General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Whelp SO put his foot down on stopping temping and deleting the app. He wants the AI algorithm. It sucks but that’s because I was hoping to have another early O and get pregnant which he totally knows. I knew this cycle was my only chance. And of course, it didn’t happen. So yeah.
Whelp SO put his foot down on stopping temping and deleting the app. He wants the AI algorithm. It sucks but that’s because I was hoping to have another early O and get pregnant which he totally knows. I knew this cycle was my only chance. And of course, it didn’t happen. So yeah.

But how would you not no when not to dtd so to speak you could just catch :shrug: xx
Shae hmm not sure how I feel about him putting his foot down on you stopping. Personaly that wouldn't fly with me, but I also get that it's your birth control method too. I am just very..... "nobody tells me what to do" though.

If you don't want to stop though maybe ava bracelet. I know it's not per say marketed for FAM but it could make temping effortless (without waking).
Fluek took the words right out of my mouth. Where does he get off telling you what to do when it comes to your cycle? Now flip side, if you fight him on it he’s gonna just start wearing condoms or go back to low sex drive. But yeah omg I’d lose it. You’re using the diaphragm when it’s “not safe”. You’re giving yourself a very wide range of not safe days to boot. It’s not like you’re cutting it close. 5 days out was still 5 days out. Wasn’t like it was couple days out. He can chillax a little. But I get why picking that fight isn’t ideal as it will probably lead to no more oops moments as he may take the cue to take the bc into his own hands. Hugs

Re the period sorry you’ll never have a definitive answer. Having made my way through this bottle of vodka (not in one day lol), I say rather than wondering go ahead and make a choice. Decide for yourself how you want to look back on the experience. Just like you said earlier, if I want to see my loss as having her until 9w then I had her until 9w. Science and technicalities and logic be damned.

Afm can’t find the charger lol probably a good thing :rofl:
Dobs I feel you on being tired. I'm glad you have found something to do that will suit as much as you can in this circumstance :hugs: Also I think 9w makes more sense. Just because she passed on earlier doesn't mean you stopped being pregnant. You were still pregnant at 9weeks.

Shae I'm confused, what does he propose instead? Maybe you should just leave BC up to him and call it a day.
Just have a few minutes, but wanted to stop by and say:

I'm sorry, Dobby :sad2: I hope you work out what to do :hugs:

Gigs, I remembered that I never commented on the Mom friend. I really hope y'all can get together because that sounded like a primo Mom friend match :thumbup:

And Shae, here's my thoughts: I agree with everything you'd said about too much data making it really easy to obsess over. If it's healthier for you, then I think you should put *your* foot down. It's not fair to force you if you don't want to. If you want to stop, then tell him you are stopping. He can decide what days he's comfortable with, pull out or opt for condoms. I get he doesn't want a baby (fair enough), but that doesn't mean you have to bend over backwards to make his life easy. Just my two cents! Basically nobody gets to force anyone to do anything. :hugs:i get that it's awkward and hard for both of you, as you're not on the same page right in this moment.

Flueky- glad you could enjoy the snow!

AFM- nothing going on and just wishing the next two days away! (Tdog: I'm 6/7 weeks pregnant after 2 losses, and will get my first scan Wednesday. I go back and forth from looking at baby names and clothes, and being totally convinced that it is will be bad news. Unfun rollercoaster!)

Also- our ninja foodie just died :sad2: (unless anyone knows that e4 means and how to fix it?!)
Winter oh no about the foodi! I love mine. I don't use it quite as much as I used to but I still like using it.

