General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

AHHHHHH HE IS SO CUTE!!!!!! How did he end up with a white face? Not that I care....because it's ADORABLE! And congratulations on the house! Good news all around!

Campn, i'm on that boat too...really wanted a girl the first time around. But after the baby's life was threatened, i didn't really care what it was as long as it was alive! Honestly, if I didn't have a scare like that, I might have suffered a little from gender disappointment, so maybe it was a blessing in disguise. This time i'm hoping for a girl, but i'm trying to make peace with having two boys because i feel in my heart that's what we'll end up with...

How long did it take you to get pregnant the first time and how long have you been trying this time?
Mrs- What a sweet looking dog, and congrats on the house! When do you move in!?

Gig- So sorry it was so dramatic with your DS, I hope you never have to go through that again, that must have been so scary but he looks like such a perfect little guy! I also think I'll have another boy and that's fine, it'd be nice for DS to get a brother!

With DS we got pregnant the very first try, we only had sex like two times the entire fertile time. This is our 5th cycle, although we tried in July but totally missed the fertile window cause I didnt chart at all. I didn't expect it to take this long at all, but I can't be so lucky every time! What about you!?
Just the same, we got pregnant first try with DS, though we "tried" the month before but not until 2 or so days after i ovulated, so i don't count that cycle. This time we're on cycle 4, however i *think* i had a chemical in August (would have been an oops baby...i say "think" because i just don't know if the FRER line was a false positive or not, though i used one this cycle and not even a whiff of a line).

And speaking of HPT's...i just looked back at my tests and realized i burned through, like, 10 of them this cycle! That's terrible! I'm trying to set a goal for myself right now but i'm not sure if i can stick to it....that is, regardless of when i ovulate, i want to test in 29 days from today (i.e. Cycle day 30). Almost like i'll be setting an appointment for myself. I think this might help me not get so hung up on which dpo i am, or symptom spotting, etc....only problem is there no question as to when i ovulate because of the pain, so i'm going to have to make an actual effort when it comes to trying to not pay attention to the dpo's.
Ok, just looked at the calendar...i think the 15th, which will be CD27, will be a good date. So it's set. January 15th will be the next time i test :thumbup:
Gig if you wait until the 19th it's my bday. Lol but I agree the 15th is a great day. Not sure how his face is white his dad and mom both have white on their faces but not full white. Hes all white with black spots. In totally in love.
I think you're gonna have two boys too. Idk why just a feeling I have lol

Campn- once they accept our offer (which is their offer but saying we can extend escrow if needed which the sellers realtor already agreed to we just need it in writing) it'll be 35-45 days from then. So they're saying 1st week or February. When are you supposed to ovulate? How do you the like soy so far?
It's so crazy to think we'll be testing in 2016! If I ovulate in a few days, the soonest I could test would be New Years, or early January which is so crazy to think about, but then again I can't think of a more perfect way to start off the year.

One of my friends just had her baby and sharing pictures of him on Facebook, he's so small and adorable and brought back so many memories!

Fx this is our cycle gigs! I really was convinced I was pregnant last cycle, like 95% sure I was and really got my hopes up and that hurt a lot, it still hurts as I write this and think about it. Amazing how just a second pink line changes your life.
Mrs- That's awesome and won't be long now, I guess you should start packing! This is our second house although we house hunted 3 separate times and called off one of them, but it's my favorite thing to do! I love it, I love these house hunting or remodeling shows, if only I was rich enough to remodel and decorate. I liked soy, no side effects that I noticed really, and I think I might ovulate a day or two early this month but still can't tell, will definitely try it again next month if it doesn't work this time!

