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General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Flueky - I just like the sound of 2 middle names. And SO has 2 middle names, so I'll be the odd one out with just 1. lol.
Good for you for getting help and letting your family know. Glad to here the lactation consult went ok and FX everything goes well with the dentist today. How long will DH's shifts be 12 hours?

PL - Ya, as much as I'd like to have a name totally picked, I feel like we'll probably be deciding once the new LO is out amd we can see what feels right.

Gigs - Sorry to hear that your youngest is sick. FX he feels better and starts sleeping better soon.

AFM, we had the 4D ultrasound on Saturday morning. I expected the baby to be as "shy" as Alex was, but he actually cooperated pretty well. We got him yawning a couple times on the video and i think he looks a lot like Alex did. So, guess we'll just have to wait and see if they have the same eye and hair colours.

*The very last pic is Alex, for comparison. All the rest are the new LO.

69262110_10156721470393095_1791557324473630720_n.jpg 68451226_10156721470533095_3885433905104289792_n.jpg baby 1.jpg baby 2.jpg alex baby 1.jpg
Gigs I love those traditions, so cute! I’m very much a “show my love through food” person, I’ve found I quite enjoy cooking for people (unless I’ve just worked 8 hours, in which case I’m sometimes too mentally tired lol), and I always want to make seasonal foods during the holidays. I love pumpkin themed foods so during fall I often go crazy with pumpkin muffins and cookies (SO hates pumpkin, which makes me super sad). During December I often make chocolate almond toffee (my mom’s friend sends it to us every year but I started making it so I’d have some at school for myself), as well as several kinds of cookies. We end up with giant Tupperware containers full of cookies, especially peppermint sugar cookies, peanut butter blossoms/kiss cookies, and gingerbread. My family usually had Christmas dinner either at my house or my godfather’s house (until he moved). I think we went to my grandparents’ house once. Occasionally my grandparents would come down to us, and my grandmother on the other side usually came down because my dad is her only child. But we almost always had Christmas morning at our own house. SO always goes to his grandparents’ house for Christmas, and he leaves after dinner to come see me. Once we’re living together, I have no clue what’s going to happen. We might have to do my family one year, his the next, etc.

Sorry you’ve got a sick baby and sleep isn’t going well. Hopefully he feels better in no time and more sleep is had by all.

Pretty he definitely looks just like Alex!
Awww Pretty your 4d scan pics are so lovely & he looks just like Alex in the last pic <3

Flueks im sorry you seem to be suffering from ppd, bug hugs hun :hugs: its def hard doing it all & with our pp hormones.. im glad you have recognised it though xx

Gigs, sorry Myles is abit under the weather & that def dont help with the sleeping, have u got him a saline nasal spray? I swear by them, helps Hayden out all the time & clears the stuffy nose.. u probs have tried all sorts tbh as its our 3rd baby afterall lol! I LOVE your birthday tradition of the balloons in their bedroom & 1 more balloon each yr older etc :) & yes the cake was lovely, really moist not dry & super sweet with the copious amt of buttercream filling lol! Kids loved it though

Oooh Shae you can pack up any of those left over crimbo cookies & post them my way haha they sound yummy!

Pacific yes do share the other name idea that would’ve been DS2’s :)

If we never had Nuala, the other couple of faves were Lara & Ada. Ada is SO’s Grans name, i love it but i wasn’t feeling it when I was pg lol but strangely my younger sisters gran-in-law its her name aswell, so if they have a baby girl this will be her name, they cant ttc until Jan/Feb time due to a trip to India this October & ‘apparently’ you cant ttcor be pg when you go due to some virus or disease you can contract when your over there? Her Dr told her & she was unimpressed.

Haydens now sitting up & getting better for moving & stretching forward to get his toys, hoping i wont have an early crawler or walker on my hands eek! Ive got his Moses basket & the tandem stroller up for sale, i need to go through lots of stuff in my wardrobe & sell it as i need the £’s as my hrs are lower at work, im actively trying to find p/t work but no luck atm pfft!