Shae I thought of an option. If he wants tracking. How about he tracks your cycle for you. He inputs the data and maybe even take your temp for you? Tracking is work and it can be a bit obsessive (I get that way with tracking with bbt).
Oh yes Fluek glad you were able to play in the snow a bit

not gonna lie I was gonna be cheeky since Shae temps vaginally. I was gonna joke SO should do it then and while he’s down there :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ;). But yeah you’ll figure it out. You two seem to end up in agreement in the end. How do you feel about him wanting you to still track everything?

winter noooooo I’m so sorry about the ninja! How long had you had it?! Boo. Hope it’s an easy fix. :(. So sorry about the rollercoaster. Wish I had safe advice. My sage advice sounds pretty dumb rn. Just a couple more days. Praying for a healthy scan
We'd only had the ninja foodie about a year :growlmad: we did use it a lot though, so it is what it is... I can't find any info on what e4 even means. Will have to try YouTube later.

Thank you all for the support and indulging my scan anxiety. I know it's very repetitive- I did a good job pushing off thinking about it for weeks, but now it's all I can think about. :? Well, we'll all know the outcome 48 hours from now. Appreciate you all! :hugs:
Ohhh shae I got it backwards, I thought he wanted you to delete it. I don’t see how having the ap helps though, if you ov early your ap won’t know before it’s too late, right? And ugh what a pain to keep up with. I hope you two come to a compromise you’re both happy with.

winter I am excited for your scan!! Are you getting officially dated or do you already know your due date?

ok ladies I know I’m crazy but I am going to test on Friday for funsies. I know the chances are slim to none but there’s a chance, so I might as well :P also I’m having weird symptoms but could be anything— for one my right boob still feels sore (left is fine though); the other issue is I’ve been getting round ligament pain! Wtf! I mean even if by some miracle I am pregnant, it’s way early for that…I do still get it eveey now and again but it’s happened about 5-6 times in the past couple of days. Maybe it’s just all the holiday weight I’ve packed on. I actually do plan on starting my workout routine back up this week. It’s so hard to get going but I have to. I’ve about ruined all of mu weight loss progress:/
Gigs it can be so hard to find the motivation to lose weight. I did gain 0.5 lb last week but not gonna let it get me down. Also, I say test away!

Dobby I forgot to say that I would count it as 9 weeks as well.

And hey however they want to temp lol

Winter no worries. It is very understandable to have anxiety before a scan. Ugh the days leading up to it feel like eternity. Sorry the foodi lasted 1 yr. Hope maybe it's a simple error that can be fixed. If not, apparently there is a new one that you only need 1 lid to use as air fryer or like an instant pot. I really like saving space so would totally upgrade when mine kicks the bucket.
Bbl but winter do you keep it plugged in all the time? I’m sure not all error codes are the same, but my microwave just shorted out (does it randomly like couple times a year). It had a E-4 error. I just unplug it and plug it back in LOL
Dobby - I'd both love to start buying a ton of stuff now, But I also feel like I should wait until I see
what the report says. Plus, besides the sprinkle, I've already had my sister and a friend tell me they have a bunch of girl stuff for me already. That being said... I did already drop $150 on clearance girl stuff from The Children's Place. They range in size from 12m to 5T, so it's not like we'll use everything right away. I got 6 pairs of leggings, 4 pairs of shorts, 4 dresses, 13 shirts, and 24 pairs of socks. I need to stop though and just wait til after the sprinkle. lol. As for nesting, can't really say I have more of desire to clean, but I have found some motivation to do some organizing I've been putting off.
That's so messed up the way Drs and funeral homes have been dicking you around. Hopefully A is well enough , so that you can give her that proper burial. I see that you've already changed your sig. If 9w sounds right to you, then it's just right, period.
Lol @ "while you're down there". That's something SO jokes about all the time.

Winter - Ya, probably best to err on the side of caution when it comes to potentially passing on an awful sickness.
Sorry to hear that your NYE fiends all moved away. And I agree, it's so hard to make new friends, especially right now.
Potty training didn't go so great. On the first day, he had 5 accidents before naptime. Made zero attempts to get to the potty. After nap, did a few pees in the potty, but was spending at least 30-45 mins on the potty at a time, which is not the point. He also seemed a little out of it with flushed cheeks. The next day, not much difference in terms of before nap accidents and then I just kept the diaper on him after that. Alex was 32 months when we finally did some serious training and he picked it up pretty quick. Matthew is only 26 months. I don't really wanna have to potty train him with a big preggo belly or a new born, but I think it may have just been too early for him this time.
Keeping my FX for some very good news on Wednesday.

