Mornin Uterine carriers...
Sorry I went AWOL a day- hella busy making pastries...yes...it's 5am ( Hi
5am here, now, been up since 8 am YSTRDY...sigh
Waaay too much going on with invites and orders and my poor DS went to bed with Older Son cuz I had to leave at 730p for a party delivery, then 2 more deliveries, THEN waited in town for kinda newSO to get home so I could bring him some pastries to try- thinking of going into biz together at fresh markets...
Oh...did I leave out the part where we had a couple hours long kissing groping session

was ohhh so naughty but very nice- been a while.

Oh and party earlier had Manfriend- I sat to his wife the whole time chatting and laughing was hella weird knowing all the things he text me the other day!
Then wifey went home with kids about 930p so it's me and all his fam, and dimwit starts SEXTING me across the room

Like 6 ft away!?
I was like umm, everytime you txt your name and face pop up and his step daughter is on the couch next to me- she's nosey as hell so he damn well better hope she didn't see his first txt "send me a naked pic" WTF...dumbass
So, back to sorta SO...we had a loooong question answer session about his religion and pondering what their "readings" meant

Thankfully- he went to THREE diff priests and got 3 diff pieces of advice

Religion I tell ya...No offense to anyone, but I was glad to know he is very confused, and since ONE of the priests advised him "it is the right time to leave your wife and move forward" SCORE! I knew I did the right thing paying that Priest off

was that my outside voice??
No really tho- he's torn bcuz he admitted he doesn't want to try and make it work with the wife anymore, and she doesn't want it either

Sooo...I promptly batted my lashes, gave him a small kiss, and he totally went for the all out kiss...at which point I straddled him on the couch hehe
May have did a bit of a grind here and there- but playing it off LOL.
He is truly in deep now...he was speechless after a bit.
He is totally diggin me and admitted it...But doesn't want to

No biggie- judging tonight's reaction it would happen if I pressed the issue, but I'll be cool for a while.

He did say after thinking about it he is "not sure he wants a baby"
WTF men are wishy washy...I didn't freak tho- just explained I hated being an only child, and didn't want my son to be one, as I hated it. He agreed( he's one too).
I think I could talk him into it later, but it ain't happening anytime soon...so eh
For now I will just enjoy the early relationship giggly gropey steamy attraction thing.
Bleh- DS goes back to dad in 5 hrs so I'm just gonna stay up.
Ooh- points on the board! He was going to go to Orlando (
Campn) as his daughter wanted him to go with her and her mom ( booo hiss hehe)
I didn't press the issue that I could hang with him Xmas eve( DS at dads)
BUT he told me tonight he is NOT going with daughter and her mom YAY

Your pic is hilarious!
GigseyDog tongue on face =good, Dog tongue on brain=baaaad lol
Was that a Jack russell?

Those lil buggers have springs in their legs!
I still have no good advice- complicated situ there