Cat welcome- sooo How old is your baby?
And why the heck is he purposely trying to insem you??

lol -

we highly recommend that here, especially if FIVE days late like you said

Heck 5 days late a walmart 88center and or $tree will show a + if preggers Go! RUN!
sounds like you may be very close to O or you DID by this time I am typing this...that lil dip in your BBT chart may be an O dip...stalking to see if you get a rise tomoro!
You marking territory! I have visions of you lifting a leg on a guy out in public who is chatting up some girl, and when she gives you the WTF look - You are all cool replying-" Yeah B*^%...I hit it first" and walking away

Oh annnnnd what's the deal with Panic attacks during

Is he that worried about not wanting you preg again??

Not that I have done this ...ahem...but how does he USUALLY know when you O??? If he's all up in the trashcan checking for used products (ew)
Just get a packet of kool aid ( old school sugar free tiny packt like 15cents- cherry or raspberry, or Raspberry Crystal light that you add in a bottle of water...
Mix it into a smallll amount of water until you get the desired Blood red( the more water the lighter) and soak a few tampons or pads and wrap in tissue and into the old bin-Off ya go!...Carry on!
Now if you are TRYING to fool him on pills, chuck a pill down the sink each morning and Oops- forget your pill pack on the bathroom counter or let it fall from your purse here and there...he will notice the pills missing if he's as worried as you say
Annnd that concludes JLM's School of TTC- Foolery 101...Off ya go! Bob's yer Uncle!