General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Yeah, I was reflecting on that appointment and just found it unhelpful (and I would classify the scan issues the same way). I know nothing changed the outcome, but maybe we are just not a great fit. Her advice was to keep trying- I took myself to the fertility specialist off my own bat. So, basically, she suggested to try until three losses and then give up. :shrug: I too feel like surely at 35 this isn't just the end of the road? Will see what the fertility Dr says. I have questions whether weight loss/thyroid meds/metformin and/or clomid would help me. And that IVF option seems pretty tempting. If we got healthy embryos, I do feel like I'd be a good candidate, given especially that my body doesn't even seem to want to let go when the outcome has been a loss :cry: Thank you for the feedback, ladies. I'm sure I'm being a little harsh in that it is nice to feel angry at someone, but also no need to stay on if I don't feel like we're a good fit.

I just want to buy myself some kind of jewelry to mark my losses, basically. The thing I had liked on that website was a rose gold ring with a cross cut out. It just seemed like it would fit the bill, and I like rose gold.

Im glad that you had a nice night, Dobby. Probably good to get a dry run in, and I'm glad that he treated you nicely. What was/is he looking for if he knows you guys aren't on the same page with big life decisions? I'm really excited to hear about your date with OA! What about a black shirt under the white cardigan? And I know what you mean about buying white! You basically have to wash it separate, but then none of us have that much white so it becomes a whole thing :dohh: I'm looking forward to a post-date breakdown!!

I haven't delved into what speech therapy would be covered for us. I got a list of places from the ped, but didn't like the look of any of them. The one I went to was a really nice boutique type thing, but we had to pay completely out of pocket. So :shrug: I don't want to not take him and regret it, but also think it wasn't that value adding. So, may also keep working with him and then see what happens when he starts school.

Sorry that you got woken up, and that S is feeling rough, Flueky. :hugs:its so awful when they're under the weather and just miserable. I know it isn't the best habit, but I have a little collection of toys/books etc for moments like that. LO got a little spiderman guy with a web to help him through his covid experience. Did you try a covid test a day or two into your/their illness, flueky? Just bringing it up as I was feeling bad on a Thursday (aches) and tested negative. But it was a clear positive by the next day. :shrug: of course there are all the usual illnesses going around too, though. And our ped said they're seeing double of all the usual stuff as mother nature seems to be making up for lost time when everyone was staying home. Kind of wild when you realize the balance that nature has created, and that it seems to rebalance it.

Shezza- how are you? :hugs:

And hope you're good too, Pretty and Shae if you're reading along. :flower:
Singer I don’t know where you are but here, speech is covered by the school as. Public service. Ds1 started when he was 3 or 4, not even of school age yet. Maybe something to look into? Love the ring idea. When I’m looking for specific pieces or custom I always check ebay or etsy. Those would be my suggestions:)

Dobs you’re probably at your date right now, exciting! Can’t wait to get OA’s full story.

flueky how are the kiddos doing? I hope it just stays isolated to S.

Ok so as for me…
AF was due today. I’m in bed, it’s 10:20, she still isn’t here…I’m now 13dpo, last test was 11dpo with that crappy cheapie. If she doesn’t show over night (as I suspect she will; this seems like the type of trick my body would play on me), I’ll try a FRER tomorrow. Now I’m nervous because of all the crap I was recently reading about late implantation :/ but I guess I won’t let myself be bothered by that until I actually see a second line.
Oh no Dobby! Looks like your instincts were right. I look forward to the explanation but I’m sorry :(
af is still not here. I don't know what's going on...just playing the waiting game.
I told hubby this morning that my period was late. He looked taken aback, and then said, "[SIL & BIL] are going to thing we're trying to beat them" :haha: he also said we were ruining our record of having children by actually trying. then we took a test together, which is the first time I've ever done that. It was negative though. I won't tell you in his words what he said as it's kind of explicit lol, but he basically said Good, if he's going to make babies, he wants to give his best contribution, not a pull out fail lol. We went about our morning routines, then later he came up to me and asked if I was upset. I said maybe a little disappointed, but more confused (I've been feeling some of my early pregnancy symptoms these past few days, and with af being a no-show, I was starting to get excited). He just hugged me and said, "We'll figure it out" which is kind of our phrase. <3

