General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

shae - Congrats again! :) That's a cute story and yay for the restaurant taking video of it. What was the actual date that he proposed?
Good luck with the nutrition and working out regime. It's entirely possible that you could put on weight, but shrink in size if you start replacing fat with muscle. Maybe only weigh yourself once a week? Or just gauge your progress based on how your clothing fits.

Winter - Sorry to hear that IVF is gonna be more expensive than you thought. Did you specifically tell OH that you feel "devalued" by his hesitance? Sometimes powerful words can really drive the point home. Hopefully he's able to see your side of this and you can go ahead with the IVF. FX

Flueky - Are they gonna run any other tests to find out why your liver enzymes would be elevated?
Glad you had a good time at the baby shower and that you made the most of your days off. I've never had a massage, but maybe I'll treat myself to one one day. And yay for V passing her screening. Were you able to talk to someone about allowing her to go to the school that's slightly closer?

Sheeza - So sorry for your loss. Keeping my FX that your plane ride is uneventful.

Dobby - Hope you're doing alright. <3

AFM, at my most recent MW appt, she couldn't really tell if baby girl was breech or not, so she gave me a req to get a scan to find out. Gonna hit up a walk-in only place on Saturday morning. Hopefully I won't have to wait too long and hopefully she's already head down. If not, I'd apparently need to make an appt with someone to try and flip her from the outside. Otherwise, things are going ok. Still working, but only 19 more business day to go at this point, thank God. My Sprinkle is in 8 days and I'm getting excited. And SO and I just picked up a "new" (used) dining room table with 6 chairs yesterday for only $50. It's still sitting, disassembled, in the back of his SUV, so I'll post a pic once it's all set up.
Pretty, I know she is going to run labs to check for the iron overload since I have a grandmother that had it. Not sure what else, I expect to talk about it later at the appt. She was going to Germany like 2 days after my appt. I don't suspect fatty liver as my blood pressure is great, great cholesterol and far from being diabetic. Also, shouldn't be hepatitis as I'm vaccinated for hep B, don't do IV drugs, don't work in high risk area, and in a committed relationship.

You should definitely indulge in a massage one day, they are wonderful. Oh and as for the school, the one we are zoned for has a better teacher:student ratio so I'm fine with her going there.

Hope baby girl is head down. So hard to believe you are having a baby next month, so excited for you.

Awesome deal on the dining table and chairs :) can't

Shae honestly even if you gain muscle you will still be smaller measurement wise. Smaller pants size and more toned is better to me than the # on the scale :) I hope that you get the results that you want

Winter, I hope that your DH will come around. I'm sure the sticker shock was initially overwhelming but hey would the price of IVF go towards deductibles and max out of pocket? If he is still not wanting to budge for financial reasons, I would let him know how much this is affecting you. $5K seems small compared to being upset, regret for a lifetime.
Shae that is a lovely story and I love the photos! I’m so glad that the staff took a video. I was hoping that someone would somehow. Such a nice memory to look back on. Congratulations!!! I second Pretty about only weighing in once a week and focusing on how you feel/ your clothes fit vs the pounds.

Winter I’m sorry about the price being more than anticipated for IVF. I agree, I remember when my mortgage broker told me the law changed the day after I made my offer and I needed to pony up $5k extra. I lost my shit at first. But then my parents talked me through it, and honestly it seems so silly know that I almost like $5k cost me my condo. Definitely talk about your feelings with DH and maybe also come with some solutions? In terms of what you gain, $5k over a lifetime ends up being less than pennies a day.

Pretty that’s awesome that the sprinkle is coming up. And yay for almost being done with work! I can’t believe how time has passed by. Hoping she’s not breech and everything goes well. And hopefully you can get in for a scan this weekend.

