General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Omg I’m dead don’t make any plans. I love it. Also LOL at the laundry. You two are so cute. Hope adventures in ice coffee go well and yay motivational work out clothes

dude and OA are same person. I’m off the apps/not looking outside of him. No energy or time. I just wanted to say dude for the word play lol

surplus basically means that there aren’t enough projected classrooms for the amount of teachers. Pink slip is for temp teachers. They just basically are out of a job. Surplus teachers are still employees of the district, so they apply for vacancies within the district. It’s not stressful in the sense that you are guaranteed a position. It is stressful because you never know where you could end up/when you’ll get hired at a site. If that makes sense. So first the admin will say we need to surplus x number of teachers, you have two weeks to volunteer to go on the vacancy list. Then if not enough people volunteer, people get booted from their school site by seniority. This is a bigger problem at the more affluent and high achieving schools because teachers rarely volunteer to leave so you end up with a staff of teachers with 10+ years. So you’re always on edge until you finally make it to be a veteran
Thank you for explaining what surplus meant in this context, because I was definitely going to ask! :rofl: Goodness, it all seems ridiculously bureaucratic. I hope that you get your dream job! Higher pay and better insurance would be amazing. Have you considered applying for private schools? Just curious as to why you seem to only be interested in moving public school districts. Do you have benefits etc that you've built up but would lose if you leave public ed?

Awesome that you are going to get a date night, flueky! I'm jealous! Where are you going to go?

So exciting, Shae! I'm dying to know what he has planned!! If y'all are discussing laundry and what to make for dinner, you're pretty much already married but for the celebration and the paperwork ;)

Why is everything health insurance so densely written? It's honestly like learning a foreign language sometimes. I think the answer for us may be to try and use cobra for a limited period of time (ie. A couple of months). This is all if he even gets the job in the first place! If I understand it right- they always backdate it to the date you leave your job, but you can stop using it at any time. So, we could try and get our money's worth. OH is interviewing in person this week. FX. It would be a really exciting job and a big jump in seniority. They seem to really like him so far. Google seems to suggest they have a good insurance carrier- just seems very rare that IVF is covered, so unlikely it would be. Mixed results on potty yesterday- pooped twice and I was over the moon. Then was left unattended after dinner and pooped his pants. Eep. Just don't want to get stuck in that partially potty trained window for any stretch of time. [-o< he has it in him to get it done, seems to just be a question of if he cares enough to do it.
Hey ladies,
I’m sorry I’ve been MIA, I haven’t logged on for a while I just had so much going on but I hope you’re are all ok?. The last test I posted turned out to be a chemical but then my eldest came down with Covid, then myself and the rest of the household followed suit for all of February.

Thankfully I was Covid negative before the next event I had to host and now here we are. My youngest is now 3 and I’ve totally been down about her getting older and more sassy as time goes on, on Monday my husband treated me to a Spa date and on the way I felt totally off but then put it down to because I didn’t have breakfast before leaving. I woke up feeling the same so once the children were all at school I had one test from January left and it was positive, I’m trying not to get my hopes up and haven’t bought anymore test.

I may just see how long I can hold out before testing again or do I get some in and then wait until after AF is due which is tomorrow or Friday. I’ve felt off all day and so tired but still I’m trying not to get my hopes up because it’s such a disappointment each time I have a loss.
Dobs that seems like a stressful staffing situation. Is it just due to differences in grade/class sizes? Like more kids were born one year than another?

Winter it honestly feels like we’re already married at this point lol, I’m currently making dinner while he puts his timesheet into the computer, yesterday I did his laundry for him because he was just so exhausted after work. The roommate is away tonight which is exciting ;) we’re looking forward to having our own place just the two of us, and honestly I think at the end of our lease we’ll stay here despite the loud neighbors because any apartment will likely have loud neighbors and it’s easier not to have to move if it’s not necessary. Once we save up enough for a down payment on a house, we’ll move to one. But with a wedding next year, it’ll take a bit to save that up.

