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General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

CB, looking forward to seeing your hair done! Make sure to share pictures ;)

Dobs, wow! So do you still have to do this special event today or will someone else cover it? Can you go to hr and have them at least written up? Yelling at you for not knowing of this event was totally uncalled for!

Gigs, has the dogs owner responded yet? I'd be tempted to keep the dog too. Even if you don't want to bring him inside, maybe get him a heated dog house and house him next to the flocks. That way he has a "job" and hubby might take to him better ;)

Update on my emergency C-section vs vbac recovery: 3 weeks post vbac: totally fine! Occasional itching of the scar from the tear. I still feel like my abdomen should hurt like post C-section, it's totally engraved in my head and catch myself pulling myself off the couch expecting pain. Really need to get that out of my head and get the " your abdomen is fine" thought in there.
I'm jealous of your recovery pl! Ahhh wish i could have had that experience. Oh well!

Dog owner has not responded. My prediction is he will send an apology text this evening and get the dog and thank me or some such, possibly also will say how this won't happen again. If he doesn't respond at all i'm not sire what to do.

I can't put him with the flock because the big baby is afraid of the birds :rofl:
Gigs, if I had had a vaginal birth the first time around, I probably would have rethought child #2 a bit harder. I was ready to walk away from the pain or have someone else take over for me. Imagine all the pain from C-section recovery put into a few hours for labour and delivery instead. I don't know if that's a good comparison... ?

As for dog -- :haha: scared of your birds! At least he won't kill them, so that's a win ;) either way, his presence alone will keep predators away.
My mw, says they have 3 bear moms living close by. Previous owners always had a dog, but when they bought within 2 years they had those bears showing up regularly. So they got a great pyrenees who lives outdoors to protect ducks, and the bears are staying further away again. Hopefully once they come out of hybernating and with their Cubs, they will leave my sheep alone who are currently at my mw property grazing.
Des & Riley could totally be chums, he is the same with random lil lies & then comes clean, enrages me as i hate lying but i know they all do it! Riley said he was getting his uniform on this morning & after 15 mins still not downstairs, i went upstairs & he was playing with Lego ffs!! Arghh lol! Kids eh?!!

I’ll def share hair pics :)

Your vbac recovery sounds soooo good in comparison Pacific! I know id be awful in the later part of labour & the pushing, i was awful with Nuala & only got to 3cm Lol!

Seriously cant believe that about the Dogs owner, i know if one of my Cats aren’t about for at least 1 day so let alone a dog who aren’t really able to come/go as they please!
Dobby that is total crap. They should give WAY more notice. Even if we love what we do we still have responsibilities outside of work. Hope it all worked out today.

Gigs that's cool there's a character named Serena in the show. It was actually inspired by the show Sailor moon since I'm a huge nerd :) also was a name we considered with V but we didn't want kids having same initials.

Sorry about the dog dilemma again. I wonder if they'd return the dog to him again. Reckon MIL could watch kids if you try to take to spca? In any case it's sad he's such an irresponsible owner.

I'm sorry you didn't get to experience a vaginal birth and recovery with it. I think women that have C sections are tough. I mean having a major surgery and having a NB to care for, that is tough. So kudos to you.

CB thank you. I haven't lost as much as I did with V. At least I feel well though and I can work on more weight loss later. Can't wait to see hair pics!! Reminds me that I need to do a "crazy" color while I'm off.

I think if your labor wasn't progressing it would be awful. Fast labors are intense as it seems rest between contractions are super short but I could remind myself that it's brief even though intense. I did scream while pushing but not because it was intense pain but more as I was trying with all my might to get rid of that pressure. As I've looked back I'd opt for an unmedicated birth if we decide to have one more. Not that I think I'd even have option of epidural. If my labor time was cut in half again it'd only be 90 minutes!!

Pacific so glad you've had a faster recovery this time. I will say my recovery has been much more pleasant this time. I do need to remind myself not to try to do too much or bleeding picks up.
AFM S's bilirubin level was normal, woohoo!! Her color is looking better too. She wanted to feed a lot today so thinking growth spurt. We did go to a Japanese restaurant without V. Was nice to enjoy a calm lunch out. V gets fussy because she can't run around places so it was nice to not deal with that. We also stopped at Carter's to buy V some 3t clothes as she's almost ready for them.

I also ordered lactation cookie mix. I fixed them this evening and they are okay. I can taste the blessed thistle in them. I don't think I'm having a supply issue but hope it'll help when I start pumping to build a bit of a stash and so S can be familiar with bottlefed breastmilk once I return to work. Little miss is a week old today.
Hmmm i see what you're saying about pain being amplified in a shorter amount of time. Personally I can't fathom a birth experience (pain wise) worse than ds2 (ie 36 hours of back labor, folloeed by emcs). Thinking of that pain being more intense and packed into a short time...I'm not sure which would be worse tbh! But it'd be worth it for the better recovery I think. It definitely is rough trying to caretake for kids whilst recovering from surgery.