I would like to try black cohosh but I read on many articles that it can cause liver damage!?
Campn oh jeeze I didn't read that about the black cohosh! This is my second cycle taking it and if it doesn't work I may or may not take it next cycle. I'm not sure but since I had a mc it's possible my ov days changed naturally. But I feel good about this cycle. As long as week keep bding until confined Ov.
Zzzzz Hi ladies OMG...looooong day (left at 12p, back at 11pm). First day getting DS back and my man friend tells me no playdate with the kids cuz he has 2 days to move his entire house:shock:
WTH?>??? They knew the bank was taking the house back, (years of battle over finance issues, and improper loan blah blah) Well he and fam moved like FOUR momnths ago to a "new" home ( older fixer upper) in expectance the bank would not renog. finance.
Sooo I figured he and Fam had everything out- Not at all!!!!
I was like Dude?! WTH?:saywhat:
He said the wife n kids had been lagging, and never moved any of their things, so he was over it and if she didn't come get the things by tomoro too bad- the bank will junk them:huh:
So I was like WHY didn't you call me ( we always come running when the other needs help that's why we are still good friends)
He said he didn't want me to take time from my son.
Whatevs- omw...sooo I get there ( convinced him to get a damn Uhaul-DUH)
and expecting to empty closets and move tupperwear plates etc...
:shock:O M G The WHOLE house had crap in EVERY cabinet, drawer and closets full, beds there WTF??

Apparently they moved the bare minimum and never went back for much sigh.
THEN I find out he is peeved at the bank and his focus is not on taking the kids clothes,toys, shoes- wifes WEDIING gown??? But on pulling out EVERY mirror, shelf, cabinets from kitchen, baths, SHOWER doors, sinks!!! Basically he removed it ALL to place in there rental properties OR sell for $ and screw the bank...

Dear baby Jesus I am so thankful for my Fire dept training. I was like "Give me a Phillips and flathead screwdriver, some hex keys, and the powerdrill...I got this!

HOURS of non stop removing screws and every fixture possible.
At the end they ( oh thk goodness his Bro and Sis came too) they wanted me to go eat with them as thanks- I have been under and over every dirty dusty place poss.
I was like no thx ( I'll help again tomoro anyhow) I just wanted to get to DS.
So I was like we got 2SUVs and a truck sitting outside alllll day. Lets load up some damn clothing!
:growlmad: Wifey shows up at the end...Seriously?? I am packing your bras draws( underwear) and wedding dress even and you waltz in the last 10 mins????:trouble:

So we did, and a caravan of cars behind a uhaul. Gave his bro a ride home, and him a solo ride with me to the Uhaul place where he left his car all day annnnd they were al speaking Farsi so I didn't know it, but drinking Corona all day This Ijit started grabbing my ASS while his bro is LITERALLY next to me holding the cabinet we are removing.
I tried to play it off ...welllll apparently bro saw that not so slick move, and asked if we were F-ing :dohh:
He was trying to say I didn't do that but was so busted luckily bro bought that he was just playing around. Moron- his bro won't tell but if his SIS had seen the wife would know in secs...
I'm exhausted, back killing, just wanna shower n sleep, but DS is soooo happy to see me, he wide awake and chatty:wohoo:
I did manage to meet the new man n deliver his hats
He was looking quite kissable but I am a nasty mess so I didn't even go there lol.
Did I mention once manfriend who wouldn't "donate" to the cause asked for "one more :sex: before I sleep with new dude....:huh::ignore: WTF is wrong with men?
Sorry I have the longest posts everrr on this thread lol. Half the page count is prob me:blush:

Ok catching up
Gigs I think you have a good plan. I too am Sooo sick of :bfn: that i truly don't want to waste anymore money on tests and wait for AF to be late. especially the later :bfn: they are crushing :(
I think you may be good with preseed. generally male :spermy: swim faster but it's not a definite. They still get tangled in the cilia thingies in the uterus, and still have to fight the mucus INSIDE the doesn't mean you have a 90% chance for a boy, just that allllll :spermy: will get thru cervix a bit easier. Oh and male spermy are more fragile- especially to acidic environ ( which the vag naturally is) so maybe try the female foods diet sway- you will have to google it , but worth the added shot:shrug:

Clair-ita So sorry the blueberry that hopefully is a PINKberry :haha: is making you :sick: Tell that wee one Auntie JLM said settle down in there RIGHT now or you will get sent to your womb! :rofl: sorry I couldn't resist...

