General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

This will be quick as my phone battery is low buuut.

Dobby sorry things turned out the way they did but glad you aren't being strung along anymore. Also, that's crazy fb is suggesting you add him....

Pretty yes, I'm so much more into pictures. Once we get moved into our new place I want to make this "thing" on a canvas. My MIL has one, it says ",In these moments time stood still" and it has the 1st 3 grand babies names, birthdates, and a clock set to the time they were each born. It's really neat. They haven't updated to have all the grandbabies but eventually she will.

Shae oh that would be awesome to get into postpartum as that will open up the doors to L&D if that's where you heart is set.

Sorry if I missed anyone just going off memory at the moment. Things are getting better with home situation and we should be getting our permit active soon so we can dig the footers and get started on that part. The driveway looks awesome and we are getting a HUGE discount on the work because of FIL.

The girls are doing well. Work is going okay. Sleep still isn't as good as it was before the 4 month regression but it's manageable. Trying to resist starting solids until 6 months but may start a little sooner.
So.... I did something doubly dumb.

I DTD with the boy. We set some good boundaries so no cuddling no hand holding no hanging out to chit chat. Which like yeah that’s good but I’d be lying if I wasn’t sad.

But now I’m panicking because I was so, SO insatiably h*. Which I get like that occasionally. But then I went to mark dtd in my app I realized I was (slightly) late taking my pill on Friday and then I flat out missed Sat and doubled on Sun. And I’m “CD” 13. So yup. I’ll just be here flipping out for the next 8 days
Dobby - I ended up just doing the car cleaning. They weren't super dirty, per se. Mainly just cluttered with a bit of garbage (granola bar and mini muffin wrappers, lol) and dirt. They feel so much nicer to be in now. I assembled that shelving unit in the garage tonight, so hopefully I'll have some time to start filling bins real soon
And oooooooh, Boy. All I can say is try not to worry too much. You're probably safe enough, and freaking out isn't gonna change anything. Are you gonna do a test as soon as you can or just wait for AF?

Flueky - I've heard of displays like that before. It's different and cute.
Glad to hear the girls and the house are all good. Sorry that lack of sleep is still a struggle though.
Why are you wanting to start solids sooner?
Fluek that grand baby piece sounds so cute! So glad things are coming together with the house/driveway! I feel like someone in this thread, PL maybe?, did solids before 6 months. Is she acting interested in them? Hope the sleep gets better!

Pretty wow super productive weekend! That’s awesome!

if I could test now I would lol. Honestly I’d even settle to know if I ovulated. I think my pamphlet said I’m only in trouble if I miss two.

cue broody rant lol
and the illogical part of my brain is like well if I was due that long weekend in Jan, I could take extended mat leave (45 work days) then fmla the last 8-10 weeks of school and not go back until the last couple weeks of school/even Fall. I’m not even on an eval year next year so no stress. Which would give me 7 months of bonding and I wouldn’t have two kids in daycare because wtaf when did A get so old? Lol. And I still have everything the only thing I need is a new cosleeper and I can get my infant car seat back (though I need to double check the expiration). And sure it’d suck to be single mom version 2.0 but worst case I just lean hard into my mom’s offer to buy a place together post divorce or accept that I live here forever. I have three bedrooms. It wouldn’t be awful.....

long story short I know logically I deserve and want a relationship and I don’t want to half butt two kids vs focus on just A and obviously a pregnancy would be massively no bueno but biology is biology lol

eta ok all this insanity I really think I may get a donor in one to two years. If I can’t find a decent guy worth dating long term by 33, I’m going to the bank lol
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I forgot to mention there is also a framed photo with each baby as a newborn too. Bah, mom brain at it's finest.

Pretty I'think I'll start them on the 4th, It'll be less than a week from 6 months. She's showing signs of readiness with her physical abilities and wanting to help her chunk up lol. Oh and also kinda hoping it might help her sleep more....I'm just exhausted at this point with being back to work and nursing every 2 to 4 hours overnight.

Dobby well, I'd say most likely you are okay, in the clear but it's not impossible. So hard being broody. I don't blame you for wanting to go to a supermarket bank in a year or two if you haven't found someone. I do hope that you do find your Mr. Right.

