General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Your kiddos are so cute Pink! And yes I’d say 3 is definitely a win of he never wanted any. I’ll leave the religious subject alone :P if you wanted one more would you try to sway for a girl again?

Hmm Dobs just from your info, my guess is he maybe was an absentee father initially and had custody limited off the bat. Maybe he since came more back into the picture and has had a change of heart. If he is still cordial with the ex, it’s feasible he hangs with the daughter until later then talks to the ex for a little bit before leaving. My kids don’t make it to bed until 9 a lot of the time. Maybe he does just hang with her late if those are the only nights he has. Who knows…all we can do is speculate!

shae i forgot to comment on keeping the test photo. I would have, too. I have an account on CTP and keep all my photos there and do look at them like a weirdo. No shame in my hpt game. Just kidding, i have lots of shame. Otherwise I wouldn’t be hiding all the tests, including the 2 wally cheapies and 2pk frer i just picked up yesterday:haha:
Shae oh no! Yeah it’s hard to stop temping once you know you can. But it’s also such stress.

Pretty good plan. And 3 is cool. So is 4. I do have to say that things have come so far with him! I’m so happy things ended up working out. FXed all goes well with the glucose test, and yay for only about 75 days left of work!! That’s so awesome. That’s a lot of snow lol. And awww. Love the pic of the boys. Are they getting hype for their sister or is it still not really tangible to them yet?

re Overachiever. Yeah, like my immediate thought is maybe they decompress and chat a bit. But then the anxiety kicks in that you can chat an hour or f* for an hour :rofl: I let slip last night at 2am that my anxiety keeps me up at night when I’m in that phase of talking but haven’t had a date yet. I had just said it as a sorry I keep responding at 12-2am. And this guy actually apologized to me for my anxiety. In like the most genuine, caring tone ever. And then tried to reassure me. Like if words could hold you, his pulled me into the best hug ever.

Gigs I honestly think that’s what happened. I just want it sorted before I get too attached to him because I am at a point in my life where peace is a priority.
Aww dobs that’s sweet. It does sound like you are smitten if nothing else…! I’m looking forward to your date! Lol

shae are you allowed to ditch the app and temping now that SO has opted for condoms?
Dobby :hugs:

Also, well I'm glad he seems sweet and caring. Hoping all goes well.

Pretty it is crazy to think about when you were pregnant with A that you didn't tell him until you were in 3rd tri and now look at both of you. So crazy how much it's changed for you.

Love the snow pics! Also boys are so cute :) how do they feel about becoming big brothers?

Gigs, I'm not as well versed in private insurance as that isn't our usual. Most of our patients are on Medicare, a Medicare HMO, or Medicaid. But I would assist if I knew something about one you are potentially considering (if you end up changing your insurance).

Well glad your DH is such a giver :winkwink: still definitely in with a chance.

Shae well thankfully, I'm not managing anyone per say. I have tried that role 2x in home health and it is NOT for me. I'm honestly too nice and don't set boundaries that should be. Maybe I would be a bit different now but it is also crazy because they are seeing patient's full time right now as staffing is crap.

Well maybe once this cycle ends you could stop temping? Would take some stress of, I would think.
Dobs I’m glad to know your first instinct on A’s dad was correct. Do you have a date scheduled? If so, I hope it goes well. I agree with you keeping it PG, I think that’s the best way to find a keeper honestly. Now that my beliefs have evolved part of me wishes SO and I had waited (at least more than the 3 months we did lol), but at this point stopping would be incredibly difficult. I’d rather just hurry up and get married lol. But anyway, keeping it PG shows what their motivations are. Best to try to keep the horny at bay at least for a little bit, though it’s good you’re attracted to each other.

Gigs I’m glad I’m not the only one who saves/looks back on test photos. I delete all my negative ones, I just can’t bear to delete this one because it has a line.
He hasn’t officially decided 100% on condoms I don’t think. I’m going to wait and see. I don’t want to affirm that decision especially if part of him is unsure.