MrsG-Lady that :dog: is so stinkin CUTE!!! Nice he wasn't totally freaked by shots- nice to acclimate them young...otherwise you end up with a mess like my mastiff who BOLTS without regard to what or whom is in front of him at everrrry little noise....I swear I am gonna take his arse to the loudest construction site and gun range I can find ....he will shake himself to the point of tiring and as the Dog Whisperer says - animals can't permanently maintain a state of fear or aggression...they eventually wear out and settle down...just a matter of having the patience...I don't right now.
And :happydance: on the HOUSE!! The pup brought the lucky house mojo!
MrsG- I'm pretty sure that it's very rare and in very large doses, but anything with liver damage terrifies me cause my dad had it so bad bec of hep C and almost died until he got a liver transplant, and I've seen it all and now loathe the word "liver" so it must be a psychological thing for me now. Good grief I sound crazy.

Really really hope it works for you!
Campn- Your gearing up to O :dance:
I noticed you peaks and valleys chart is getn bigger:shock: lol
Opks are getn darker :thumbup:

AFM not sure dude and I will :sex: due to holidays and crazy sched, BUT when I met him earlier to deliver the hats, he mentioned his daughter is with mom the rest of the week-BUT my O is due next mon/Tues and bleh I will have DS again both days, and his daughter may be back with him then.
Best chance for :sex: would be Xmas Eve(4-5 days before O bleh) orSat night (26th which is 2-3 days before O)...I'm gonna count myself on the sidelines this cycle, and just focus on when I can enjoy new dude time:shrug:
That way if nothing happens- I wasn't planning to be in anyhow.
I am tired of the last minute O stress of getn :spermy: been over a years :(
And if we DO get it on, and the :spermy: survive or it gives a :bfp: then that will just be a nice surprise.
He had a long day today too, but in talking with him about holiday kids sched... he did say "we're still married but at least we already worked out the schedules on our own...:huh:
It was kind of weird wording- In talking with him he didn't sound like he was sad about them not being together for the holidays or anything...but hoping that wasn't a hint that he won't be wanting any kiddos until divorced??
I am hoping not, since who KNOWS when that would be??
I guess when we finally DTD he will either stay in or "pull out" giving me a link to this thread title :rofl:....ok....not amused really:sadangel:
J- I guess I'm lousy at chart reading, but what is valley charts!?

Your DS sounds lovely, glad he wanted to spend time with you. I can't believe your other manfriend who wants to get one last lay, especially after refusing to donate (not that you'd have owed him if he did!) but oh men, it must be instinct to fight over what you can no longer have, I'd tell him to go away forever and don't look back. "Candy shop is closed, bae!"

I think 4 days before O can work, maybe take lots of primrose oil and preseed and that way the sperm can live longer!? You might end up getting pregnant with a girl!
I think me and Dobs are the only die hard team BLUES lol
I def want another lil boy. Little boys are SUCH mommy lovers, and I just recall with DD her father and I battled over him melting and giving into her every whim- even when wrong! And I had to be the meanie.
Plus I am very active outdoors and love doing activities boys like - biking, remote control cars, throwing balls for dogs, getting muddy in the garden, and cool bugs and reptiles etc.
My daughter was not at all into that- more into being inside, tv shows, and stuffed animals and coloring.
My DS is a ball of fire but comes over to say I love you mom, or just hug me like every hour on the hour lol.

I'm trying not to stress the BD thing this month, so will see if we can get more couple time this week, then I will see how he gets on with BD- my luck he will pull out a condom:shhh: may have to fish that bugger back out of the trash :rofl:
Yes I am THAT desperate lol.

Peaks and Valleys don't mean anything really- rise after O to confirm is ALL that charting is best for IMO. I just like your little mountains hehe
Boys are wonderful, I love how my son couldn't care less about how he dresses! I want one of each cause I don't know if we will have a 3rd or not and I want that mother daughter relationship so bad, I want the shopping, getting nails done and all that little silly stuff, also girl clothes are so purrrtyyy!