Flueky I’m sorry that you don’t have an answer yet and keeping my fingers crossed it’s nothing serious

Sheeza can't remember when you're flying out specifically but hoping for safe travels. :hugs:

I haven’t gone back to read everything I missed so sorry if I’m not totally up to date. A’s really struggling with abandonment and anxiety this past couple of weeks. Work has been so stressful, but I am officially o winter break. Very excited to just recharge over the next week.

Re OA. So lol I know I left off really miffed. We talked through my feelings and his feelings, so I decided to keep our plans to meet up during his conference. Nobody has ever treated me that well before. We stayed at a four star hotel overlooking SF bay. We had views of major iconic buildings. 21/24 floors. He took me to an amazing romantic sushi restaurant. I got in my head when we got back and stopped things mid dtd, and he was so kind about it. Just picked me up and set me in bed and held me and asked what was wrong. Didn’t keep trying to touch me, just fell asleep with me. I woke him up like 3x because I couldn’t sleep, and even though he was exhausted he let me rant and rave about my feelings. Then we went to breakfast, and he insisted on paying again. I asked him if he was ever going to let me pay for anything and he said no. He literally spent over $500 in one day just to make sure I had a good time because I was driving up to SF to be with him. His family is in town for Easter, and I thought they got in today. He said they had actually got in already, but we had already made plans. I told him he didn’t have to put me over them, we could have done another night. But he said that he heard me when I said I needed him and that last night was easiest on me (any other night I’d have to take a full day off of work for a half day) so he felt like I should be the priority. He also said that he can't focus on having failed me or not meeting expectations, but he was sorry and he hates that he hasn't been what I needs him to be. But if he focuses on his past mistakes instead of being better now and ongoing then it won’t be good for either of us. We did talk about whether or not we're seeing/sleeping with other people. While we're not putting a bf/gf label on it because we still don't really know each other, we did decide that we (aka me lol) are going to be getting to know each other exclusively. Just everything about the way he talks to me or treats me or touches me when we’re together is so respectful and admiring and gentle. He was definitely distracted at times and I can see how much his work is weighing on him. Anyway that's that.

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Hi Pretty! I can't believe you're about to welcome your little girl! I'm excited to see her (and hear which name you go for!!!). Enjoy your sprinkle. And spend some time enjoying the baby kicks! I felt like I'd never forget how that felt, but as soon as LO was born, I couldn't remember it. It's so unique, I guess?!

FX the next tests all come back normal, flueky. It just seems so odd that is suddenly changed so much. :shrug: I hope you've had a happy Easter with your girls. ❤️

Whatever makes you happy, Dobby. :hugs:im glad that you had a lovely time with OA, and he made you feel like a priority. I hope that he continues to make you feel as loved and valued as you should be!

Thank you for the support. It was super embarrassing, but we talked through the cost with the Dr's office and worked out a plan that would bring the price down by quite a bit. We also got the meds largely covered by insurance, which also took it down. Basically, my OH hadnt been listening at all to the details. :dohh: I also think he got cold feet to some degree and used the money issue as a way to pump the brakes. He just doesn't get my feelings/the drive to have a baby because our LO has already ticked that box for him. :shrug: we seem to have a plan now: proceed asap if my cycle starts in the next couple of days. Otherwise we will hold off and go for Aug/Sep. We put down a deposit, so seems like it will really happen. ❤️
Winter that’s such great news!! What an emotional roller coaster. I understand the procedure has risks but I also know that often doctors have to give you the worst case scenario for liability reasons, but the likelihood of those issues arising are pretty slim. I’ll keep my fingers crossed “af” shows soon (a phrase bot often said on this forum haha) and you’ll catch the first go! Did they mention their policies on trying again if the first round doesn’t work?

shae ahhhhhh congratulations!!!!! That ring is killer lady. I love it. Isn’t it funny how nervous the couple involved gets for a proposal when they both know it’s coming and that there is no chance of a “no” answer? I was nervous as heck when the proposal was happening. My husband put together a scavenger hunt for me. I had to pause for the bathroom in the middle of it because my stomach was in knots and all messed up, lol!! It was so sweet though.

