General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Lol nah I just go worst case first cuz traumatized lol

I listened to his message again because he always has a way of talking that helps me center. I do know they’ve both dated since and he assured me before there’s no issues there. And like Gigs said the fact that he’s offering up potential meet afterwards so even if she was being a punk then sounds like he wouldn’t let them stop us from hanging out. Idk I’m just bummed and I get why because his daughter should always take priority especially since he’s been gone so he missed two visits. But also like we had plans and this is why you need a custody schedule
Also just in a mood because my hpt is negative. I can see the line but only because I’m a poas addict but it’s basically negative and something I’d class as a bfn so yeah. Just in a mood

ETA I do agree that it’s frustrating but so hot that he’s made DD a priority
Tdog second gigs hoping it turns out how you’re hoping

I don’t blame you lol especially when ics are so affordable lol
Hi Everyone! I haven’t been on here in so long.. but here I am 20 weeks with number three we’re keeping the gender a surprise this time but it’s driving me crazy so I wanted to share some pics from my scan today to see if you guys have any ideas!

i pop in to read sometimes and also wanted to say sorry both dobby and winter for your losses! Sending you lots of love

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Tdog second gigs hoping it turns out how you’re hoping

I don’t blame you lol especially when ics are so affordable lol

Dam right they are so so affordable but at the same time so annoying as it's a is there a line is there not a line :rofl: xx

Sorry forgot to update you ladies paul had his scan for his aneurysm he won't get results for 2 weeks but that be soon, he been on edge and so moody I understand why but taking it out on us they do say you take it out on the ones you love tho xx
Tdog hopefully things look good. That’s so hard though. I get the snippyness.

Future congrats! I’m not great with skull and it was wrong for DS, but I’m gonna guess girl vibes?
Sheeza I’m so happy that the appointment went well! I’m sorry that your periods seem to be worse after the shot. My friend just texted after her booster that she absolutely refuses to get any more covid shots. To each their own. Nobody should tell you what to do with your body. Gotta do what’s best for you. I became more regular and my periods lighter and less painful after my shots, so I’m totally here for it. They did knock me down sick wise though, but I’d rather that then take on covid headfirst. We’ve had several teachers out weeks trying to recover. They were saying on CNN the other day that scientists are hoping we’re closing out on covid as viruses naturally mutate into a highly contagious but non deadly form and become just part of life (ie the common cold/ flu), and omicron fits that naturally evolution. So FXed.

Shae yeah I imagine there’s has to be maybe like 25ish. I don’t think I’d still have that vfl on a wondfro if I was under 5 in my bloodstream. Neither here nor there at this point I guess. Can’t sit here and cling to to her anymore. Cried so much at work but not enough. I’m glad that you’re taking a more relaxed approach. <3 Ellie is cute. I’ve had a few Ellies. Most were short for Eleanor though. Loved them all. Those are all lovely names. Particularly partial to Aria and Rose obviously lol.

Tdog they really are annoying af lol. I do like that premom will scan ics like an opk, but obviously has to be a certain darkness. But yeah they are a pain in the butt. Had so many teasers. Are you testing again tomorrow?

I really do hope my period is coming though. I am so bloated and I'm looking forward to some of this bloat going away. I'm back on the whole 16-8 fasting and trying to eat healthier. I just bought a bunch of junk too. Ugh. I know I was depressed and exhausted but I really don't want to believe that I gained like 13 lbs in 13 weeks. I'm hoping a lot of that is just retention. Up to 7 leg lifts before the pain sets in. Up from 2 LOL. So I guess that's progress. Spinning is fine, walking is fine, squats, push ups... literally everything not related to hardcore ab work is fine.

Have A's part 2 IEP tomorrow, and I'm about to rip them a new one. Not gonna lie, I'm hoping they realize how badly the fucked up and just give him an aide to appease me. I really want him to start kinder with an aide. The issue is that I can't observe the SDC kinder classes until I transfer his IEP, but I'm still not sure which district I want him in. I joked with my mom that if things with OA work out over the next 6 months, I may be more inclined to move back to the peninsula LOL he lives in the town over from her.
Sheeza I’m so happy that the appointment went well! I’m sorry that your periods seem to be worse after the shot. My friend just texted after her booster that she absolutely refuses to get any more covid shots. To each their own. Nobody should tell you what to do with your body. Gotta do what’s best for you. I became more regular and my periods lighter and less painful after my shots, so I’m totally here for it. They did knock me down sick wise though, but I’d rather that then take on covid headfirst. We’ve had several teachers out weeks trying to recover. They were saying on CNN the other day that scientists are hoping we’re closing out on covid as viruses naturally mutate into a highly contagious but non deadly form and become just part of life (ie the common cold/ flu), and omicron fits that naturally evolution. So FXed.

