General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Omg J!!!! I love everything about you. This post is going to get borderline graphic so don't read if you are faint of heart

He's terrified. The loss hit him surprisingly hard. I think because this time he saw the heartbeat with me. Idk. The last time we dtd was pathetic. I love him and empathize as someone who has PTSD I get it but f*** dude. I feel for your spirit in bed. This morning was so good. Started off all panicky then mmmmm just mmmmm.

He knows jack s* except I know when he stops by the kitchen (I keep my packet in there unless I am going out) he checks where I am in the pack. He did still pullout, but I have never been so happy to be covered in his man juice.

On a side note, I think I Oed again. Maybe I have just always Oed on bcp but never knew? Like Gigs
:hi: Cat welcome- sooo How old is your baby?
And why the heck is he purposely trying to insem you??
Also :test: lol - :haha: we highly recommend that here, especially if FIVE days late like you said:shock: Heck 5 days late a walmart 88center and or $tree will show a + if preggers Go! RUN! :wohoo: :test:

MrsG-Lady :happydance: sounds like you may be very close to O or you DID by this time I am typing this...that lil dip in your BBT chart may be an O dip...stalking to see if you get a rise tomoro!

Dob-alicious:rofl: You marking territory! I have visions of you lifting a leg on a guy out in public who is chatting up some girl, and when she gives you the WTF look - You are all cool replying-" Yeah B*^%...I hit it first" and walking away :rofl:
Oh annnnnd what's the deal with Panic attacks during :sex:??
Is he that worried about not wanting you preg again??
:shhh: Not that I have done this ...ahem...but how does he USUALLY know when you O??? If he's all up in the trashcan checking for used products (ew)
Just get a packet of kool aid ( old school sugar free tiny packt like 15cents- cherry or raspberry, or Raspberry Crystal light that you add in a bottle of water...
Mix it into a smallll amount of water until you get the desired Blood red( the more water the lighter) and soak a few tampons or pads and wrap in tissue and into the old bin-Off ya go!...Carry on!

Now if you are TRYING to fool him on pills, chuck a pill down the sink each morning and Oops- forget your pill pack on the bathroom counter or let it fall from your purse here and there...he will notice the pills missing if he's as worried as you say
Annnd that concludes JLM's School of TTC- Foolery 101...Off ya go! Bob's yer Uncle!
hi ;3 i dont think hes making sense but tryna make a baby instead. i was here a few months ago but lost touch thru site hopping. shes gonna be 8 months old jan 7th. i dont know when i Od. i breastfeed so i tend to O late but i have been getting a period just not on time really. longest cycle has been 35 days and normally its 28.
Hehe no pressure Cat!
Dobs - yup they have certain high schools here that your classes are specialized.
Usually toward the arts, or tech /computer skills
No idea why as I don't think the credits count any diff toward the Diploma or toward your college , but If they had a high school specializing in animals I would be so THERE!
Sorry he's so freaked, but glad you got showered :haha:

So on my end- Am tired as hell from a 2nd day of helping man friend and wife move.
So as Manfriend, his sis, his bro, and I hustled back and forth loading the truck etc-
his wife sat on the floor going thru kids books for seriously 2 hrs.
I chatted with her when I took a break here and there.
manfriend ( who wouldn't donate to the cause just for ref as to who I am speaking of) and I worked together to remove 2 large patio ceiling fans. I stood on the step ladder unscrewing the base, he held the fan's weight and cut the wires once hanging.
He whispered to me with his back to wifey "I'm mad at you..."
I was like Why?? he said he'd tell me later.:shrug:
I forgot about it and we worked in separate areas most the time.

So toward the end, he calls me over while I am passing thru the garage
He again says he is mad at me...Why??
He then says "This could have been our life if you weren't acting so funny back then"
So I heard him but made him repeat it:huh:
He said it again but this time said "this should have been our life"
He's smiling, so I said "Well...I'm not the one who moved an ex GF in for 2 weeks lol"
I then said yea- it COULD have been, but we def wouldn't be in THIS situation losing this house...I have thought about that too but ...:shrug:"
He sighed and said yea ..
So whatever - it was all said with smiles and very lightly- not a heavy wt convo.
So later I am finishing my Xmas lights outside on a ladder and he calls to vent about his step daughter- she's like 11 and constantly butting heads with him.
He was all frustrated that wife doesn't back him up when he tells her she is grounded, or needs to help with something etc.
I told him flat out- Dude- it's time to have the Come to Jesus with the wife.!
He said he is tired of the battle- and I am like F no- when you get married to someone and come with 2 older kids, whose dad is NOT involved with them at all- you know your new hubs is their Father figure, and if you keep letting the 9 y/o and wife team up on you, none of the kids (4 total, 2 little ones are his) None of the kids following her will respect you or listen! Put your foot down or UP someone ass!