fluek when I had messed up levels once. It was this terrifying time in life where my doctor told me I may have cancer. Turns out he’s a huge alarmist, and after seeing someone else and multiple tests, I was diagnosed with mono. The doctor explained you can have viruses in organs that can make things whacky but they resolve on their own. That’s what happened to me, all my levels went back to normal with no intervention. Hope whatever you’re going through is similar!

pink I cannot believe how close you are to your due date!! Do you have your hospital bag packed yet? What about her first outfit? Did you have the follow up 3d scan yet?

shezza I am not sure if you went on your trip yet but prayers and positive thought for you and your family. I know how you feel about the hubby, mine reluctantly “lets” me go places long term without him but secretly fears for me, like I’ll get in a car crash or robbed or something. I understand his concern; I get irrationally fearful for him when he commutes to work.

afm just been busy with life. Nothing special to report.
Just popping in to say I would like to fight the wedding industry. I saw that the pretty wood Chiavari chairs were $8 to rent and I was like “okay that’s not bad” and then I realized 100 chairs was EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS. Next step down is the wood garden chairs which aren’t nearly as pretty but are way better than folding chairs, but those are still $500 for 100 chairs. A folding chair is like $220 for 100 people but they’re not pretty and I want everything to be pretty :brat::sad2:
Dobby - Sounds like you had a really nice time. Glad that you and OA could talk things through and he listened to everything you had to say.

Winter - Yay for having an IVF plan and for insurance covering the meds. Any sign of AF yet?

shae - Wow, that sucks about the cost. Can you dress up the wood garden chairs a bit? Like, with ribbons or fabric of something?

Gigs - No, nothing's packed yet. I'm hoping to do another home birth, but I'll still need a bag ready to go, just in case. I've done a small load of baby stuff, but I'm waiting til after my Sprinkle to do bigger load with all the clothes she'll be into right away. By first outfit, do you mean coming home outfit? Either way, no, nothing picked out yet. Probably gonna do all that on Sunday and/or Monday cuz I asked for the 25th off to nest and chill out. Joke's on me though since I now have a dentist and MW appt on that day. C'est la vie. We did have the follow up 4D scan, but she wasn't in the best position again. Still got several more pics though.

In other news, as of Saturday, she is head down, thank God! FX she stays that way. Feeling lots of movements and just trying to soak it all in. Usually by the end of the work day, my lower back and right heel are hurting (from plantar fasciitis), but not much longer to go now.
So, we got the new table all set up and it's definitely a lot bigger than our old one, but it fits. Once SO mounts the TV in living room, we can move the toy and small book shelf from the dining room to the living room and free up some space. And once we get the kitchen reno'd, including getting rid of our borderline useless peninsula, we'll have that much more space to move around.
And Happy belated Easter, everyone! :)

Baby girl, with a bit of a smile and her hand on her face.
New table. We already owned those chair covers.
The boys and their Easter haul, including the table and chairs.
And me at 35w5d.
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Well, giggle, after the past two dramatic awful years we've all been through... Having no dramas going on, and just living life sounds great! ❤️ Hope you're doing well.

Booo on the cost of a wedding, Shae! What I'd do is write out a list of everything you need to get/pay for. Then you can look into realistic price ranges, and maybe prioritize what you want to maybe spend more/less on. Ie. Maybe in the grand scheme of your budget, the $8 chairs would actually be ok. And if it ends up that you would need to cut down on other things in order to get the nicer chairs, you might be fine with going for the cheapest option. Just my two cents. I love a good project/list/spreadsheet ;)

Sounds like everything is going great, pretty! You look great :) and I'm glad that she is head down for you. Your boys are so cute (Matthew always looks so giggly and happy!). And love their Bluey toys, too! Enjoy your sprinkle and share some pics of the clothes you get- love tiny baby clothes ❤️

Hope you're well Flueky! I see you liking stuff ;)

