General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Pacific so sorry for your loss.

Kitty I wanted to share that I read the governor of NY issued an executive order to allow a birth partner. I think this is positive and I really feel like your DH will be allowed to be present.
Flueks yes I agree, nurses and doctors did not sign up to have no PPE and risk their lives and their family’s lives. If there was enough PPE and they figured out what kind they really needed (the CDC keeps changing their mind if it’s airborne or droplet), that would be one thing. But my mom gets one mask a day, and she has to save them to use again the next week. She works in a doctor’s office, but that’s the policy in the network hospital too. People are going into COVID-19 rooms without N95s because there just aren’t any left. It’s a mess.

Re: your pregnancy, I’m sorry you’re feeling crappy. Hopefully it means you’ve got a strong little peanut in there, though! I hope they allow your DH to be at your ultrasound.

PL I’m so sorry about your dog. You and your family are in my thoughts <3
Thanks for the support everyone, we’ve had 3 confirmed cases in our village now (only 6000 people live here) it’s getting pretty bad, one the the neighbours has decided to park on our drive for the foreseeable but I don’t know which one, freaks me out because it’s not our car and it’s right outside our kitchen window. We don’t use the space and normally I wouldn’t mind (although people normally ask!!) but with this virus I don’t like not knowing who’s parked outside our house!! It’s not even like I can knock and ask who’s it is! gah it’s too much!

Pacific I’m sorry for your loss, it’s such a hard decision to make :hugs:

flueks, I’m sorry you’re feeling crappy, I know the early pregnancy problems well and hope you feel better ASAP!

the lack of appropriate PPE is getting ridiculous, my auntie, 2 of my cousins, my uncle, my sister and my dad all work in the medical field, my auntie runs 2 infection control units (in separate hospitals) and my sister is a dispenser in a pharmacy, I’m very worried about them especially, people seem to think it’s still okay to go into a pharmacy with symptoms of coronavirus! And obviously my auntie is exposed day in and day out! Someone at my work has a confirmed case (as of 7 days ago) and I worked with them on my last 2 days of work (9-10 days ago) so waiting for the full 14 days panicking.

new baby’s bum is right in my rib cage, quite uncomfortable to say the least!
Kitty, can you leave a polite note and sign it off as your HOA? I get people parking in my spare spot a lot because it’s close to the street. I just say that all spots are assigned and to please move the vehicle. Fxed hubs can go to the scan.

PL I am so sorry for your loss. Hugs.

Shae. Sorry you’re still adjusting to online learning. I feel like people either are super into it or not. I love it because I love the flexibility with hours. My both my credential and MS were primarily online, so it allowed me to work during the week then I’d just do all my schoolwork on the weekend. But idk crisis teaching/online learning does not work imho

Fluek hopefully you feel better soon! But yes double edged sword of feeling junky but that reassurance.

Yes the mask situation is nuts. I was told to get a mask when I took Aiden to his x ray, and the guy gave me the hundredth degree. I was thinking we both have 103 fevers and a cough so we were told to wear masks and they hold them out like candy usually. Couldn’t figure out at the time why he was being so protective. Then I realized there’s loons out there trying to score a free mask.

I had a nightmare that A’s daycare opened (they may reopen for essential workers) and that someone he was added back to the list of attendees lol. And I already blew this month’s daycare money on credit card debt. I’ve paid off 2/3 credit cards and down to $2,800 on this last one. Haven’t gotten child support since early February. He owes me over $6k. Once my credit card is paid off, going to start working on paying on my home loan early.
Shae thank you. It is reassuring to feel so crappy lol I'm sorry ppe shortage is effecting your mom.

Kitty it's also scary for people working in other settings like stores, etc. I feel like you should be provided a mask to help shield you. I really hope you didn't catch it from your coworker.

Ouch, those last couple months are uncomfortable. Hang in there momma.

