(idle chatter before the bell)
LOL Gigs- tapped that first- I'll def let you all know when I "first tap that" with the new man. I'm just hoping he's wild n free when we do, an doesn't try n hold off...
Let me expound- Leave it to me to find all the different ones lol
I do remember seeing him around the neighborhood and at school in passing when like 14,15,16ish. We just never spoke other than

in passing. Diff friend sets.
Sooo, even tho he "dated" girls like we all say when young - even tho it used to be note passing, sneaking around and skipping school to kiss and hold hands here and there . SOooo much diff with todays teens!
So apparently he "dated" several girls, didn't lose his V card till 17- no biggie
and had ONE serious girlfriend relationship prob the de Vcarder

and at 22 started dating ex wife, married her 5 yrs later, and stayed together 15 years before the separation.
Mating Class Begins
(apply nerd glasses)
Thus being expounded upon, said young male had one serious relationship of a couple years from late teens to 20ish
Then said young male specimen met and remained with the next Female specimen at the age of 22...until present day, when the union finally disentegrated, causing the paired species to de-unify.
Tho each specimen can be seen continuing to feed, raise and nourish their shared single female offsping....( flipping thru pocket notebook...)
AHA! Yes, the shared offspring appears to be a very artistic, well adjusted beautiful female specimen.
(adjusts glasses on end of nose)
So colleagues of the ttc world...This male specimen appears to have only performed the mating dance with 2 female specimens...over the last 25 years...

I find this area of the study most interesting

Because this shall present us with one of two future paths of study...
The male specimen will either :
A-Take a great deal of training/re-training in the field of proper

mating ritual...which may hinder his comfort with immediately contributing to the TTC Program due to hesitancy issues, as well as lack of comfort dealing with female specimens other than such said Wifey Bird
B-Perhaps being hindered by the previous female specimen's lack of interest in the

mating ritual, as well as her refusal to continue propagating the species...This male specimen may indeed prove to be overly zealous to make up for lost time, and will pursue the

mating ritual rather vigorously with great determination to contribute to the population!
(removes glasses and replaces them in pocket protector)
Therefore whither to herefore...
I as the professor overseeing this study, plan to attempt to encourage the latter behavior. I believe a positive reinforcement approach shall be sufficient, to encourage and reward positive contribution to the TTC progam.
I feel the male subject shall respond quite well, given the previous female's years of rejection in this area.
Ok, Class - Please continue to reference this forum for posted updates on this study, and feel free to carry-on with each of your studies and update here as well! CLASS DISMISSED!!