General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Also I’m anxiously waiting shae’s update to see if 2/22/22 was the big day…
Jez, ah so good to see you again! How is Tilly?

Dobby :hugs: glad you have some time off. You've been through a lot and still going through it. You need and deserve it.

Hi Josephine.

Winter and gigs, will have to look up art deco.

Sorry, his veen one heck of a work week. My brain is mush and I'm just feeling exhausted. Hope everyone has a great rest of the week. Probably won't get to comment again until the weekend.
Hi Jezika :hi: nice to meet you!

:hugs:Dobby. I hope everything is going ok, all things considered. I'm glad that you got your Grandma to your Mom's, and she can be surrounded by family and comfort. Wishing you all peace for the days ahead. I'll be thinking of you. And I second flueky- glad you will get some time off work :hugs:

Sorry you're being worked to the bone, Flueky. I hope you find some time for self care and some decent nights' sleep. :hugs:

Nothing much going on here. Just trying to find things to do and stay busy. Hoping to lose some weight if I knuckle down etc. I have been trying out various classes/activities/things to do with LO, too. I know there used to be lots of free things to do via the library, church etc. And even some paid activities that I used to know about are either still suspended or just gone, seemingly forever :(
Ugh winter I hate that some things are just gone :( my mom and i had a tradition of home tours at Christmas time but they haven’t done it in two years and who knows if the ever will again. I miss it so much! They’re just residents showing off their houses and wow are some of them spectacular! It always leaves you inspired to do things around your own home, like clean :haha:

Do you have any public trails nearby? I always like walking on those ever though we have our own trails. The change of scenery is nice. We also have a local hobby shop that does free demonstrations of model trains on Saturdays…maybe something like that? Also Michales ised to do craft days with kids, not sure if they still do but just throwing out ideas :)

Flueky you poor thing, I hope you get a break soon!

afm major sleep battles over here, ds3 is currently refusing his nap. I’m in debate over getting a toddler clock because often when he gets up at night he needs a diaper change :/ as an aside I want to move him to a twin bed this weekend. He’s so lanky, he’s got maybe 8” of clearance in his toddler bed.
I hope that those things come back eventually. Individually maybe these "losses" aren't so bad (unless you're the owner of a business that didn't make it :cry:). But when you add it all up, things just seem that but sadder now. We also can pay for activities (at least 1, maybe 2 a week). But what about families that can't? Songs at the library etc were an outlet that they can't now recreate.

Is a toddler clock one with a light that comes on when he is allowed up? Fingers crossed y'all find a solution!

We had dinner early and jeepers... Seems like an eternity now between dinner and bedtime :rofl:
Gigs, good luck with those sleep battles. I do not miss sleep training. Also, just want to add that S is now scared to sleep in her room. I'm sure it's a phase. V and her sleep in the same room for now (that's where S wants to go) but they feed off each other and want to stay up LATE. It does result in some napping from them during the day though.

Winter, just curious, what do you consider an early dinner. We eat usually around 5 to 6. I alway like an early dinner. My best friend in high school wouldn't have their dinner until like 8 p.m. and I was always starving LOL

AFM work was busy but didn't feel as stressful as the previous days. Month end is always crazy because we try to get as much through so we maximize reimbursement at the start of the month. One of our coders announced she's expecting and I actually didn't feel jealous. Not sure what changed but I'm glad I'm losing that broody feeling.

Some local flash flooding occurring in my county and surrounding counties. Our neighbor couldn't get through her driveway as a creek runs under it and it flooded bad. 3 clinicians got trapped at patient homes. They got out eventually, thankfully.
Lol. We ate at 5, which is early for us. We try to eat around 6- that just works well overall in our evening schedule. When I was single I used to eat super late (like 9pm-10pm). I would go to bed late and get by on very little sleep. Not sure how I did it! Obviously that doesn't work once you have kids. Well, the very little sleep part stays, but no 10pm dinner. [-X

Annoying as it sounds to deal with now and then, I love that your girls share a room, Flueky ❤️ Not that you need a shared room to be close, but Im sure that fosters such a sweet relationship between them. And that's awesome that you aren't broody at all any more. There's something beautiful about having enjoyed a phase of your life and then moving on happily.