Flueky - Glad to hear the girls had some fun in the snow. :) We got some snow this weekend, so the 4 of us went out to brush off our cars and shovel our's and my mom's walkways and driveways. We let them play a bit more in the backyard before going in for hot chocolate. Hopefully your winter weather isn't too crazy going forward.

shae - I also don't like the idea of a man telling a woman what to do. Are you gonna try to discuss it further or just stop the tracking and tell him to go screw himself?

Re:BC. Kinda considering getting the implant once I'm done BFing. Seems pretty straight forward. Just set it and forget it. The only other method I've used before is bcp (and condoms, of course) and never really noticed much in the way of symptoms.

Re: Covid restrictions. Well, even though our number are slowly coming down, our provincial government has decided to have all school kids do online learning (for at least the next 2 weeks) when they start school again on Wednesday. Dunno what that's gonna look like for a JK-er. Also, theatres, gyms, concert venues, and arenas will be closed, and no indoor dining. I doubt most people will be sitting outside to eat considering it's gonna be at least 0 degrees C (32F) or less going forward. The only upside is it means I'll only need to worry about packing my own lunch for
the next 2 weeks.

AFM, back to work tomorrow. Le sigh. Felt like I was decently productive today. Went to 2 different stores for groceries, gave both of our 3 piece bathrooms a good scrub, got all the piled up laundry sorted, and already have the dishwasher on the go. My clothing haul from The Children's Place showed up and is already hung up. Pretty much just waiting on my MW appt at this point.

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Love baby's wardrobe, Pretty! ❤️ I love teal and purple on little girls. Not anti-pink, but I am a bit anti- absolutely everything pink ;) I'm excited for you to go to your sprinkle!

I agree with holding off on potty training until he is ready. If he is just totally uninterested, it seems like it would be a months long ordeal... Or you can just wait and do it over a shorter period of time. We'll wait until 3, and then try and have a week or something where that's all we do. They all get there in the end, I'm told ;)

Good luck with the work outs, Giggle! What do you do for exercise? I feel like exercise helps me, but my weight is like 90% determined by what I eat. :dohh: it definitely does get harder the older I get, too! And yes, the scan is a dating scan. I really have no idea wtf happened. So, really just want to see a healthy hb for now, and find out when this would've even happened!

Thank you again for the scan support ❤️ you're right, Flueky-. This week has felt like an eternity. Especially as I went in the last time really excited and totally oblivious that things weren't right and it was a MMC.

No, we leave the foodie unplugged. So :shrug:. We use it close to every night, so might just not have that long a lifespan under those circumstances. It's a grill/air fryer, which may also be part of it. Jack of all trades, master of none ;)
What is with everyone using e4 as a code? I had it on my dishwasher once. I don’t recall what it meant though. If I remember I’ll ask hubs when I see him.

did I mention our “4-8 inches” prediction turned into 13.5”?! Our power went out but fortunately they restored it quickly. We played in it a couple times but had to keep it somewhat short as it is quite chilly! Soooooo beautiful though. I’d upload a photo but it’s not working :(

pretty was it loads of fun to sort through those? I’ll admit I really wish I coukd have had that experience. I do however buy outfits for my neice ^_^ her mom and i have similar taste so she actually uses them lol
I’m a little not sober so gonna keep this short. Yes Pretty!!! Not gonna TCP has never been my style. But that’s an awesome haul! They can carry quite the price tag. And so cute! They scream you. I love the variety of colors and clothing types. Echoing Gigs (when do I not lmfao) how does it feel to be in the girl section?!

k that’s all I got. Gonna finish my drink and sober up a bit before bed. I haven’t gotten properly wasted but the sheer volume of booze and extended period of drinking like I’m starting to worry about my liver =\
Hope you're ok, Dobby and that we're talking fun drinking not bad idea drinking :hugs:i had my heavy drinking phase when I was younger, but am more or less a teetotaler these days. My folks drink a lot, and last time they visited I got into a nightly wine. I can see the appeal of it, and it was a relaxing thing to do at the end of the night. But :shrug: it seems to make me feel bad about my life/random guilt the next day, so I'm better off without it. I would have had a glass of bubbly at Christmas/NYE if not pregnant, but am happy with the occasional single glass.