Dobby thank you. Oh and what a crazy dream. I'm glad that you are getting bills whittled down during this craziness. Nice to read some positives from all of this :)
Yeah. Tbh this shelter is place is really amazing for me. I saved on so many sick days with the timing, and with daycare closed I’m able to work on my credit card debt. It’s been so incredible for my mental health because work got so toxic. I have all the parts I love about my job (the students) but not the b*y coworkers. I FaceTime with my friends and family, I’m doing a spin class every other day, I actually walk A and the dogs every day. I’m learning I can rely on just me. A is on a good sleep schedule. We started sleep training so I don’t have to lay with him. He thinks peeing on the floor is hilarious unfortunately so potty training is not going well. Lol. Honestly, this has been such a gift for me and I really will not take it for granted. I know most people aren’t in the position I am, so I’m really just going to stay positive and use this time to rebuild myself as me and as a mom.

Kitty I missed the bit about the coworker! That is hard. If it helps, I hear usually people show symptoms within that ten day mark so hopefully you continue to stay healthy.
Dobs I am glad you are doing well, physically and mentally. You really needed that break from the toxic co-workers. If it's any consolation, here they are talking about no school until September potentially. (Our school year ends end of June).

As far as covid19 is concerned here, the rumors say we have none in our town, but health officials won't confirm due to privacy concerns. A little frustrating, but we treat it as if it was here either way.
I think the remoteness is somewhat keeping it away for now.

As for lack of PPE, our health workers say the same, however they have had donations from other places that don't need as much and have had folks donate hand made ones by health guidance.
Alright, I believe I'm fairly caught up on the last 6 or so pages.

Flueky - Alex likes Baby Shark too, but for whatever reason, he pronounces it "baby cock". "Cock" is also his word for "clock" and "sock", so... ya. lol. They also recently announced that we can have alcoholic drinks with our to go orders too. But SO isn't much of a drinker and I'm still BFing, so that's of no use to us. And I know you weren't trying without me. :p A while ago, SO and I were looking at houses online and one of them had a master bedroom, a medium sized bedroom painted blue with 2 beds and the smallest bedroom was pink with one bed. SO said "that room is for the boys and this one is the Got-SO-drunk-and-took-advantage-of-him-one-night room." Now is definitely not the time for us to have another baby, but if he thinks I'm stopping at 2 boys, he's got another thing coming. I hope he'll be on board for baby #3, but I will do what I need to, if I need to. He's just a guy and these are my children.

kitty - Omg, I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through. There's still time for things to hopefully die down. As hard it is, you just gotta relax and make sure you're eating enough.

PL - Thank you. But so sorry to hear about your dog. :(

Dobby - Jesus. It seems like you just can't catch a break and I'm so sorry. At least you and A seem to be doing better now and you're away from your toxic work environment. Even when I wasn't keeping up on the forum, you were still in my thoughts. Stay safe.

shae - Glad that you're doing well and can still finish your schooling. I can understand feeling like you want to help right now, but I guess this just wasn't your time to do so. Hopefully we won't have to deal with anything like this again in our life time, but if we do, I know you'll be doing your best to help as many people as you can.

After reading everything and then re-reading my post, I feel like a bit of an asshole. The world is going to hell and I'm just sleep training and can't get painters to come to the condo. -.-

But ya, we're just hunkering down as best we can. Alex seems to be taking all this indoor time well. It looks like the weather should be decent starting on Wednesday, so maybe I'll take the kids out in the double stroller for some fresh air and vitamin D. Parks are closed, so no playing. Just a chance to stretch our legs will be nice. We're currently doing ok for TP and food. I'm the resident shopper at the moment. My mom watches the kids while I go out for stuff about once a week. Fingers crossed this new normal doesn't last for long.
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Thanks PL! I just got my assignment back that I'll be back in 5th grade. I feel like I let the bullies win, but my mom reminded me of all the great things that are waiting for me back in 5th grade.

Pretty glad to hear that Alex is doing well inside! It's so tough at this age! Can really go either way. Well, I guess that's true at any age haha. I'm glad you have a supply/shopping system that works! As for SO, he clearly knows where you stand on another child. So at that point like takes two to make a baby.

It's so crazy because the numbers really are so downplayed. I think that's why so many of my friends have a hard time justifying this shelter in place, even the ones in Santa Clara County where s* has really hit the fan.

