General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Haha seriously. Usually I bounce back really quickly so it’s just annoying. But the pain is odd. It’s not a soreness or fatigue, it’s just straight pain and kicks in immediately. She just said if the pain persists to come in for an appointment and ordered a beta. She’s generally not concerned though as the line is sooooo faint. I know I’ve tested out my hcg before but I didn’t take notes on it
Shezza!!!! Holy canolli you have beautiful children!!! Yeah don’t stop making those beautiful babies :haha: sounds like you’re not committed to actively ttc again yet, so i hope you get the result you want! Will you be testing early? We’re all test addicts here so share them if you do! I love that you love having a big family. Honestly I do too but am not a fan of the sleep deprivation that comes with infants. If I could pop out a toddler I’d be all in :haha: at least the early days go quickly.

so funny story y’all, my bro and I and some friends back in the day had this joke about when we were conceived, and what kind of babies we were. I was conceived on the pill, and my mom always said I came 2 weeks early…which sets her up for an early feb conception. Well I was over 7 and a half lbs at birth, and knowing what I know now, I suspect she (or the dr rather) was off on the due date. I updated my chart to show ovulation yesterday—my dads bday—and it says if I got pregnant this month mu due date would be oct 17th—my bday! So ewwwwww I may have been a dad’s bday baby eeww lmao

OH ALSO i read a really interesting fact! Did you know…when sperm meets egg, right when fertilization occurs, the egg expells a bunch of zinc and literally emits a halo of light for a second? It’s called the zinc spark. Look it up! There are videos! Well the one i saw was of mouse zygotes but it’s so fascinating to me. Not to bring things back to God always (skip this last bit if you don’t want to hear it) but my hubby and I and my mom put a lot of meaning into light being connected to our faith, and being very significant in our spirituality. This has really driven it home for me. So cool!
Shezza!!!! Holy canolli you have beautiful children!!! Yeah don’t stop making those beautiful babies :haha: sounds like you’re not committed to actively ttc again yet, so i hope you get the result you want! Will you be testing early? We’re all test addicts here so share them if you do! I love that you love having a big family. Honestly I do too but am not a fan of the sleep deprivation that comes with infants. If I could pop out a toddler I’d be all in :haha: at least the early days go quickly.

so funny story y’all, my bro and I and some friends back in the day had this joke about when we were conceived, and what kind of babies we were. I was conceived on the pill, and my mom always said I came 2 weeks early…which sets her up for an early feb conception. Well I was over 7 and a half lbs at birth, and knowing what I know now, I suspect she (or the dr rather) was off on the due date. I updated my chart to show ovulation yesterday—my dads bday—and it says if I got pregnant this month mu due date would be oct 17th—my bday! So ewwwwww I may have been a dad’s bday baby eeww lmao

OH ALSO i read a really interesting fact! Did you know…when sperm meets egg, right when fertilization occurs, the egg expells a bunch of zinc and literally emits a halo of light for a second? It’s called the zinc spark. Look it up! There are videos! Well the one i saw was of mouse zygotes but it’s so fascinating to me. Not to bring things back to God always (skip this last bit if you don’t want to hear it) but my hubby and I and my mom put a lot of meaning into light being connected to our faith, and being very significant in our spirituality. This has really driven it home for me. So cool!

I love all things children, my only heart break is them growing up too fast we’ve definitely settled on having another I just want it to be when it’s to be, I’m OCD as well so I get obsessive about it lol

I’m terrible at reading lined tests so I always go for digital. You are definitely onto something regarding the dates, our eldest is an October baby and she only just missed my birthday by a few hours. She’s the day after me and I can tell you that once you have a baby on or close to your birthday the celebrating is over lol, I spend my birthday running errands for hers
haha I'm not too concerned about it Shezza, I've got a mother's day baby too so we just go with the flow on holidays. We'll celebrate whenever :) Just change the date probably. I had a brother who's birthday was 2 days before mine and we always did really well each having our own day anyway. Huge props to my parents; I'd probably just lump the bdays together lol.

