Hey all. The usual so much to read/exhausted after the kids are in bed excuse from me. Gonna respond to what I remember.
Dobby - The first number of kids I remember wanting was "3-5", then that turned into 4 cuz it's a nice, even number and a bit of a lucky number for me. If I'd ended up with a guy who wanted to have a bunch of kids, I'd probably be going for 4. But since SO never wanted any, I think the fact that I got 3 out of him is pretty good. lol
Just gonna roll with the punches based on what my fundal height is going forward. It was never an issue with my other pregnancies. One of my MWs even said I was measuring perfecting fine with Matthew, so no one had any idea he was gonna be a little over 10lbs. lol. But ya, I'll just see what they say going forward and take it from there.
But anyway, tardy to the party as usual, but I'd say give this new guy a chance. If he's willing to show paperwork, I feel like that's a pretty good sign.
Gigs - Happy belated BDay to DS3!
So, the sway method I used (if memory serves me) recommends a single BD 2.5-3 days before O, no orgasm for you, shallow release, only need to stay horizontal for like 30 mins after, no special lubes, etc. My sway details are...
- Tracked with opks for 6 months
- Got my BFP 2nd cycle actively trying
- Ended up being just shy of 4 days between BD and my O
- I was on top and had 3 orgasms several mins before SO made his "contribution", ended up falling asleep for a few hours after
- No lubes or diet changes for either of us
The sway was still considered "prefect" by the chick that wrote the book (The Babydust Method), so go figure.
Glad that your DH is now on the fence. FX his less then perfect pull out was enough to seal the deal and you'll get a girl regardless.
Winter - When I hear Walter, I think of Jeff Dunham's old man puppet. Sorry. lol
Feeling any better today?
shae - Yay for the ring purchase! Sorry SO is wanting to start using condoms. Accidents can still happen though. But in a couple years, once you're married and expecting the arrival of your first LO, the wait will have been worth it.
Re: Weed Moms. I never grew up around weed. My parents were people who would literally leave parties in the 70's if other guests started smoking. I have a friend who said her parents would smoke with her and her bro in the house, but they'd do it in the bathroom with the fan on and they were
never both h* at the same time. My sister smoked it for years, even when she was in early labour with her first baby. Not sure if she still does now, but I assume so. I felt like the times I've done it in the past, it never really hit me, like in the movies. And I hate coughing so hard it feels like I'm gonna throw up. That being said, now that's pretty much legal here, I've envisioned having a special brownie with friends in my backyard on summer nights after the kids are asleep. I think edibles are more my speed, though I've never tried them before. And more than likely SO won't participate, so there'll be at least one sober parent if something happens.
Re: Religion. Sorry, shae, I didn't read that long post. I will say though that I'm an agnostic/atheist. I don't need a book telling me not to kill people or steal or what protein I can and can't eat on certain days of the week. I think that it's ridiculous to think a newborn baby could have already done something so wrong that it needs to be cleansed in "magic water". Millions of people dying of starvation and disease, innocent children being abused is part of some master plan? I don't think so.
AFM, I have my glucose test tomorrow, so wish me luck. SO got his booster yesterday, and only seems to have a little bit of arm pain. Feeling and seeing lots of little kicks, so that's exciting. Otherwise, just kind of business as usual. I believe I only have 78 more business days of work to get through, but who's counting?
Oh, and we got a snow dump this past Sunday, going into Monday. The official number was 55cm (21.6in). We had 2 snow days in a row, cars and buses getting stuck in the snow as over, a few days to get all the streets plowed. It was crazy.
Here's my backyard at 8am and then again at 11am, the front on Monday morning and now, and the boys actually playing quietly together. lol