Booooo! I thought that was going to be the result in your first picture, Pretty! I'm going to guess it is a girl... I think they have an easier time confirming boys with any of the genetic blood tests. Basically- find some Y chromosomes, and the answer is clear. Take that with a grain of salt, though as who knows?! Might have been affected by the long shipping time or something like that, too.
will you find out from the 13w genetic testing you did, anyway? Sorry! I'm sure you were super excited to get that second email, only to be let down. Blah.
Thanks for the blood test feedback, all! I guess I'll go for the blood test and likely not do anything more. My regular OB and the fertility Dr both said trisomy issues usually come from the mother, so i don't want to push my OH to do the sperm analysis. He can be kind of a diva, so will save the opportunity to push him to do something for another time! Fingers crossed my body is regulating itself, and we will have a healthy baby to take home next time. My OB was just like "try again", so she was the original opinion, and the fertility dr is the second one.
might as well do the blood test and call that a compromise. Side note: I feel like fertility doctors have a bit of a God complex. It must be weird to create new lives like that. He was very non-chalant about it all: "you want a girl? We give you a girl. You want a boy? I make you a boy!"
Fleuky- excellent news that the palpitations have gone away hope it stays that way! I remember weird dates and life events too. I also remember birthdays for forever sometimes. Still remember the birthdays of my high school friends who I fell out of touch with at least a decade ago.
Dobby- Yay for ovulating and fingers crossed for a regular cycle. I feel like the COQ10 has helped me be more "normal". But who knows... could also be that the m/c knocked my hormones back into something more "normal". Hope your work week isn't too full on. Thanksgiving and Christmas break are coming up, at least!!
Been thinking of you, Shae and hope you're doing well. What has having Covid been like? I hope you're both doing well.