Have you asked him if he wants more kiddos? You can always be like oh I'm just about to get my period you don't need a condom :p most guys will be like HECK yes :p
LOL sneaky move Campn - I like how you think!
Actually I've tallked about how I def want another- he understands why and never seemed put off by it
Only comment he made really was that he had wanted 2 kids but after his daughter was born, wife said no :shrug:
Well if he plans on making this a relationship he better get on the NTNP plan at least hehe
My god Florida girls, what WERE you doing up so late?!

Campn, we have a lot in common! A friend of mine back home also had her baby this past week. I might sneak in a visit during christmas but don't know if we'll have time, especially since we also have a newborn nephew up there to visit and we literally have 24 hours in town before having to get back to the duckies...

Ugh J, sometimes men are such dogs, wanting to mark their territory. I had a friend who slept with my brother....well she was hooking up with another mutual friend later and my brother makes a point to let this guy knkw he "tapped that first". Ewwww. Please just don't.

Anywho you better keep us privvy to your escapades! Don't go disappearing if you don't board the ntnp train fast enough! I want to hear all about Mr. Hats!
(idle chatter before the bell)
LOL Gigs- tapped that first- I'll def let you all know when I "first tap that" with the new man. I'm just hoping he's wild n free when we do, an doesn't try n hold off...
Let me expound- Leave it to me to find all the different ones lol

I do remember seeing him around the neighborhood and at school in passing when like 14,15,16ish. We just never spoke other than:hi: in passing. Diff friend sets.
Sooo, even tho he "dated" girls like we all say when young - even tho it used to be note passing, sneaking around and skipping school to kiss and hold hands here and there . SOooo much diff with todays teens!

So apparently he "dated" several girls, didn't lose his V card till 17- no biggie
and had ONE serious girlfriend relationship prob the de Vcarder :haha:
and at 22 started dating ex wife, married her 5 yrs later, and stayed together 15 years before the separation.
Mating Class Begins
(apply nerd glasses)
Thus being expounded upon, said young male had one serious relationship of a couple years from late teens to 20ish
Then said young male specimen met and remained with the next Female specimen at the age of 22...until present day, when the union finally disentegrated, causing the paired species to de-unify.
Tho each specimen can be seen continuing to feed, raise and nourish their shared single female offsping....( flipping thru pocket notebook...)

AHA! Yes, the shared offspring appears to be a very artistic, well adjusted beautiful female specimen.
(adjusts glasses on end of nose)
So colleagues of the ttc world...This male specimen appears to have only performed the mating dance with 2 female specimens...over the last 25 years...:shock:
I find this area of the study most interesting:-k
Because this shall present us with one of two future paths of study...
The male specimen will either :
A-Take a great deal of training/re-training in the field of proper :sex: mating ritual...which may hinder his comfort with immediately contributing to the TTC Program due to hesitancy issues, as well as lack of comfort dealing with female specimens other than such said Wifey Bird
B-Perhaps being hindered by the previous female specimen's lack of interest in the :sex: mating ritual, as well as her refusal to continue propagating the species...This male specimen may indeed prove to be overly zealous to make up for lost time, and will pursue the :sex: mating ritual rather vigorously with great determination to contribute to the population!

(removes glasses and replaces them in pocket protector)
Therefore whither to herefore...
I as the professor overseeing this study, plan to attempt to encourage the latter behavior. I believe a positive reinforcement approach shall be sufficient, to encourage and reward positive contribution to the TTC progam.
I feel the male subject shall respond quite well, given the previous female's years of rejection in this area.
Ok, Class - Please continue to reference this forum for posted updates on this study, and feel free to carry-on with each of your studies and update here as well! CLASS DISMISSED!!
Just popped into say this is proof I think like a teenage boy because i definitely mark my territory and have definitely throw the "csb I already hit that hf"
Omg J , you are ridiculous! Lol!!! Definitely just read that whole thing in the snooty english woman's voice, complete with rolling of the r's.

How do you know about the daughter? Can you facebook stalk her? How old is she? How old is he?

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