General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Ahhhh what a cutie!!!

Seeing newborns always blows my mind. Like, that is a was inside your body. So weird. And to think it was a life started as small as the period in this sentence. Incredible!
Flueky, 3 hours of labor terrifies me... Es was 5 and my mw thinks a third would be even quicker. She didn't have time to come out here to check when we notified her. Make that an ever quicker labor and I would not make it to the hospital we all think!
I went from 30 hours with L to 5 with E!

What a cutie, she looks so tiny!!
Oh Fluek! Congratulations! And wow! What a fast labor and kudos on making it without an epi and no tear! She is so precious.

Gigs I agree. I will admit the broody is at 10%. It's not so much that I want a baby. I'm overwhelmed as is. But gosh newborns are just something else and I feel cheated from my first pregnancy. Yeah, I loved every minute of it but between abusive partner and anterior placenta.... Anyway went on a tangent lol. Yes it is amazing how tiny they were and that they literally developed inside of us

Pretty excited for your scan!

Cb as I say in class, "At least one of you laughed so at least one of you thinks I'm funny." Then like ten kids laugh to make me feel better lol

Ugh I need to do report cards but I'm too tired to focus. A saw the developmental pedi again today. She has no immediate concerns and wants to check back in after he is 2 to see how the ABA therapy is working. She wants me to try a new method to get him to stop drinking milk at night. So we will see. She's hoping maybe once he stops that he'll sleep better. I'll try anything lol. She did order some genetic testing, which i agreed to because they are already running bloodwork so may as well just check an extra box.

But my heart did ping a little when she mentioned an upside being having more information about risk factors for future children with a future partner.

She is also cute but married lol. She's my girl type. adhasuigdilqwgiygds
No judgement from me Dobs...I may or may not have had impure thoughts about one of the cute obgyn ladies at my practice :blush:

Grrrrrr try as I might I just cannot get these boys to sync up their mid day naps! I just wanna nap too!
Gigs it is amazing how this little life began and grew into a teeny tiny human :) oh and V only takes one nap so methinks I'll be screwed in synched naps.

Pretty V's was 6 hours from water breaking. So pretty fast for first time. It was unsure if labor was fast due to being preterm or I'm naturally fast. Got my answer :haha:

Pacific I understand. I had been nervous with V's being 6. 5 hours is pretty fast too. She is a tallish skinny girl. I was amazed how small she was.

Dobby glad appt went well but she is thorough. Hope A can sleep better at night. Momma's need their sleep.
Oh Flueks she is such a lil beaut <3 How you feeling? Are you both home or taking extra night at the hospital? Has V met her bubba sister yet? So many q’s lol please ignore

Its completely crazy the whole making a lil human, this time last year i wasnt even pg yet, i never wouldve thought that this time a year on i be holding a 3 month old right now :)

Am i too smug to say mine take an afternoon nap at the same time??.. lol! Sorry girls! They Only just started doing this though
Flueks awww she’s adorable! Congrats on another little beauty!

Dobs and Gigs I’m too young to be attracted to the female healthcare practitioners etc I see (though I suppose some people’s type is much older than them), but I’ve definitely had “impure thoughts” about female peers lol. I really just don’t find guys terribly attractive irl. I usually only get attracted to guys when I talk to them. Though I have to say certain male celebrities have caught my eye. Cole Sprouse’s dark brooding look as of late has been a weakness of mine haha, his cheeky grin is just wow. On the other hand I find a lot of girls attractive, celebrity and non-celebrity alike. So many girls are just so gorgeous and most guys are just so meh. The first 2 people I ever wanted to kiss were both female friends in middle school. That’s when I realized I was not straight lol.


I’m at home on spring break and I’ve had to wear ear plugs multiple nights because I can hear a mouse rummaging around in my room. It’s driving me nuts. I really hate to kill them but when we’ve done catch and release in the past they always come back, so I went out with my dad and bought some kill traps. Not the poison kind cuz that’s slower and they could die in the walls, I got the ones that snap down on them and hopefully will be instant. Still makes me really really sad.
I'm like 99% incapable of being into anyone strictly in looks. It has to be personality first. I mean i can have opinions on looks but as far as sexual attraction goes, has to be personality first. Even with celebrities, i am just attracted to characters they play and the associated personality. As an example, I am attracted to Seth Rogan as his character in 40 yo virgin but not him in any other circumstance. And gender is irrelevant, though I am typically more driven towards females...but heck I'd date a trans person etc. if their personality was compatible.

I think the kids these days call it pansexual...? Idk. I'm a bad millennial.

Naps--I got one today! It was brief and I had to hold the baby while he slept but hey! I think they may sync after all. Maybe.

Shae it's funny about doctors...i have some my age now and some much older. It's going to be weird when they start being significantly younger...