Glad your colleagues got out eventually :shock:

Jezika and Josephine- would love to hear your back stories!
Quick update: No engagement yet, it’s gonna be mid-March at the earliest BUT he did ask my dad for permission and my whole family has seen the ring, they said it’s super pretty
oh my gosh Fluek, what's the protocol if you're stuck at a client's house? That seems like a really awkward situation! and strange about the creek going over the driveway...they haven't considered installing a bridge? That would freak me out in cases of emergency.

That's really good that baby fever has seemingly left! it must be a relief in a way. I think I am getting there myself. I am just really feeling recently like my hands are full with the 3. I know that will change down the road but I guess I am comfortably, at least of now, sitting in a non-ttc state with the comfort that another wouldn't be the end of the world if it accidentally happened. About a year ago I was freaked out when I had that suspected cp so I'm happy in this state. With the weather getting warmer and us starting our garden and outdoor projects, I have been busy and my mind has been really distracted so that's good.

Also I saw an old friend of mine this past week who is about 20 weeks pregnant; has the cute obviously pregnant bump and everything. I enjoyed seeing her getting excited about it (it's her first).

OH ALSO -- my SIL who is pregnant -- we hung out with them a bit this weekend (she's still early, 8-9ish weeks) and she told me she's not finding out the sex!!! I am so sad to have to wait so long to see if we'll finally get a girl in the family. She said it didn't matter either way to her so they're just going to wait. I did find myself a little jealous with her but not the having a baby part, but because she's having the pregnancy experience I wish I could have had -- seeing a midwife through the pregnancy, then an unmedicated birth at a birthing center. Oh well, I guess it's my time to just live vicariously!

Winter, oh the things I used to do before kids that I could never do now! Doesn't that time between dinner and bed feel like forever? And it's so much worse when the days are shorter. I'm all thinking it's time to tuck them in and it's like 6:30 lol.

Shae that is so exciting!! I know you're still expecting it but I am going to hope you are totally shocked when it does finally happen. Also anything new to report with your weird period?
Ahhh, lovely Shae! ❤️ I wonder what he has planned! Does your family like your OH? Will they be happy having him join the fam? Does his family like you? My in laws liked me, then didn't like me, now mostly like me again :lol:

I'm glad that you're feeling happy with where you are, giggle. You're very blessed with your three lads. Would be lovely if you end up going for another, but lovely that you're enjoying and content with all you have. Win-win, really. :cloud9:

Talk me down here, ladies. We DTD last night and he pulled out. Then today I had cramps that may or may not be ovulation :shock: I'm not going to fall pregnant, right?!?! I realized that we are in new territory... Have used p/o just fine for years, but that was always with "if it were to happen, that would be fine". Might have to rethink things as I'm now at really not wanting to fall pregnant, as I assume until something changes, a bad outcome is likely :cry:
Winter well it would be sweet if my oldest was sweeter to my middle. They are seriously like night and day. Although my middle,S, is starting to annoy her,V, back LOL Sometimes though they are really sweet to each other. I do think V and E get along the best though. Probably because E can't play with all the toys V can so less fighting over toys.

Gigs, it would honestly depend on how long they expected the flooding to last. The PTs husband got them the PTs vehicle out but not the OTs. They went back for it later. I believe we could call local law enforcement to go out and assist them if needed. Our emergency plan advises you to stay put until the water recedes.

As for our neighbor. They do have a bridge over their creek but it was just that bad last week. I'll upload a pic later .

