Good morning ladies! Lots to catch up on.
Pretty lovely u/s pics! Not bad considering she wasn’t being too cooperative. Honestly when I saw her face, my first thought was she looks like YOU! I support self defense classes for her in time lol. And yay for a follow up u/s with the family, that will be fun for the kids. Probably old hat for SO lol. I always felt my husband was very unimpressed with ultrasounds.
Dobs so sorry to read of your grandmother’s passing, but it sounds like she went out mostly how she was hoping to. I hope we are all as lucky. Sorry your date was cancelled

How many dates have you actually been on at this point? And while you wait for him do you have a friend to emotionally lean on for a bit? Ugh too bad about family drama! Has it mainly been since your grandmother that your bro’s been acting like a jerk? Is he maybe just lashing out as a way to process emotions?
winter I am a little jealous about your potty training success, lol. Good for you!! We were doing well but have regressed to basically not being potty trained. He started weaponizing his ability to pee. In other words, when he didn’t get his was, he’d intentionally pee on my floor or rug. He also had taken to pooping in the other boys’ room. It just wasn’t going well anymore. Oddly enough he will pee in the toilet if we’re out in public. But at home, nope. So he’s back in diapers and I don’t know what to do but wait to try again later, and hoping he starts on his own again at home. He does not like to be forced into anything. He just rebels and gets mean. He’s in general a mean toddler…I can’t wait for this phase to pass!
ANYWAY yay for speech therapy success!! That’s incredible to see an improvement after one session. And peewee sports!! So cute! My oldest was never into sports but I think I need to do something with ds2. He is super social, I think he’d love it.
I’m glad the fertility appointment went well! How are you feeling about the associated “risk” of multiples? I wish I could offer any advice on COBRA and insurance but that’s not my wheelhouse. I had it once between jobs and it was crazy expensive, that’s all I remember. If there is no gap between his employment, maybe he can smoothly transition from one plan onto the new one? I hope y’all figure it out without too much trouble and hopefully the new insurance still covers some of the ivf stuff.
shae yay for imminent proposal! I will say all this planning before the engagement is foreign to me, but I do know this is a long time coming! Love the backyard wedding idea. I would have done that had I known anyone with a big enough yard. But my parents paid for it using my college money they saved (I only went to community college for a couple years). Also being the only daughter, my mom spared no expense. I think all and all it ended up being 20k-ish or so for about 85 guests. But we agreed if we did it again, private intimate wedding, less private reception/party. Also less expensive food I think…I don’t remember being impressed by it but also I barely ate and drank at my wedding because I kept getting pulled aside by people.
afm, I’ve just been crazy busy. We have a ton of chicks now (19 total) plus an order of more (and goslings! Yay!) arriving Friday. So making a brooder and caring for them, plus the kids, plus preparing our garden beds, plus putting up a fence for the ducks…has all been keeping me really busy! I’ve actually cut back on time spent on my YouTube channel which is a bummer but had to be done. It’s just too stressful to keep up with sometimes! And every break I had, like when the kids nap and ds1 is doing a self guided school lesson, I would have to make a video or pack items for shipping, etc, so never just getting a break to relax anymore. I was feeling a bit burnt out.
all this to say I’m feeling about 90% sure I am done at 3 kids. I guess with the winter feeling slow, I had more time and a baby felt like it could work. With everything picking up now that it’s getting warmer, I now feel too busy. Plus I’m feeling a bit like we’re meant to help with our nephews soon, with my SIL being due early October. She has her appointment friday for her first ultrasound. I’m still bummed we don’t get to know the sex until it’s born!! I will likely hoard cut girly clothes though, just in case
oh and lastly about Seeing Red…I wanted to see it and started watching it with our family, to include my 9yo son. It just got really awkward for us and we turned it off. The young kids I didn’t worry about (jokes went over their heads) but I think it was just too weird for my son. Maybe a girl it would be more suitable. Just all the lusting over boys was a bit…too much I personally think. Yeah maybe I’m a prude now, too!
anyway I will watch the rest of it on my own later. It looked cute anyway!