Pretty omg Matthew looks as big as Alex! Good luck with your glucose test!
I don’t blame you for not reading my long religion post lol, I didn’t expect everyone to, that’s why I said feel free to skip :) to be fair, I don’t think babies need to be baptized either.
Re: weed moms, I would agree that edibles seem more my speed. As long as one parent is sober and no parent is around awake/alert kids while more than a little high, I don’t have an issue with it. My issue is just with the people who are high all the time when they’re watching their kids. I have the same opinion if you swap in alcohol.

Flueks I’m glad you don’t have to be in a management role. Our managers have to work as staff nurses sometimes to fill in gaps in the schedule.
I had a dream I got a blazing bfp and was trying to hide it from DH because I didn't know what he would think/react to such a surprise. LOL

On another note, I had started a collegen/protein supplement a little over a week ago. OMG the hair loss I was experiencing from washing my hair has been reduced 70 to 80%!!!! I'm definitely impressed with it.
Ty for the hugs all btw I know they’re just emojis but they make me smile and not feel alone

Shae I’m with you. No need to be like yeah condoms or buy them. Ttc aside, I hate them LOL so fxed he gets off the condom train.

Flueky oooo that’s awesome!! So glad the product is working. And haha we all got baby brain rn

Gigs I love CTP. Premom is fun too to store opks and hpts as well

AFM ok I may be a little smitten. I only got two texts yesterday, but he told me ahead of time that he was going to be busy working/seeing his daughter for lunch/catching a red eye. So I loved that he gave me the heads up vs just disappearing for the day, even though I’ve repeatedly told him if I don’t hear from people I assume they’re busy. So points for being considerate. Then I out of habit asked him to text me when he’s on the plane and when he’s landed. And I was like girl you’ve known this guy all of 6 days and you’re out here being weird. So that whole thing is because my family always does a text when you leave/text when you get there for anything. Even when I drive home (30m). Flights it’s always text when you board and land. Anyway I realized later how cringe that was . But he did it! No questions, no hesitation. Texted me as soon as he boarded and as soon as he landed. So yeah little smitten over here.
Gigs - IF we had one more, it would most likely be by accident, so no chance to sway. lol. That being said, there may be a very slim chance that SO will like having a girl so much that he might ask for another. Highly unlikely, but weirder things have happened. lol

Dobby - I dunno about hyped. Alex still asks if baby sister is in my tummy and is always happy she's on her way when we ask. I think Matthew's still mainly clueless, but he did kiss my belly for the first time last night.
Aww. So far, this guy sounds pretty decent. Really hoping things work out with him. :)

Flueky - Pretty much answered your question in my reply to Dobby. But yay for that supplement working. Is it just an OTC product?

shae - I think it's just how they're sitting that makes Matthew look so big. Alex is definitely a head taller than him. lol
And agreed on parents being very not sober in front of their kids. When he was a kid, SO's dad would (on more than one occasion) show up to pick up SO for his custody visits noticeably drunk. SO's mom would deny him and tell him to leave, which he would. I feel like that's probably why SO isn't really into booze. And also probably why their relationship is pretty strained.

AFM, finished the glucose drink about 30 mins ago, so I'm just hanging out. Also just felt the biggest kick to date. Girl loves sweets just like her mama. lol.
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Pretty lol about baby girl loving sweets. FX you pass the test with flying colors. Yes just an otc produce. I'm usually vital proteins collagen peptides. I can find it practically anywhere, thankfully.

Dobby so glad the virtual hugs bring a smile for you.

Also, that is really great that he seems to be listening and applying that to his behaviors. I think that's a good sign. I'm way out of the dating game so I'm not expert though.