I fed both V and S solids before 6 months and they are both very healthy. Get about 4 colds a year but that's all. V had a few more infections, bronchiolits 2x, strep, HFM, and only 1 ear infection ever. No allergies that I've noticed either.

Oh and yes our babies have grown so much. It feels like only 2 years ago we were all expecting together (pretty, dobby, we were all in the same june/July 17 dd group).

AFM work going to being crazy for awhile. One girl starts fmla tomorrow for carpal tunnel release and another gabe her 2 weeks notice. Already been pretty busy soooo... getting prepared for insanity lol. So will most likely be lurking.

I weighed E this past weekend and put her weight in babycenter growth tracker. She's jumped from 5th to 10th percentile. Not sure why my breastfed babies grow a bit slower the first 4 months but they keep up the same rate of weight gain while other bf babies slow down. (S was 2nd percentile at 4 months and then 9th at 6 months and I think she was 90th at 12 months).

Dreading tomorrow, expecting to have an unpleasant conversation with a nurse that's been responding to tasks from our department inappropriately. Although maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised and she's more professional on phone than in task response. Expect the worst but hope for the best, eh? Also going to eye Dr which I haven't been in 4 years, yikes!
Dobs oops. Luckily missing one pill is extremely unlikely to cause you to ovulate, especially since you doubled up the next day. I’m sure you’ll be fine, but if I’m wrong, I know you’ll be able to handle it.

Flueks that sounds super cute about the time stood still display, excuse me while I steal that idea and put it in my Etsy favorites for the future lol. Sorry things at work are crazy. I’m glad E is gaining well!

Pretty it’s crazy how cleaning a car makes it a million times nicer to be in. I’m a messy person so I don’t generally care too much about a cluttered car but I have to admit when it’s clean it’s a much better atmosphere.

AFM we’ve got another CD10/11 unprotected BD lol. It was 7 past midnight lol so technically CD11 (which is today, it’s now 1:30 am). CD10 was the last safe day on my app, and 7 minutes isn’t exactly a big deal, last cycle we were about 2 hours into CD11 as well. I didn’t ovulate early last cycle, so we’ll have to see about this one. Definitely not impossible for me to ovulate CD15-16, but last few cycles have been CD19+ so it’s unlikely. Just gotta wait and see when I ovulate.

Somewhat related, SO kinda accidentally scratched me with his nail down there on the um most sensitive part, so that stings. Not pleasant, but thankfully it’s not bad.

Next week is finals week and I’m definitely a bit shocked by it, I can’t believe it’s almost over. I need to start my license application ugh. I have my big group presentation in the afternoon technically today. I have a paper I still haven’t written that’s 10% of my grade though. Oops. I should really do that. I got my grad cap topper today, it got slightly bent in the mail despite the red “do not bend” sticker but it’s fine, I’m trying to not get myself worked up over the little things. It’s a small bend and it’s still pretty. I took an NCLEX predictor exam through my school which predicts your probability of passing the NCLEX on the first try and I got 99% (which is the highest, they can’t guarantee you’ll pass so they can’t give a 100% lol). I think I’m not going to buy some crazy expensive review program considering that, I’ll just study with some free resources.
Oh Fluek that’s a lot of staff change! I know you can handle it. Just is a lot. Hope the talk goes well!

Yeah I’m sure there’s some logic to 6 months, but every kid is different. And yay for E’s growth!

Thanks! I’m so torn because I simultaneously want to get married and stay single forever/ have a baby and just tie it up. I need my hormones, emotions, and logic to get on the same page.

Shae yeah I’m feeling less stressed. My mom swears my older brother was a missed pill by a few hours, but that was decades ago so I’m sure pills are better now/let’s get real she’s probably misremembering haha. In any case, the little insert says I’m fine. But just in case I will be having a dry week while I finish this pack :rofl:

also noooo I got scratched there a couple months ago and it huuuurt so bad for so long. I hope that yours heals up much faster

I’m sure that you ace the exam! Sorry about the bent bit but great attitude. You have a lot going on, but the end is near! That’s so crazy to think about because this thread has been going on for so long. <3
ugh I'm cramping and spotting. I'm not sure what to make of it, I just know that I am unamused.

