Breeaa Sorry you aren't feeling well
ClaireyYAY You graduated to a raspberry, feeling any better?
Dobs on earlier comment hell yea I would be all Tombraiderish lol
Sorry your SO is crashing and burning, but really glad you were able to handle it the right way and get things in a positive direction.
Do you think he is having sex anxiety due to fear of you getn preg or do you think having the ttc talk may give him the focus and goal needed to bring himself out of the muck?
If he is feeling Lost ( usually that helpless/useless feeling) maybe ttc would give him a positive direction, and hope for not only your relationship but also of regaining something he feels he lost ( the baby)?
Just pondering from afar
Gmama I gave you the bbt adjuster link, but just wanted to add- with my insomnia I use it almost daily and my charts always clearly show pre O, O confirm, and post O levels just fine.
I think so long as you are consistent with HOW you temp it won't throw you off in the overall chart pic.

And uber sweet how hubs tried to make you feel better.
I never used opks etc with older 2 kids, but that hub would have been beating me to the sticks to analyze them lol ( both med field ppl).
Last hubs found everything about ttc gross, including feeling the baby move in my stomach

I swear he is in the closet. What man runs from the room when a woman whips out her

to feed a baby?!?!