Shezza oooo fx’d this one is sticky!
Dobs that seems like a stressful staffing situation. Is it just due to differences in grade/class sizes? Like more kids were born one year than another?

Winter it honestly feels like we’re already married at this point lol, I’m currently making dinner while he puts his timesheet into the computer, yesterday I did his laundry for him because he was just so exhausted after work. The roommate is away tonight which is exciting ;) we’re looking forward to having our own place just the two of us, and honestly I think at the end of our lease we’ll stay here despite the loud neighbors because any apartment will likely have loud neighbors and it’s easier not to have to move if it’s not necessary. Once we save up enough for a down payment on a house, we’ll move to one. But with a wedding next year, it’ll take a bit to save that up.

Shezza oooo fx’d this one is sticky!

Thank you, good luck with your wedding planning. I decorate weddings for a living so I see them all, Etsy is great for little added bits for decor.
Shezza honestly there’s not gonna be much in terms of decor because I don’t want to spend the money on it lol. I’m planning to buy citronella candles for table centerpieces as an attempt to keep mosquitos away. Maybe I’ll get little flower rings to surround them, but that’s about it. SO’s mom gardens and it’ll be in their backyard so hopefully there’ll be some flowers growing around the area.
Well, that's annoying- I had half written a reply and then it went missing when I Xed out of a pop up ad :brat:

Hi Shezza! Congratulations- hope you have a healthy and uneventful pregnancy! I'm sorry for your experience with the chemical, and for all of the covid stuff too. :hugs: I was at least relieved in some way once we'd encountered covid and recovered. How many weeks are you right now?

The flower rings sounds nice, Shae! A lot of that stuff is kind of unnecessary, but it might be too bare without anything. Sometimes some little touches make a big difference. :) You never know, you might find some nice little things here and there once you guys get into real planning. You might also haggle some decent deals. If you do all your flowers with one supplier, you might be able to negotiate a good deal.

AFM- the RE gave me a supplement that contains isonitol. (I'd bought a vitamin with similar stuff but haven't used it, as I'm taking the thing he suggested). Anyway, ive been taking it for 3 weeks and woke up this morning to spotting. Google suggests that isonitol can cause it, sigh. Called the Dr and they said it wasn't related. I still think it clearly does seem like the supplement is the cause. Not sure what to do. I should be Oing right around now, so not sure if that's part of it(?) I can keep taking it and see if the spotting stops in a couple of days, or just discontinue the supplement right now :shrug: it's meant to help with the PCOS, but I'm not sure how vital it really is. Sigh. I just want to be normal :(
@shaescott I like the idea of a bbq outdoors type wedding, I think that would be so much fun. @WinterBub Is isonitol an ovulation support supplement, I think that ingredient is in the fertility plus one and it may be ovulation bleeding?

AFM- I’m attempting to pack and arrange everything for us to go to the Caribbean in 2 weeks, it’s definitely not for the faint hearted travelling with 5 kids on a plane. It’s not for a holiday of such it’s for a funeral, its not something I was planning in advance; I’ve also never flown in early pregnancy and just hoping everything will be ok until I get back to have my first appointment.
Shae I agree a lot of decor is cool for social media bragging but honestly so overrated. I think a garden sounds lovely and no need to go overboard with tabletops.

Sheeza congratulations! That’s so exciting. Sorry about the covid. I agree with Winter about how it’s so much less scary once you have it and get through it.

Winter sorry about the spotting. I don’t know anything about that supplement :(. Hugs I’m sorry though. I feel you on the wanting to be normal front

AFM nothing new. I’m about to delete OA’s number. He’s really dropped the ball this week, and I’m over it. Work is annoying. I cried to my mom. Having my usual pre school break exhaustion period. I’m taking Friday off since I have two more paid bereavement days. I’d do Monday too but it’s such a chill day since I have prep and library. A’s tantrums are unbearable this week. This too shall pass
Thank you, Shezza! Timing wise that would make sense. Hopefully it stops today, anyway. I'm meant to take a blood test in a couple of months to see if it is having any effect, so would like to not stop it before then. But I don't like the feeling that it is causing weird side effects :( And thank you for the support too, Dobby.