AFM I mentioned my dream to DH. He said that while he hopes that doesn't happen he wouldn't jump to conclusion that I had to have cheated on him. Lol I don't seriously think it will happen but I know stranger things have happened so at least I know he shouldn't be an ass to me.
Fluek can you take a pic of the supplements? I’m curious…I feel like my hair falls out by the fistfull sometimes, lol. Obviously I’m exaggerating but a little thicker hair sounds nice. If it helps with hair, does it help with nails?

Also did your OH have to have follow up tests on his sperm count to make sure he is good to go?

dobby sounds like so far so good. Hope he continues to be a gentleman and doesn’t get weird! Where was he flying to? Did you say he flies a lot for work? I’ll have to check out premom, never heard of it…

pink good luck on the GD test! How do you like the drinks? I always feel like they’re not so bad at first but get worse as you go. Always best chilled lol.

Afm feeling increasingly doubtful of any positive hpt’s coming from this cycle. I still haven’t ov’ed though it’s close…if it holds off until tomorrow that’ll put me at o-3 and o-4 bd with minimal swimmers and inhospitable cm when we dtd…It’d certainly be a miracle if anything comes of it. I’ll probably still test though for funsies ^_^
Gigs I've uploaded a pic of what I use. It is also supposed to help with nails and skin. So will see how that works but I definitely notice an improvement with hair. I have really fine hair so I need all I can lol

Yup, he had his semen analysis done. 3 times actually. Bahaha I just kid because he heals so dang fast. It's rare but late recanalization can happen. In any case it would be very unlikely for me to ever get pregnant again. I think it's hard to close this chapter of my life

Sorry that O is being a bit later. Still look forward to testing though. I mean if pregnancy can result in O+1 BD then 3 or 4 days before aren't unrealistic even if they weren't the most dependable deposits

Ok obsessive posting now, here we go, so I have all this info in one place...
I found my notes on CTP about my pregnancy when I wasn't trying. Here are the deets, read at your own risk, lol:

First suspected c/p (from the first post of this thread!): The day before ovulation, we had sex, he ejaculated, wiped off, then continued having sex with me until I finished. I've never let him do this before--I never let him reenter if he finishes first and I'm in my fertile window...

confirmed early m/c : Dtd last night, but he pulled out, came only slightly (held back his orgasm), and went back in. Pulled out again to finished, then went back in while i finished again. Also dtd 3-4 days ago (right before i decided we should put off ttc).

suspected c/p last year: What happened was my hubby and I hooked up a couple days before ov. He was pretty drunk...I don't know. That night he says he didn't O, but he never finished either...and I think he may have had like a halvsie finish and kept going or something? IDK hopefully I'm just wrong and crazy. But starting about 2 days ago I've been getting those familiar af cramps here and there, but not due for another 6 days. Sex was o-3, i'm currently 6dpo.


hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I have to laugh because that last one was accompanied with a bunch of commentary on how I absolutely did not want a 4th kid :haha:
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Dobby, I'm so glad that this guy seems like a good one! When is it you're going to meet? Im still team go super slow on the physical side :) I just think you never regret it, and let's be honest, once you DTD you don't go back to a goodnight kiss or making out. :rofl: enjoy the sweet smitten innocence! I think that also builds up the tension etc because let's be honest, that's a one way street right there! Fingers crossed he's as great as he seems :) love hearing your stories.

Woop, in with a chance, Giggle! I'm excited to see how this pans out. And may I just say- good for you! Amazing that you guys still have that connection and chemistry after so many years/kids :cloud9:

Flueky- that's amazing re: the supplement. Love it when you stumble on something amazing. I had a doctor suggest a moisturizer called Vanicream, and it is legit amazing. Not sure now how I did without it! Hope work is going ok. And how would you feel if your dream ended up being a psychic vision? I think I'm making peace with being done, and wonder how I'd feel with a genuine unexpected pregnancy. This one was a surprise, but then again if you DTD sans anything... I can't really claim it is a total surprise. :rofl:

Shae- booo for condoms! I also don't like them. I mean, they serve a purpose, but it is hard to use them once you have gotten used to not. Fingers crossed he can't be bothered to go and buy them/use them :rofl: I'd just leave that particular ball in his court!

