Gigs haha yeah I remember playing Oregon Trail on the so cool brand new colorful iMacs at school. Living my best life. Naming the people after kids you didn’t like and setting them to meager rations… LOL wasn’t my idea! But I definitely did it. They have an app yeah it’s whatever. Cute but yeah hunting made the game for me because it was so bloody hard! And the animals were never guaranteed to be there when you tried.
Hahah yeah I’m clearly a poas. I’ll do anything to justify. I’ll use one frer a day 7-13dpo. But I will use a wondfro at least 2x after that LOL I mean the 50/25 combo is basically the same price as just the opks. So
I also feel like what we early poas people consider an obvious positive others call vfls LOL is that just me?!
DS was my earliest positive when tracking. 8dpo. Twins and Setsuna were 9dpo. My first pregnancy I tested positive at CD 32, but that was because I realized I didn’t bleed my entire sugar pill week. Assuming I logged all my sex that month, CD 13 and 14 was the deed that did it, which matches up with measuring about 10w. Cyst pregnancy I tested positive CD 32, deed that did it was Cd 19 and CD 20. But again I only tested when my period no showed. Plan B pregnancy is a toughie. I tested positive CD 24 (after negative CD 21). Broken condom sex was CD 15 into 16 just past midnight and O pains hit CD 16 around brunch. But like 4/6 pregnancies I noted implantation cramping two days before my tests. Idk why but I just tend to implant on the earlier side.
Right?! I wonder how JLM is doing a lot. I actually used Malteser just the other day because A left one for his daycare HAHAHA I was like wait I have the perfect word for this!
Did you end up getting the milk? Did you try it yet? Are you going to use it exclusively for DS? I’m so sorry he’s still waking up so much at night.

re the bfn this morning. I know we tell ourselves that we won’t get upset, but it’s hard not to when you have that maternal drive. Side note, is that a texture/glitter on your nails? I see what you mean on the second wally, but I also get that the antibody strip can be a pain in the booty. FXed for tomorrow’s tests!
Sheeza awww that’s so sweet that they’re asking for a sibling! There’s so much love in that photo that you posted. I can’t wait to hear how you announce and what their reactions are.
Haha thanks for explaining. I was thinking maybe that’s what you meant, but I wanted to know for sure. You’re not missing out LOL it ain’t that great
Sorry if you mentioned it, but do you anticipate needing a scheduled section?
Haha that’s awesome! I was a Starbucks employee in middle school for Halloween! It was a pain to get the aprons, dunno how my friend’s mom got a hold of them. I know the first few stores said absolutely not.
We love scans! If you do get any and feel inclined to share, please do!
Winter glad it was helpful! You never know haha. It could be like life changing or wtf stfu Dobby

There’s nothing wrong with seeing IVF as the happy ending or as much needed hope. I do hope that you get your rainbow whether it happens naturally or via ivf.
Flueky local is the way to go! We have a few but I haven’t really explored much. It’s so hard when Starbucks is everywhere haha. And hey 1x, 3x. You’re supporting small business. No such thing as too many times a week. Plus. Coffee lol. Helping moms get through the day every day
Hahaha I’ll try to avoid my abbreviations
AFM not much going on. Lost about 4 lbs of bloat so it looks like getting back on track/losing the hormones is helping. Starting to see the thighs start to tone back up a little. Work is good. Preps are consistent, kids are mostly back. This protein shake has done wonders for my energy and mood. A has been good about asking to practice his letters at home, so hoping to start doing a bit of that each day. OA was supposed to call but then he texted me to say he got caught up in a meeting. Bummer but I was glad he learned he needs to communicate why cancellations are happening, so I can live with it. I managed to get the playroom tidied up and a load of laundry. So overall no complaints.