Im sorry that you're not travelling under better circumstances, Shezza. I hope that the travel goes well, and you enjoy seeing family despite the fact that you're there for a sad event. I hope your relative gets a loving send off. :hugs: How long will the flight be?

:hugs:Dobby. Im sorry that OA hasn't been there for you. It is so hard when you haven't been able to see each other in person. I hope that he picks things up. A paid day off sounds great after all you've been dealing with these past few weeks. Make sure you take the other one at some point, too. Sending calming energy for both you and A. :hugs:
Sheeza don't know how I missed your post. I'm sorry for the loss in the family. Traveling with kids is so tough, but especially internationally and under the circumstances. You got this though. Hope the traveling goes as smoothly as possible. I haven't personally flown in early pregnancy, but my friends have. I know I flew at some point, but it was definitely after my first prenatal. Only thing I can remember was be sure to get pat down vs going through the machine and taking care to get up and walk if you're on the plane a long time. Hugs hugs

Winter hugs. Yeah best to keep on it if you can but no harm in listening to your gut.

I'm def going to. I just want to do it on another Friday. In two weeks, I have spring break so I have that Friday off already. I'm not really resting. Gonna wait on my stove and put laundry away. But I'll definitely be sure to take some time for myself, too.

Re OA yeah idk. I had a CTJ with him that I need some form of connection with him. He texted back that between work and feeling run down from all the travel and having his daughter, he can't give me any real face to face time. And I deserve more than a "fly by coffee". To which I responded that I am fully aware I deserve more than coffee but if he is saying he can't give me more then I f-ing want coffee. Like I'm trying to explain to you that I expect you to up your game, but I'm the type of person who sees time together as inherently special. And if I'm telling you I'm at a point where I just freaking want to have a f-ing coffee with you, HAVE COFFEE WITH ME. And I told him like ffs if you want me to bring take out and we both just wear sweatpants and lay around and talk then I can do that. Not everything has to be sushi and wine and dressing up. Without the swearing. Obviously lol. Still, it's like idk why I'm trying so hard. I see something good and special in him. I do. But f* dude. There's this instagram reel that hits hard. I forget the exact wording, but it's like you deserve someone who can't wait to spend time with you never be with someone who makes you feel alone. So. Idk. He said he'll call me tonight to talk, but we'll see. All three of my besties said delete his number and move on. My stepdad doesn't want me to throw in the towel because he just thinks I need a man. My mom just keeps asking when I need her to babysit to see him, and it's so embarrassing. She's asked four times about the SF sleepover. He did say we'd talk about it today but idek. I was so excited about it three weeks ago when he proposed it. Now I'm just blah about it.

eta the line was it’s better to be alone than to be with someone who makes you feel alone which I totally agree with
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Sheeza don't know how I missed your post. I'm sorry for the loss in the family. Traveling with kids is so tough, but especially internationally and under the circumstances. You got this though. Hope the traveling goes as smoothly as possible. I haven't personally flown in early pregnancy, but my friends have. I know I flew at some point, but it was definitely after my first prenatal. Only thing I can remember was be sure to get pat down vs going through the machine and taking care to get up and walk if you're on the plane a long time. Hugs hugs

Winter hugs. Yeah best to keep on it if you can but no harm in listening to your gut.

I'm def going to. I just want to do it on another Friday. In two weeks, I have spring break so I have that Friday off already. I'm not really resting. Gonna wait on my stove and put laundry away. But I'll definitely be sure to take some time for myself, too.

