Gigs - The drink is alright. I heard so many bad things about it before the first time I drank
it that I think I built it up in my mind to be terrible, but it was fine. The 2 other times
I've had it, it's been tolerable, but less pleasant. A necessary evil though. And my drink this time was chilled, thankfully. I downed it in 2 mins. lol
The timing sounds promising. Keeping my FX for you.
Winter - I dunno that there was much of a cycle to break. FIL's parents weren't alcoholics and neither are his 2 siblings. But ya, I guess when you see a parent doing a certain thing, you either pick up the habit cuz you think it's normal, or you don't cuz you see how it's messed up their life. Sometimes I wish he would have a few drinks here and there. When we'd go out with friends in our 20's and he'd drink, he'd be really touchy and PDA-ish. Normally, he's not like that, so it made me feel nice and wanted. Also, carefree drunk sex is fun. lol
Good luck with your next scan.
Shezza - Welcome and I'm so sorry for your loss. We're in the May & June Munchkins thread, but I didn't know you'd had a MC.

You've got a very cute brood though.
Flueky - I remember both my boys being all "wtf?" about shoes, especially sandals. But they got over it fairly quickly. lol
Dobby - SO felt a kick once a few weeks ago. The boys don't stay still long enough to feel anything, so maybe I'll wait a bit til there are bigger movements. lol
That's weird about your workout pain. Are other exercises ok to do, or does it just all hurt?
Here's hoping your brunch with OA goes well.
Re: Conception dates/stories. I know for a fact I was either conceived late on July 1st (Canada Day) or very early on the 2nd. My parents apparently BD'd 3 times cuz my dad had been away for 10 days, portaging with a friend. lol. My sister was my mom's 42nd BDay present. And I'm pretty sure SO was a 9 month late BDay gift for his mom. She had a little to much to drink on her first date with FIL and SO was the result. She also had no idea she was pg until she started feeling him kick. lol
AFM, my MW said that sometimes they have results as early as the next day. That being said, they don't give results over the phone, especially if it's bad news. So, she just said no news is good news and I haven't heard from them so far. My fundal height was measuring bang on and I don't go back until the end of next month.
So, I know there's been a few questions about names. We haven't had a definite talk yet, but names he's brought up fairly recently are Bailey, Natalie/Natasha, and Hannah. My short list is Layla, Catherine, and Zoey. I kinda wanna talk about it sooner rather than later, but I feel like if he brings it up first, it's cuz he's really interested in the discussion and we may be able to come to a decision right away. Bailey is not a name that would have ended up in like my top 50, but it's really been growing on me. I have some reservations, but it's a name I keep going back to.