Thanks for the sympathy, ladies. I still can't believe it. I had prepared myself for the possibility of bad news, and as you know was kind of weary of getting too hopeful, but still was shocked in the moment. Decided I will call to book in for a D&C two weeks from now. Wait and see if anything happens between now and then, and if not, that's the plan. I'm on a bit of a wild rollercoaster of mad, sad, denial, trying to plot a future plan. I think I'm done with trying naturally.
The next question is what to do now... I had dismissed the fertility doctor's sales pitch for IVF as I wasn't quite there at that point, but that sure sounds good right now (namely a baby with genetic testing done before they place it). But my OH thinks that is over the top, and we should accept that it isn't meant to be, and focus on enjoying what we have. I can see that argument, but I feel like all these horrible experiences were a total waste if there's never a happy ending, you know? Our insurance apparently added IVF to it, so that also adds to the temptation. I'd like to go and find out at least what the reality of it would be, what the odds of success are, and how much we would pay out of pocket. I can't bully OH into it if he doesn't want to, though.
Congratulations, Future! And nice to "meet" you. I'm going to guess boy, as the forehead area looks like my LO, and he apparently looked like a boy re: skull theory. I think girls are meant to be rounded and boys have a point, which I kind of se (?). But I don't actually really know what I'm doing

when are you due? Do you have a preference on gender?
Dobby, I hope the date goes off without a hitch and he's lovely in person. I get what you mean about worrying the baby mama is playing games. It seems coincidental that the timing doesn't work. Do you know why he always has to go to her house? I totally get (and applaud) the idea of such a little child having just one bed/home and seeing her Dad without having to go house to house.... But from what you've said, why can't he take her out for the day etc? Did I understand that part right? If so, that's my only "huh?" thought.
Shae- I'm glad that you're feeling more relaxed about everything. I want the proposal to happen, so we can hear all your wedding planning

do you have any ideas on a dress yet? The only thing I knew before properly looking was that strapless wasn't for me

I was really skinny at that point, but strapless has never looked good on me, no matter what shape I was in!
Giggle- good luck this TWW. If it isn't to be this month, do you think your OH would try try next month? And I know you asked ages ago, but: if you want to use a diet to sway, I'd more or less stick to it until you get a clear bfp. Otherwise I'd think any benefits would come and go, no?
Flueky- hope all's well in your world, friend
Shezza- I'm glad the dentist went well. And I'm sorry about the potential shot side effects. I know women were complaining they were having changes after it. I just wish we could have open discussions about all this stuff, but it's all gotten so political
Tdog- good luck for your OH's results. And I don't see anything either, but I'm not good at reading tests!