It can be hard to feel a teensy bit jealous. I definitely did when I found out SIL was preggo. Now I'm excited and excited I won't be having the sleepless nights :) focusing on the positives

But.....not finding out gender.....shew. I am way to impatient. Plus, I like the idea of having time to adjust myself feelings if needed (not that I regret having girls, just had to grieve the loss of having a son).

Winter, as long as he pulled out in time. Chances are pretty slim. I would say your chances are very small.

AFM so tired! I worked a lot of hours Monday and Tuesday. I went to bed before 9 last night lol.

Not much to report. Just getting ready for S party later this week. Hoping to go to the zoo Friday.
Winter I’ve been using pullout during fertile times for a few months now and haven’t gotten pregnant. You’ll almost certainly be fine.

Gigs agh sorry she’s not finding out the gender, I hope she has the girl for the family! Glad you’re coming to terms with no more babies.

Flueks yikes re: flooding, but I love how nice and far you are from your neighbors, this morning at 7 am I heard my downstairs neighbors wake up because from the moment they wake up through like 3 am they NEVER STOP TALKING AT VOLUME 100. We’re definitely moving at the end of our lease, literally just because of them. If not for them, we’d love this place. They moved in like 3 months ago (we moved in 6 months ago). I have to sleep with earplugs even if SO isn’t there (he snores) because as I’m drifting off the sleep they’ll say something loud enough that the sound will jerk me awake.

I didn’t actually see Jez’s post somehow but hi Jez!!! I hope Tilly is doing well!

AFM I think I somehow got a yeast infection by not washing my hands well after feeding/mixing my sourdough starter because I hadn’t touched it in like a month (it was in the fridge) and then I started feeding it again and 2 days later I was itching like a madwoman. Very little info online about it except one article from 1997 or something saying they tested the yeast infections of some bakers and discovered it wasn’t Candida albicans, it was actually bakers yeast. Fascinating. Anyway, that all started on Friday night, I got the monistat the next morning, and symptoms were no longer making me totally miserable by Monday (I was able to go to work without worrying I would suddenly suffer a burning attack). Haven’t gotten to BD all week because of it, but I think it’s finally ready for action again.

Re: the weird bleeding, I’m now calling it a period/weird short anovulatory cycle, because if I call it a period I’m currently CD14, and I just got a blaring positive OPK. So, makes sense.
Glad your body seems to be continuing on as usual. Yay for lady bits being ready for action right in time for the positive opk! JUST KIDDING. kind of. Bummer about your neighbors. Will you be moving to another apartment or going bigger? Say a place with a space for a nursery....?

wow Fluek!! Yikes that would be so scary! The end of our driveway also floods in major storms but it's nothing so deep it'd be afraid to drive through it if I had to...really it's more the pond spills over, there's no flow or anything. I bet the property cost is lower though! I am 100% with you on finding out the gender. I know some people will say that once baby is in your arms you'll be fine with the sex no matter what, but I fear there would be a part of me that'd be like, "dang it, another boy?" and I would hate for that feeling to taint that moment.

Winter so far I've been good with p/o method for years, so I'm sure you're safe. Especially if it hasn't happened before; he must be decent at it. Did you get the analysis back yet?

AFM...finally getting comfortable with no more babies. Then hubs this morning springs it on me about trying for another. What even. I have to laugh at the irony of it.
I am currently in the process of seriously decluttering the house and finally getting organized and it feels wonderful! I wonder if once I get things situated the desire to take on another kiddo will return. We'll see. Either way we're past the window of opportunity for this month so I guess we'll see how we're feeling next month.
Gigs oh geez this man, reminds me of the song hot n cold by Katy Perry :rofl: that sucks, getting used to the idea of no more kids and then SURPRISE! Changed my mind! I’m always team one more baby, but I hope you guys can come to a good agreement.