Shae yeah I imagine there’s has to be maybe like 25ish. I don’t think I’d still have that vfl on a wondfro if I was under 5 in my bloodstream. Neither here nor there at this point I guess. Can’t sit here and cling to to her anymore. Cried so much at work but not enough. I’m glad that you’re taking a more relaxed approach. <3 Ellie is cute. I’ve had a few Ellies. Most were short for Eleanor though. Loved them all. Those are all lovely names. Particularly partial to Aria and Rose obviously lol.

Tdog they really are annoying af lol. I do like that premom will scan ics like an opk, but obviously has to be a certain darkness. But yeah they are a pain in the butt. Had so many teasers. Are you testing again tomorrow?

I really do hope my period is coming though. I am so bloated and I'm looking forward to some of this bloat going away. I'm back on the whole 16-8 fasting and trying to eat healthier. I just bought a bunch of junk too. Ugh. I know I was depressed and exhausted but I really don't want to believe that I gained like 13 lbs in 13 weeks. I'm hoping a lot of that is just retention. Up to 7 leg lifts before the pain sets in. Up from 2 LOL. So I guess that's progress. Spinning is fine, walking is fine, squats, push ups... literally everything not related to hardcore ab work is fine.

Have A's part 2 IEP tomorrow, and I'm about to rip them a new one. Not gonna lie, I'm hoping they realize how badly the fucked up and just give him an aide to appease me. I really want him to start kinder with an aide. The issue is that I can't observe the SDC kinder classes until I transfer his IEP, but I'm still not sure which district I want him in. I joked with my mom that if things with OA work out over the next 6 months, I may be more inclined to move back to the peninsula LOL he lives in the town over from her.

I have tested again and still has a super dooper faint line :shrug: it is 10 to 1 here so I'll be doing on in morn when wake aswell :rofl: xx

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FutureMrs congrats!!! I’ve never been able to do the skull theory for gender, so I’m no help there.

Dobs definitely agree that he gets points for putting his kid first, as much as it sucks for you.

Tdog prayers for your husband’s scan results, I hope everything is okay.

AFM bfn this morning, no surprise. My breasts are noticeably bigger but could be related to the fact that I’ve been pushing on them every few days for the past week or two to see if they still are making milk for no darn reason, and they are :rofl: I’m not like going hard on them though, just pushing down around the nipple base for a few seconds, that’s all it takes. I wish I could just not think about maybe being pregnant every luteal phase but it’s just not gonna happen. I managed to make it to 9dpo without starting to obsess though, so that’s an improvement.
ahh Future!!! huge congratulations! I LOVE having three kids -- so excited for you! Well I hate to contradict Dobby but I totes am seeing a boy, but I am awful at gender predictions. I mean take #2 as an example, I thought he was a girl until a SECOND gender scan, lmao!

hmm sorry to say tdog but I don't see anything :(

dobs good luck with the meeting tomorrow. I hope you don't lose your S on them and get A the assistance he needs :hugs:
O_o shae how long have you been able to lactate for?? I totally have the same going on ever since ds1. So weird, I just assumed it was just one of those weird post-pregnancy things but I’m now intrigued since you say you have it :-k
Shae I remember you mentioning it, but I didn’t realize it was still happening. I have zero insight but if you ever find out why do tell! Sorry about the bfn but kudos for getting to 9dpo before giving it much thought.

Gigs lol I love how we’re both like idk what I’m doing but here’s my guess :rofl: I did immediately think boy but then Idk I kept staring and staring and trying to remember what DS looked like at 20w to no avail lol and switched to girl

tdog sorry I also don’t see it on the latest batch

def more worried about crying than losing my s*, if my ex couldn’t throw me off in court then these dumbasses can’t. I just want it in the iep that I’m concerned that they broke the law, which they admitted to but basically said we don’t care. I want his eligibility to include other health impairment because he needs support for adhd/habilitation/fine motor and they’re refusing to give him practical services just 30m consult with the OT once a month for the team, and I’d love to get him an aide. They’ll never agree to it at this age because of how things are set up but I’ve seen kids start day one with a 1-1 aide and he desperately needs that

Re OA I’m glad he sends audios that I can listen to repeatedly LOL. He was actually very polite about it. He apologized and said he wanted to give me as much notice as possible. Miscommunication with baby momma about timing. Miscommunication with my mom taking too long to confirm. Offered up option to try to find a time later in the day. Then tried to reassure me that we are definitely going to go on a date just boils down to when we can make it happen and that he looks forward to my long a** messages every day and they’re “very important to [him]”. I really don’t mind it in this circumstance, but if this is an ongoing issue it will bother me. I love that they coparent well, but long term I couldn’t be okay with inconsistency in custody. I’ve just seen so many relationships blow up because of baby momma drama, and I’m not putting A or his daughter through that. But idk anything about the mom at all. Can’t Google her like Dr. Breeds Rescue Dogs :rofl:
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Thanks for the sympathy, ladies. I still can't believe it. I had prepared myself for the possibility of bad news, and as you know was kind of weary of getting too hopeful, but still was shocked in the moment. Decided I will call to book in for a D&C two weeks from now. Wait and see if anything happens between now and then, and if not, that's the plan. I'm on a bit of a wild rollercoaster of mad, sad, denial, trying to plot a future plan. I think I'm done with trying naturally.

