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General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Glad you had a lovely birthday Flueks:) mmmm i love pulled pork aswell, yummers! Ahhh poss bub no3 maybe later down the line eee! I think its so easy to feel like that when looking at our own newborns, like il never have that again & then the pang of wanting another sets in <3

Kit more test pics please ;)

Im sorry about the sickness ladies, big get well hugs to you all!

Pretty i love the announcement, i like ‘egg-specting’ hehe!

Wow Pacific your back working already? Get you! Super mum lol! Is E in a sling/carrier?

Hayden had his last lot of vaccinations today aswell, hes had some meds this eve as he’s abit hot bless him.. only drank 1 ounce of his milk this evening aswell, i have a feeling he’s gonna wake early doors :(
Pacific it is hard seeing them hurt but like you said "short term pain, long term gain". Yeah I think if we have a 3rd it'll be unplanned. If we do have a 3rd I want DH to get a vasectomy afterwards. This is all hypothetical though at this point. My core sucks right now. I may try to find workout videos you can do while holding a baby.

CB yeah it's funny how you start to forget the pains of pregnancy and such. I hope Hayden sleeps well for you tonight.
Pretty forgot to say I like the announcement and don't think an "egg-specting" pun is too much! I mean you're announcing with easter eggs soooooo why not?

Hope everyone who is not feeling well, kiddos included, feel better soon :hugs:

As for me had a snooze from about 5:15-6:15am but otherwise been up since about 2:25am simply because I couldn't fall back asleep, and each time I started to, Myles stirred.

I also locked myself out of the house and car this morning with all three kids outside with me. Had to wait for hubs to leave work and come let me in.
Gigs oh nooo... were u locked out very long??

I remember being locked out when Riley was 2 & he slammed the front door on me eek! He was watching tv & i had to get something out the car, i forget for what reason the house key wasnt on the key ring bunch but urhh! He was too little to reach the door handle so couldnt let me back in :shock: I knocked my neighbours door & asked for a chair & then climbed through the tiniest window which luckily was open as it was summer, bruised my body everywhere & broke down crying when i got in & fell onto the bed & managed not to rip any of our Window Nets considering i was hanging off them for dear life lol! I would NEVER fit through that window now haha! I hope the boys take it easy on you today so you can have some chill minutes :)

Its just after 4am zzzZ! I knew Hayden would wake.. no high temp though just hungry
Gigs, been there with being locked out of our own house. With DH on the big island, I could have waited hoirs. It really came down to us never locking our front door in that location, DH having one key and realtors the other when we were selling. Thankfully, our kitchen window was big, right over the deck and rarely locked too! Climbed in a few times through that one while pregnant.
Hope you get better sleep tonight.

Flueky, I think vasectomy is on the table for us as well, but only when that last bit of doubt is gone...

Cb, L has locked DH out of parents house this winter. DH ran out to grab something from the car, L misses dad and runs after him and plays with the deadbolt . My parents keep everything locked at all times, so no chance for any open windows. There was a bit of panic on both sides of the door for a few minutes. DH basically just had to wait until L played with the deadbolt again...
There’s lines But this is dry (and slightly edited) rather than fresh so it is darker as I’m still struggling to get a good picture when wet! Doesn’t fill me with confidence as it should be a lot darker by now :shrug:

How many DPO are u Kitty? Tbh some of those Cheapie tests (personal experience) the Dyes used are pants! Did u get them from internet or the Clear & Simple ones from Savers? I found savers Clear & Simple Ov strips good but not the hcg strips... theres definately a line there though, eeeeep!!!!!:hugs:
Gigs I hate it when they are wiggly in their sleep. I can't fall asleep when they are like that. Also I think bring locked oit of house and car with 3 would be a nightmare. Hope it didn't take long for DH to arrive.

CB you are pretty badass. Breaking into your home and jumping into moving cars! Glad H doesn't have a fever. Hope you got some more rest.

Pacific yeah definitely need to be 100% sure you are done before a vasectomy. I know they can reverse it but still.

Kitty ICs are absolute crap for progression especially in the early days. Get a frer combo pack and test every other day. Seriously, ICs made me use a frer almost every day for a week this last pregnancy because progression wasn't showing on ICs.
Kitty Lloyds chemists do dbl packs of 4 day early tests for about £6ish.. they are really good, ive always had good lines on those esp in the early dpo’s ;) dunno why i thought u were 10-11dpo for some reason

Haha Flueks i dunno about badass lol! I had a tattoo done & squealed for 10-15 mins as im a wimp pahahaa!
Selfish post: DH tells me I look like death .. my throat feels like it too .Not the scratchy sore throat, but legitimate pain when trying to swallow. It's horrible. Nothing that I have taken so far is helping
Pl that sounds like could be strep, do you have a fever?

We were locked out about 20-25 minutes. Fortunately i thought to bring a fleece blanket outside for the baby. The kids just ran around the yard, then we sat on the porch.

Kit take another test and get a wet pic! That line is super there and obvious but i don't trust tests after the limit.
Just done a frer and it’s stark white! I think I’ve got a bad batch of cheapies :sad1:

Pacific that sounds like strep. Get to the dr asap for antibiotics.

Gigs my V just must be a hellion. I seriously have to be on her like white on rice outside. I'd love to take her outside to play but until S will nap without me I'll pass.

Kit yeah I think I'm picking up indent line because sometimes I think I see it and sometimes I don't. I'm sorry dear :( however you are only 9dpo today if I'm thinking correctly so still not out.
Agreed, 10dpo has always been my number! I'm with Fluek though, I am seeing something..

Oh don't go thinking my kids are angels! Des is mostly good but he was annoyingly asking over and over why we couldn't get in the car (he finally got it though). Lev is just crazy. He was ok that morning but usually he runs from you and face plants on the ground. He actually has a nasty bruise right now from when he tripoed and fell on the sudewalk -- his forehead caught his fall :roll: he also has a scar above his brow from the same thing. Kid doesn't learn. He also is exact opposite if Des -- Des is lazy and wants everyone to do stuff for him. Levin wants to do it all himself and throws himself down in temper tantrums if you try and stop him. His latest thing is walking up and down steps on his own. He will NOT hold my hand!
Gigs Levin and Victoria sound so much alike. She wants to run in other yards, pick up rocks which she wants to put in her mouth, etc. She is also very independent and throws a tantrum if you want to help or if she can't physically do something herself. She is so strong willed and stubborn. I'm hoping Serena's toddler stage will be better. I suppose each stage has it's own set of challenges and all kids are different
Ha yup they sound similar! It's gotta be tough for them though. They have all these wants and emotions and no idea how to control it or verbally express themselves!

Oh yeah every stage is different! And man you get some curve balls. Des is trying to sneak behind my back to do things he wants...like he brought a movie to school in hopes they could watch it when I specifically told him not to. He's also been having poo issues, like skid marks, and trying to hide his underpants. Any tips on how to handle that is appreciated! At first I was taking privileges away but that lef him to hiding it and didn't solve the problem...so now I just said if he can't help it then he needs to deal with it; ie rinse his underwear and/or put it in the washing machine. I know he's embarassed, poor guy!

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