Cb & bre, sorry about the sickness

hope it lets up soon, although sounds like cb's is already

cb, i'd love to see your paintings! Isn't it theraputic?! Thanks for the compliments, y'all

oddly enough just in these that i've been messing around with, i'm selling the pink dress one and have commissions for two more O_O plus a dog painting (which i do in acrylics). I also have a dog portrait in the works. I really do want to get more watercolor paper and proper paint (i'm currently using a $5 kids paint tray from walmart lol) and make many more, and try an art show or something. I did one once but it wasn't the proper venue, i don't think...didn't sell a thing.
Dobs when were you due to have withdraw bleeding?
Campn, i totally get that ocd-ness. I'm the same way...i get obsessive about things. Seriously, i'm totally obsessed with painting watercolor stuff right now. I'm in my head trying to think of new ideas and techniques and where to get more paint and palettes and....
If it's not painting, it's something else. Ttc. Weight loss. Ideas for the yard. Whatever...i can be stuck on a subject for days or weeks at a time. It's part of why i love/hate ttc, because i can get basically disrupted from getting actual work done because i'm so in my head, especially in the tww!