Dobs, i see a line but i get evaps on $tree so i don't trust you have any more to take?
Peaceful parenting is a a way of. Dealing with kids that removes aggression from the equation. Instead of yelling, you stay calm and explain things, even when they're young and you don't think they understand. You negotiate instead of give ultimatums. The biggest point, in my eyes, is you don't hit your kids. Honestly, i go to a lot of play groups and i always get complimented on Des being so well behaved. He is a toddler, so of course he has tantrums and such, but i can explain away tantrums ("thats not your toy, you need to give it back to tommy because he was playing with it") and he responds extremely well to this, versus the kids i see getting smacked or put in time out ("give tommy back that toy or you're going in time out"). He is also waaaaayyyyyyy less violent than my mom friends that i know get hit. They run around with sticks and pretend they're weapons, for example. That said, i'm sure that has to do with other influences, like show they watch or other kids they're around...but that's my personal experience and it works for me. I'm also an advocate for, at the very least, NOT hitting your kids (because i was hit as a kid and it just left me fearful of my father and i hated him back then). Advocates of it say it leads to aggression and trust issues down the road. And this is disciplinary hitting, NOT just abuse.