He agreed, and said He was going to have a serious talk with the wife- but asked me if he should do it now, or after Xmas. I'm like umm:roll: I would do it NOW since you can point to today's incidents to tell wifey that it's a prob that she is undermining you as a dad, and the little kids are seeing this.
So He's like - I'm gonna tell her Get onboard or I want a Divorce:shock::saywhat:

I was so thrown off ! I hope his reminiscing today isn't what spurred that, cuz even if they did divorce, we can't be together!Ever...never again!
That would be beyond awkward as EVERYone has questioned how we have remained friends after dating, and that would DEF make them think we have been F-ing around all this time![-X=;[-X

Oh and new man won't be contributing to "the cause" anytime soon :(
He wants another child but not anytime soon meh- so thinking about donor deal again - gah thought I was off this frickin merry go round!
Dude, wtf? Skmehow i missed an entire page!

Nothing tops sleeping with a famous pro gamer who yelled street fighter when he finished. I promised I would never tell who because his career depends on his image but shit was hilarious.
Can we puh-leeeeese know, at least, what sport? I need to know to properly imagine this situation. Wait, unless you mean gamer as in video games? Which makes much more sense....was is while climaxing or after?

it seems im always unintentionally in the tww .-. i am a poas addict because its fun, but we are using pull out method and he is so strict about it until the week im fertile/due for ovulation. a week before my fertile week i let him know ahead of time, hey be extra careful cuz ill be ovulating soon. just recently he decided to admit to me the morning after that he didnt pull out early and he let some inside me first. today he found some digital tests i had laying around while cleaning and he said hes happy i have digitals and i shuld use them first thing tomorrow because he released inside me last night without me knowing (because i swore he pulled out but i was tired and nauseous so i dont remember for sure). i was like uhm what! and he started laughing maniacally abt my reaction. although i tend to test positive 7 and 8 days past Oing, a digital id never waste until 3 days before af is due. hes crazy if he wants me to use one so soon. plus i dont know when i ovulated or if i even did. ive been extremely crampy but i dont use opks or anything. ovulation on a normal cycle wuld have been due last thursday/5 days ago, which is when he started admitting to me abt what hes been doing. i keep ignoring symptoms and im just waiting. if hes secretly not pulling on time, and finally admitted abt it, why keep using this method? he wont answer that question. he just laughs. ._.;

Your situation is seriously weird....what is your relationship to this guy again? Can't remember. Either way, he should really be letting you in on your intentions, since it's your body and you have to carry the baby and all...

Sorry ladies for my absence.. :( Just been feeling down and missing DH. I didn't really feel like chatting about TTC while my "Need-sex-now-meter" has reached beyond it's max.
Picking DH up from the airport Wednesday
Yay for hubby holiday time!!! Did it feel like the time apart went by quick enough or did it drag? Or both? No worries about chatting...heck, i left this sit for 3 years after i had des and didn't want another haha

Omg J!!!! I love everything about you. This post is going to get borderline graphic so don't read if you are faint of heart

He's terrified. The loss hit him surprisingly hard. I think because this time he saw the heartbeat with me. Idk. The last time we dtd was pathetic. I love him and empathize as someone who has PTSD I get it but f*** dude. I feel for your spirit in bed. This morning was so good. Started off all panicky then mmmmm just mmmmm.

He knows jack s* except I know when he stops by the kitchen (I keep my packet in there unless I am going out) he checks where I am in the pack. He did still pullout, but I have never been so happy to be covered in his man juice.

On a side note, I think I Oed again. Maybe I have just always Oed on bcp but never knew? Like Gigs

Well, sounds like maybe this is a case of needing to f'ck repeatedly until he's over the fear of it.

I did research on the pill before Des when i decided to stop taking it. Evidently there's a small lercentage of women who take the pill where it just straight doesn't work to stop ovulation. If remember correctly, i think it's something like 15%, but since the pill still makes the uterus a hostile environment, no pregnancy occurs. Rarely still is the 5% of ladies, like myself, who get two periods a month on the pill--once during the sugar pill week, and again when a "real" period would happen because of ovulation.

I'm going to have to find that article again....

J, you are a sneaky ttc mastermind! And wtf is with your ex?! Honestly, he doesn't sound like the most trustworthy bloke to me...perhaps not meant to be in a relationship iykwim.glad you were able to move house though, and hope you can find a donor quickly. Any more awkward texts feom small penis man?


DOBBY IS FREE! On to book 3...
Aww J that stinks. But you know I have ZERO respect for my stepdad and if he ever tried to dad myself or my brother all hell would break loose. I appreciate the guy, but he isn't my dad do don't act like it. And he's been in my life since I was 5. As for divorce, I doubt it's just from reminiscing. Dude sounds like he has been over it for a while.

Yeah idk. I need to stop checking opks. I had 8 days of flashing then three days (haven't tested today) of solids. The last two days the test line has been super dark. My afternoon temp was 97.92 yesterday (usually 98.4-6). And I was cramping all day.

Oh wells. Not that it matters. I trust the pill/uterus thing to work and SO did not finish inside.

In other news, I'm thinking of breaking up with SO if he doesn't nut up soon and tell his family. He's like they are going to flip because I have been lying this whole time, and i so desperately want to be like you dug you own mf-ing grave on that one.
Dobs- sorry about SO. I know it's a terrible decision but I hope whatever you choose makes you very happy in the end.