Re OA yeah idk. I had a CTJ with him that I need some form of connection with him. He texted back that between work and feeling run down from all the travel and having his daughter, he can't give me any real face to face time. And I deserve more than a "fly by coffee". To which I responded that I am fully aware I deserve more than coffee but if he is saying he can't give me more then I f-ing want coffee. Like I'm trying to explain to you that I expect you to up your game, but I'm the type of person who sees time together as inherently special. And if I'm telling you I'm at a point where I just freaking want to have a f-ing coffee with you, HAVE COFFEE WITH ME. And I told him like ffs if you want me to bring take out and we both just wear sweatpants and lay around and talk then I can do that. Not everything has to be sushi and wine and dressing up. Without the swearing. Obviously lol. Still, it's like idk why I'm trying so hard. I see something good and special in him. I do. But f* dude. There's this instagram reel that hits hard. I forget the exact wording, but it's like you deserve someone who can't wait to spend time with you never be with someone who makes you feel alone. So. Idk. He said he'll call me tonight to talk, but we'll see. All three of my besties said delete his number and move on. My stepdad doesn't want me to throw in the towel because he just thinks I need a man. My mom just keeps asking when I need her to babysit to see him, and it's so embarrassing. She's asked four times about the SF sleepover. He did say we'd talk about it today but idek. I was so excited about it three weeks ago when he proposed it. Now I'm just blah about it.

eta the line was it’s better to be alone than to be with someone who makes you feel alone which I totally agree with

That’s a good tip, I’ve booked an early scan so I can see where I am the day before so fingers crossed that goes well. I don’t want to be going through a MC just before travelling so fingers crossed it goes well.

Your relationship doesn’t seem to be progressing as it should, he’s making excuses. If you want to see someone you will make the time, you miss them enough and it just seems he’s not willing to give you the time you need and deserved. He’s not ready and his actions would be a red flag for me.

Thank you, Shezza! Timing wise that would make sense. Hopefully it stops today, anyway. I'm meant to take a blood test in a couple of months to see if it is having any effect, so would like to not stop it before then. But I don't like the feeling that it is causing weird side effects :( And thank you for the support too, Dobby.

Im sorry that you're not travelling under better circumstances, Shezza. I hope that the travel goes well, and you enjoy seeing family despite the fact that you're there for a sad event. I hope your relative gets a loving send off. :hugs: How long will the flight be?

:hugs:Dobby. Im sorry that OA hasn't been there for you. It is so hard when you haven't been able to see each other in person. I hope that he picks things up. A paid day off sounds great after all you've been dealing with these past few weeks. Make sure you take the other one at some point, too. Sending calming energy for both you and A. :hugs:

Thank you Winter, it’s a 9 hour flight . I now have post it’s everywhere to remind me of random things lol
Shezza!!!! Huge congratulations on your new pregnancy! How exciting! Did you test again yet? Can we see photos? :P So sorry to hear about the loss of a family member :( What relation were they to you? Was your whole family close? Or is this more you have to take everyone along because there's no one to watch the kids? Good luck to you, that's intimidating to me imagining 5 kids on a 9hr flight, but again I get overwhelmed taking my one car sick kiddo an hour from home so.....there are braver parents than I, lol. And also, yikes, the cost on that flight! I am sorry, an unexpected flight too, I'm sure it's denting your bank account but what can you do. I hope you have an enjoyable time with family and friends. That is always the silver lining of funerals.

Dobs...dump him. He's had red flags from the beginning and now all this...? I really don't think he's worth the time or mental energy. He's not really bringing much to the table expect broken promises and stress. I mean you do you but that's my opinion based on the information I have.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Shae I can't wait for this proposal! Not to equate you to a show but I feel like I"m awaiting a proposal in a show between characters we all know are compatible. Like Pam and Jim. I agree with everyone, decor, not so important...for photos sake, really the dress is the biggest thing and it sounds like that's the area you've got covered.