I 100% cannot relate to your test preference, lol!! I love seeing lines and watching them progress. i think with my second kid I got one of the digitals w/ weeks estimator, and thought it would be satisfying to see words instead of a line, but it did nothing for me. Definitely prefer the lines, but different strokes paint the world!
Spezza beautiful family. I love large families.

Dobby hmmm, I hope that it is just going to take a little longer to get to 0. I am glad you messaged your Dr because the pain is what makes me concerned. I am definitive not an OB GYN expert though. As for other things, it doesn't take much "inactivity" to cause your muscles to weaken so if it's been 2 or 3 months without exercising, I would imagine it would be like starting all over again.

Winter, hmm I had never heard of vanicream. When my hands get really dry, I usually use Vaseline. It's the only thing that doesn't burn like hellfire when my hands are dry.

You know the funniest thing is that from what I remember when ttc or p/u without any birth control is that if I dream of a bfp then I get AF. I feel like I dreamt 2x about getting AF but I got a bfp instead lol. I've been having really vivid dreams the past week. Very disturbing nightmares, ugh.

Gigs yes for Oing!!! How funny it happened during a live though! My O pains are stronger now than ever before. The first pp O after dd3 was awful. The rest haven't been as bad but definitely noticeable.

Also POS :rofl: I love it!

Sorry if I missed anyone. My phone is doing the annoying as he'll thing where you scroll one way and it makes the text really thin, then scroll the other way and it widens it back to normal but it's moved where you where. Anyone know how to correct?

Oh I meant to mention is anyone did try the collagen. I only do 1 scoop/day and recommend putting it in your coffee. I can drink it in water but it gives it a slightly funky taste.

Had the girls outside today and E is finally getting to where she will walk in shoes. She used to just stand perfectly still and wonder wth did we put shoes on her feet.
LOL fluek hahahhah imagining your little one sitting there looking down is cracking me up -- "um....why did you strap this unnecessary weight to my feet?"
Also we are super "natural products" around here; those crunchy folk who aim for organic stuff at a minimum and get natural health care products blah blah blah. Hubby is more adamant about it than I am; I'm the one still buying cheeze its for the kids (though we do try to get the Annie's, but their stubbornness beats out my reluctance). Anyway I did find this hand lotion that i love and swear by if you are looking for a natural option that doesn't light your hands on fire: Body and Hand Care | The Honey Hutch
She also makes a crazy good lip balm. I haven't tried the soap yet but I probably well next time I make an order.
Flueky ooo yeah my first reaction to a bfp would have been he has healed. I love that he wouldn’t jump straight to infidelity. <3 Omg love that E is walking in shoes!!! No idea how to fix the weird window/text issue. Sorry!

Pretty well if you do go for four, you know we’re here to obsess with you hehe. That’s so cute that Matthew kissed your belly! Hoping the glucose tests come back normal and quickly. That’s awesome that you got a nice kick. You probably mentioned this but I’m fried, have SO and the boys felt it? I feel like you literally just said this lol.

Gigs I totally remember that drunken BD night. It’s really nice to have these apps/websites to go back to and look through our old stuff. Work is just nuts. I still have 22/27 students. I had a girl come to school yesterday until after lunch, and through some digging found out it was a clerical error and she isn’t cleared to come back to school! She was day 6 after her first positive test and not showing any obvious symptoms, but they are supposed to take a rapid test at day 5 to come back day 6 and she didn’t. But the issue came from her cousin testing positive before her. So he had tested positive 1/8 and 1/18, but since it had been 10 days he could come back. But she was negative 1/8 and positive 1/18. But the person who logged it put both hers in as positive even though I specifically said that she emailed me on 1/10 to say her 1/8 test was negative. And since it didn’t get sorted until after lunch, it’s like gl to you kids. Also LMFAO at your date coincidences hahahahahahahahah. Ily. I want to say that I heard that at one point, but Idk. Sounds magical though.

