General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

:rofl: lol no Gigs it’s the teacher in me. We use acronyms for everything.
CTJ - come to Jesus. I think I got that acronym from ... omg I just had her name in my head and I forgot. She was in the thread with us. Did we just call her J?
TLDW - too long didn’t watch, this is a millennial thing but usually TLDR for read
DVRO - that’s a court acronym. Domestic Violence Restraining Order

I loved Oregon Trail!!!! The second version. The newest smartphone one is like too easy to hunt lol
I’d say skip today but I wouldn’t skip today :rofl: I’ve gotten bfps at 8dpo but not as common for me as 9. I feel like with at least one pregnancy I didn’t feel pregnant. I know my early ones I didn’t even think to test until I was late for my period. So my official vote is skip today test tomorrow, but my unofficial vote is meh every test is less than a cup of coffee at Starbucks so next time you want Starbucks just brew coffee at home :rofl:
LMAO Your coffee analogy is sound!!! Test I shall! LOL -- that is, if I can get away with it. I have to do it when the kids nap, and if hubs comes home for lunch at the same time, it ain't happening. I'll have to go take the outside to run out some energy in hopes of an early nap....then maybe, just maybe...
I was looking back on my tests....DS1 I had a super duper vvvf line at 10dpo, but that was, what, 10.5 years ago? Back when I assume the tests weren't as sensitive. M/C was at 9dpo I think. DS2 was a blazing (ok it was faint but really obvious) positive at 8dpo, blazing by 9. DS was first positive at 9dpo, and it was faint. All were on frer. Actually I think I got my first super faint line on a first signal 9dpo w/ DS3 and used the frer to confirm.

All that to say...I think I may use FRER today, cheapie tomorrow, and FRER the day after (8, 9, 10dpo). A blank and 10dpo will pretty much confirm it for me one way or the other, and I'll still have a boat load of tests to play with next month if we do commit to TTC.

wait, wait, wait....oregon trail...APP??? NO child I am referring to the OG game from my youth lmao!!! I didn't know you could play on the phone! Confession, I have ZERO game apps. I've never even played a cell phone game, except for snake on the Nokia brick (my first cell phone).

And yes, J! (JLM I think, and some numbers). I wonder how she's getting along? Ahhh J, the originator of such gems as "CTJ", "pickle jar", and "malteaser" hahahhahah

OK so on a totally unrelated note... I get to pick up our raw milk today!! I'm, like, ridiculously excited to try it. I'm hoping it will be more filling for ds3 as he sleeps like crap still, and does still drink milk at night (don't judge me too harshly). My hope is it satiates him better and he sleeps longer. Right now he's still up 2-3 times a night!!! I'm honestly just used to it. It's part of why I was like, heck, might as well TTC because I'm adjusted to no sleep hahahah (JK, what I'm dealing with doesn't compare to midnight wide awake babies who want to eat from your boob)
Thank you ladies, ideally I’m hoping to wait until we’ve got to 12 weeks. They’ve all asked for another baby so I need to make it super special, I’m a bag of nerves

@DobbyForever Teetotal means I don’t drink or smoke, never have. I feel I’ve missed out on life somewhere but the main reason is I can’t cope with the smell of alcohol so have never tried it and I guess the same for cigarettes etc.

Your family sounds like mine, have you met them? Lol @gigglebox how many dpo are you? I thought I would waste a test too and I think the bfn made me stress so I tried to resist.
I'm 8dpo today, so still a little early. I expect nothing, so I won't be disappointed when I see it haha. But with, what....let me count...12 tests under the sink, I think I can spare one or two :P

I did used to drink/smoke but I have been "straight edge" (doing nothing) for years. Honestly, you really, really aren't missing out. I supposed I had fun here and there but all it did was set me up for bad decisions and then feeling miserable the next day. Maybe people would disagree with me but that's my experience.
I'm 8dpo today, so still a little early. I expect nothing, so I won't be disappointed when I see it haha. But with, what....let me count...12 tests under the sink, I think I can spare one or two :p

I did used to drink/smoke but I have been "straight edge" (doing nothing) for years. Honestly, you really, really aren't missing out. I supposed I had fun here and there but all it did was set me up for bad decisions and then feeling miserable the next day. Maybe people would disagree with me but that's my experience.

Maybe a test a day isn’t so bad, I’m just but good at the whole lead up to testing thing lol.
I’ve always been the sober one at the party’s but I’m not sure a banging head and being sick is a great feeling after a night out.