AFM- no sign of my cycle. So WTF. It's now 5 weeks :-( that isnt totally out of character for me, but I have no signs of anything going on. I had that weird spotting about 3 weeks ago, so now have no clue as to where I am and what's going on. I hope the isonitol stuff didn't screw me up. Tomorrow is the last day it can start and we can go ahead this month. I'm a bit torn as to what I'd prefer- obviously would be exciting to get going now, but august is a bit more time to wrap my head around it, lose weight, enjoy summer etc. Same complaint as usual: just want to be normal!
Hi ladies I can't believe this thread is still going I don't think there's many of the original ladies I know still left but it's great to see it's still going!!
Does anyone know how Ashley is? Her name used to be AC something??
Pretty ahhhh baby girl pic! So cute! I’m so so happy for you finally getting your girl, I know I’ve said this but agh I’m just so happy for you!

Re: the chairs, I don’t mind the garden chairs’ appearance, it’s the white folding chairs I can’t stand, I wish the garden chairs were cheaper but I *really* can’t afford the chiavari chairs.
Pics for reference:
these are the Chiavari chairs I would really love to have but can’t justify spending $800 for 100 chairs.

these are the sad white folding chairs that I really really don’t want to have to get, they’re $220 for 100 chairs.

these are the garden chairs that in the natural wood tone I don’t mind, most companies only have white which doesn’t look as nice but I found one that does the wood and I think it’s a good intermediate choice. Still hard to justify $500 on 100 chairs, but better than $800.

I started looking at plates and stuff because I really don’t want to deal with renting chinaware, if it breaks I have to pay for it and you have to return it clean and everything. So I found plastic imitation chinaware on Amazon that I think is a good alternative, sturdier than paper plates and prettier too:
and you can get matching disposable napkins:
I also figure I’ll get silver disposable utensils. If I can’t afford the real stuff, I can at least make it look like the real stuff.
Oooooo- I like the natural garden chairs! Honestly, I think they hit the same overall tone as your #1 preference. So, I'd definitely go for them and pocket the difference :)

Your plate and cutlery sound awesome for a BBQ. I went to a wedding that had personalized napkins. Those were a nice little touch, and I think they were just off Etsy(?). I've also been to a bbq with sectioned/divided paper plates that was really useful- you could separate potato salad etc. Just throwing ideas out there! I need an event to organize and get all into :rofl:
So this evening SO gets home and drops on me that he’s not so sure about the wedding date I had picked because he’s concerned about my car giving out in the next year. I have a Subaru with a very small head gasket leak, and he’s worried it’ll blow and I’ll be left with no car and we’ll have already spent a bunch on deposits and not have enough for a down payment on another car. But I just put in a remote start system a few months ago, in December the Subaru dealership said the leak was still tiny just like it was around a year ago, it’s only got 85,000 miles on it, it’s the only car I’ve ever owned, and it was my grandmother’s, so I’m very attached to it. He thinks I should sell it now while it’s still working and get a used car with <100k miles that’s not a Subaru, something like a Honda so it’ll be reliable. But I’m over here thinking that if we do that, we risk getting a car with a shorter lifespan than the one I have now, it’s hard to predict that. He said that doesn’t mean the date I picked is a no, it just means he doesn’t want me committing to anything yet. Whereas of course I just heard back from that pastor, so I’m all ready to go and move forward. He was all mad that I wasn’t listening and I was like “I’m processing, you just dropped a huge curveball on me out of nowhere”. He’s complaining that I’m hyper fixated on the wedding, and like, yes, I am, I’ve been waiting my ENTIRE LIFE to plan my wedding, excuse me for being super focused on it!