ETA The cramping stopped that day but I was still spotting yesterday. Seems to be just about over. But I’m starting to feel mildly nauseated. Which I’m sure is just me being stressed at work because I know logically that h* does not mean I Oed and even if it did it’s a combo pill. I should just wait it out until I’m done with this pack but lol it’s me and since I woke up feeling sick I took a cheapie and obviously bfn
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Dobs could the spotting be since you were late on that pill and then doubled up? I thought you previously said you bleed just from being late taking it, or was that someone else?

Oddly enough I’ve been spotting for a few days now, my period ended and then like 2 days later I was spotting super lightly again and it hasn’t really stopped. It’s barely there most of the time but still odd. Currently CD14. OPKs still negative so I don’t think I’m going to get my early O lol but I knew it was a long shot anyway.
Oh boo sorry about the odd spotting. And about O being a no show for now. How is everything else going? Last time you checked in I feel like you had a long to do.

Maybe someone else? I usually don’t have any breakthrough bleeding when I’m late or miss just one. This is the first time that I’ve missed a pill since I got back on bcp. Previous experience was that I’d have nausea and breakthrough bleeding if I missed 2 pills. Maybe I’m just more sensitive now. Or maybe I’m misremembering lol. And my bleeding was usually same day I had to take more than one pill or within a couple days versus four days later. But I know it’s all just synthetic hormones f-ing with me. At least I keep telling myself that lol

I was naughty lol. I got a handful of wallies. I had to do a target run at my mom’s for some more liners, and Walmart is literally right across the street. It called to me lol. Not gonna lie, I did miss poas. :rofl: I really think my bday present to myself next year is to get a donor. My family is going to lose it
I posted in pregnancy tests but your my girls so have to post here too lol. I swear I’m seeing faint lines. My bbt is only 97.8 though. Usually it’s like 98.4 if I’m pregnant so I don’t know what to make of it. But can two different brands both have shadows and be defective/misleading?

ADAB2188-50C0-4518-888C-03306F91D2BE.jpeg 144EE29C-3283-49FC-80A3-F7697D4C64A7.jpeg AF46DD1B-8E9D-4C97-AE54-65BBCE37EC87.jpeg C7F54DF6-F882-4C35-80D4-99EA272C69DE.jpeg
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I do see it on both. The Wally cheapie looks a bit slanted. Fx for you. How are you feeling?
Haha omg it does look slanted.

I feel confused. Like it doesn’t make sense for them to be real. But at the same time I’ve had this weird “I’m pregnant” feeling since the moment he left my house. And as more time goes on the more I hope that I am. Which makes me feel so awful because that’s not what he signed up for. He signed up for a girl who doesn’t want a second kid out of wedlock and takes her pills religiously.

Symptom wise, still tired and feeling queasy.

I’m just scared to test again because if they are just shoddy tests then I’ll honestly be gutted. I know I’ll get over it, but I’d be sad. And if they’re real my family will crucify me.
Dobby - I'm usually not great at seeing lines, so not sure if I can see anything on your tests. Are you gonna test again tomorrow or give it a couple days? Keeping my FX crossed for you too.
And I feel you on getting a donor. If stuff hadn't happened with SO, I probably woulda looked into getting a donor. I was gonna be a mom come hell or high water. lol

shae - Good luck with your exams and the rest of your school work. Sooo close. :) Sorry about your cap and lady bits.

Flueky - FX starting E on solids will help her sleep better. Sounds like you're really gonna be your rest for work. :/
How did the talk go?