I did have BD last night, though no finishing inside me because I told him it was not a safe day. However, we did kinda break the rules of pullout. He had a weird thing happen where we were going at it and very early into it he said it felt like a spurt was traveling up so I got off, he got the spurt out and at first I thought it was just precum but TMI when I tasted it, it tasted like semen. He was like “whatever”, wiped it off, and I got back on. Then he felt like it was happening again so we stopped, he said how about he finishes safely and then we go again. I said okay. He finished, wiped off, did NOT pee in between, then 20 minutes later we went at it again. Only for about a minute, because the poor guy pulled a muscle in his hip from trying to get a stuck truck out alone at work by pushing it from the outside and using a stick to push the pedal. Real smart move :rofl: anyway, so yeah, leftover sperm could definitely have entered my body.
Gigs glad I'm not the only one to have that fear. Also, ah how crazy for your DH to change his mind! Well I hope that whatever is best is what happens next cycle.

Not the neighbor with the flooded driveway but a different one is pregnant with twins. Well as far as I know, I haven't talked to her or her husband lately. Probably will soon as the weather gets nice again. Anyways, Victoria saw her as well were coming inside the house and said she looked different. I honestly couldn't see her that well as their house is still far away but I told her it was because she had 2 babies her in belly. Then she asked if I had one I told her no and that I was never going to have any more babies in my belly. DH said, "Don't say never. There is always that very slim chance."

Shae sorry about the unpleasant neighbors. I am very glad to have distance between neighbors. DH and I don't like the idea of living in a subdivision especially anything with a HOA. I think HOAs are ridiculous. I hope that when your lease is up you find a place you like. Not sure about there but renting is tough right now between the rising cost and limited availability. People from NY, TX, and CA are moving to our region pretty heavily. It is definitely driving up the cost of real estate in our region.

Oh well that does sound like some potential BD. Also LOL On taste of precum vs sperm. It truly is different.

AFM so glad to be off til Tuesday! Going to the zoo a little later. Spent a good part of my non working hours cleaning. DH helped out a ton as well. Trying to get the place decent in time for the party. I did but new bed sheets the other day. Finally washed them last night :)

Well I better get ready so we can get to the zoo in time for the giraffe feedings :)
Oh geez, Gigs. What a whirlwind! Do you know or have a feeling as to why he's back and forth? Is it that he's worried about practical things, but seems to deep down want another? Good to have a couple of weeks to mull things over! I think you will end up one way or another with things as they are meant to be.

Good luck, Shae! My hope for you is a honeymoon baby ❤️ if he proposes soon, do you have a feeling as to when you guys would have the wedding? And ugh, on the neighbour. I had one once who did the weirdest things and had random visitors constantly. We always thought he may have been dealing drugs, or doing something weird. Apartment living has its perks and definite weaknesses!

HOAs are the worst. Seems like they attract busybodies by design. :dohh: glad that you're going out and having some fun after looooong work days of late, Flueky. I think our closest zoo does giraffe feeding, too. You'll have to let me know what the kids thought of it. I have been meaning to take LO for ages. Should go soon before summer break when the place is rammed all day, every day.

AFM- nothing going on, really. I will hopefully get the genetic report back at my surgery follow up appt at the end of next week. Just trying to keep busy, really.
Flueks the zoo sounds fun! Is it not that cold where you live? It’s 30 degrees here during the day so I have no interest in standing outside for any extended period of time lol. It’s supposed to hit 60 on Sunday but it’s also going to rain :dohh: New England weather, it’s all over the place.

Winter I talked to him about wedding timing and I think it’ll be about 1.5 years unfortunately. With us having to move around September this year and him wanting to do the wedding in September (for good weather for a backyard reception), trying to do both would be a lot, and we only have 6 months until September this year. However, I will be wedding dress shopping ASAP once we’re engaged lol. I’ll just wait for alterations until closer to the wedding in case my weight changes a little. I don’t expect enough of a weight change that I would change an entire size, I don’t tend to fluctuate that much, so I’m not worried about buying the dress early.

Paging Gigs for a reminder of your experience with breaking pullout rules!
I read along. Just feeling broken and exhausted. This too shall pass. This too shall pass.

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