Anyway, we both calmed down and he went to bed because he was tired and sore from work, I knew I wouldn’t sleep through the night if I went to bed that early so I’ve been sitting in the bathroom looking at used cars online. Then I remembered that I just had the remote start put in and got all upset again, so now I’m sitting in the tub trying to relax a bit. I don’t see why we can’t book the ceremony and photographer now and if we realize in a few months that we have to cut down the guest list to save money, we can do that prior to sending out save the dates in December. If we realize that we really do need to have me wear the $100 dress I got off Amazon, I’ll just have the beading gap fixed up (I kept the beads) and maybe have off shoulder straps put on. If we can’t have any decorations, so be it. If we have to get the folding chairs, we’ll do that. If we have to get paper plates and white plastic utensils, fine. I’d rather have to make all those compromises than push the wedding back, it already drives me nuts that I have to wait over a year. My mom was saying yesterday that she wasn’t going to contribute but that was through my sister so the message may have been misconstrued, as today she said she would contribute modestly and see how much she can afford to contribute.

I do need to start living like I’m poor though, because I’ve been going to the local health cafe 4 times a week, and I can’t keep doing that if I want to save up more efficiently. I have the stuff to make coffee at home, I just haven’t been doing it, so I really should start. I think I’ll stick to buying lunch at work just because it’s only $7 for a full lunch with all the sides and stuff, and I always manage to forget my lunchbox at work. But on my off days I need to start making my own lunch from food we have at home.

I should also look into more ways to save on the wedding. $100 here and there makes a world of difference. Right now it’s looking like it’ll be $12k.
I'm sorry, Shae :hugs:That whole conversation did not sound fun. :( From afar: is it all maybe a bit too much for him? 100 people is a decent sized wedding, and I would be a bit nervous about speaking in front of a big crowd etc. Would you consider eloping? As in- do your vows just you guys and immediate family? Then have the big party/celebration for 100? Thinking if he is worried, that might take the edge off- and would likely cut down on some of the costs of seating and things too? Just an idea!
Winter he was the one who insisted on inviting his entire extended family, so I don’t think it’s that. He’s just always stressed about money because he grew up kind of poor, and I grew up upper middle class so I didn’t worry about money much. I told him we’d talk more about it the next day (aka today), when I’ve had some time to process that curveball.
On a time crunch but

pretty that’s so crazy how much she looks like her brothers! I love it. Glad she’s head down

winter sorry about the hide and seek af is playing :(

Gigs glad things are good

Fluek I see you lurking so hope all is well there

Shae I got nothing on the chairs that’s crazy. I like silver plasticware. I think the garden chairs is a good compromise. Yes $500 is a lot but it’s one day and like you said you go out for coffee several times a week. Like I drop $10 at Starbucks. So that’s 50 trips to Starbucks that is be happy to skip to have pretty chairs. Maybe open a wedding checking account. And every time you skip something (buying lunch vs packing it, skip that cafe run) you move that money to that account?

re the car, I’m gonna level with you aka him. That’s adulting. Some unforeseen bulls* is always going to come up. You can’t be afraid to live your life on your terms. I do think there is something to trading in your car to cover the down payment and then you can take a loan. I know what it’s like to have a car that’s family. My mom bought a used Lexus after my dad died, and we had it in the fam for like 15 years. She donated it to the high school auto club. I used my money from my dad’s life insurance to buy my Prius, had it my first month of college until I was like 7 months pregnant with A. As much crap as my ex said, he made a great point. Because I traded my car in to help but my new one, it was like a part of my dad went into this new car. So he was still there taking care of me just in a new car.

Idk anything about cars but my Ford was brand new (no frills just standard) and I bought it for like 23k, no money down just traded in my car (valued 3kish by kbb) and my monthly was like $315. I just paid it off a year early yesterday.

afm OA continues to spoil me emotionally this week and I paid off my car and yeah. I don’t want to go back to work lol. A keeps pushing at school
Alright here's my (same old) adulting dilemma. After much deliberation, A needs to go to the school by my mom's. It's just a better fit overall, and he'll get a better education and services. So we're moving over the summer, one way or another. I have three options:
1. Live with my mom in her 2 bed/2 bath house that is like half the square feet of my condo.
2. Rent one of the duplex units in the neighboring town.
3. Commute (if I get the job near the school district)

