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General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Can’t breast pain as a symptom of pregnancy be just in one breast? I have a shooting pain in my left breast at 5DPO
Basically anything could be a symptom or not. You'll only ever really know for sure in hindsight!
Gigs poor Des. Is it from not wiping good enough or actual accidents. Maybe try taking him to bathroom on a schedule. Or maybe he's constipated?? If he is not cleaning well.... then I'm kind of at a loss. No experience with that stage.

Soph, breast tenderness wasn't really a problem for me in tww. Symptom spotting is fun but will drive you mad as AF and pregnancy symptoms are practically the same in tww.
It seems to be more of a matter of not making it to the bathroom in time. Like he starts to poo then finishes in the toilet. Inthink he's just so involved in what he's doing he waits until the last second to go.
It could be a lack of signal from bowels to brain, he might not get enough warning that he needs to go? When I was a kid my mum said that I would go from absolutely fine to desperate very very quickly! I still have this issue as an adult!
It's possible. Since I can't seem to curb it, hopefully it's just "one of those things" he'll grow out of!

So what is everyone doing for easter? We have a family meal planned. Tomorrow I have a disc golf tournament! I'll be playing against 11 other women in my division, the most I ever have. I'm pretty rusty so we'll see...but hoping to at least place. Unfortunately it's pouring rain so it'll be muddy and gross but that's the way it goes! At least it shouldn't be actively raining. Also, I love overcast weather so if I'm lucking it'll still be cloudy...
Gigs- my eldest (7) is exactly the same been like it for around a year now. She goes from
0 to bursting and gives me about 10 seconds notice to find a toilet (wee.) She always has skid marks in her knickers too (both poo/wee) it really gets me down. I’ve explained for her how to wipe and I appreciate it’s difficult I’m at a loss with it. She also resorted to hiding knickers.

Kit- wow I can’t believe that wasn’t a true positive. I was convinced 100% by your first test, you are super early and I never got a bfp
Before 10dpo and that was so light I didn’t
Even realise until my 11dpo made me fish it out
And relook. Have everything crossed for you x

Fluek- how is it being a mum to two? Has S fitted in nicely? X

AFM- AF hit me, I knew she would after my 11dpo BFN. It’s what I was hoping for so im all
Good. I do feel slightly sad lately though, everyone around me is getting engaged, starting families etc, feel kinda sad I don’t and won’t have that. Of course I adore my children but I’d love someone to love me. I think my little caravan holiday by myself with the kids made sad watching all the couples too x

Gigs maybe just have him go to the bathroom every so often, every hour or two, to try to prevent? Hope you do great at disc golf tomorrow. Easter plans, going to FIL's and his wife's place for a cookout. Probably some egg hunting too.

Keeps it's getting better. Still hectic at times but better. I think having some days where V is away helps. Grocery trip went well today, getting out period is getting easier. V adores S so blessed in that regard. S loves being held by me. She has a few moments where I can set her down or have someone else hold her. So hope it continues not that I don't love the snuggles

I hope you can find a caring, supportive partner and be a father to your kids. You are an amazingly strong woman. Oh and yay for AF.
Keeps how is your SO since the accident? Sorry to hear you're also dealing with the same potty issues! But to be honest it dies make me feel a little better I'm not the only one. Adorable picture btw <3

Fluek yeah I think making him try potty breaks more frequently is a good idea. I talked to him today about the importance of getting to the bathroom as soon as you feel like pooping...not sure it sunk in though.

Glad you're able to get out more! It definitely helps when the babies don't mind being held in a wrap especially. Sadly Myles totally rejects my boba which is super easy to put on...he only tolerates the moby wrap which is annoyingly cumbersome to put on IMO.

So my ex gf had her first baby, a little girl. Looking at her baby pibs is kicking up some broodiness! But then I read her detailed birth story which was a planned c section due to breech and yeah definitely do NOT want to have that surgery again. Also I am pretty happy the infant days are behind me.
Riley randomly gets caught short with the peeing, hes fine with poops. He’ll be playing & suddenly flies out the room to use the toilet & sometimes pee’s on himself, i think he gets too engrossed into what hes doing! Not having any luck with training Nuala atm though :( shes not remotely interested in sitting on potty, toilet insert seat etc.. i ask her & she gets all annoyed & upset urhhh! Shes not 3 until mid August so i guess thats quite alot of growing when they’re this little..

Good luck at Disc Golfing Gigs :thumbup:

Kitty im sorry the frer was negative, i cant believe the lines on those hcg strips though?!! Def dont use them ones again

Its a mini heatwave here this Easter bank hols wknd :) 22/23 degrees today, shorts weather woop! SO’s mum is doing the kids an easter egg hunt at hers tomorrow & putting on a food buffet i cant wait haha! There’ll be all 6 of the gran kids running around with lil baskets, shes buyed LOADS of little choc eggs!

Ive had 2 nights drinking 2 nights in a row & im soooo tired! Thursday i went to the pub with a school mum & last night we had friends over, SO was trying to get me to stay up drinking later & this was at 1:15am urhhh! I was drinking water from 11:30 lol! No hangover today though & Hayden didnt wake until 6:45ish
Evies not remotely interested in the potty either, she will only sit on it for about 10 seconds then she wants off to run around! Glad you’re enjoying the sun though, it’s lovely here as well but unfortunately I have to work

Keeps I’m sorry you’re feeling sad right now, you are so so strong you will find someone :hugs: glad AF came for you as well x

Good luck disc golfing gigs, I won’t try and pretend to know what that means though... I’m just imagining golf played with a hockey puck :rofl:

AFM got the temp drop of doom today, so just waiting for AF in the next few days
Gigs it has taken several sessions in it but I think she likes it over the alternative. I love my baby ktan as it was super simple to put on but it's too hot a fabric. I got the solly wrap and it's not too hard to put on and such a soft and lightweight fabric. Glad the broody went away after reading the birth story. Delivery is another worry of mine, I imagine we will have a roadside birth if there is a 3rd baby which terrifies me. Oh and yes as cute as NBs are they stink. S clusterfeeds pretty much every evening 530 to 930. Seriously back and forth or rather right and left boob alternating almost continuously. I do sneak a shower in there.