I saw the snow in VA, giggle :shock::shock::shock: They said there are people who have been stuck on i-95 (I think) for 16 hours+. What a nightmare. My in laws don't travel in winter any more, as they got snowed in at some point years ago. Seems wise to me! Glad you could have some fun with the kids in the snow. =D>
Winter, that’s such a bummer that you’ve only had it for a year. :( Would you replace it or no? I have a trash can that seems to have just conked out for no reason after about a year. I’d like a new one, but I don’t want the same brand because I had seen reviews that a similar thing happened to a few people.

It’s definitely bad idea drinking. It’s 100% to numb the pain. But because I need to be functional around A, and I don’t like to be obviously drinking in front of him it’s more like like me throw some bailey’s in my coffee, let me make a screwdriver to go with lunch, let me pound a few drinks when I put him to nap then eat a crap ton before he wakes up, let’s have a rum a coke with dinner, repeat nap routine when I put him bed. So it’s like a mild buzz the whole day. The nice thing is I don’t have a desire to drink more, I def want to drink less. And I have no desire to get more than a buzz. But there is the definite undertone of in order to get through this isolation and sideline my grief until I have time to deal with it, booze it is. Which I’m sure my therapist would just love to hear. Dunno if I’ve mentioned it/if you’ve read it from my billion posts, but I am alcoholic. I actually never particularly enjoyed drinking, then I dated an alcoholic. I’d drink when he drank but still usually just 1-2 drinks as i had no tolerance. Then we got pregnant. Then when the baby was gone, I lost my s*. I had really bad morning sickness, so I was just drunk all the time because my hangovers would remind me of morning sickness. It got a little better when I moved back closer to family, but I definitely had some really bad days where it’s a miracle I didn’t end up in jail or dead or hurt someone else. So I generally try to avoid having alcohol in my house or really limit how much I have access to at home. But I’ve definitely had a few relapses here and there.

Gigs haha you’re not crazy. It’s fun to poas. I’ll be keeping my FXed. I know your hubs has really got his pullout down but exactly, you never know. And I’m sure your tagline has been there this whole time but lmfao I just saw it. I feel you on the holiday weight/ pause in working out. What’s your routine? I ask like I have any desire to work out lol.

Pretty I get wanting to wait until the report. Do you know when you’ll get it? And is there a specific date for the sprinkle? Sorry if you mentioned already. I am glad you splurged a little though. And yeah lol I think having so many brothers I tend to have a gutter humor. Re potty training sorry he had a rough day. Yeah def might not be the right time. I can see why you want it done before DD gets here though. It’s so time intensive and emotional. Good luck! Sorry about the major shut downs. Hopefully just temporary for this month as a pre-emptive freak out about the (hopefully just holiday induced) surge. Snow and hot cocoa sounds delightful!

My uncle keeps posting about storms. Just hoping everyone is safe and gets where they need to. My brother’s flight was delayed like six hours because literally the entire crew wasn’t there as their connecting flights got cancelled or delayed. He’s very lucky he managed to get out that night at all. I’m thinking maybe next year I’ll take A to the snow for the first time. I just don’t want to drive, and by then my parents will be properly divorced so I gotta figure that out lol.

AFM passing more clots which means the cramping has really revved up. That hpt I took was at a ratio 0.72. I know I shouldn't be surprised at how quickly the hcg is dropping but yeah. It is what it is.
I get really jealous when you ladies say about the snow I love snow but here in England we get a flurry and that's it :shrug: xx

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