I'm sorry you're still feeling off, Pretty

Hopefully you will be back to 100% shortly. I definitely have some type of diastasis recti... not sure how to tell how bad it is. But

I didnt really notice anything at all when not pregnant and at an ok weight. My OB commented on it and I can notice it now when pg. So, hopefully yours heals once you've had Baby and some time to recover. If you don't mind me asking- with your loss, how
long did it take for things to happen naturally?
No, I don't think that I'm up for NTNP. I have wondered if my problem is PCOS related and if I lost a decent chunk of weight (say 20lb) would that change my mind? Or if I try the thyroid medication?

My worry is that it seems fairly likely that I'm going to have a experience like this again. I'm now in the 1% with recurrent miscarriages

and I seem to fall pregnant ridiculously easily, so odds of a repeat seem high. I'm not even sure that I definitely want to do IVF. I guess I'd like to go and at least find out what the experience/cost etc would be. This is just how I cope with things- I need a plan and to feel like I'm working towards something, or I go nuts with nothing to focus my mind on. I still can't believe it.
And in my latest news, I tested positive for covid yesterday. LO was clearly sick when he got up and tested positive, so did I (very mild "off" feeling). OH seems to have a full blown cold as of this morning, so assume it has gotten him to. Not sure where we got it. Either me at the doctor, picking up food somewhere or at the park.

if the baby passed a week ago, it's unlikely I had covid then if I only tested positive yesterday, right? The internet says that there's no elevated m/c risk but ???
Dobby- I'm now starting to get some red flaggy feelings about your guy. I don't know, just all seems like little odd things here and there. Do you know that he is for sure travelling? I guess he gave you his real name if you've googled him, which is something... I was just starting to wonder if may he's married or in a relationship or something
And it sounds like your brother needs to break things off, and knows he needs to, but just doesn't want to. Sounds like he doesn't want to hurt her, or deal with it...
Flueky- the party sounds great! Love the sound of the Marshall cake

hope that she has a great time!! And good for you re: taxes. We're still waiting for forms etc, but want to get going asap. Apparently the IRS is more useless than usual this year
Yeah, I don't think that NTNP exists once you know what you know, giggle. Would your OH also want a girl? And have you talked about swaying etc with him? Or is this all kind of hush hush, just keeping it light and fun for him, but considering this stuff on the side yourself? I'm terrible at reading tests but look forward to seeing yours anyway
As for your names, Pretty... I still like Bailey best

it just seems like a really adorable name for a little girl, but also a name that she could grow into. I also really like Zoey, Hannah, Layla and Natalie. My OH floated Hannah at some point because it's a palindrome. I wouldn't choose it for that reason, but that was kind of cool! Honestly, all of those names are nice.

Friends of friends have a Winter. I was surprised how wearable it is in real life- although strangely she has an older sister named Kaitlyn. So, the only weird thing to me was that the style of those two names seems so different. In any case, doesn't sound like Winter is a serious contender!