Dobby - I'd both love to start buying a ton of stuff now, But I also feel like I should wait until I see
what the report says. Plus, besides the sprinkle, I've already had my sister and a friend tell me they have a bunch of girl stuff for me already. That being said... I did already drop $150 on clearance girl stuff from The Children's Place. They range in size from 12m to 5T, so it's not like we'll use everything right away. I got 6 pairs of leggings, 4 pairs of shorts, 4 dresses, 13 shirts, and 24 pairs of socks. I need to stop though and just wait til after the sprinkle. lol. As for nesting, can't really say I have more of desire to clean, but I have found some motivation to do some organizing I've been putting off.
That's so messed up the way Drs and funeral homes have been dicking you around. Hopefully A is well enough , so that you can give her that proper burial. I see that you've already changed your sig. If 9w sounds right to you, then it's just right, period.
Lol @ "while you're down there". That's something SO jokes about all the time.
Winter - Ya, probably best to err on the side of caution when it comes to potentially passing on an awful sickness.
Sorry to hear that your NYE fiends all moved away. And I agree, it's so hard to make new friends, especially right now.
Potty training didn't go so great. On the first day, he had 5 accidents before naptime. Made zero attempts to get to the potty. After nap, did a few pees in the potty, but was spending at least 30-45 mins on the potty at a time, which is not the point. He also seemed a little out of it with flushed cheeks. The next day, not much difference in terms of before nap accidents and then I just kept the diaper on him after that. Alex was 32 months when we finally did some serious training and he picked it up pretty quick. Matthew is only 26 months. I don't really wanna have to potty train him with a big preggo belly or a new born, but I think it may have just been too early for him this time.
Keeping my FX for some very good news on Wednesday.
Flueky - Glad to hear the girls had some fun in the snow.

We got some snow this weekend, so the 4 of us went out to brush off our cars and shovel our's and my mom's walkways and driveways. We let them play a bit more in the backyard before going in for hot chocolate. Hopefully your winter weather isn't too crazy going forward.
shae - I also don't like the idea of a man telling a woman what to do. Are you gonna try to discuss it further or just stop the tracking and tell him to go screw himself?
Re:BC. Kinda considering getting the implant once I'm done BFing. Seems pretty straight forward. Just set it and forget it. The only other method I've used before is bcp (and condoms, of course) and never really noticed much in the way of symptoms.
Re: Covid restrictions. Well, even though our number are slowly coming down, our provincial government has decided to have all school kids do online learning (for at least the next 2 weeks) when they start school again on Wednesday. Dunno what that's gonna look like for a JK-er. Also, theatres, gyms, concert venues, and arenas will be closed, and no indoor dining. I doubt most people will be sitting outside to eat considering it's gonna be at least 0 degrees C (32F) or less going forward. The only upside is it means I'll only need to worry about packing my own lunch for
the next 2 weeks.
AFM, back to work tomorrow. Le sigh. Felt like I was decently productive today. Went to 2 different stores for groceries, gave both of our 3 piece bathrooms a good scrub, got all the piled up laundry sorted, and already have the dishwasher on the go. My clothing haul from The Children's Place showed up and is already hung up. Pretty much just waiting on my MW appt at this point.