Winter I want to replay but the toddler is currently beating me up. be back later!
Good that you can have a scan before you go, Shezza. How many weeks would you be by the scan? Fingers crossed all will go well. And good luck for the travel, too! 9 hours sounds doable- that's 3-4 movies and then some snacks/meals?! Love a good post it reminder list! I'm sorry for your recent chemicals- it's so hard to relax when you've had bad experiences, and they're so fresh too :hugs:i have everything crossed for you and your tiny baby. ❤️

Sorry that OA isn't there for you like you want/need, Dobby. It does seem like his lifestyle/job would make things hard in the long term. But nobody other than you can decide what the right thing to do is :hugs:It is really hard to build a potential relationship with all the life stresses you both have had lately. I guess the question is whether you want to wait and see if things get better, or take the cons as too much and move on.

Hi Giggle :hi: Hope your LO calms down for you!!!

I'm freaking out a little bit. Found out how much Cobra would be (a lot), and it's unclear whether the ivf would be covered by it. Seems like yes, but nobody is able to tell. :sad2: so, we're considering trying to rush to get the egg retrieval done asap (ideally this month if the Dr can do that, and my body would cooperate) :shock: I need to call them and see if that's even doable.
Omg I got so excited because I saw the "ahhh" and "proposal" and thought Shae was engaged lol. I'm over here checking in trying to see.

Sheeza that's awesome that you've got the early scan booked. I'm with Gigs, definitely feel free to share pictures. How are you feeling physically? And emotionally. :hugs:

Winter I'm sorry COBRA wasn't the answer you were hoping for. Oh wow. I'll keep my fxed crossed! I almost asked the other day if there's any way to fastrack things and get it done before the job/insurance change. I know my mom was on injections for a long time prior but I was like 7 so I don't remember much.

AFM dude fight club 4.0 at work today. I'm so sick of these kids acting a fool and the parents encouraging it. As for OA, I'm definitely done. He called yesterday, said all the right things, yadda yada but then he was like oh yeah I'm going to my best friend of 11 years' house to do yard work and have dinner. Which, at the time, didn't register as odd to me. But I was sitting around today minding my own business when I realized WAIT A MINUTE so I literally cried to him about how upset I was he bailed on me last weekend and I gave him a CTJ that I needed something from him this weekend, but when he told me he couldn't see me it was all I'm busy with my daughter, I don't feel well, work is stress... no mention of having plans with his friend. Which like had he just said you know I have plans with my friend that I haven't seen in six months to help with his house, I'm really sorry and I'll make it up to you. Whatever. But like that's not what you told me. And I'm not crazy. I don't think on a normal occasion I take priority over a best friend who needs a favor BUT you could have made both of us work (go do the yard work but don't stay for dinner) or literally just leave an house later nbd. OR idk I feel like in this instance that I should. Like my grandmother just died and you know I got hit hard at work and you bailed on me. It's just another example like last weekend, if you wanted to fit me in then you would. But you don't. You want me when it's convenient for you. And even remove me from the equation. You have been traveling for work for 3 works, why the f* aren't you spending every waking minute with your daughter?
I'm sorry, Dobby. :hugs:You deserve better, and to be a priority. That's some real BS. :devil: I get dropping everything for a family emergency, but the yard work catch up is nonsense. I join giggle on team time to dump him. You're a lovely person, and you deserve better.

And... What was the fight at school about? Your tales of tweens terrify me :shock:

FX we can get the egg retrieval done ASAP. That would be such a relief, but may be tight timewise on many levels. :(
Sending all my positive vibes your way that the egg retrieval is a go.