Winter that’s so annoying to have your appointment pushed back. I’m so glad that you can feel your uterus though! Such a great sign. A loss will definitely do a number on your head and body. Kody is! I’m gonna spoiler in case anybody wants to watch it.
Like how are you going to tell her that you don’t want her then turn around and throw a hissy fit when she says fine I don’t want you either?! So gross. And I definitely chuckled a little at the irony of the covid exposure coming from Robyn’s house. I’m glad they all ended up being fine. But ugh. So what he’s just ditching wives now. I feel like he just wants Robyn.

Sheeza I agree! That’s a good looking family right there!!! I’m so sorry for your loss. Hugs. I’d say we’d love to analyze lines for you. As Gigs said, we love poas lol and looking at sticks. I’m also in the love to watch that line progress. I hope that everyone feels better soon! Excited to see what the weekend brings as far as a surprise bfp goes. Awww I feel you on the birthday. I was worried about my son having a late July bday as my mom always had us early. I was a scheduled preemie though. My son’s bday is 4 days after mine, so it works out that we can celebrate them on separate weekends usually.

Re body issues: I guess it’s weird. The whole experience felt like I gave birth. So maybe it’s just hitting my body different. I looked at the test again when I got home, and it is so faint I definitely don’t think retained tissue is an issue. I cut out the leg lifts for a few days, so hopefully I can attempt them again later. If it still hurts, I’ll go in for an exam

Re Overachiever: He asked me out for brunch on Sunday. He said he flies in late on Friday, has brunch plans with a friend on Sat (which my insecure brain interprets as a date), and then he’s going to see his daughter. So he offered up brunch on Sunday since I said brunch/dinner is easiest for me due to A’s sleep schedule and I can’t do dinner on Sunday. He hasn’t said he travels a lot for work, but he did say that he sometimes has to travel last minute. I know the company he works for now has offices in NY and London. I’ll try to keep it in my pants. I just love DTD :rofl: Silver Fox asks if I wanted to knock boots on Saturday, and I’m like this is freaking God testing me right here. Resist! He (Overachiever) did text me a photo on the sunrise as he landed in NY yesterday, and then I sent a couple texts throughout the day which he reacted to but didn’t respond. So my anxiety went 1,000 mph but I let it go. Woke up and had a 3m audio from him that started with apologizing profusely for not being able to text more and how things were busy and he had a political business dinner that went late. He did sound exhausted as well. Haven’t heard from him again, but door does swing both ways.

AFM I went to pick up A and I almost cried. The kids all ran up to me and wanted to talk to me. I remember babysitting and how 3-5 was always my favorite age because they’re so fun to talk to. And then he had his shoes off in class and was eating grass yesterday and he’s banging his head a lot. I know the teachers at my school said I need to just send him and they’ll adapt/ if they can’t then send him to SDC but I just watch his behavior these last few weeks with all his trauma flaring up and it’s like there’s no way he can mainstream.
Nope, I definitely am not good at feeling my own fundal height, giggle. I was like 20 weeks and asked my OB where it was and she couldn't for the life of her get me to grasp how to find it :rofl: what live show do you do? And LOL at the birthday timing thought. I had a friend in high school with a brother and sister and they were all born in August. We used to make her so mad joking about her parents clearly having a good time at Christmas etc.

Hi Shezza! Your kids are absolutely beautiful ❤️ love how close they all look, too. I always wished that I'd gown up in a big family. And I always wanted a sister, but alas it wasn't to be. I'm so sorry for your recent loss :hugs:
fingers crossed for a bfp this month.