I tend to be the safe person when out with friends which in ok with providing I’m not left to clean clean the sick up lol
Congratulations, shezza!!!! :dance: when will your due date be? Wishing you a very happy and healthy 9m ❤️

Good luck testing, giggle!

Thank you for the grief button, Dobby. That's actually a really helpful way to think about it :hugs:i think I'm fixated on the whole IVF idea because that would be a "happy ending". Right now all of this has been for nothing, but if we end up with a baby it's kind of the story of how we got there. Aka having a baby would fill up the experience box and make the button a little less prone to being hit :cry:

I'm more or less teetotal now, too. I did drink in my teens and early 20s (quite a lot)... But it got old, and like you say, giggle- I'd have fun and then wake up feeling sick and awful and vaguely guilty and embarrassed about the night before. I never did anything truly terrible or regrettable- just acted like an idiot etc :oops: Really not worth it! I do have a single glass of prosecco on special occasions and do genuinely enjoy that.

Dobby, I'm glad everything seems to be working out with your man! ❤️ Have you set up a date?
Dobby bahaha love the Starbucks analogy. We have a local coffee place that totally blows Starbucks out of the water for me. I try to only go once a week. We went 3x last week LOL but Friday was their 12 year anniversary of opening.

I sometimes don't know what your abbreviations are but can usually decipher their intent. Now, CTJ....I knew that one lol

Gigs, I think your testing strategy is sound. Also, I wonder if the dip tests are highly sensitive like a normal frer? If so....I would say $30 is worth it. If not, I'd say too much.

Winter :hugs:

Spezza congrats on the + digital! Always nice to see it in writing.

Teetotal. I have never heard that term. Not quite a teetotal. I like an occasional glass of wine or a margarita. I don't party though. So I drink maybe 1xmonth? I only tried cigarettes a few times, nasty tasting to me. I don't do any illegal substances for my health and to protect my job, family, etc.

AFM sorry been busy with work. Reading along but not been able to comment much.
Ugh I’m so upset with myself. Not because I tested but because it’s negative (as expected) yet I’m bummed out! I thought I’d be unfazed! Well silver lining this kind of confirms I want that second pink line, doesn’t it? Like I’m not relived or indifferent at all. If I’m being honest, I’m sad.

still only 8dpo, so yeah there’s time…we’ll see.

Ugh I’m so upset with myself. Not because I tested but because it’s negative (as expected) yet I’m bummed out! I thought I’d be unfazed! Well silver lining this kind of confirms I want that second pink line, doesn’t it? Like I’m not relived or indifferent at all. If I’m being honest, I’m sad.

still only 8dpo, so yeah there’s time…we’ll see.

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You definitely have time, I have a theory which I think is not too far fetched. Early BFP like 8dpo onwards are girls and later BFP at 12Dpo or later are boys. I suppose earlier can also be twins as well although with my twins I had no symptoms and didn’t take notice except that I was late by a day.

Thank you @WinterBub due date is 9th October so there goes my birthday lol, I may actually get excited for October this year now although I’d likely have a csection so would be earlier.

@DobbyForever my husband is a huge Starbucks fan, so much that he worked there lol

@Flueky88 thank you, I prefer digital I’ve only just learnt they are not as sensitive as the others and they don’t sell First response digital in the UK.
hmm does that theory hold true for your Shezza? I have a 8, 9, and 10 dpo bfp boys lol. Maybe it's the opposite here haha.

So are you the type to keep testing or the one and done type?
hmm does that theory hold true for your Shezza? I have a 8, 9, and 10 dpo bfp boys lol. Maybe it's the opposite here haha.

So are you the type to keep testing or the one and done type?
I had early BFP’s with my singletons girls my son which was my 2nd pregnancy was the most difficult pregnancy ever, I got my BFP with him at almost 5 weeks and bled him from 6 weeks to 27 weeks.

I think I’ll do another test to see it changes to 3+, I’m more obsessive with private scans
And against my better judgment…another pee stick :blush: listen y’all I told you I’m a proper addict!!

So this time I’m seeing the slightest, faintest, whisper line. Not enough to convince me of anything but enough to keep the hope alive! No more testing today.