So girl in my class and 6th have been UGH all year. 6th grader jokingly/intentionally walked into my student. My student wasn’t having it and shoved her. 6th grader shoved her back. So my student was like let’s fight at lunch at the kickball court. But then my student bails to go do volunteer stuff as an alibi. When the kids report her, she sends her (self proclaimed) ghetto mom in to cause a scene and then doesn’t come to school for 3 days. Then today she’s back and goes to instigate stuff with the 6th grader. 6th grader won’t back away from a challenge. Their friends start offering to fight with her. They’re out their literally with rules like “no hair pulling” and “no snitches”. And the yard duty saw the crowd and broke it up and it’s just stupid because the girl causing the drama is setting up the 6th grader and her mom is out here threatening to sue the school and emailing the superintendent when it’s her kid who literally was suspended last month for punching someone/Is clearly lying. Like I can’t even with this post pandemic lack of social awareness
Shezza!!!! Huge congratulations on your new pregnancy! How exciting! Did you test again yet? Can we see photos? :p So sorry to hear about the loss of a family member :( What relation were they to you? Was your whole family close? Or is this more you have to take everyone along because there's no one to watch the kids? Good luck to you, that's intimidating to me imagining 5 kids on a 9hr flight, but again I get overwhelmed taking my one car sick kiddo an hour from home so.....there are braver parents than I, lol. And also, yikes, the cost on that flight! I am sorry, an unexpected flight too, I'm sure it's denting your bank account but what can you do. I hope you have an enjoyable time with family and friends. That is always the silver lining of funerals.

Dobs...dump him. He's had red flags from the beginning and now all this...? I really don't think he's worth the time or mental energy. He's not really bringing much to the table expect broken promises and stress. I mean you do you but that's my opinion based on the information I have.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Shae I can't wait for this proposal! Not to equate you to a show but I feel like I"m awaiting a proposal in a show between characters we all know are compatible. Like Pam and Jim. I agree with everyone, decor, not so important...for photos sake, really the dress is the biggest thing and it sounds like that's the area you've got covered.

Winter I want to replay but the toddler is currently beating me up. be back later!

Thank you @gigglebox, it’s my paternal grandmother she lived in New York but being repatriated back to the Caribbean. I thought of leaving the kids but they are all so emotional and I think it would have been a nightmare for my DH, he would also have a complete melt down.

I have never been away longer than 24 hours, he’s just as attached to me as the children are, if I fall asleep on the sofa he squashes next to me, when I gave birth he was there throughout and wouldn’t leave my side so when I mentioned going alone he was distraught, it’s also because he wants to be there to support me as well so here we go a family of 7.5 on a plane to Jamaica lol

I haven’t done anymore lined test, I have to buy first response online the shop seems to prefer clear blue “blue” dye tests which I’m not keen on, so today I’m either 4 + 4 or 4+5, I did a clear blue digital this morning and it now shows 3+ so that is a bit reassuring

My twins get travel sickness and I’m not sure they will cope with the flight or how to actually make it more tolerable for them, my boy twin is worst than the girl, I may try the travel sickness bands and see if it helps him.

@WinterBub, Thank you I’m a ball of anxiety but hoping the fact the digital says 3+ is a good sign, I will be 6 + 2 or 6 +3 the day of the scan. I hope you can get the egg retrieval sooner, I think the spotting you had is a good sign you ovulated which may mean multiple eggs. When do they check how many eggs they can retrieve?

@DobbyForever it sounds like you’ve had a bad day, I can’t cope with fighting, I find children so much more aggressive now. I haven’t taught my children to be aggressive so I’m hoping they can avoid situations such as this as they get older, my eldest is now half way through high school and so far so good. I worry more for my boys because boys do tend to challenge each other more and it’s so difficult to police them situation, the one who came back to instigate things may be influenced by her mother, does the school get the parents in to discuss and deescalate the situation before they take it to the streets?

I’ll definitely post photos, Jamaica is beautiful.

Pic of this mornings digital test.

Dobs what grade do you teach again? I thought it was like 3rd or 4th, why on earth are they egging on an older student?
Yeah I agree about OA, he’s just not making you any kind of priority. It’s one thing if he’s just focusing on his daughter, but he’s having dinner with a friend instead of you when you’ve asked him for time together numerous times. It’s a no from me.
Lol sorry Gigs got you all excited. I appreciate that you guys are waiting excitedly with me.