J-that sucks about new SO! Would be be willing for ntnp? And his daughter is already older does he want to wait until she's 18 and then start over??? Ugh men suck. And wtf is going on with ex? One more time... Men such.

Gig- glad the books are keeping your busy while withing for ov!

Afm- nothing really going on here. Just waiting for o.. But I think maybe my surge was yesterday I'm posting the opks for your viewing pleasure. But also doesn't yesterday's look the darkest? Top is farthest away bottom is today's.

*** ok left is farthest. Right is today's. Photo turned while uploading!


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The last 2 opks (on the pics right side) look almost positive :thumbup:

Oh Dobs im so sorry.. :hugs: you have to do whats best for you at the end of the day, serious bits of relationships suck sometimes :( i hope whatever happens you will find happiness X
Agreed that yesterday looks darkest but I wouldn't call any positive yet. I have had my lh go up and down before my surge, but once it surges it's undeniable. Your test line will be ever so slightly darker then it will pull dye from the control line then it will fade. You are really close though!
Thanks guys I guess I'm just frustrated. Im so tired from bding in the middle of the night and working so much plus cleaning for Christmas. I just want it to surge already so I can sleep!! It never fails the night we don't be I can't sleep haha a never ending cycle.
Here are my sticks from the last two days (second and third day of solids). The bottom two are last night and this morning so whatever surge I had is fading finally. I don't have my initial surge stuck anymore :(


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I'm just pissed because his dad is coming tomorrow to watch star wars then they are going back to his parents. His dad is coming in via BART and the station is walking distance from my house. So SO and dad (the only sane one who was willing to meet me before his psycho wife said no) are getting breakfast then heading to the movie. If he had just been honest from the start or would nut up now then I could be meeting him. Meanwhile, my mom and I got into it because as much as she dislikes him because of his Aspergers she treats him like a son.
Tell ya what Lady- Me and you would sink a state if we were in the same one lol
Shaking the foundation of Men's BS and causing an earthquake in the process.
We can drag the rest of our Board Ladies too- they bring the after tremors lol
I am in a very off mood

OK, so I left a shirt at the old house they moved from, and text his wife to get it - apparently her ph was dead , but Manfriend called while I was finishing Xmas lights - to rant about the stepkid and he got the shirt.
My mom adores him ( hates any other guy I every dated or married- well not 1st hubs- he's a nice guy)
Soo mom made her special recipe Flan for me to give manfriend's Sis and bro since they raved about it. I will do that this afternoon, so no doubt I will be semi alone with manfriend- but I'm bringing my buffer -DS :rofl:
Our kids play together, so he won't be touchy feely or get any deeper in the muck he's trying to wade thru between knowing he made a HUGE F-up when he cheated and lost our relationship (romantic one), and now feels he made a bigger mistake marrying her - she is a VERY nice sweet and cool woman , but keeping it 100...they are polar opposites. NO common interests other than the kids and food LOL.

Sooo, as I said in the past, dude tends to send txts pondering what we "could" have been, and asking if I still love him etc after taking his Ambien:roll:
So I am used to it- but last night was diff. Usually his txts are all typo'd and spelled weirdly on Ambien, but this series was perfectly spelled out (he has a heavy accent so some things may be worded oddly:
MF(manfriend-)I took my Ambien and was thinking if I was missing you or not in my life.
me-I am in your life
MF-I know. I was wondering if i miss you as my wife
(he means "missed having you as my wife"):shock"
Dunno what to tell ya...alot of time has passed, and we both chose diff paths...
Took me forever to even figure a reply:shrug:
I told him make sure you delete these txts before you get yourself in a bigger mess!
The new house in her name, they have 4 kids total but 2 are his bios, and have been married since 2009, which passes the min 5yr FL requ. to get alimony
I told him Dude, if you piss her off she will destroy you in divorce court, taking the house, him having to pay alimony, AND double child support?? Not to mention, I'm sure she prob has some dirt on his ass about something
Dobs- I feel like I'm missing something. They hate you but haven't met you? How can they possibly hate you and refuse to meet you? What's they're reasoning?

J- it sounds like he's a hot mess and going to be in a ton of drama soon. lol
I drunk dialed his mom like 6 months ago and I'm not white, blonde hair, blue eyed, and Christian. So she has banned anyone in the family from associating with me. Which I didn't care as much about when we were just dating, but when I fell preggers SO told his dad he wanted us to meet who tried to get mom who threw a hissy fit. She wouldn't let anyone talk to him for a month and it was killing him, so I told him just tell them we broke up to find out he already had. So his constant lying to them to get them to stay calm is going to backfire big time and somehow that is my fault/problem.

And I agree J, MF is a mess and that shit is gonna hit the fan real soon and he's looking to drag you through the middle of it. Be careful hugs hugs

I hate men. Love SO but hate men
Haha I think we all hate men dobs. We all just love our SO.
And I would just like to say his moms a bitch. Drunk dialing ok I get it that could be annoying but you don't hate someone over that. But because you're not white and blue eyes? Omg! She needs to grow up and realize it's almost 2016. People are so ignorant.
Oddly enough my reader said low but popped out this....


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