General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

That be me.. i have days where i feel like i pee loads more than usual & the only time I usually get that is when im pg! I think I would have a mini freak out lol! Maybe I should buy a test to end my poas addiction:haha:
Lol, thats why I couldn't do the birth control that gets rid of your periods.. I'd freak out after day 35...

Cb, meeting in a pub sounds so British! Haha!! Sorry if I am stereotyping you ;) so you still gave him your number or how did you guys meet up after the first sight?
Haha Pacific its ok! Meeting someone in the pub is probs the worst place to meet as everyone’s usually drunk or on some level of intoxicated lol but.. 12 into 13 yrs later here we are;) well apparently he spoke to a mutual friend of ours in the pub who was there that night & was asking about me, so next time i was there he sudddenly showed up again ha! I remember seeing him sat at the bar & thinking ‘hotty!’ :haha:
If tv has toughed me anything it's that we are supposed to meet spouses in the bar, right? ;)

Flueky, how are you doing and adjusting to being a mom of 2?
CB we could have went home Thursday but I wanted to work with lactation consultant more. The way they kept asking if she had any wet diapers made me feel like she wasn't getting enough. Smaller weight also makes me more nervous with typical NB weight loss. V is very curious and wants to show affection to S. I feel pretty awesome other than tired. I'll forgive you about coinciding naps :rofl: and as for meeting SO in a bar, it's okay. You've been together for awhile now and he sounds like a good provider

Shae sorry about the mice. Had a few back at my parents before and I felt sad for them but know we had to get them out. Good luck getting all them out.

Gigs yay for a coinciding nap :) it can be so refreshing even if brief. Sorry you feel like compared to DH your life isn't quite so exciting. :hugs: I am happy his business is going well. Is your back better now? I was curious about testingas well but don't want to question if leftover hcg or new pregnancy. Another pregnancy would be quite unwelcome at this point.

Greenie that's pretty cool you have some common factors with her and she's a little older. It's nice having someone to relate to and sometimes people forget that doctors are "normal" people too. So cool looking at hpts that are bfp.

Pacific pretty cool meet up story with your DH. I was always so nervous meeting guys or just trying to talk to them in everyday "life". Adjusting to 2 is going well but I've not been alone with both yet. DH seems to be a bit panicked letting V close to S. I know she's got to learn and best to learn now. What about you and adjusting to 2??

AFM I cannot get over how my body feels. If I didn't have after birth pains I wouldn't feel like I gave birth. I have had 0 perineum pain since delivery. I'm so grateful for that. I'm thinking it's due to short push time and no tearing or hemmrhoids.

S has had her days and nights mixed up since birth. She feeds like crazy all night. I have resolved that co-sleeping will occur more than I'd prefer because she will pretty much immediately wake when laid in bassinet at night. I have to sleep so not going to feel guilty. S has mild cause of jaundice. They just want her to feed like crazy and get skin to skin. My transitional milk is in so i think feeding is going well. My nips get so sore from almost non-stop night feeds but no bleeding. My nips are just wimpy :haha:
Wimpy Nips lol! So glad your feeling fine though Flueks & sounds like everything is settling in :hugs: majority of early Newborns have a touch of jaundice, Hayden looked like he’d been covered in my moisturiser with a hint of self tan :rofl: Aww i expect for V its like having a living baby doll bless her

Im sure your milk will top her birth weight back up in notime when she loses some of her weight, as shes alot lighter her bod is smaller so the drop in weight shouldn’t affect her too much :)

Pacific i suppose yes really as alot of people now do online daying & then they usually meet up somewhere public like a bar lol!
Phew week from hell over!

Shae having poisoned a mouse I can say you made the right (but still difficult) choice. I’ll spare everyone the details but some things cannot be unseen.

CB I second PL movies make it seem like that’s the organic way of meeting your partner. If you didn’t meet at school or work it’s the bar.