Sorry about the mice :/ i think that's the most humane way though. We tried something like that before we got our outdoor cat but the rats never got caught in the traps.
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Gigs I feel like I’m the same way, like I think I might just be attracted to the characters Cole Sprouse is playing (like Jughead in Riverdale or the character in 5 feet apart based on trailers) cuz pictures or videos of him irl are whatever, which I found out when I looked him up lol. Girls I can find them super gorgeous but I’ve never wanted to be *on* them just by looking at them. To me sexual attraction and romantic attraction are very intertwined. The majority of women my age are physically attractive but I don’t want to be in a relationship with them just because they’re aesthetically pleasing to look at. When I get to know them AND they’re physically attractive, that’s when I’m in big trouble. Sometimes they’re not very physically attractive and I still end up in trouble (in my head, I never act on anything). With guys my age, I find most of them meh looking with a few physically attractive ones. Either way if I get to know them and I like their personality I’m in trouble. I really do think I’m more attracted to personality than I am to bodies. I also used to think I could never be attracted to a trans person who hadn’t transitioned fully (aka top and bottom surgery) but at this point I think if I was in love with their personality I might not give one crap. Idk though, so I’m sticking with bisexual for now. There’s demisexual, which means you aren’t sexually attracted to someone until you form a strong emotional connection with them. Idk if I’d count as that cuz it doesn’t have to be super strong, it just has to be *there*.

Yay for nap!

It’ll be definitely be weird to me when doctors are suddenly my age or younger. I’m gonna have a hard time trusting them because they have so much fewer hours in residency due to the 80 hours per week max law (which is good cuz they were doing 100 hour weeks but bad cuz it spits out much less experienced doctors) and also just that so many doctors suck, to be honest. I always always consult with my mom because she’s not perfect but she’s good in her specialty and she catches errors from her colleagues all the time and she’s insanely smart, her IQ is like 150+ or something. I’ll probably be consulting with her for the rest of her life lol.

I just saw a mouse poking it’s head out from under the radiator and it looked so tiny and I feel so bad now :sad2: it saw me and ducked back under though :/ my room is one of only a few rooms in the house where cats aren’t allowed because they peed on my bed when I was gone. If the traps don’t work my dad suggested putting a tarp over my bed and letting in the cats :haha: Cloud is obsessed with chasing mice when he finds one. He’s super mean to them though, he kinda plays with his food. And before he was born when we had a mouse infestation Shadow would leave mouse carcasses outside my and my sister’s rooms :dohh:
Shae- aw man sorry about the mice! We get them occasionally too because of the hay fields all around us. During the summe when they're cutting it makes me scatter. I feel bad too but they'll overrun your house!

Flu- she's so beautiful! And wow no tearing! that's amazing!

Have anyone used an Ergo baby carrier? I'm buying one tomorrow so hopefully it works well! I'm determined to make this kid like being worn.

Re: doctors- my OB is older than me, but not significantly. She also has twin boys (I think they're 8 now?) so I feel like she's me, just a few years older. We also have the same name. And I love her.

This baby is kicking me so low and consistently at the moment. It's painful but my dog is sleeping on my lap. So do I get up to try to move the baby? Or let the dog sleep?

Also, I took these test... ya know, for science.

Mice update: I heard a trap go off. I went to inspect and I see a closed trap with no mouse. Then I look a foot away and see the poor mouse, shaking furiously. I feel like a horrible human being. I tried to catch it but it was too fast for me. I wouldn’t have killed it if I’d caught it tbh. So I reset the trap and now I’m sitting back on my bed being sad that I put that poor mouse through so much trauma.
ETA: I also saw a little blood where I found the mouse, so it seems it may have been injured by the trap. That’s like the worst possible outcome.
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Shae I vote to bring in the cat.

Last thing I'mma say about sexual attraction is all of the above about personality is null and void if I'm ovulating. Then libido is at full force and basically anyone in my age range looks good :rofl:

Green thanks awesome you love your dr. I always wonder what the protocol is on making a friendship with a dr you like, outside of work. Do people do that?

Another rough night here. Myles fell asleep too early again. He slept a decent first stretch but now he's up and super restless.

I'm irritated with hubby out of no fault of his own. The business is off to a great start, which is awesome! I am super thrilled about that. The struggle I'm having is him at work all day and coming home telling me how great it is, meanwhile I'm having a rough go feelying ike a sole caretaker for three 24 hours a day with basically no breaks, save a few minutes here and there. And when I do hand the baby off to hin to shower etc, he's all flustered when I return and is eager to give him back.

My back is so sore and i'm so f-ing tired.
Green so sorry about the painful kicks. It’s always a dilemma when it comes to moving a cat or dog off your lap. My cats seem to look at us so sadly when we move them. Re: the tests, wow those are crazy dark lines, especially on the OPK!

Gigs ah yes I think you’ve mentioned your ovulation libido before. That doesn’t happen to me so I find it quite funny. Sorry about the rough night. You’re totally super mom to be taking care of all 3 boys all by yourself while your DH works on his business. I’m so glad he’s having a great time but I’m sorry it’s making things hard for you. You definitely need breaks, no mom can go forever without trading off.