The guy sounds really sweet, Dobby. I hope that brunch goes really well and the conversation/chemistry is there in person. You do you, but remember the age old motto "treat em mean, keep em keen" aka not a bad thing to make a man work a bit :rofl: I absolutely hated dating because I would over analyse every text timing, length etc :dohh: not that that ever stopped me- but in the end, if you click, you click and none of that really matters so long as he's sweet and kind and considerate. My OH went on a family holiday a couple of months after we started dating and I totally freaked out because he wasn't texting much (and we usually did). I was basically paranoid that he told his family about me and they didnt like the sound of me etc. Turns out he was just busy and enjoying their company :rofl: whoops. He now jokingly refers to this as an "early red flag" that he should've heeded ;)

Flueky, that shoe story is adorable. You have to write it down somewhere ❤️ I just love toddlers- they're so stinking cute with stuff like that. We did a backyard camp out with LO when he was a little over 2, and bought him a sleeping bag. We were legit in stitches watching him try to work out what to do. He tried lying on it, under it, under it sideways with his feet poking out. Then we open the zip and you could slow mo see his little mind blow then and there. :lol:

Oh, and the vanicream is a bit full on so I just use it at night before bed, but it is incredible for dry skin. I use the Vaseline yellow bottles throughout the day. So. Much. Hand. Washing.

Nothing new here. Just bricking it re: my appt. :shock:
Gigs - The drink is alright. I heard so many bad things about it before the first time I drank
it that I think I built it up in my mind to be terrible, but it was fine. The 2 other times
I've had it, it's been tolerable, but less pleasant. A necessary evil though. And my drink this time was chilled, thankfully. I downed it in 2 mins. lol
The timing sounds promising. Keeping my FX for you.

Winter - I dunno that there was much of a cycle to break. FIL's parents weren't alcoholics and neither are his 2 siblings. But ya, I guess when you see a parent doing a certain thing, you either pick up the habit cuz you think it's normal, or you don't cuz you see how it's messed up their life. Sometimes I wish he would have a few drinks here and there. When we'd go out with friends in our 20's and he'd drink, he'd be really touchy and PDA-ish. Normally, he's not like that, so it made me feel nice and wanted. Also, carefree drunk sex is fun. lol
Good luck with your next scan. :)

Shezza - Welcome and I'm so sorry for your loss. We're in the May & June Munchkins thread, but I didn't know you'd had a MC. :(
You've got a very cute brood though. :)

Flueky - I remember both my boys being all "wtf?" about shoes, especially sandals. But they got over it fairly quickly. lol

Dobby - SO felt a kick once a few weeks ago. The boys don't stay still long enough to feel anything, so maybe I'll wait a bit til there are bigger movements. lol
That's weird about your workout pain. Are other exercises ok to do, or does it just all hurt?
Here's hoping your brunch with OA goes well. :)

Re: Conception dates/stories. I know for a fact I was either conceived late on July 1st (Canada Day) or very early on the 2nd. My parents apparently BD'd 3 times cuz my dad had been away for 10 days, portaging with a friend. lol. My sister was my mom's 42nd BDay present. And I'm pretty sure SO was a 9 month late BDay gift for his mom. She had a little to much to drink on her first date with FIL and SO was the result. She also had no idea she was pg until she started feeling him kick. lol

AFM, my MW said that sometimes they have results as early as the next day. That being said, they don't give results over the phone, especially if it's bad news. So, she just said no news is good news and I haven't heard from them so far. My fundal height was measuring bang on and I don't go back until the end of next month.
So, I know there's been a few questions about names. We haven't had a definite talk yet, but names he's brought up fairly recently are Bailey, Natalie/Natasha, and Hannah. My short list is Layla, Catherine, and Zoey. I kinda wanna talk about it sooner rather than later, but I feel like if he brings it up first, it's cuz he's really interested in the discussion and we may be able to come to a decision right away. Bailey is not a name that would have ended up in like my top 50, but it's really been growing on me. I have some reservations, but it's a name I keep going back to.
Aww Dobs I’m so sorry, I know how hard it can be as a mother watching your kiddo seem to struggle. You just have to remind yourself he’s only struggling based on the standards of “normal” kids. That was always (and still continues to be) hard for me; but I try my best to compare my kids to who they were last week/month/year, not who other kids are now. Keep him where you are comfortable and where he can thrive. There should be no rush to move him into “mainstream” if he won’t be his best self there.