Flueks glad you found a solution to the day/night mix up. A was pretty jaundiced as well. Nothing that didn’t clear up quickly. That’s such a tough spot. They are so fragile but you want them to bond and connect. I think gentle can be taught. A learn how to be gentle with the dogs or goats at the petting zoo. He used to slap them :rofl:

Green lol for science I love you! I had both the k’tan and 360 ergo cool mesh. I rarely used either because A couldn’t fit until he was weeks if not months old. So he never took to it. I like the ergo more. Easier to get in and out of as a single mom and more secure. I really only used it for rare occassions when I needed my hands (flying solo or in general) or to secure A to me. I gave it to my friend and she is in heaven. We used it for hiking and around the house. She just loves it. She had an ergo but mine has all the positions and more air flow

Re lady doctor lol my thoughts weren’t “impure” exactly. Just that she is attractive and laughs at my jokes, so in a different world I’d consider flirting with her. Except then A would need a new developmental pediatrician and they are hard to come by. Definitely been attracted to various professionals but never do anything about it. Would make for a good meet cute. I almost feel like I’d date a girl next. I find myself scoping out more women than men. But I probably also still won’t date lol

Re online dating really?! Coffee is the big thing around here. It’s either dinner date (rare cuz guys will pay and they don’t want to shell out for an unknown prospect), afternoon coffee (most often), or my omg we are so California “want to hike Mission Peak?” date. Like no I don’t want to hike I’m tired af and what if you are an ax murderer?! Although, I will admit I have been on four hiking first dates.
I forgot to comment on the ergo! I loved it. I had it with Des. I sold it when he was bigger and wish i still had it with Lev but too expensive. A friend gave me a boba carrier and it's been good for a free carrier. I need an insert to use it with Myles though and I don't have one :/ been using the moby wrap for now. Miss my ergo.

Hubs and i did a dog park date once when he was watching a mutual friends dog. I feel like that'd be a good date place or even a place to meet someone...

Fluek i envy your skillful lady bits.
Flueky, i am all for co-sleeping. When L was born the nurses basically scared us into not bedsharing and because of the C-section we had to stay in the hospital for 2 nights. Horrible sleep. The first night at home we tried the crib and it was horrible. After discussing it with my midwife, we came to the conclusion that our bed was safe and that we should co-sleeping.
When E was born (different hospital, more rural too) the nurse said "because I work for union xxx I have to discourage co-sleeping here, but do what you need at home". E was a vaginal birth, so we went home the same day. Been co-sleeping since ;) and I have to say it is very positive on my sleep.
Glad to hear you are having an easy go at healing so far!
Adjusting to two: I try to keep L involved. We don't want him to get jealous or feel left out since E has a higher need for me. L will ask to hold the baby and I do allow highly supervised when sitting on the couch. The 3 of us also do "snuggle de momma" which keeps L quite happy ;) in return, L shares his blankets with E and gives kisses. It's very sweet how caring he is for a 2 year old.

Dobs, I have never heard of hiking for a first date! I'd probably do a background check first! :haha: jk!!

Gigs, my brother definitely took my dog to university to meet girls when he was a puppy. What girl doesnt fall for a sweet shaggy puppy! (Look up black briard puppy!) I didn't find out for a few years, he did not tell me that my pup went to university while I was at work. Haha (we both lived at home at the time and attended university)
Ditto nurses put the fear of god in us about cosleeping with all three kids. I wised up after ds2 though haha. I did it occasionally with ds2, but with ds3 it's been every night! Gotta do what you gotta do.

I forgot who asked about my back but thank you. It's still sore, especially at night...........from cosleeping :rofl:

So I finally broke down last night. There was a lot of of crying. Hubby was understanding and told me he would do his best to help me get a break this weekend...and then ds1 got sick and threw a kink in things. I was supposed to go alone into the city and have an eye exam in the mall and walk around a little...instead i had to take a fairly fussy Myles with me, had no time to walk around, and had to add a trip to walmart to the itinerary to buy meds because, if y'all recall, Des drank what was left and we hadn't bought more yet.

Myles has Been super fussy today to boot. He's been up since 9 (it's now 7) and he's slept maaayyyyyy an hour collectively. An hour and a half if i'm being very generous with my estimation.

Anyway last night was FIL2's bday and i just stayed home to sleep when the baby did because i was exhausted and couldn't stop crying anyway. I tried...did my hair, found my only decent shirt that was semi-nice, clean, and fit, and even threw on some jewelry. Well i was emotional and waiting for hubby to get home from work...he was late and didn't tell me, and then myles spit formula on my boob and it was the straw that broke the camel's back. I put him down, took off everything, and texted hubby I wasn't going. I was just crying when he got home lol. He apologized and went with the two older kids. I watched handmaids tale until the baby passed out. Then i ate a handful of chocolate and went to bed too lol

This is reading like an annoying journal entry so i'll stop now.
Pl i know of briards but never seen a puppy, so I had to look it up! Soooo cute! But I've never met a puppy I didn't find cute...