MICE SAGA: I brought the one cat I trust not to pee on my bed into my room (Cloud) but he just wanted to lie down on my bed and purr, which was cute but I’m impatient, so I let him out and reset the traps. I’ve been listening to music and I was about to go to bed when I checked the traps and... we got one. It makes me really sad but this one looks like it died instantly. I would dispose of it now (especially so other mice wouldn’t see a dead mouse in the trap and know to stay away) but it’s more than just tossing it in the trash and I’m so exhausted I caught myself spelling “lines” as “ligns” so obviously I need to go the hell to bed. I’ll take care of it in the morning, hopefully it won’t be super smelly that fast. I’m honestly hoping it’s the same mouse that got injured before because I want the poor thing put out of his misery but it’s less likely cuz I doubt he’d be fooled by the trap twice :shrug:
Shae - That poor injured mouse!!! I'd struggle with that.

Flueks!!!! Congrats! She is beautiful!
Green i have never seen lines that dark on dip strips. Also it's good to know cheapies will never steal dye away from the test line the way frer's do. I assumed as much based on experience but wish i knew for sure when i was ttc. Oh well!

Yeah the sleeping dog usually wins unless I have to pee.

Shae thanks for the sympathy. I just need to tell him; we have a brutally honest relationship so i'm sure he'll be understanding. Actually to come full circle on this conversation, neither of us were attracted to the other at first. Personality won out after we spent some time together and talked a lot; then attraction came later.

Btw I don't know how well they work (didn't for us) but they make enclosed snap traps and other ones so you don't have to see the dead mice/rats, you just dispose of the whole thing.
Gigs I’m so glad you have that kind of relationship where you can really talk to each other about issues like this. Re: attraction, SO was immediately attracted to me. He has the stereotypical guy brain that looks at any hot woman and thinks “I’d tap that” :dohh: but obviously he wouldn’t act on that while inside a relationship, don’t worry lol. I was intrigued by him but not his looks I don’t think. Idk for some reason I was just drawn to him like I’ve never been drawn to a guy. Basically the first class I had with him before we even started talking my brain just said “That one. Pursue that one”. It was weird lol. I had no sexual attraction to him at that time, it came a few weeks after we started dating, out of nowhere, in full force.
Re: enclosed traps I did see those at the store. My dad said to just get the regular ones, I had him empty the traps for me this morning.

MICE SAGA: Woke up to 3/4 of the traps with a dead mouse caught in it (including the one I already knew had one before I went to sleep). One of the traps flipped over it went off so hard :( and one of them was super little and I felt sooo bad, it was like a baby :( I wish I could keep them as pets but clearly there’s a whole litter of them and they’re wild not domesticated. When I was a kid we had domesticated mice for pets actually, though rats are better pets cuz they have personalities. We had rats when I was a baby, and we had a rat named Grace that liked to lick/kiss me. My dad was very fond of them.
Shae, that's a lot of mice in the house in one night! I'd be willing to bet that there are more where those came from...
I have had good success with drowning them. Bucket, a few inches of water and few pieces of grain in the bottom. I'd get multiple a night around my duck house a night.
I know of very few cats that don't play with their catches. Ours is an excellent mouser, catches the occasional bird but runs from rats :haha: I know that because we had rats in our feedbins. So I put the cat in there and she ran! After that I set the trap and we'd catch them in waves. 4-5 rats in 3 days, and then nothing for weeks. That cycle would repeat a few weeks later.

Dobs, it sounds like you had a good appointment with A. The doctor doesnt sound too concerned yet? Good luck with finishing the report cards!

As for initial attraction to DH: we met at the local pool in the hot tub! We both had sore backs from our jobs and wanted to relax some muscles... He had the 6 pack, etc but he isn't the huge muscular guy I always thought I'd marry if you know what I mean ;) all he could talk about was cars and fixing them. Kind of boring :haha: But for some reason I decided to give him a second chance and met him again a few days later in the pool which was when things really clicked for me. We just had our 9 year anniversary last month.

Green, yay you are ovulating! :haha: jk!!! I should have done that after E was born.. for science: "how long does my body think I am pregnant?"
When i was in the chemist the other day getting my prescription i was almost tempted to buy a pg test lol! Just for science also & they were on sale, as if thats not tempting enough haha!

We only see a few mice here n there that our cats will bring in, they sleep in the kitchen at night & you always know if they have caught a mouse as you hear a thudding noise of them bouncing around the kitchen!I remember being pg with Riley & one of them brought one in, half dead playing with it in the kitchen, i got up at silly hr of the night & had to pick it up & fling it down the garden as i couldnt bring myself to do the deed! I really cried after i did it, it really upset me lol pg damn hormones!

Urhh Gigs i have the same issue with my SO re him working & then gets agitated by a crying baby & screaming kids only 10 mins after coming in from work, stresses me out as i feel i never catch a break really!

MrsG love the line porn ;)

Pacific that hot tub meet up date sounds awesome! I met my SO in the local pub lol! But the first time he spotted me i was so drunk i don’t remember seeing him in there hahaa! He obvs made such an impression on me :haha:

Ive never really had any girl crushes tbh.. although i can see why we get them, women are on some level more attractive & smell better than some men lol
Smell better :rofl: truth!

I also wanted to test! I guess it's not too late. I often see posts in the hpt section on here of new moms with positive faint tests and they're freaking out but end up not pregnant so i am curious...

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