Anyway I'm confused about my LP extending by a day, at least. We'll see if it shows. I 100% know when I ovulated due to the pain of it. What an emotional roller coaster!
Gigs I’m so sorry about the late af but negative test. I love how you and hubs communicate though. So sweet

on my phone but I did want to say also Shae thinking of you a lot this weekend

Let me count the flags...
- ordered 3 beers in a 1.5 hour dinner, and I’m over sensitive because A’s dad drank beer a lot. But still I didn’t order a drink, so I’d expect him to have 1. I’ve never had a date not match my drinking.
- says he and baby momma used to call their daughter big head, and his mom card him out about how that can cause body dysmorphia (I agree) so now they call her chubbs. Because that’s so much better. Like I get people are into those teasing nicknames. I’m not.
- he fires people a lot at work and it doesn’t phase him at all. Like at all. To a disturbing level. And I get you can’t to a certain degree but yeah no.
- he eats so fast and like doesn’t stop to enjoying what he’s eating
- I never relaxed I turned my napkin into a stress ball and squeezed it the ENTIRE dinner.
- he’s really judgy and I don’t like how he talks about his brother/described their communication
- his Lock Screen on his phone is a dog! The breed his ex breeds. Not his kid. Not his kid and a dog. Just the damn dog! Like what?! WHAT?! Who does that?!

now yes all that says run but I’m me so I’m willing to chalk these up to personality defects and give him a second date until ... we get up from the table and he gives me this long hug and is like I want to take it slow. Magic words, right? But then he walks me to my car and is like if you’re not in a rush do you mind dropping me off at home. I had a hard time hearing him but I swear he invited me in as well. Fair. He walked because he lives two blocks away. Nbd. Drop him off, get out to say bye. Three innocent pecks. We’re good! Nope. He brings up my height (we’ve joked a lot about it because I’m a whole foot shorter than him), so I get up on my toes and put my arms around his neck being all cute. And he kisses me again, some tongue action, I’m like yellow flag tongue isn’t slow but it wasn’t aggressive and maybe I invited it by putting my arms around him. Anyway I’m here processing this dude BITES MY LIP. In the sexiest way. If I didn’t have to get A, easily could get it. Like drop your pants hot. So yeah RED FLAG. Which he must have sensed because he pulls back apologizes for it and says I guess that’s not slow. And I’m like no it wasn’t. I enjoyed it but no that’s no slow. So round 3, back to mostly innocent pecks and whatever. He’s like text me when you get home safe. So I text him and then I’m really confused about this lip thing so I ask him if we can talk. Radio silence.

So. Yeah. FML. I really know how to pick them
We do the pull out method. We got pregnant one time, it was a chemical pregnancy. Since then I have gotten a couple of other positive first response tests but the blood test showed that I wasn’t pregnant so I don’t know what is up with these first response tests. Anybody else have an issue with them? I got another positive first response this month and I’m a few days late but all the other brands are negative. I posted a picture of my test in another post of you want to see it.
af is still not here. I don't know what's going on...just playing the waiting game.
I told hubby this morning that my period was late. He looked taken aback, and then said, "[SIL & BIL] are going to thing we're trying to beat them" :haha: he also said we were ruining our record of having children by actually trying. then we took a test together, which is the first time I've ever done that. It was negative though. I won't tell you in his words what he said as it's kind of explicit lol, but he basically said Good, if he's going to make babies, he wants to give his best contribution, not a pull out fail lol. We went about our morning routines, then later he came up to me and asked if I was upset. I said maybe a little disappointed, but more confused (I've been feeling some of my early pregnancy symptoms these past few days, and with af being a no-show, I was starting to get excited). He just hugged me and said, "We'll figure it out" which is kind of our phrase. <3

Anyway I'm confused about my LP extending by a day, at least. We'll see if it shows. I 100% know when I ovulated due to the pain of it. What an emotional roller coaster!
I am in a similar situation. I don’t think I’m pregnant despite a positive first response test. For some reason those tests come up positive even when I’m not pregnant so I don’t trust them. All the other brands are negative. I’m on day 35 of my cycle and I’m usually 28-32 days. Frustrating.
Addie feel free to share your test here if you want :) I would say the FRER's aren't to be trusted unless they are obviously pink. I see indents on them all the time. Did you confirm ovulation? what dpo are yo?