Definitely good date bait!
Wow, there's a bunch of random stuff to comment on, so I'll do my best.

Re: mice. We've had a couple mouse issues at my house in the last several years. My dad put out snap traps, glue traps, and poison. If we ended up with a caught mouse that was still alive, my dad would very quickly "take care of it".

Re: meeting SO. All I know is we met in high school and were friends for a few years. I couldn't tell you when our first kiss was and we would just to casual hang outs, so I dunno about proper dates either. The only dates I remember are the first time we messed around and the first time we actually did it. lol

Re: using dogs to pick up chicks. Would totally not work for me. It would probably be a deterrent. lol

Gigs - Hopefully you're all cried out for now and you feel better. And your DH really helps out to take some stress off of you.

Flueky - Sounds like you lucked out with the lack of body pain. FX S's jaundice goes away quickly and she gets her schedules switched back.

Hoping everyone else is doing well.

AFM, not too much to report. Just pretty tired in general. We met up with MIL and he husband for dinner today and they asked if anything was new and we both had to rack our brains for anything that wasn't baby news. We also found out that SO's cousin (and her family of 6) are probably gonna be moving soon. So, it was suggested that we talk to them about things we should consider when looking into a buying a new place. MIL also listed off a bunch of reasons why it'd be better for everyone if we were living together sooner rather than later, everything we'd both already considered but hadn't said out loud. So, I dunno if this'll drive him to actually start looking for a new place before next year or if it's just a case of in one ear and out the other cuz it's his mom.
Flueks arrgghh congrats on the arrival of beautiful Serena and you’re welcome for enabling your labour to come prior to 40 weeks due to my later prediction. That’s amazing that she came so fast and you’re feeling so good. I’m a little worried about fast labour the second time around too. Mine was 5 hours (with induction but they stopped the pitocin very quickly). I wouldn’t really want a home birth either! Re: co-sleeping, ditto everything PL said about midwife reassuring us it’s safe in our circumstances. Can google the safe sleep seven for bedsharing safely if in doubt.

Green your boys are hilarious. And the Ergo is amazing. I have a second hand one and it’s so comfortable and clearly great quality that will last for years. Actually still use it now with Tilly sometimes when not using stroller and she is obv a bit older than your boys.

Gigs I love your “journal entries”! And reading about your frustrating experience had me thinking I’d respond in the EXACT same way. Maybe even now. But postpartum is hard for a while, man. It’ll get better, as you know.

Pretty, hope SO realizes that’d be a good plan!

Random question but do you guys have chewable Tylenol and Advil in the US? I heard you don’t? Tilly eats them no problem when sick coz they’re like candy and it’s soooo much easier than doing the liquid stuff. How about in the UK (ibuprofen and paracetamol... at ethe brand names Nurofen? Calpol?)?

Re: meeting partners, we also met in a bar, though I think I called it a club before adjusting to North American talk (not really a club though, but more clubby than a pub, so I think bar fits well). Anyway it was in London over 11 years ago and I definitely didn’t think I’d meet my partner in a bar. I’ve NEVER done online dating but funnily enough did meet two boyfriends during my teenage years on local chat rooms (around 1999).

Did I ever tell you guys that it turned out that DH lived in the exact same apartment building as my most recent serious ex, at the same time? As in they both lived there at the time I dated each of them (not overlapping in dating FYI). I always found that quite wild considering London is massive and I met the first one online (on MySpace, which I forgot to mention above). And both my serious exes were called Martin and both married blonde women called Jessica and had daughters whose names began with E. K maybe that last bit is a stretch but I do love a good coincidence.

Wow digression AND rambling AND I don’t recall anyone requesting my dating autobiography.