Living with mom
- Live in babysitting. She's taking a leave of absence. I'd still pay for AM/PM care so she has freedom, but ultimately I could get back into krav or have more freedom to go out at night once he's in bed.
- Maintain ownership of my condo. My brother would go live in my condo and manage it for me. I wouldn't make any money, but I'd be able to keep accessing my mortgage credit and keep gaining equity. I also know my parents are huge on never selling once you buy. The big thing is the potential for rental income down the line and an asset to leave A.
- Loss of independence. My mom is ALWAYS home. I know OA has his own place, but I know firsthand how much it sucks to only have the one option to get together.
- Lack of space. The lot is huge, so the dogs and A would be happy. But the living space means either I need to share a room with A or sleep on a pullout in the living room. Like she complains right now that she doesn't have enough space and it's just her and my brother, and my brother never comes out of his room.

Rent the Duplex
- 2 bed, 1 bath. Big backyard. Perfect amount of space for A, me, and the dogs. But also so much less to clean LOL.
- Close to the school/my parents. The commute is easy, no freeways and never any traffic on the expressway.
- Maintain my adult freedom to have company over as I please.
- Expensive. It's $2500/month. I'm sure my mom would negotiate on the price, but ultimately with this divorce she needs all the income she can get. Crunching the numbers, I can only pay her like $1k-1.5 if I hang on to my condo.
- Likely have to sell my condo. I can only rent to people I trust to have access to my tax paperwork: brother and best friend. I floated the idea to my bestie, but she's sleeping. Her place is slowly becoming a nightmare, so she might go for it. Downside, never a good idea to rent to friends and one day I am going to sell it to buy something else and she's up shit creek. My brother won't be able to pay rent. I don't know if selling is the worst thing in the world. Sure, it's rental potential. But my payment is $3200/month. Rent for a similar unit in my complex is $2800/month. I know it's an asset to leave A. But I have a substantial term life insurance policy if I pass before he finishes grad school. Plus, my mom is leaving me assets that I would, in turn, leave to him. I wouldn't have to touch the profits from selling because so many of my big bills will be gone in the fall. I just paid off my car. My health insurance will be cut by over half. I won't be paying 2k in daycare every month. So I could just sit on that money and save it for a down payment down the line. My parents just don't like this because on my single income, I'll never be able to buy something on that side of the bay. Now if OA and I work out.... We still can't LOL.
- Even if I don't sell my condo, wtaf would I do with it because my mom won't want my brother to move out. She complains that she has no space to work, but she can't handle living alone.

- No moving. End of day, I do really like my unit.
- The commute is horrendous! I couldn't handle it even without a kid. I can't imagine putting A through that.
- Gas and using the express lane every day would suck so much.
- It just overall sounds like a stupid idea.

Like my heart wants to sell my place and rent the duplex. It does suck because it's like a huge step backwards. It also sucks because I know the chances of me ever buying something else once I sell is basically non existent unless I have a partner with substantial income and assets. My brain says the prudent thing is to just suck it the f* up and live with my mom.
Dobby, I would go for option B, renting a duplex and most likely selling the condo. Option A could be a potential if it's short term, ya know. I don't like living under anyone's rules so option A would need to be really short term for me. Although....maybe you could do option A temporarily, once you've lost some debts such as paying for childcare, etc. you could rent the duplex and keep your condo?

I hope OA continues to spoil you and way to go on paying your vehicle off early!

Winter I'm sorry your body isn't cooperating. Did you end up ovulating? I'm really glad that you guys took the plunge and put a deposit down. I'm sure it makes it all the more real.

Shae, I really like Dobby's checking/savings account idea for your wedding expenses.

