Hehe no pressure Cat!
Dobs - yup they have certain high schools here that your classes are specialized.
Usually toward the arts, or tech /computer skills
No idea why as I don't think the credits count any diff toward the Diploma or toward your college , but If they had a high school specializing in animals I would be so THERE!
Sorry he's so freaked, but glad you got showered
So on my end- Am tired as hell from a 2nd day of helping man friend and wife move.
So as Manfriend, his sis, his bro, and I hustled back and forth loading the truck etc-
his wife sat on the floor going thru kids books for seriously 2 hrs.
I chatted with her when I took a break here and there.
manfriend ( who wouldn't donate to the cause just for ref as to who I am speaking of) and I worked together to remove 2 large patio ceiling fans. I stood on the step ladder unscrewing the base, he held the fan's weight and cut the wires once hanging.
He whispered to me with his back to wifey "I'm mad at you..."
I was like Why?? he said he'd tell me later.

I forgot about it and we worked in separate areas most the time.
So toward the end, he calls me over while I am passing thru the garage
He again says he is mad at me...Why??
He then says "This could have been our life if you weren't acting so funny back then"
So I heard him but made him repeat it

He said it again but this time said "this should have been our life"
He's smiling, so I said "Well...I'm not the one who moved an ex GF in for 2 weeks lol"
I then said yea- it COULD have been, but we def wouldn't be in THIS situation losing this house...I have thought about that too but ...

He sighed and said yea ..
So whatever - it was all said with smiles and very lightly- not a heavy wt convo.
So later I am finishing my Xmas lights outside on a ladder and he calls to vent about his step daughter- she's like 11 and constantly butting heads with him.
He was all frustrated that wife doesn't back him up when he tells her she is grounded, or needs to help with something etc.
I told him flat out- Dude- it's time to have the Come to Jesus with the wife.!
He said he is tired of the battle- and I am like F no- when you get married to someone and come with 2 older kids, whose dad is NOT involved with them at all- you know your new hubs is their Father figure, and if you keep letting the 9 y/o and wife team up on you, none of the kids (4 total, 2 little ones are his) None of the kids following her will respect you or listen! Put your foot down or UP someone ass!
He agreed, and said He was going to have a serious talk with the wife- but asked me if he should do it now, or after Xmas. I'm like umm

I would do it NOW since you can point to today's incidents to tell wifey that it's a prob that she is undermining you as a dad, and the little kids are seeing this.
So He's like - I'm gonna tell her Get onboard or I want a Divorce

I was so thrown off ! I hope his reminiscing today isn't what spurred that, cuz even if they did divorce, we can't be together!Ever...never again!
That would be beyond awkward as EVERYone has questioned how we have remained friends after dating, and that would DEF make them think we have been F-ing around all this time!

Oh and new man won't be contributing to "the cause" anytime soon

He wants another child but not anytime soon meh- so thinking about donor deal again - gah thought I was off this frickin merry go round!