I'm going to get super self centered here hahahah

The Gov had recommended we shut down the schools this year, and a few states have already done it. I'm ready. Bring it on. I finally found my energy, so I'm doing daily recordings. Nothing crazy. Just my morning message and the answer key/lessons for reading. But little steps. I passive aggressively slipped in that I can only do them when A is napping and that one time I woke him up with my lesson though so they don't bug me hahahaha

So potty training. I got sick and tired of people telling me "boys are harder", "he has sensory deprivation disorder", "he has ASD" so he's not ready and I need to let it go. Like f* off. My kid clearly understands the concept of a potty, so I'm not going to wait until he's 4 to do this. Especially if I'm about to be home for 1-5 months.

I was beating my head and was going to quit but I decided to buy this "Oh Crap" potty training book. It's been super informative. I really like it because I thought we were totally failing, but she points out some nuances that make me feel better. Like Aiden does know when he's peeing/has peed. He's not as clueless as I thought. That yeah I have to move him to the potty when he has to go, but at least he stays on it to pee and this last time I even saw he try to hold the pee once I picked him up and release once we got to the potty. I am starting to pick up on his super subtle signs. I know it's not going to be a 3 day adventure like for most people, but I feel so much better now with this resource. Except I'm out of wine and she is hardcore about not leaving the house during Block One lol. I have bailey's for my morning coffee but I want wine :rofl:
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Dobs I am glad to hear a is taking well to the potty. I think sometimes when we read on the internet, we tend to find more of the bad stories such as "boys are harder to train" and less of the "you can do this mom". Have a glass of whatever you need and follow the little clues A gives you. I think I have said it before, you do you, you know best what will work for your situation ;)

Our province just went over 1000 cases however it was a 12% growth that day, which is much better then 24% the day before. Our health officials are cautiously optimistic that we may be able to flatten the curve. I just hope people don't start acting foolish now.

Town is shut down fo any non essential travel, however we are a few hours north of Vancouver, and a few people are starting to show up with RVs to try and ride this out up here.
Again, this is against advice of the health officials as it's non essential travel.
That’s so interesting that someone would choose to shelter in an RV just to get away from the city. Unless I’m mid understanding. Fxed people take the shelter in place seriously and things can flatten.
Hey ladies. Been a while since I have been really active on here but it seems like every time I come back its more and more quiet in here. Hows everyone doing?
School’s are officially closed into Fall. Union will not agree to make up days because we’ve been honoring our contracts since we closed and WFH every day so fxed
I don’t want to get ahead of myself but I’m a bit hopeful. We managed to get one pee 100% in the potty today! He voluntarily sat dish but did go then danced around for a hot minute. But when I saw him stop and about to pee on the floor, I told him to hold it until he’s on the potty and I saw him clench and I was able to help him to the potty. And then once he was sure he was on it, he went! Eeeee I’m so hopeful we might actually be potty trained by September
Pacific hope the cases continue to slow down.

Dobby yay for A using the potty. I hope he masters it soon. I'm thinking of keep V bottomless next weekend and potty training her. Oh and awesome news for you that schools are out til Fall!

Cews hello. It definitely isn't active like it used to be but some still come around when we have time. I saw you were in an unexpected tww in another thread. How do you feel about that?

Pretty stinks you can't indulge in to go alcoholic drinks either. How's sleep training going?

AFM US is today. Ugh I'm so nervous, my appt is in under 4 hours. Positive thoughts please.
Fluek hope the US goes well and you get a good picture if your gummy bear! I love this stage when they’re all squishy and cuddly <3

Cew it definitely has quieted down. I do love that people still check in. I’ll be sad if it ever truly went away. How are you?!
Yay! What great news!!!

kit thanks. We’re having an awful day. He’s peed on the bed, the rug, and his booster seat. He usually is so good about getting off of those types things. I’m feeling really down about it. I’m really tired today so I’m wondering if that’s why he’s not as successful. Idk ugh
Flueks glad the scan went well! Healthy heartbeat!!

dobby, we have bad days still, over 3 months later, Evie did 4 wees basically right next to the potty the other day, it was very very frustrating!! :hugs: it gets better I promise!

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