Pl that's funny you are in the habit of bracing your phantom wound haha.

Cb it makes me feel a but better that our kids have similar bad habits haha. It's hard to know what's "normal" with the first one going through the stages!

Dog update -- no update. Owner has not responded. Dog remains on the porch. I fed and watered him.
So it's normal for my 2 year old to fight me on dinner? "No dinner, cookie!" Is part of almost daily conversation...

Gigs, your labor with Ds2 sounds similar to mine with L. While recovery is quick on vaginal birth, the pain changes in each stage. While I wasn't able to talk through labor, I was able to talk in between contractions while pushing... DH was quite surprised, lol, so was I!

A few days ago, I read an article that we should not call it natural birth vs C-section as it's insulting to those wishing for different deliveries they had. Both are births, one is vaginal, the other is csection. A natural birth technically is something we would have had 100 years ago with the higher chance of death associated too.

As for the dog... Dang, how is hubby taking to him?

Afm: I think L officially has food allergies, to fish! My quick read on the internet says, they typically don't outgrow fish allergies :( he blew up in hives right away, we gave meds which calmed it down. Then DH took some and rubbed it on his back: within 5 minutes there were hives in that spot.
Fluek forgot to say up until this show, Sailor Moon was the only association I had with the name lol! Used to loooove that show. Sailor Jupiter was my main lady. In fact Lev just pulled out my old Sailor Jupiter doll yesterday and was playing with her, pulling her boot on and off her only remaining leg :rofl:

Pl I don't wish that labor experience on anyone. Sorry you went through similar with L. I do remember the pain eased up quit a bit when pushing. It almost felt good in a way...? Maybe "relieving" is a better choice of word. Noooooooo poor L! I'm sorry he's allergic! Will you taken him to an allergist? One of my acquaintances here has a daughter who is insanely allergic to peanuts. Evidently they've been trying to expose her to very minute amounts over the past year to work up a tolerance (under the supervision of an allergist). Well yesterday was the day of her trail run with more peanuts. She had to do it at the hospital and good thing they did as she failed miserably. An 8th of a teaspoon swelled her throat closed! That was the first trial amount. She had the epi shot and is ok but they're going to see what else they can do. Can you imagine? That would be terrifying as a parent. All this to say i hope L's reaction stays minimal! Is it all seafood or just fish?

Hubs is very not happy about the dog but he's warming up to him. I spent some time with dog and Levy on the porch and before I could stop him, Lev got up in his face and goes "HI!" I was really nervous but then dog just licked Lev's face lol -- cute but also gross as he's made a toy of some deer bones he's found in the woods. He's been going and dragging out the body piece by piece. Insert vomit face! At least it's just bones and hide though...sorry probably tmi lol
Gigs, awe that's so good he's great with a kid in his face! Apparently I did a similar thing as a child. Mom had a neighbor with her miniature pinscher at the front door. A neighbors neufundland dog gets away and charges towards us. I step in,grab him by the jowles (as in we are face to face Because that's how young and small I was) and say "you will do nothing to my little friend!". Meanwhile mom and neighbor are in a panic "the child, the dogs! The child, the dogs!" But neufie just wagged his tail....I could have lost my face. I was good friends with both dogs after too ;)
And gross on the deer bones... You could always get him some from the butcher, some still give them away for free when you say it's for a dog.

As for allergies: two of dhs brothers have allergies. One is shellfish, the other is nuts. So far L has only reacted to this one type of fish, and honestly we don't have fish as a regular staple on our table (and never shellfish, if I don't like it, I won't cook with it ;) ) he's had different fish before but obviously allergies change so he could be allergic to them now? The worst part is: DH cooked the first fillets and the frozen bag ripped so he threw it out. Now we both can't remember what this fish is called. when DH made these fish fillets the first time,L refused dinner, so didn't have any that time.

Are your friends going to continue to desensitize for nuts?
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Oh no! Was it a white fish of some sort? That id frustrating. And whaaaa you don't like shellfish?! We can't be dopplegangers anymore :rofl:
Yeah that friend is going to work with a new set of specialists to try some things.

Dog update: i called spca and basically if i turn him in he'll be up for adoption again. Owner will not get him back. They said they are going to reach out and find out why owner sucks at being an owner. They also said he could sign the dog over to me but no one can even get a hold of the guy so fat chance there.

I've been thinking about it a lot and i think a new, capable owner would be best. If the kid were all older I'd consider taking him in but it's just too much right now I think and too stressful worrying about how he'd do inside the house. If he stays outside there is still the possibility he'll run off eventually since he's a proven runner. Also, I live off a fairly busy 55mph road and i would feel so awful if he ever got hit by a car.

Lastly the cat goes into hiding whever the dog is around and it's not really fair to the pet we had first.