wait wait wait who is the silver fox??? I’d say hold off on your extracurriculars until you figure out more on OA. (As an aside did anyone see the netflix show, OA? First season was soooo good). Also is this guy looking for long term companionship or nookie? Or we still don’t know?
Winter good luck today!!! I hope it’s good news and maybe we get a scan pic today? I can dream!

to answer your question I sell jewelry and crystals via live streaming on YouTube. It’s great fun! Omg too funny about fundal height! I can feel it early, and I can pretty much feel pressure on my uterus now. It’s a little firm and I feel pressure down in my hoohaa :haha: similar to when pregnant but not as much. Oh my gosh the sleeping bag!!! How adorable!

pink I think I like Bailey! And I love Layla. That was on he short list for my brother but they went with Isabella. After 2 boys already, hubby and I were having a rough go trying to figure out a name for our third. It was actually someone on BnB who suggested the M name we went with! I really liked it, and brought it up to hubby, who said, “you know I was kind of thinking about that one myself…” and so it was!
What’s really terrible is I am daydreaming boys names over here :haha: on the child we have even attempted to ttc yet! I really like Emmett and Reece. I think I could sell hubby on Emmett. He has rejected Reece the past two babies so probably not that as much as I love it lol. Middle name would be “Lawson”, which is a nod to my dad (a mash up of his first and last name).
Hope your GD results are favorable.
Last edited:
On phone/6am lol

winter hope all goes well and if you feel inclined to share we love scans just as much as we love hpts hehe. Also LOL I have never heard that saying! I love it and omg I’m full of red flags so hahaha

pretty glad things are measuring on track! I’m here for Black Widow, Layla, or Zoey. I don’t like the others because personal experience with those names left unpleasant associations lol but they’re good. Do any have any discuss meaning to either of you?

gigs been meaning to ask I know you made a new channel for the crystals and the oh golly what is the term. When you went like shopping and found cool treasures. But is the duck channel gone? Not gonna lie. I miss the ducks lol

Yeah I’m trying to tell my loins to stfu but full disclosure I’m sexting Silver Fox. Helps keep me g with OA to work out my sexual frustration with SF.

beta isn’t back yet. OA left another cute good morning message this morning.
I’ve been MIA for an entire 10 hours, I’m finally at the end of this stomach bug the kids all had literally each day it was another one having it. I may buy a test today for you ladies to analyse for me lol, @DobbyForever my eldest has ASD and usually jumped, head bang etc because she got sensory overload from loud noises.
Her teacher gave her a tent and eat defenders and called it her quiet place when the other children got too noisy.

I hope your date goes well, I met my husband online, we were engaged in 3 weeks, pregnant in 8 weeks and got married a year to the date of our engagement. You just never know what may happen.

im off to the dentist with my daughter who needs a tooth out for her to get her braces fitted. This will be difficult as with her autism she’s very anxious and may not let them do it, I’ve tried if prepare her as best as I can but they may have to get her sedated if it doesn’t go well.
good luck with the braces Shezza, i hope all goes well. wow, married in 3 weeks?! I guess when you know, you know! how did your family take the news? Do you come from a big family yourself?