CB hope they enjoy the egg hunt and yay for shorts weather. I need to see if I have shorts that fit. Yay for no hangover. I'm still waiting on my first drink. I haven't put Victoria on her potty. I don't think she has the patience yet but she is squatting to pee sometimes and likes to pull dirty diapers off so maybe I should try.

Kitty sorry you have to work during the pretty weather and even worse temp drop of doom :(
Gigs I forgot to say re wiping the poopy bum, have u tried Toddler wipes for Des? They’re wet slightly thickened tissue paper & flushable, Riley still uses them as they really clear off the last bits of poop!

Flueks i hope u get to have a drinky real soon :hugs: The cluster feeding will settle soon aswell,

Sorry you got the temp drop Kitty

Hangovers slightly kicking in now.. feeling very tired & abit bluerghhhh
CB, if I could pump enough I wouldn't mind. I can seriously only pump 40ml from both. Not sure if I just have low milk capacity, don't respond well to pump, or because I'm pumping 30 to 40 minutes after a feed. Sorry for hangover :(

AFM told DH if something happened and we had a 3rd he'd become a SAHD. He's liking that idea and is thinking a third sounds good :rofl: on a different note feeling fed up with my sitter. I don't think I'll be able to depend on them. Going to have to prove me wrong but think I'll have to find a new one.
Kitty sorry about the temp drop :(

Flueks what’s going on with the sitter?

Sorry about all the potty training troubles, ladies.

Quick school update, I passed med/surg clinical! Just 2 exams left in NSG102 and 1 in pathopharm and I’ll be done with the semester! Both my clinical instructors said they think I’m going to be an ICU nurse, so that was pretty high praise I think!

SO health update: I looked at his rheumatology results since he’s not good at remembering or understanding results given to him verbally, and he was diagnosed with Scheuermann’s disease. Unfortunately that means that there’s nothing we can do about his pain except for PT. Basically the disease causes wedge compression of some thoracic vertebrae and it happens during puberty. Once you stop growing, it stops getting worse, but you can’t fix it anymore either. So he’s always going to be in pain, basically.
Shae im sorry about your SO’s diagnosis hun.. to help his pain you mentioned PT, what is that? Fab news though about passing more exams, you would make an excellent ICU nurse :)

Flueks ive got a manual breast pump on order for when we go away on our horse racing day in May but im going to try pumping in between to up my Milk supply anyway, i reckon the breast releases the milk more easily for how its used to usually being used to i.e via the baby, my friend always pumped & never breast fed & she would get loads out.. i hated that Lol! Your doing fab though, sorry about the unreliable sitter/childminder:(

Happy Easter all you lovely ladies! My 2 esp Riley are very excited about the egg hunt today. They had a couple of lil easter treats this morning & i wrote them out an easter card from the easter bunny, Riley was well chuffed haha <3
Kit I'm sory it looks like af s inevitable :( i hope it's a short journey this time to a bfp!

Shae that is upsetting about your SO. Maybe he should look into PT though...? It definitely can do wonders for people.

Fluek do you think he could handle it? Hubs always said he could do that if he was baked all day :rofl: I think he'd adjust but it'd be very challenging at first. He gets very flustered with the baby sometimes.

Cb sorry you got a hangover after all! That's part of the reason I don't really drink anymore. I hate feeling like total dog doo the next day! Regarding des I did put a pack of wipes in his bathroom as he seems to like them.

Afm finished 5/10 in my tourney.
Gigs I do want him to try PT and he’s considering it. I told him my sister does PT because she has super loose ligaments and her hand and wrist strength is super low. It seemed to make him think a bit more positively about it, knowing other people do PT and it’s not just for people who were injured, etc.

5th place sounds pretty good especially if you hadn’t competed in a while!
Shae - So sorry to hear of your SO's diagnosis. That sounds very rough.

Dobby- A is as cute as a button! Those beautiful curls!!!

Kitty- You are so not out. My experience, is that I usually got a bfp on an internet cheapie before getting a good line on a FRER. This was especially true for my last pregnancy with Charli. I got a faint hint of a line on an IC at 12 dpo, and didn't get a line at all on the FRER until more like 14/15 dpo. So, I'd keep testing.

Gigs- Has the hearing loss and vertigo improved? I have Meniere's Disease, which has killed my right ear completely, and I get headspins that can last for hours...sometimes days if I'm having a severe flare-up. It can be debilitating. I've had only small bouts lately, so life's been alright.

I too had a dud and stud boob...righty was my better producer, and lefty was dry as a desert. Lol

Toddler eating habits... I feel like my 6 year-old is only starting to eat like a proper human. My son is pretty picky, too. The toddler eats pretty well, but yeah, she loves her snacks. Bribery is not beneath me...eat 3 bites of this, get______. It works sometimes.

Easter plans...well, now H has been down with influenza A, so she may not make it to church this morning with us, depending on how she's feeling this morning. Yesterday I left her home with DH, and I took O and C to my parent's house an hour away for lunch, and a visit. Today there's church, Easter baskets, and we'll do an egg hunt in the back yard, and then it's a gathering at my in-laws. I just hope H is feeling a bit better...it's the butt-crack of dawn, and everyone is still sleeping.

Happy Easter, girls!

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