Omg Riley has been awful these 6wks summer hols! Like sooo much attitude, talks to me in a sarcastic manner like im stupid & calls me a Din?! Seriously his Dad gave him a massive telling off the other day as he overheard him talking to me like it & doesn’t do as hes told grrrr!! Few of his other lil school mates (girls & boys) are being the same it seems so its def an age related thing, pushing limits & finding their personality but omg its so stressful! Plus Haydens not sleeping great again atm, i think he was awake practically all night last night zzzzZ! Pretty sure its teeth but still tiring

But.. although its later August, our temps are getting warmer again so im loving it, lotsa laundry being done lol
For those that asked, DH had some version of Max for him I think if I remember the conversation correctly.. haha, my brain is horrible!

Cb, L has been starting to tell us to "Shhh" when we are wanting to talk... Bad L, so we've been doing some talking to him about that behavior! Wonder where he gets that attitude from ;)

Gigs, sorry about the sleep thing, we have joined you in that club.

I have officially rehomed the sheep this Sunday. I own no more livestock at this time :( we loaded them up and I noticed that approximately 30 feet of electrical fence was completely down in the back corner of their pasture and that no grass was actually eaten there however the sheep never even attempted to get out there. Apparently that's a main travel route of a resident black bear... So far he's only ever had a neighbors chicken while the sheep watched him. No more worries about that bear eating the sheep when the berries and apples run out.

Surprisingly they only live 5 minutes from us now, best property they have ever been on. They have about 2 acres of green grass with ocean view! The property is ocean front.. we'll see what the next 2 years bring us. This decision was made so they can receive better care then I can currently provide, nor do I want to put too much strain on our friends whose property they were on. And it's better on my marriage, DH definitely had some resentment towards them since he's been the one doing the physical work with them the last year.

Ethan had his shots again today and weighed in a whopping 18 lbs 5 oz. He is so close to crawling! Right now its more of a pulling himself forward on the elbows and using his toes (legs out flat) to push forward. Maybe a week and he'll crawl?
Pacific I’m terrible, I’ve not had Hayden weighed since he was 6wks old (hands over eyes emoji) Lol! Hes def not overweight or massive but he’s big built, SO was exactly the same as a Baby, SO is 6ft 4 or 5! I know that Hayden will need a diff car seat any day now though :) I hope Ethan has been ok after his Shots, which ones are they? In the uk they only do 8wks, 12wks, 16wks & then the boaster & MMR at 1yr old, I guess diff countries do different. Wow crawling eeeek, he’ll be chasing Logan around lol! Hayden only just managed to sit up unassisted thank god! Lol @ the sshhhh!

Glad you got the last of your sheep rehomed hun, one less thing to stress about.. will you get more in the future when you guys finally get settled in your new place to call home?!
Cb, they weigh all kids before vaccines here. I was curious to know. Here they do different boosters at different times, some are once, some are twice .
B.C. Immunization Schedules
The link to our schedule in case you are curious. His next one is one year, unless we do the flue shot.

You probably have heard the "whatever height they reach by 2, they double into adulthood".. I am so curious to know if it'll be true for all of our kids! L will be well over 6 feet if that's true!

As for sheep, I am totally torn if I want more or not. Love the idea of it and farming and growing our own food, but we do want to travel. We already need to have a pet sitter for the dog and cat, let alone a farm sitter? We will see...
CB sorry about Riley’s attitude, most likely an age thing, testing limits, finding individuality, etc. re: Christmas cookies, I don’t think they would make it to the UK without getting stale :p

PL glad the sheep issue is resolved, bittersweet though I’m sure. Glad E’s doing well weight-wise and is close to crawling! Not sure if the 2 years height thing is accurate or not, I know SO’s doctor said to expect him to be 6’ and he’s 5’4” but I’m not sure if he based it off the 2 years and double rule or something else. I remember as a kid they told me to expect to be 5’10” or so, and I’m 5’8”, so they weren’t super far off, but again, not sure what rule they used.
Selfish Post Alert;

Do you agree with FF? It’s the first cycle I’ve had in 5 months where I’ve got a temp rise without bleeding???

