MrsG 100% agree - that is exactly why I don't follow any one particular religion.
I just live my life doing what I think is rightbest at the time and going fwd, and I help animals and ppl in need when I can, how I can( made 100 cookies last night to pkg and hand out to homeless downtown)
At the end of the day, I don't have to make my mom, my kids, or anyone else on the big blue and green ball happy except
ME . To me having him literally make life altering decisions based on a third party- no matter what their ranking is- means I am forever at risk of him leaving me one day- no matter how good everything is.
I can see it now

Hello? Oh hi priest!...Uh huh...ok...uh huh...I see ... Ok I'll let my wife of 10 years know.
Honey! I have to leave you and the kids! Have you seen my blue suitcase??
Gah I have no idea what's up with MF...actually I do, totally.
Basically he and I were and are 100%compatible in every way- interests in travel, languages, culture, foods, animals, having land, hiking, biking, kayaking, camping, parenting ideals and are MEGA sexually compatible.
We ONLY broke up because he cheated and that is a deal breaker for me.
I moved on remarried, and we basically stayed friends.
He always asked here and there for years If I was happy with ex hubs I of course said yes, so eventually he moved on- and not being rude, but I felt he was marrying just to pls his parents- he is midEastern( Iran) and as the favorite son his parents were mega pressuring that he should stop dating around - settle marry and have kids.
Honestly he was not marriage minded and they live VERY separate lives. He has always flirted here n there, and of course sent the subconscious speaking out Ambien texts. We are truly best friends, but I keep my distance when poss bcuz he is married.
Since I got divorced, I think he wants to get out of his marriage like I did, but it's just not the same situation. Now that he is in his 40's and his parents are officially moving here, I think he is having that mid life crisis and wants to right his mistake, but there really is not a way.
He called and apologized this morning for "putting me on the spot" Whatever that means ?? How was I on the spot- he didn't ask anything but rather TOLD on himself.
I think the fact that it was crunch time to get their possessions out of the old house within 48 hrs, and I came RUNNING drilling, hammering, packing, lifting hauling with him his bro and sis- while his wife hung out alllll day at a party with the kids, and the 2nd day she sat in one spot for 2 hrs while all of us hustled to get the last things apart moved and stored- basically PO'd him and was that last straw.
Him, sis and bro speak Farsi mainly when together, but try to speak English around me- however they have the ability to talk about someone right in front of them and we would never know

Me thinks they may have complained to him about the wife not coming the first day, and I did for 9hrs straight, and the next day she sat in one spot looking at books for 2 hrs, while I was disassembling cabinets, appliances and fans from the ceiling.
I'm sure
Campn can attest midEast fams have certain expectations, and are hardworkers - I am just being me, she is just being herself as well, but MOST ppl attempt to make a good impression on spouses fam- esp when they aren't here all the time...
Dunno...I ramble lol


for Xmas!!!

Annnd no...he still won't contribute a cup lol