (not haha funny) that this incident Was so significant in your life and neither of those teachers probably even remeber it happening.

Pl I'm also wondering about this yellow spot.

In funny kid talk...Lev pooped and hubs changed his diaper. Hubs jokingly goes "WOAH oh my God, what are they feeding you?" And Levy replies "Shit." I didn't hear it but I heard hubby laughing his butt off. No idea why Lev said it with such perfect timing (I'm sure he didn't have a clue what he was saying) but I do have an idea of which parent to blame for this word being in his vocabulary (hint: not me!).
Gigs, what are you feeding the kid? Poop! :haha: perfect timing!

As for yellow spot: thing breastmilk that came out the other end.
OHHH ha I was thinking something medical related and just could not figure out what a yellow spot could indicate! :rofl:

Grrrr 11:30 and we're already having a rough night! Myles fell asleep too early. I mean he was ZONKED. Would not wake up for anything! If i had better lighting in the house I would tried some of those cute newborn photo poses with passed out babies lol

Anyway now he's up and super fidgety and clawing at my chest while he's eating and doing this lovely thing where he reaches up and grabs my lower lip and pulls down.

The newborn stage tests my sanity something fierce y'all.
Gigs, those cute newborn pictures don't happen in real life... Just my opinion :haha: I have been trying for days.... I could just be frustrated, so don't listen to me!

As for sleep, no advice. We have gone back to L getting a nap and I usually end up passing out for a little bit during too. E is a really sleepy baby so far, so I get away with it for now. DH and I usually go to bed at 1030-1100 and pass out by 11:30. Diaper and feed between 3 and 4 am. Again at 6 and we are up by 7....
Lol mad props to anyone who can do nb phots at home. I was going to, but there is no way I could have done what the lady did. She was on it.

Report card season so blah I almost fell asleep in my staff meeting. Srsly would have napped during my prep but I had too much work. Tiiiiirrrreeed

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