Ok finally caught up
Gigs ask him how he feels about it, my first hub and a few BFs didn't mind sludge

or even full on AF ( ugh). I personally could take it or leave it during AF, and def don't want it in my mouth...

tho 1 st hub accidentally earned his red wings lol AF seemed to start from the

annnnd he went to the Nether-Lands after

LMAO- good thing we were not squeamish!
IF i DTD during or right after AF(sludge still there) then I have a ritual- I douche with plain warm water and lay a towel on the bed...surprisingly there is rarely much on the towel- but I favor BLACK towels
Dobs My mom is from Portugal and back in the day they cut long vines, or sugar cane rods and beat their asssssses when bad.
My mom was fairly rough when mad at me- yanking ears, pounding her fist on top of my head, and def school trouble was a belt whoopin with welts all on my legs.
She refuses to acknowledge ANY of this now
I have 3 kids, and with my first he did get "reasoned with" like the other 2, BUT he would literally turn RIGHT back and do the sammmme thing. Eventually he got spankings, because if he were grounded and ALL toys taken away from his room, I would find him on the floor plucking carpet lint to play with

NO joke.
Nothing phased him except a spanking. He got 3 hits over clothes on the but with a belt, but def no marks, no crying no nothing...it worked tho after the first 2 times
(once he got kicked out of class for calling the teacher a Dick head, and the other was for smacking a girl in the face to impress his friends.)
He's 23 now and totally admits he was a hard headed bad ass lol.
Thing is my daughter was 5 yrs behind him and her seeing him get in trouble, made her NEVER want to be bad lol, so she never had a spanking.
My lil boy is def in annoying not listening mode this week, so he has had the threat of being spanked (with a hand) but stops there, He likes to push limits like his older bro. I will say I am MUCH more patient in my 40's, so usually I talk it out with him a few times but I have no prob grabbing him by the arm and staring him dead in the eye with the STOP NOW look and voice.
His dad can't get him to do or not do anything, he does listen when he knows I am serious ( for running by the street, running in a store, touching breakable things etc.)
I personally feel every child is diff, and you need to parent in the way that fits that child, not the same for every kid unless it works for them all.
Some kids are just holy terrors and need a firm hand and structure, others are very easy going.
I also have no prob smacking a hand when they are doing something dangerous. It doesn't hurt them, but can def save them from touching something hot, or sharp, thorny etc.
I have had waaaay too many ambulance calls for kids burned or cut because the poarent tried to talk them away from it, and didn't get tho them before they spilled scalding water on themselves or grabbed broken glass or a knife!