Hello ladies hope you dont mind me dropping by! And hi to anyone who remembers me :) was symptom spotting and liked the title of this thread lol. Withdrawal is our only method of preventing at the mo. And Im always back to that time old question of whether or not you can get pregnant from 'pre-cum'. Some sites seem to suggest that sperm can leak into it at times other than arousal or if hes already ejeculated and not peed etc... now i recently dtd with the oh first thing in the morning, before he had got up to pee and Im wondering if any sperm 'leaks' into the fluid during the night? Any thoughts? Other than who is this crazy lady?! :))
Kitty looks like you may have ovulated. Have you been taking that ovulation supplement?

Josephine technically pre-cum can contain sperm in any circumstances, though they say peeing first removes semen from the urethra and makes it less likely. I’m pretty sure that time of day makes no difference in leaking of sperm into pre-ejaculate fluid. A study showed that a decent proportion of men produce motile sperm in their pre-cum, 37% of the 27 men studied (link below for reference). It also showed that some men are less likely to have the sperm leak into the fluid, as they did 5 trials and the men whose pre-cum contained sperm in the first one, always had sperm in the fluid in subsequent trials, and those who had none in the first, had none in the subsequent trials.
Sperm content of pre-ejaculatory fluid
Basically, there’s always gonna be a risk with withdrawal method, unless you have your SO’s pre-cum tested for sperm and it has none, in which case it’s highly likely that it will never contain sperm.
^ what shae said. Also I love when every now and then someone pops in to actually discuss our original topic lol

Pretty absolutely lovely pics! I have to agree totally see the resemblance to Alex

Shae I’d agree with it as long and there isn’t a fall that stays low. The rise is clear and holding. I know your last few cycles have been longer but it wouldn’t be the first time you Oed on cd 18

Sorry been mia. My mom was in the hospital and I’ve been at work setting up my classroom. 30+ unpaid man hours lol and I’m still working on it, but I’m close! I’ll post when I’m done to get some critique
Dobs that chart was Kitty’s, not mine. I’m still bleeding away.
That’s a crazy amount of time to spend on something without pay! I hope it comes out well! Can’t wait to see pics, I’m sure your classroom will be lovely.
Thanks shae, yeh I’ve been taking myoplus and ovaboost and FX it seems to be working! Temps still up a bit at 5dpo now so I’m really hoping it is ovulation and we might actually have a shot this cycle!!
That would make sense. I was wondering why it didn’t match the one in your sig but I was too tired to put any real thought into that lol

Sorry you’re still bleeding :(

Yeah the nice thing is once your room is set up if you take care of it then it’s just maintenance. The other teachers moving into new rooms didn’t even pick up their keys early so I’ll be low key mad if their rooms end up nicer than mine lol I’m not very artsy or cutesy. My mom is going to watch A while he naps so I can hopefully get an hour or so to do the last aesthetic touches
Gigs hope everyone is well again and you are getting more sleep. I would be terrified to be pregnant again as I just feel exhausted.

Shae sorry you are still bleeding. I hate long AFs.

Pacific I was first to have kids out of my group, but I'm probably going to be the only. One friend never wanted any, another has Turners syndrome, and the other has health issues.

Kitty I agree with FF and so glad it seems you Od. Glad it appears supplements are helping

CB oh that stinks about the attitude from Riley. It seems there are just new challenges at each stage. Is it super hot there? Was really hot at the start of the week, yuck.

Pretty lovely scan pics. I may be the odd one that sees all the differences:) it's funny how much S and V looked alike as NBs but S has developed her own features now.

Dobby I bet your room looks great! Here's to it looking better than, your peers.
S had her tongue, lip, and cheek ties released. She seems to be doing well. Learning to breastfeed again. I still think she isn't doing it right but I'm at least not hurting. Granted she wasn't hurting me for the past month to month and a half. I think I'll see lc again. S has a follow-up appt with dentist Monday.