We'll wait until Saturday and mull it over before we decide for sure but my head is a firm "no" even though my heart wants to keep him!
Gigs my impulse buy. Long story for later

Sorry Mia. Ultrasound was healthy which is odd because my lower side hurts like hell and I’m bleeding again (started before ultrasound). And it’s not period bleeding. I’m just bleeding. So this is the second time in one cycle I’m bleeding before period

Ahhhh a halfmoon betta! I'm a bit jealous! I actually just broke down my last tank. This is the first time in probably 7 years or so I'm without a fish tank. I even got rid of my 5 gallon; donated it to Des' classroom.
So me & hubs dtd for the first time since before Myles was born because I finally stopped bleeding. Omg it sucked! So painful! Definitely used lube but still felt like a burning/tearing sensation. I'm 99% sure it's hormone related. This happened last time too before things regulated but I don't remember being quite as painful.
Any suggestions?
Hey ladies. Been pretty busy and falling asleep with Alex every night, so I haven't been able to reply to everything. Will definitely do that tonight though.

Just a quick, selfish update. I was able to find a hb briefly a couple times this morning with my doppler. :)
Pretty- that's fantastic about the heartbeat! When is your scan? Next week, right? Or did I make that up in my head lol

Pl- thank you for updating about the vaginal delivery recovery! It's defiantly my first choice.

Gigs- what kind of dog is it? Pit mix I think you said? Ugh I wish we could take the dog! I'm such a sucker for dogs. Haha we really wanted to keep the pit we found but with kids it's so scary because you don't know the dog. We ended up adopting him and finding him a home on our own since our shelter said basically they would end up putting him down. Even though it was the SPCA they're over crowded. It's so sad. We paid almost $200 for him too!

Dobs- I'm glad the ultrasound was normal but concerning about the bleeding. Have you talked to your doctor? Or they just don't think anything is wrong?
Gigs, I was just going to suggest maybe to foster the dog? That way he stays out if the shelter but is still adoptable through them.
As for dtd, lots of lube, a lot! Or maybe a different position? I actually was talking about that topic with my midwife yesterday. When I asked her "arent we supposed to wait 6 weeks anyway?" Her reply was that it's more of a whenever you feel comfortable, just remember you can still ovulate. ;) bacteria can enter without a penis poking around in there. my bleeding hasn't completely stopped yet, more of a smidge where I don't quite want to leave a liner out yet...

Dobs, I am sorry to hear about the pain on top of the random bleeds. Fx you get answers!

Pretty, yay for HB!

Green, nice to hear from you! How is the pregnancy going so far? DH been able to come home more often?

Afm: as mentioned, my mw was here yesterday. E gained one kg! in 2 weeks. So that's just over 2 lbs.. I thought he looked bigger...
Also, at the moment, we are more and more leaning towards being done with having more kids. Wait a year and see where we are at...
Green - Ya, my scan is on Monday. Definitely feeling better about it. Gonna try to find it again this weekend.

PL - Yay for E's weight gain. :)
Green howdy! When is your next ultrasound? How are you feeling?

About dog, I am going to talk to hibs about it tonight and see what he wants to do. If we are going to keep him I want him to be an indoor pet. If hubs is vehemently opposed then he goes to the shelter. Fostering is an idea...I'll have to think about that one. Although I don't think SPCA would be to keen on me fostering a dog outdoors.

PL wow that's some impressive weight gain! I'm pretty such Myles has gone through a massive growth spurt. Less than two weeks ago he was fitting nicely into nb clothes, 0-3 were a little big, and 3-6 were massive. He's now wearing the 3-6 no problem (at least short sleeves, long sleeves/legs are still a little long).

I think we may be done, too. I just don't want to do the newborn thing again...but more than that I'm looking forward to the next stage in life with older kids who don't wonder off when you don't hold their hands and family vacations and eating out at restaurants, etc.

Pretty I can't wait for your ultrasound pictures! I'm impressed you were able to find it so early. I found it once at 8 weeks then couldn't find it again and i freaked out and cried. After my next ultrasound confirmed all was ok i got rid of the doppler!
Pacific thats great weight gain for E :) im hopefully getting Hayden weighed next Tuesday.. hes not been weighed since 6wks ooops but hes def gaining! I find boys fill out lots quicker!

Glad the scan went well Dobs, did they say any indication of why u were bleeding then??

Pretty thats amazing about finding the hb <3 How u feeling generally?

Gigs forgive my bluntness but was it painful & difficult to get it in there? Lol! Mine is most uncomfy most times but it has gotten easier.. once its in its fine & i get abit more flexible down there, all i can say is lots of lube, real slow to begin with, i find ontop back to him positions are more comfy but it will get less uncomfy the more u do it. I think bf’ing def has a part in the uncomfyness aswell. Oh i also did google about it when we started again & lots if women said to explore ourselves first & maybe try toys before dtd to stretch things .. i think its more frustrating for our blokes!

Hair day tomorrow ahhhh im excited lol

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