Shezza so glad that the trip went well and you made it back safely. Sorry about the flight delay on the way back and, of course, the circumstances of the trip. Hopefully you can get some rest. Really happy to hear that you had another scan and everything is going well! Yay!
Shae yeah it’s definitely expensive. But it’s also a once in a lifetime event. Obviously, it’s not the end of the world to skip it but I’m a sentimental fool so I’d say don’t skip it over cost. Easier said than done though. I hate when my parents say things like it’d be so cheap or just do it like some of us be broke lol. We can’t just do it. This isn’t a Nike commercial. They don’t sponsor me

How did the backyard talk go?
Pretty you are growing a tiny human while raising tiny humans. Take all the time you need to check in. Always love it when you do though

So sorry you are GBS pos again. But yay for a fun sprinkle and swag! And sounds like you’re really starting to nest and get stuff prepped! I cannot believe you’re just 10 days out from your due date!!! You look amazing!
Lots of venting lol. Sorry.
Re living situation. It’s decided I’ll be moving back into my old unit in the duplex. We just cannot live with my mom, it won’t work logistically or emotionally. I’ll have to rent my place, which makes me nervous as there’s a lot wrong with it and my new neighbor is annoying. I just got news yesterday that the district I was hoping to work for passed on me. First real rejection in my life. It was really rude, too. Just a two sentence email that said we’re not hiring you good luck on your job search. I emailed back for feedback, but I imagine I’m just blacklisted from ten years ago. There’s a couple of other districts that were interesting, but they haven’t posted for external applicants. I emailed one, and they emailed back saying they’re not there yet but will be. But it’s like I only have until 6/30 to back out of my current contract. I was thinking about how it will suck to be back on probation or even a temp contract, especially with only a few more ideal child bearing years. So maybe this is God trying to tell me I’m going to get a second child in the next few yeas. But it sucks because I really could have used the salary bump and benefits to free up money for rent.
TLDR: Moving but not living with my mom, gonna be broke af, got rejected from the job I applied to
Re OA things are not great. He’s overwhelmed. His baby momma’s father is really sick and potentially dying soon. His daughter is hitting kids at school and acting out, they think because he’s traveling so much. We were supposed to see each other Mother’s Day evening as he’ll be gone until the 21st, but he texted Thursday that something came up with work and he has to fly out early. But we haven’t been able to talk about it, which is the part that makes me angry. I don’t care that he cancelled. I care that he hasn’t called me to talk about it. I get that flew in first thing Friday morning then picked his daughter up immediately (like drove straight to her from the airport) and she doesn’t nap/she cosleeps and won’t let him leave the bed/he doesn’t like to be on his phone ignoring her but still. Could have called me while you were driving from SFO, it’s an hour drive. You’ve done it before. Anyway. I just don’t know because I don’t get a*hole vibes but I do infer from how he treats me/the stories he says that he’s not the type to immediately be considerate of other people. Like people have to constantly tell him what to do. And I’m not dating just to be married or have a baby or have a second income. I want a partner who supports me. Like work sucks right now with SBAC prep, I just got that job rejection, it’s my dad’s birthday today, A is on the verge of getting kicked out of school, it’s Mother’s Day and nobody ever gives a s* that I’m a mom on Mother’s Day. Like I don’t need you to solve my problems, but some support would be cool. And all my friends are like oh don’t text him, ignore him. Or oh stop caring so much. Like I don’t play games and I feel like if I need to change my behavior to manipulate his then what I really need to change is my relationship status. I have a hard deadline of my birthday to make up my mind about it though.
TLDR: Things ain’t good LOL, probably going to dump today if his a** doesn't do some explaining/ even if he does and I don't like his explanation
Re covid. I’m thinking maybe A still has a naturally immunity. The PCR and rapid home tests came back negative. He’s feeling a lot better but still got the nastiest runny nose. I’ve reached my emotional breaking point, so he’s back in his own bed. I was worried maybe I was feeding his insecurity by validating him and letting him sleep with me. So I was gentle but firm and we’re back into usual bedtime routines. The first day at school he didn’t push at all. But the second, he pushed 11 times and one kid got hurt.