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Fluek after reading about them, I don't think the frer strip tests are as sensitive. I suppose the idea is to take the first 3, then use the strips for comparison. If I ever get a real line I'll test it out and we'll all know for suresies :)
Gigs haha yeah I remember playing Oregon Trail on the so cool brand new colorful iMacs at school. Living my best life. Naming the people after kids you didn’t like and setting them to meager rations… LOL wasn’t my idea! But I definitely did it. They have an app yeah it’s whatever. Cute but yeah hunting made the game for me because it was so bloody hard! And the animals were never guaranteed to be there when you tried.

Hahah yeah I’m clearly a poas. I’ll do anything to justify. I’ll use one frer a day 7-13dpo. But I will use a wondfro at least 2x after that LOL I mean the 50/25 combo is basically the same price as just the opks. So :)

I also feel like what we early poas people consider an obvious positive others call vfls LOL is that just me?!

DS was my earliest positive when tracking. 8dpo. Twins and Setsuna were 9dpo. My first pregnancy I tested positive at CD 32, but that was because I realized I didn’t bleed my entire sugar pill week. Assuming I logged all my sex that month, CD 13 and 14 was the deed that did it, which matches up with measuring about 10w. Cyst pregnancy I tested positive CD 32, deed that did it was Cd 19 and CD 20. But again I only tested when my period no showed. Plan B pregnancy is a toughie. I tested positive CD 24 (after negative CD 21). Broken condom sex was CD 15 into 16 just past midnight and O pains hit CD 16 around brunch. But like 4/6 pregnancies I noted implantation cramping two days before my tests. Idk why but I just tend to implant on the earlier side.

Right?! I wonder how JLM is doing a lot. I actually used Malteser just the other day because A left one for his daycare HAHAHA I was like wait I have the perfect word for this!

Did you end up getting the milk? Did you try it yet? Are you going to use it exclusively for DS? I’m so sorry he’s still waking up so much at night.

:hugs: re the bfn this morning. I know we tell ourselves that we won’t get upset, but it’s hard not to when you have that maternal drive. Side note, is that a texture/glitter on your nails? I see what you mean on the second wally, but I also get that the antibody strip can be a pain in the booty. FXed for tomorrow’s tests!

Sheeza awww that’s so sweet that they’re asking for a sibling! There’s so much love in that photo that you posted. I can’t wait to hear how you announce and what their reactions are.

Haha thanks for explaining. I was thinking maybe that’s what you meant, but I wanted to know for sure. You’re not missing out LOL it ain’t that great :rofl:

Sorry if you mentioned it, but do you anticipate needing a scheduled section?

Haha that’s awesome! I was a Starbucks employee in middle school for Halloween! It was a pain to get the aprons, dunno how my friend’s mom got a hold of them. I know the first few stores said absolutely not.

We love scans! If you do get any and feel inclined to share, please do!

Winter glad it was helpful! You never know haha. It could be like life changing or wtf stfu Dobby :rofl: There’s nothing wrong with seeing IVF as the happy ending or as much needed hope. I do hope that you get your rainbow whether it happens naturally or via ivf.

Flueky local is the way to go! We have a few but I haven’t really explored much. It’s so hard when Starbucks is everywhere haha. And hey 1x, 3x. You’re supporting small business. No such thing as too many times a week. Plus. Coffee lol. Helping moms get through the day every day

Hahaha I’ll try to avoid my abbreviations :rofl:

AFM not much going on. Lost about 4 lbs of bloat so it looks like getting back on track/losing the hormones is helping. Starting to see the thighs start to tone back up a little. Work is good. Preps are consistent, kids are mostly back. This protein shake has done wonders for my energy and mood. A has been good about asking to practice his letters at home, so hoping to start doing a bit of that each day. OA was supposed to call but then he texted me to say he got caught up in a meeting. Bummer but I was glad he learned he needs to communicate why cancellations are happening, so I can live with it. I managed to get the playroom tidied up and a load of laundry. So overall no complaints.
ok just have to write this down before I forget -- DS2, the 4yo, was just caught trying to hide behind the bathroom door (avoiding bedtime). I looked at him and said, "what are you doing???" He just stares up at me with the widest eyes, biting both his upper and lower lips at the same time, with this little grin beneath it, and doesn't talk. He's just staring at me. I have this problem when the kids make stupid faces at me, I break -- if I'm trying to be stern, I break and just crack up, which is what just happened. I just ushered him to his room, hopefully he stays there, lol.
ALSO, today i was holding ds3 and singing him the ABC's (his current favorite song). Ds2 yells from across the room, "OK!!! Now let's sing THE LOWERCASE ABC SONG!!!" I just laughed so hard, like wtf is that, please sing it to me hahahhaha. He just sang the regular ABC's in a funny voice lol. This kid is such a ham.

