Flukes oh geez, I’m sorry to hear about the liver numbers. Hopefully it was just a fluke and a redraw in a bit will show normal levels. If not, I hope they can figure out what’s up and that it’s an easy fix.
Winter I’m sorry that IVF is looking to be less of a clear cut decision, I wish it wasn’t so expensive. I know that it’s elective, but I truly believe that insurance should cover it, at least if you don’t already have multiple children. Some people believe that we have too many people on earth and shouldn’t have more kids, but I believe quite the opposite. We absolutely have the resources for more people, we’re just not using them, and the birth rate has declined a LOT, putting us at risk. I also just believe that we are called to be fruitful and multiply, and that children are the biggest blessing. Anyway, point being, it sucks that IVF is so expensive and I believe it should be accessible to anyone who can afford to raise a child in general (aka they’re not homeless/at risk of homelessness or going hungry due to money).
AFM 1.5 weeks ago I started a nutrition and workout plan through a company that sells like protein powder and stuff, one of my coworkers uses it, they have an app and you get an advisor to message on the app, it’s like $13 a month. I’m trying to get in shape because I’m weak af lol. I was worried my advisor would be mad because during the surprise vacation I didn’t log my food or exercise, so I messaged her after getting back explaining why I’d not been following the plan/logging stuff over the past few days, and she was actually so excited for me, she’s been asking me all about the proposal and wedding plans. Phew! The nutrition plan isn’t super specific on what exactly to eat, it just tracks your macros, so I’m trying to hit a protein goal and be in the general area of a calorie goal, since I’m trying to gain muscle it’s like 2,200 calories and 140 g of protein, which can be hard to reach some days. I don’t really stress myself on being super close with the calories, I care more about hitting my protein goal. The idea that I might gain weight instead of lose it because I’m gaining muscle is a little stressful to me, but I care much more about being healthy than I do about the number on the scale, so if I gain a little weight but I’m clearly healthier, I’m okay with that. I’m trying to work out on my days off (4 days a week), and on my work days at least I’m usually meeting my step goal. Definitely not meeting the goal of 4 days a week yet, but that’s partially because I would’ve spent that 4 day weekend in NY working out if I was home, and I was not.
This post took way too long to write because I kept stopping and staring at the sparkles coming from my ring