Gigs I love that you guys are so invested, it’s definitely been a long time coming! Very honored to be compared to Pam and Jim.

Winter sorry to hear that cobra is so expensive. Prayers for the egg retrieval to go smoothly. I took myoinositol and D-chiro-inositol for 3 cycles due to having delayed ovulation, first two cycles I had perfect normal timed ovulation, third around CD14 I started spotting heavily (bright red blood) and exactly 2 weeks later I ovulated, so I considered the heavy spotting to be a weird light period and the previous cycle to be a short anovulatory weird cycle. This cycle I didn’t take it, and I ovulated at a normal time, so who knows.

Shezza congrats on the pregnancy! The digital results sound promising. Good luck with the plane ride to Jamaica, prayers for your sanity and your kids dealing well with the flight.

AFM no proposal yet, but I’m 99% sure it’ll be this month and like 75% sure it’ll be in the next 2 weeks. SO said we’re “in the home stretch”. He told me today that he’s barely sleeping he’s so stressed because he wants everything to be perfect, but he’s also a procrastinator and not at all a planner, so he’s struggling to get everything in place. Normally I do all the planning, and half the time when he decides to wing it I’m doing something behind the scenes to make sure it goes smoothly, often in collaboration with his mother. He and I have agreed that I’m doing the wedding planning, he’ll have input obviously, but I like planning things and he absolutely hates it. I’ve already made our wedding website and picked the wedding date lol. Luckily for him, this is the only time in his life he’ll ever have to plan something important without my help. But yeah, he said to make sure my nails are done for weekends, so I’m assuming it’ll be this weekend or next weekend on my birthday. I work Wednesday and Thursday this week so I said I better get them done tomorrow and he agreed. Hm. But he’s also good at throwing me off, so I really don’t know. I assumed it would be the 4 days in a row I have off, he was like “I’m not that dumb, that’s too obvious” but like he also wants to have a vacation with me right after and my birthday weekend I work every day but my birthday. Idk. I’m very impatient lol, I just want that ring so I can tell the whole world and start actively wedding planning.
Here’s examples, I’ve whited out all but the first and last letter of more sensitive info for internet posting purposes, so you can see where the text actually starts and ends.

Here’s the website main page, mobile and desktop. We don’t have engagement pics to put in it yet of course.
87460E11-9476-4DAB-818A-3012B58CB3F5.jpeg BB5318A0-086C-49F3-B763-A7E146EB1EB0.jpeg

Here’s 2 save the date options, the pic is the sample pic, not us.
25BADB2F-5E31-46A9-937A-AC35C75863EB.jpeg 68143E8E-FE53-4774-97C6-D8BC62F5595A.jpeg

Here’s the formal invitation (which almost seems silly to make so formal since the reception is a backyard bbq, but it’s still a wedding at the end of the day, and I like being fancy lol)
I love your wedding stationary, Shae! Classic and elegant. 10/10 from me!!! And that's all so exciting- hopefully it is this weekend! Very sweet that he wants it all to be perfect. ❤️

How old are your twins, Shezza? Dramamine is a wonder drug if they're old enough for it. In the US, you can buy chews for children that work amazingly for motion sickness. And good luck for your scan- by then you should see a hb and everything. So I'll have everything crossed it all looks perfect and you can travel and not worry about the baby.

Sigh, Dobby. I don't know why people act like that. And it is so awful that a parent would model and teach that behavior. Fingers crossed you can all sort the situation out satisfactorily.

AFM- somewhat on the clock for IVF now. I called and will go in to sign off on everything next week. Then need to order and receive drugs. Expected AF date unknown- 28 days would be the 13th (next wed). So fingers crossed it's more like 32 days and I would have time to do it this month. [-o< May would be possible, but ideally we can get 'er done before the end of April :shock:

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