Med seems to be doing it's job, feeling much better mentally but I'm just exhausted. I'm getting really close to my 6 month goal of BFing and I'm happy about that even if it wasn't ebf. I don't believe I'll make it to a year and I'm okay with that. I've managed this nearly 2x longer than with V and it's so hard as a working mom that has average to low milk output. I'm just drained.

S is pushing up on hands and knees and rocking herself. For real, gonna have an early crawler as she's not even 6 months. She weighed 13lbs this morning so she's really improved her weight.

V is still my wild child but she's my clone in attitude. Bahaha.
Flueks I’m glad S is doing well after getting the ties fixed!

Dobs I’m not very good at being artsy with decorating either. I have occasional good ideas that work out as well as I planned but usually they’re not nearly as nice as I imagined.

Kitty I’m glad the supplements are helping!

AFM my fish, Benji, is sick and I’m really broken up about it. I know he’s just a Betta fish but I’ve had him for nearly 2 years (it’ll be 2 years in October or November, not certain which) and I’m not ready for him to die. He has a pretty bad case of fin rot on his back fin according to a fish forum I found that I posted pics on. I have work in the morning but after I get out I plan to go to the pet store and buy him some antibiotics (and some new food cuz I’ve been using the same bottle this whole time and turns out that’s not good). I really hope the antibiotics will save him but I’m trying not to get my hopes up too high.
Kitty thank you. If he’s still alive when I’m leaving for work I’m going to place an order for pick up in the afternoon. The fish forum scolded me a bit for my crappy fish parenting, which is fair enough. I always figured since he was fine it was whatever, but now that he’s not fine, I feel really bad. So I’m gonna get him a little filter (his tank is only like 3 gallons) and new food and the antibiotics. I’ve been using a Betta medication the past 2 days now but according to Dr. Google it’s a very mild one, not strong enough for bad cases of fin rot, so I’m going to get a stronger one from the store. He’s still responding to stimuli and swimming around when I turn on the light or get close to the tank, so fx’d he’ll make a full recovery, but I’ve never seen him with it this bad. I’ve seen his fins start to fray in the past and changed the water, but this happened right after I changed the water, and his fins aren’t fraying, the back one is discoloring and he’s losing flesh at the base of the body where the fin starts, poor thing. I hope he’s not in pain.
Okay I’m sorry, I’m ranting. I just really hope he makes it. I don’t want to get another fish when he dies (which hopefully won’t be for a few years), I just don’t feel like I can replace him.
Fluek biggest hugs. That’s amazing that you got to six months! You’re right, it is so difficult. I felt so worthless with my input and my ingrown nips and not being able to pump more than 3-4 times a day because of work/exhaustion. But anything you do for her is great. Whether it’s formula or bm, you’re taking care of her and you’re an amazing mother.

I can’t believe you may have a crawler soon! And that’s so lovely that V is like you hehe always fun to see how our kids take after us.

Shae hoping Benji pulls through! Idk much about fish lol i’m Just winging it with my beta. I hope I turned his light off before I left. Yikes

Fish parents are more judgey than moms lol idk what it is but man fish forums are more aggressive than lion fish lol. Don’t beat yourself up too bad. But yeah a filter can help for sure. Let’s you get away with a bit more haha. I have a 5g for my little guy with a filter. He’s all alone in it too so his bio load is pretty minimal and I can get away with skipping a weekly change or two or three :rofl:

Afm had a great day yesterday. A was active all day, and it was the first night that he did not wake up to jump into bed with me. I couldn’t believe it. He had gym class and we went to the beach (where yelllw jackets kept landing on him! I almost had a panic attack when one climbed up into his sleeve) and went to the park right before bed.

Got some free stuff for my classroom but didn’t end up going in to work. I have 3 hours tomorrow because I did my mandatory online trainings early haha, and then all day Tuesday. So I’m hoping to wrap up my classroom tomorrow and prep on Tuesday. We have all minimum days w-f

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