Dobs, yes, I have glittery nails. Gotta keep them somewhat in order for my live shows; ugly hands don't sell jewelry ;P

The milk tastes like milk. I was hoping it'd be a little heavier/creamier, but nope. We'll see how it goes over tonight....he drank it no problem, now to see if it keeps him fuller longer....fx! Also it's for anyone who wants it. I've actually found for a couple weeks I've been wanting it more. It started when I was reading up on calcium to sway for a girl :blush: had me a couple glasses during Ov time and have continued with it.

Yay for being productive!! That's so sweet A wants to practice letters. DS2 screams when I suggest it, haha. Definitely my outdoorsy kid and not my bookwork kid. How is your pelvic area feeling now? Have you tried to work out again? Also did you set up an official date with OA?
hold up WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT??? How is he feeling about the break up??? How did it go?

Oh and Shezza if I didn't say, I absolutely love your family photo. It actually makes me want that. I want the big fam.
Right?! Well I saw him Sunday and he had gone to church with her and she was playing with A for about hour. And they just came back from Disneyland for their anniversary. So I was like ok they’re gonna work it out. But I was watching survivor with him and I was like look I don’t ask cuz when I’m sad I want people to leave me alone and I’ll come to you, but I’m thinking of you. And he’s like yeah I’m gonna break up with her today. And I’m like say what?!?! My mom was like he’s bluffing no way. But he did. He only told my mom and he told her he refuses to answer questions/discuss it.

omg the lowercase alphabet :rofl: and omg yes!! A does cute faces to get out of trouble. My fifth graders do it, too :rofl:

ugly hands don’t sell jewelry :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: thinking of the hand model in zoo lander and the hand twin in friends now haha. They are pretty!

Ooo fxed he stays full and you get a good night’s sleep! Interesting that the taste and texture isn’t much different. And about the calcium sway. Is there like a scientific theory behind it?

A will scream but does what I say lol. But he does actually enjoying his numbers and letters. Drawing them not so much but saying them is something he knows he’s good so he enjoys that.

I’m having some incontinence issues LOL but otherwise ok. Cramping totally gone. Opks are so light. I haven’t temped in days. Haven’t tried the leg lifts again either. It’s just pain so I’m trying to listen to my body and let it rest. I’m spinning tonight so I’ll try tomorrow.

We have a date on Sunday for dinner. He left me an audio when he got off his call. He sounded so drained and sad. He was referencing a few things I said in my CTJ audios in a cute lighthearted way, which I appreciated because I mentioned feeling unheard. Dude is really trying hard. I like it. I joked that he better not bail last night, and he said today that he will be there come hell or high water (because I told him I grew up in a family that took promises seriously so if we promised to be somewhere then we showed up come hell or high water). I’m curious to see where he takes me. We’re eating in my parents’ hometown, which is overpriced in general. So I’m wondering what vibe he’s going to go for. And then he apologized that between A’s speech and his business dinner tomorrow that we can’t talk/go out tom.
@gigglebox thank you, I love having a big family, your son sounds so cute, we have been doing the A is for apple and all the kids join in and sing A, A apple Winnie find it so hilarious. I’m just happy to be getting past the baby shark stage!

Winnie is so much like me I’m the mum with over 10k songs on Apple Music. We have the family share Apple Music so she’s downloaded the songs she likes, our road trips have all manner of kids songs and we all have a good sing song and Mexican wave, we currently listen to Gabby doll house and Vivo soundtrack.

I really hope we get to stage I can share it with them, I’m just so happy I didn’t the last time because they are so intuitive and would be distraught.

@DobbyForever he sounds very keen, I hope you’re date goes well on Sunday. My husband collects the Starbucks cups from each country, I’m hoping to visit America for Christmas to see my dad. He lives in Connecticut and my brother lives in New York, I haven’t seen my brother since he was 2 and he’s now 25 so it would be good to see him and get to know them personally because we communicate online often, I also have 2 sisters i haven’t met, the older sister is 21 and calls me often and the youngest is only 5 but face times me daily.

I've had 3 csections so this is definitely going to be elective.

I’m currently awake because I’ve felt so nauseous daily, I thought I had the sickness bug the kids had but now I know it’s pregnancy it’s so new to me. I’ve never had any symptoms with any of the other pregnancy but this time my breast is sore and I the nausea is unreal. So I’m up drinking sugar free 7 up which seems to make me feel better.
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