AFM, business as usual over here. Been working on moving the kids' bedtimes up. Matthew was going to bed around 9 and Alex was around 10 cuz his fav show would finish at 9:40 and then we'd do stories. Matthew is not going down around 8 or a bit later and I ordered a couple DVDs of Alex's show (Top Wing), so I'm try putting a few episodes on starting at 8 and hopefully we can have him in bed by 9.
My BDay gift from SO finally showed up. A couple pairs of Shapermint control top leggings, that I DID ask for. lol. Was working up the nerve to talk to him last night and then night before, but I think tonight has to be it. If we ended up fighting, at least we have the work week to cool off and be apart.
Also, Dobby, sex has consequences. We tell teens this, but it goes for adults too. I know all too well about a guy not signing up for babies. I still have these thoughts for SO and that's why I take on so much of the parenting and chores and stuff myself. But if you have sex without a condom, there's always a chance. If you are pg, either he'll man up and deal or he won't. Just gotta take it one day at a time and try not to stress til it's super confirmed.
Dobby I fully believe when you know, you know. I knew almost immediately after DH and I dtd with E. I know logically, it's impossible, but I just knew and sure enough I have an almost 6 month old. As for if you are and regards to the boy, I agree with Pretty. Even with protections in place, it's still possible. As for family, it was different circumstances but I was so scared to tell family about dd3 cause of short spacing and fear of judgement. It went better than I'd anticipated. I recall it was bad when you told them you were expecting A. I'm sure they would come around even if their initial reaction is well.... less than thrilled. :hugs:

Pretty I hope your talk goes well tonight! Will be sending good vibes your way

The nurse never called, so I guess I'll be calling her tomorrow.

AFM I started having allergy issues Friday and then had to see a few patients Saturday as we were slammed. I felt horrible last night but somewhat better today. I did go ahead and get tested in case I exposed others. Thankfully it was negative. I think it's just a sinus infection.

Well going to try to muster the energy for baths. Looking forward to updates from everyone (Prrtty, Shae, Dobby)
Pretty ooo glad the present came! Always nice to get what you asked for. And so exciting that you’re going to have the talk! I hope that it goes well! And good luck moving those bedtimes up! Any big motivation as to why?

Fluek oh that’s odd that she didn’t call. Can’t just sweep it under the rug? Lol jk jk. Hope the call goes smoothly. So sorry about the allergies and long work day. I hope baths include a relaxing bath for you at the end of the day!!!! Self care! Easier said than done but necessary.

I agree. Sometimes women just know. I do think I have a lot of wishful thinking going on though lol. And yeah I just.. I’m selfish. I’d like to say I’m pregnant just once and people be happy for me. Not launch until a screaming match. But they did come around and they are really good to A.

For sure. Trying not to get too far ahead of myself. I will be miffed at this point because shadows across four brands sounds nuts. Did a short hold test but I’m done testing today. It’s too emotional so somehow some way I am going to refrain from testing tonight. I’ll just drink ridiculous amounts of water at dinner :rofl:

Deep down I know it takes two to tango. And I do have condoms and he brings condoms and like I’ve made it clear that we can use them. And he could pull out if he really wanted to. I’ve made it clear that wouldn’t be offensive. I still feel bad. But that’s getting ahead of myself lol

Still seeing are they/aren’t they shadows. I’m going to try to put the tests down. I asked my gyn for a beta lol she probably thinks I’m insane but hopefully she just gives it to me. But here are this morning’s shadows lol

5CA9D246-AFC6-4699-91FA-0439B9728995.jpeg 13CCCBA4-4402-43AD-AA6A-1945C41DE2F2.jpeg 841FADF4-19DD-42BE-B6E9-58A657B05E79.jpeg
Oh boy I missed a biggie. Dobs I do indeed see them, but I’ve seen lines like that in the TTC boards that were nothing a million times. I’d say keep testing in the mornings and just see what happens. I’m stressed for you, it’s so hard when it’s a conflicting situation. Every time I test part of me hopes for a positive and part of me is terrified of a positive. I agree with Pretty, he accepted the inherent risk of condomless sex, birth control is not 100% and everyone old enough for sex should know that. It’s not your fault if you’re pregnant.

Flueks sorry about the allergy issues, I feel that. I’ve been coughing a bunch lately, it’s been getting worse over the past few weeks. I started taking Flonase 2 days ago, hopefully it helps. I get really bad mid-May to early June allergies, but this year the pollen is crazy already and I’m surprised by eyes and nose aren’t waterfalls, so I figured I should start the Flonase before I’m miserable.

Pretty good luck with the bedtime change and talking to your SO about baby #3. I hope he reacts well.
OPKs still negative so no early O pregnancy for me haha. I would have to overcome the so far undefeated diaphragm :rofl:

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