The next question is what to do now... I had dismissed the fertility doctor's sales pitch for IVF as I wasn't quite there at that point, but that sure sounds good right now (namely a baby with genetic testing done before they place it). But my OH thinks that is over the top, and we should accept that it isn't meant to be, and focus on enjoying what we have. I can see that argument, but I feel like all these horrible experiences were a total waste if there's never a happy ending, you know? Our insurance apparently added IVF to it, so that also adds to the temptation. I'd like to go and find out at least what the reality of it would be, what the odds of success are, and how much we would pay out of pocket. I can't bully OH into it if he doesn't want to, though.

Congratulations, Future! And nice to "meet" you. I'm going to guess boy, as the forehead area looks like my LO, and he apparently looked like a boy re: skull theory. I think girls are meant to be rounded and boys have a point, which I kind of se (?). But I don't actually really know what I'm doing ;) when are you due? Do you have a preference on gender?

Dobby, I hope the date goes off without a hitch and he's lovely in person. I get what you mean about worrying the baby mama is playing games. It seems coincidental that the timing doesn't work. Do you know why he always has to go to her house? I totally get (and applaud) the idea of such a little child having just one bed/home and seeing her Dad without having to go house to house.... But from what you've said, why can't he take her out for the day etc? Did I understand that part right? If so, that's my only "huh?" thought.

Shae- I'm glad that you're feeling more relaxed about everything. I want the proposal to happen, so we can hear all your wedding planning ❤️ do you have any ideas on a dress yet? The only thing I knew before properly looking was that strapless wasn't for me :rofl: I was really skinny at that point, but strapless has never looked good on me, no matter what shape I was in!

Giggle- good luck this TWW. If it isn't to be this month, do you think your OH would try try next month? And I know you asked ages ago, but: if you want to use a diet to sway, I'd more or less stick to it until you get a clear bfp. Otherwise I'd think any benefits would come and go, no?

Flueky- hope all's well in your world, friend

Shezza- I'm glad the dentist went well. And I'm sorry about the potential shot side effects. I know women were complaining they were having changes after it. I just wish we could have open discussions about all this stuff, but it's all gotten so political :dohh:

Tdog- good luck for your OH's results. And I don't see anything either, but I'm not good at reading tests!
Thanks Ladies! I was so excited for the surprise but now I’m going crazy lol. Tdog I think I see a faint line!

Winter we have two girls so I would love a boy, this is such a cliche thing to say but I really just want a healthy baby. My second was born with congenital heart disease thag wasn’t picked up in utero. She was very sick when and were lucky she’s still with us, 6 months living in hospital 5 hours from home and two open heart surgeries. She’s thriving now but an experience like that certainly changes you.

i do have a single artery umbilical cord this pregnancy, everything else looks great we had a high risk scan due to my little ones history but I am definitely still nervous of course and have spent hours googling SUA!
aww Future <3 I do sometimes think (from my own experience) that the ultrasounds we have today tells us more than we need to know. I think they can certainly be useful tools but also cause more unnecessary harm than needed with TMI. Hopefully all is well and your experience is a good one and nothing like the last <3

Winter, gosh I'm sure you're going through ALL the emotions. Did they do genetic testing on the last pregnancies? I ask because if it's a progesterone/uterus issue and not something wrong with the embryo itself, I don't know how ivf would change things..? but I also don't know a ton about IVF to be fair.

Dobs honestly I'm getting a red flag, if you want my opinion :P seems like an awful lot of conversation and too much flattery, maybe too much messaging? but heck it's been ages since I dated, and I didn't date in the technological world so maybe this is the norm? Dang I sound so old lol
oh sorry winter forgot to add, i'm not sure, to answer your question about hubby actively ttc. Honestly I think there's kind of this nice relief of pressure from not calling it TTC but letting things happen as they may. And honestly it's even kind of got me feeling more at ease about it all.
Oh, future- what a nightmare. I'm so glad that she's thriving now! ❤️ I hope that the cord issue ends up being no big deal. I agree with Giggle about scans being a bit of a double edged sword :hugs:stick around and keep us updated!

Yes, giggle I did genetic testing with my last MMC. Baby was a boy with a trisomy that is "incompatible with life". If I get to the surgery this time, I will ask them to test again. I also had some testing done for myself. I have no genetic issues that they found, and everything was normal besides markers for PCOS and a potentially low thyroid. It seems that age/egg quality is my problem... Thus why ivf does seem quite tempting.

Yep, I can see the fun of just seeing what happens vs formally committing to try! Just let the pheromones get to him :rofl:

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