Dobby, yikes, I would say run. Run and don't go back. Keep it in your pants, trust your gut, unmatch him, do all the things. He has gone back on what he said, so he's proven to be a liar and untrustworthy, regardless of if the make out session was hot. He's a drinker and you have history with that. STAY AWAY. At least that's my advice ;) And listen, the more you get with these lower quality dudes, even just casually, the more you're tainting yourself before you meet someone who is of good quality. Good quality men aren't looking for quick lays, they want meaningful relationships with loyal women who can hold conversations and have something to offer other than sex (but yes, that too). Stop damaging your goods!

Ok, momma bear done ranting. You do you but I had to put in my two cents :hugs: BECAUSE THIS MOMMA BEAR CARES.
Thank you for the reply. They are pink. But I’ve have this brand pink before and I was sure it was accurate but my blood tests were negative. Here’s the test. In person it’s pink and came up in one minute. All the other brands are clear negatives.

A594E130-179F-4A41-A845-39B26D76B7D5.jpeg 1414899A-AB12-4D8A-BF33-5747B1438425.jpeg
Girlllll congratulations! You’re pregnant for sure. The blood test may not be as sensitive as a frer. My ob doesn’t even bother doing in clinic tests because they’re so much less sensitive than home tests
Girlllll congratulations! You’re pregnant for sure. The blood test may not be as sensitive as a frer. My ob doesn’t even bother doing in clinic tests because they’re so much less sensitive than home tests

Hi there! I didn’t actually go for a blood test for this cycle. It was a few months back when I had a clear positive test on the first response and every other brand was negative and the bloodwork came back negative so I freaked out thinking I had some kind of health issue being that I was able to turn a test positive without being pregnant. This time I am waiting to get blood work until another brand showed positive. If I keep getting conflicting results and my period doesn’t come by Wednesday or Thursday then I will go for an exam. I’m never this late so I don’t know what to think. I just wish another brand would show positive or my period would come. Being in limbo is difficult.
Were all the tests from the same box? Maybe you have a faulty batch of tests if everything else is negative...? Maybe try to get your SO to pee on one for comparison. It's really weird that it should be positive when everything else, including blood, isn't...but what other test are you taking? Maybe they're not as sensitive?
Were all the tests from the same box? Maybe you have a faulty batch of tests if everything else is negative...? Maybe try to get your SO to pee on one for comparison. It's really weird that it should be positive when everything else, including blood, isn't...but what other test are you taking? Maybe they're not as sensitive?

The tests are not from the same box I’ve gone through three boxes. All with a line. I did not get blood work so I don’t know if it’s positive or not. I was waiting to go get that done after I got confirmation from a different brand or if I went a few more days without getting my period.
are the lines progressing/changing or have they all been the exact same?
It was light two days ago and then yesterday and today it was darker than the first test. If I test in the afternoon it is lighter. But all the other brands are complete negatives. The first response digital is also negative.
I have no clue then. I’f get the box and call customer service, maybe they have a faulty batch out there
My bad that’s what I get for not reading sorry!!! On my phone at work just saw the hpt and got excited cuz I love babies
Sorry, Dobby :hugs:im also on team "nope!". The napkin thing in particular says that your instincts were screaming "no". You don't owe him anything, and I can't see this guy being the one to settle down with, have babies with etc. Best to cut your losses, and hold out for what you deserve. There's absolutely a hot accountant (or similar) out there who will treat you like a queen, and be the best partner. No need to keep on trying if you felt it was bad. If you'd said "he was nervous and the conversation was a bit slow" type thing, I'd say give him another shot. But drinking lots, and the "let's go slow" lie are both big no nos to me. What do your fam and IRL friends say?

Did you test this morning, Giggle?

I'm terrible at reading tests, Addie- but that's blatantly a clear line. How annoying! I would trust the blood test above the one positive test, but no harm in continuing to test with other brands until AF comes just to be sure. Obviously they would eventually turn positive if you are pregnant. Did the Dr have any kind of explanation? Im sorry- how disappointing.
Hi Winter! hope you're doing well. How are things over there? I did test this morning and it was negative; af has finally officially started just within this last hour, thank goodness. I was not liking being stuck in limbo. Obviously I'd rather a nice sticky healthy bub, but if that wasn't happening, glad to see af show. I think we may be officially in month one of ttc...? Maybe? Since I'm "on the rag" that will likely suspend conversations on the topic until it's time to start actually giving things a go. I am however quite relieved we started having conversations about things before we found out about SIL -- otherwise it would really seem and feel like a "well they got pregnant, maybe we should too" kind of thing rather than our own idea, iykwim?

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