Dobdob Eek...that's no bueno.
Unless you think having the

talk will perk him up due to upset over the loss, me thinks you may have to Have a come to Jesus talk in general.
TTC aside, it seems he has dragged out not telling the fam about you after a looooong time of being together, and his moodiness is not gonna fly with a baby- they don't schedule their moods/crying based on what a parent is going thru.
Not sure if he/ you two are still doing counseling, but that too seems a long term thing that he is still struggling to get positive outcome from.
You are all youngr than me lol so "you have time" as ppl say, but personally, TTC is top priority for me- like unfinished biz that I will regret if I don't get it to work.
Also, after the hassle of BS relationships and ex hub drama- My new years resolution is to have as stressFREE life as I can AND make sure I take care of ME first!
We used to say that in the Emerg Med field-
you can't help/save someone else if you don't make sure you are OK first. Def putting ME first from 2016 on.
That's what I threw at SortaSO- I told him it's really important to me to have another child, and Mr Right will be a family man, and be willing to accept me and my kiddos.
He couldn't say anything negative after that LOL, but I am really glad he is totally cool with me using a donor.
Quick Q...does Keiser cover fertility testing? Like to find out if you and SO have a genetic incompatibility? I always forget what it's called, but there is a medical thingy where a woman's body see's the man's "genetic material" as an invader, and will cause miscarriage nearly everytime...I hate when I can't remember med terms sigh