Pretty- glad things are all going well, and baby has been giving you some decent kicks! ❤️ I'm sorry that your FIL was like that. That's pretty awesome that your OH took that and decided he'd break that whole cycle. And I didn't know you two had the history you do. Sounds like you really got a happy ending ❤️

AFM- nothing too interesting going on. The Dr called and confirmed my appt is Wednesday instead of tmr. :coffee: So, that was a bummer! Have felt really tired and off the last couple of days. I do also feel something in my stomach, finally. Like if I lean down to grab something, I can feel there is something solid that isn't me there. It just all seems so weird- this pregnancy has been so different from my others, I wonder if the MMC toughened me up a bit.

Dobby-did you watch Sister Wives yesterday?! Kody is the absolute worst.
ahhh Ov happened tonight! right during my live show and I was squirming in pain, lol!!! I have a mostly female audience so was like "yeah, I'm ok...I have really painful ovulation" lol! I definitely get too tmi on there sometimes but hey, I think people appreciate honesty.

haha thank you winter. We've calmed down a lot since kids but still make time for it. We're the flirty couple that kiss in the kitchen, etc, and I hope it always stays that way, and I hope my kids see how relationships should be. That is so important to me; I don't even want them to be in a relationship that's a trainwreck or they aren't respected (or they don't respect their partner).

oh nooooooooo pushed back a day! darn it!! sounds like you're finally feeling pregnant. Do you ever lay down and feel your uterus? is that a weird question? I think around 8-9 weeks i could feel it pretty well and it was reassuring to me.
Omg s* show at work lol so I have to catch up proper tomorrow

gigs oooo glad O showed up! Lol on the tmi moment. What’s the official timing again?

Winter I just watched it and as it was going I was like daaaaang I wonder if Winter had seen this, I bet she had thoughts too :rofl: <3
Hi ladies,

I hope it’s ok to join, I’m in no mans land here, NTNP after a loss just before Christmas.

Nice to meet you all!
Hi shezza! Welcome in! I’m so sorry for your loss :( how far alone were you if you don’t mind my asking? And heck yes I will ask you about a large family! How do you like it and do you encourage me, a stranger on the net, to go for #4 with my hubby? Lol

dobby on no! What’s going on?
Ok officially in the unofficial 2ww…the timings are

o-3 sloppy pull out
O-2 pull out sex round one, but went for it again later and he did not pee/flush out swimmers in between

also p/o sex last night (can we just call is POS going forward?) but nothing to note there.

I’ll probably test 8 or 9 dpo, depending on how I feel. I have in my arsenal: 3 wally cheapies and 2 fr6ds
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Still on my phone

Welcome Shezza! I’m sorry for your loss.

Gigs fxed!!! And LOL at making up acronyms. POS is so appropriate given the double entendres :rofl:
Side note sorry but I emailed my doctor. I’m sure I’m just another week out from a negative but I still have the faint line and I just realized it’s been 2 weeks since my phone appointment. I started working out last week, and I feel weaker not stronger when I’m cycling. And I can’t even do my usual guns, buns, and exercises. Literally I’ll do two leg lifts and it’s instant excruciating pain in my abdomen. Not sure if it’s just because I haven’t worked out since before I was pregnant. I’m up like 12 lbs it’s insane. Idk I keep telling myself that it’s only been 27 days. We’ll see what she says

Dobby that’s so strange. I’m curious what she’ll say. I would imagine it’d be gone by now…? I’m surprised you’re still getting a line but I’ve never tested after pregnancy so maybe that’s normal? Regarding exercising, if you don’t use it, you definitely lose it! I stopped exercising for about three or four months. I am back at step one, feeling just as weak as I did when I first started working out. I’m working my way back up to heavier weights again.

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