Re: being attracted to women I’ve never really had an opportunity to test it out unfortunately because I’ve pretty much always been in a relationship but I do think there’s sexual attraction there, not as a matter of course but if I really think about it (rarely, since I rarely think about sex period/full stop). Ditto Gigs re: there rarely being sexual attraction before getting to know a person. I think the mystery of being with a woman also makes it more intriguing for me though. I do wonder if I could date a woman. I’d like to think so? My friend in NYC opened herself up to dating women online and declared she’d fallen in love with this wildly attractive woman who was also so kind and hilarious. Her excited, gushing text to me and our other friends the night she went home with her was “guys, I’m 100% gay,” and then the next morning in the cold, sober light of day she succinctly updated us that she sadly definitely wasn’t gay after all. So I guess some people never know until they try it? Kinda sad to think I may never find out in my lifetime. Anyway, rambling AGAIN!
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I'd say there's probably a big leap from finding women attractive to having your face all up in their meat curtains. I also have a friend who tried it --slept with an attractive couple--and wasn't into it whatsoever. She thought she would be but nope. I believe her exact wording was "vaginas are disgusting". :haha:

Obviously it wasn't a problem for me but my experience with being in relationships with women is definitely not so good. We're wayyyyyy too crazy and emotionally needy. Power to the ladies who can do it but I don't think it'd be for me ever again. Fortunately I (hopefully) never have to worry about that!

No chewable meds here except pepto bismol for kids as far as i know.

And if they're tastey, lock them up!
Jez I grew up taking chewable children’s Tylenol and so did my little sister, I think we still have some in the medicine cabinet. So unless they stopped making it, we do have chewable Tylenol for kids in the US. Grape flavor lol. I googled it and target seems to sell it so I think it’s still being made.
Gigs - meat curtains:rofl: my friend refers to them as her ‘slices of beef’ pahahaa!! Im sorry your not catching a break, big hugs hun! I hope you felt somewhat vented or better after having a good cry though, i know i always do, its the hormonal release we all need sometimes! Hows Des feeling today?

Jez i never think your reply posts are rambling, I enjoy the read :) You should def have a Blog, id follow you ;) Do you follow The Unmumsy Mum on Instagram? Shes great & majority of her posts are bloomin hilarious! Her Book no3 is out this September..

We have Calpol & childrens Nurofen but not chewable, we have Adult fizzy effervescent paracetamol (Tylenol) but not for children under 12.

Dog dates - il put it right out there as i do like Animals but im more of a Cat gal.. dogs, take em or leave em.. but im not a Dog lover as such & i think if i went on a date & they’d bring their dog along id be put off Lol! Although im a sucker for ickle puppies <3
Des is not well, thanks for asking. I think the flu, or some similar virus, is going around his school and he caught it. Naturally I'm terrified the baby will get it...hopefully Des is the only one. He's been quarantined to his room for now.
Aw poor Des. I can I imagine the fear of M getting it coz I’m very anxious about these things too. Yet another reason that parenting is so so hard!

CB I don’t follow her but I will now! I don’t have time for a blog sadly. I don’t even have time for important things. Plus I really need to be in a funny mindset to be even remotely funny, and that doesn’t happen much either. Dogs... I love dogs and cats but a lot of dog owners here are so annoying and arrogant about their dogs. In a city like this where it’s costly to have kids and no one has time till they’re well into their thirties, I think people have dogs first instead and treat them literally like their children and expect everyone to fawn all over them, even if they smear their shit all over the pavement, pee in elevators and jump up at you. Though it’s probably also true that the average person here would indeed give a cute dog more attention than a cute baby.

Re: getting all up in meat curtains, I mean obviously the thought has crossed my mind and I’m not put off by it, but the actual thing may well be different.

Chewable Tylenol and Advil are the best!!! And yes they have child locks.
Ugh, people that treat their dogs like a child... Seriously, it's degrading to the dog to even be spoken to in a childish voice. Dogs don't understand grey, it's black and white to them. Look up the naughty dogge of victoria, bc. This trainer writes brilliantly about dogs! Especially about this kind of stuff...

Gigs, sorry you had a rough go.. seriously: be demanding when you need a few minutes to yourself. My DH has spent 3 full days away (as in leave before breakfast and back after dinner) in the last week, and more to come this week. They really suck, so I demand 20 minutes of alone time in the bathtub/shower on weekends.
Hopefully Des will feel better soon!

Speaking of sickness: I am scared of measles and whopping cough. 17 confirmed cases of the first and 2 of the second, all within reasonable distance that they could spread to our area.

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