Dobby yup duck channel is gone. I had to delete it because it got kind of big-ish (1,500 subscribers and growing) and had my name and you could easily find my address. It started to freak me out so I deleted it and tried to scrub the net of that farming business after we stopped selling eggs. It became more of a fear of mine after I started to sell on the new channel, so they kind of overlapped at first. I'm still paranoid about something happening but I've actually gone to local law enforcement to explain what I do and let them know, in case someone wants to try and use them to prank me during a live stream or something. I don't think I'm nearly big enough online to draw that kind of attention but you never know! I don't feel threatened now or anything, but I am just nervous that it *could* happen I guess.

ugh we have kind of a big financial situation with the business and poor hubby is stressed the F out. In a nut shell, they're too busy and the other owners are too lazy/unavailable to work. One has an ill wife he takes after and isn't there all the time. The other is just lazy/clueless, I don't know. Hubby's known both before they went into business together, and I suspected he'd have problems with lazy guy when he first mentioned to me he was thinking of going into business with him. Of course I can't pull an "I told you so" now, but I'd be lying if I said i wasn't thinking it....anyway they're swamped and can't get enough work done to get money in. We also found out that last year, about $10,000 worth of checks didn't go through when hubby deposited them, so the company owes him that money. We started discussing how we were going to spend it, getting excited to pay off some credit cards and finally get the fireplace, but because of the lack of money coming in, the business can't afford to pay him. Like what can we even do in this situation???

They need to hire help but it's a process to find the right person. They've gone through a couple of employees now who just suck at their job. Anyway hubby is super stressed and it's kind of putting a damper on everything, stressing us out at home when he comes home, etc....wish there was something I could do/suggest :/
Omg she ordered the wrong test (she specifically said she wanted a beta) but it was QL and it came back inconclusive
Wiiiiinter when is your appointment? I hope it's already happened and beautiful bub is well!
Shezza, I hope your appt goes well. Poor thing- hopefully they're really gentle and she is able to get it done without being too upset ❤️ Do you have pediatric dentists locally? We have one, and they're fantastic. Although they're super duper anal about covid. I get why, but LO gets allergies and they refused to see him when he had what looked like a cavity and the most minor runny nose. So, we asked our dentist and she took a look and confirmed it was just wear. I get cancelling a regular check up, but cancelling a 2yo with an issue seemed a little bit unfair. Anyway... And wow re: your story of getting together with your OH! I love it when people fall in love. ❤️ How long have you been together now?

I get the online paranoia, giggle. I deleted FB years ago because the whole thing started to freak me out. Your show sounds really interesting! Seems like you always have something interesting on the go. Re: the business... That all sounds super frustrating :sad2: I've never run a small business, so don't have any advice. My only thought was maybe insisting on a payment plan for the money you're owed. That's complete nonsense that he is meant to just take that on the chin.

I love your name choices, pretty! Really, you couldn't go wrong with any of those. I must admit that I like Bailey best. I've never met a Bailey, which I always like in a potential name! Lol at names being ruined by annoying students, Dobby :rofl:
I also think there's good "the name" potential in you being drawn back to it.

Sorry about the blood test, Dobby. So annoying to bother to go and do something and have it be all wrong. :growlmad: will you have to redo it? And I really like the sound of the good morning and good night messages ❤️ I hope he's really great, and your date goes well.

So, had my scan and got bad news. Baby was measuring 8w3d and did not have a heartbeat. I'm crushed. I kind of took it well in the moment, then burst into tears in the car and bawled all the way home. I've been pregnant for 30 weeks over the past year with nothing to show for it (7+12+11). By dates, I should've been 11w, but 10w would've made sense too. I really should have known something was up when I was only 7w at the last appt two weeks ago. So, not sure what to do now. I can wait up to 4 weeks, try medication or book in for a D&C. I don't want to do any of them. I have had terrible back pain since I got home, so kind of hoping that I will at least get the small mercy of having it all happen naturally. I just wish I knew what had gone wrong. And now I've been sitting here, trying not to cry and wondering what happened to all these little souls. I'm just sad. Like really, honestly just so sad.
Winter I'm so heartbroken for you :hugs:

I will try to reply better later
Winter, I’m so sorry for your loss. I wish there was something beautiful to say that would ease your pain, but I’m truly still trying to find the collateral beauty of it. We’re here if you need an ear or virtual hugs.

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