As for the vehicle concerns. I think Dobby put things well. Also, just saying who says you need to buy user when you do trade in? I like buying new for the peace of mind (not buying a problem vehicle, have warranty in case it's a "fluke"), also interest rates tend to be cheaper for new vs old. I had to trade in my Rav4 in 2020 so I could get avehicle to fit 3 car seats. It wasn't idea since I only had my Rav4 for 3 years but had to do what needed to be done.

Pretty lovely ultrasound pic of baby girl. I also am loving those chairs! I really need to buy a bigger table in a few years.

I'm so grateful that baby is head down :)

Gigs thank you, she did mention in her portal response it could be potentially from a virus so here's hoping it's nothing alarming.

Glad to hear from you. I hope that you continue to be well.

AFM nothing really special to report. Girls enjoyed Easter last weekend. Work is busy. I didn't lose or gain any weight when I weighed in on Wednesday but hey we had Easter and my birthday (chocolate chip cookie cheesecake). So I was proud to maintain. I've been doing muscle burns fat on Beachbody on demand. Definitely my favorite program so far, I have 3 more days and will probably restart it before trying muscle burns fat advanced.
Have you had any follow up discussion, Shae? Maybe it is just the reality of paying for a wedding, then. Good luck finding a path forward that works for both of you. :hugs:if money is the stressor: then I'd totally again float the elopement/small wedding idea. Spend less money, and make it all about your very nearest and dearest.

Hmmm, Dobby... Is there a middle ground option? I'd try to hang onto the condo if at all possible. You'll lose quite a bit in closing costs, and the housing market seems kind of volatile. 50% chance we get a recession and house prices fall (so you'd end up a winner, although interest rates will likely go up too) 50% chance it goes higher and it's really hard to get back on the housing ladder. :shrug: what if you lived with your mom for one year, and saved up really diligently during that time? You could rent the condo out, and then you'd have a year to see whether you could/should rent or buy.

Good job maintaining, flueky! \\:D/ And happy belated birthday!! ive not lost anything the last two weeks, but we had guests and ate out a lot over Easter. So, im ok with maintaining. How does Beach Body work? What do you watch it on? Sounds interesting, and like it has really worked for you!

AFM- still no AF. Approaching 6 weeks at this point. Sigh. I am considering asking my OB for provera to get things going. Also considering going into the mini pill between now and August. The RE wasn't keen on it, as it may reduce the total number of eggs collected... Buts pros are: added layer of birth control, help to even out hormones/cycle, and knowing/controlling when my cycle comes on. That would also be helpful in working out when to start things when we do do the egg retrieval. It also seems like part of why women with PCOS are high risk for ovarian hyperstimilation after IVF is because we end up releasing so many eggs. So, I see the logic in wanting as many as possible, but I'm also more into quality than quantity... We've said we'll only do one egg retrieval and would also not try endless transfers if it didn't happen after say 3 tries. So :shrug:

Have any of you been on provera? If so, what was it like?
Winter, I downloaded the app on my firestick but I think they have an app for many platforms. I just diced in and paid for a year's subscription hoping I would enjoy at least something on it. There are many different programs on there so many options to find what you like. I don't follow any nutrition plans, just use myfitnesspal to track, nor do I buy any shakes from them. I feel like $100/yr is way cheaper than a gym membership that more times than not excuses are made about not going (at least for me).

I did take Provera once to induce bleeding and start a new cycle. I got to like CD 50 or so without ovulating and asked my gyn. It was pretty much symptom free. If I remember correctly you don't start bleeding u til 3 to 5 days after your last pill. I went back to normal cycles for me after that. I was under extreme stress which seems to have put off ovulation.
Thank you! Yes, I don't know the cause :( could be stress, exercise, the inositol supplement, the thyroid meds... :shrug: good to hear that it was symptom free. I might call and ask tomorrow, then give it a few more days before actually taking it. It really bothers me being off, and also not knowing why :dohh:

That's great that you're making good use of your membership! $100 for a year is pretty decent, even if you only used it once a week. Anything more than that is excellent value for money :)

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