General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Winter glad your body seems to be adjusting and you didn’t need the provera. I would advise against bcp only because I know it has the potential to screw cycles up and I’d hate for that to postpone your ivf. Just my two cents…sounds like you found a winner with the cb fertility monitor though! That’s great it’s so accurate. And it can do that just from urine samples? Do you just pee on a stick like the other tests?

fluek I hope your health issues are easily resolved and nothing major. How frustrating and scary to be dealing with it though. Ugh I hate when medical people just take guesses at what’s wrong. Like seriously let’s keep that to ourselves until we have more info!

pretty did the baby come yet? I am awaiting the photos! Love your clothes stash. There was one dusty pink onesie with some leaves on it that was particularly cute.

shae what about asking a local church if you can borrow chairs in exchange for a donation or something? Or a community center? Just trying to think who might have enough to lend out for a day. Sorry SO is complicating things. Does he have commitment issues? I just wonder if he’s a little freaked out about the permanent-ness of being married which is why he took so long to propose plus is trying to move the date back. Honestly it freaked me out when I was getting married! I love my husband and knew we would be fine but I was still nervous to make it official. It worked out though haha—actually today is our 11th wedding anniversary <3

Dobby I hope everything works out and that’s about all I can say. I feel like he screws up a lot and you give him a lot of grace. But I am not there so maybe he deserves it…? Hmm tough call on the living situation but duplex sounds best. Will you be paying full rent there? I’d be tempted to keep the condo in your shoes if at all possible, but I am also of the mindset I’d rather not sell. Anyway I hope you figure it out and are happy with whatever you decide!

afm…we just found out last week my MIL has breast cancer. The dr thinks they caught it early and I pray that’s true! I am hopeful all will be fine. I am not allowing myself to think negatively. If I do I will break down. I care a lot for her, she’s a second Mom but also a good friend of mine. I feel like I only just went through this with my Dad and I am not emotionally ready to deal with another loss like this (but who ever is???) so I am just hoping and praying this will just be a health scare and nothing more.

Maybe after she recovers from surgery her and I can get healthy together. I fell off the diet wagon hard, gained back a couple more pounds. I have since got things more under control with my diet and I think I’m going to find time to go HIIT running again which I used to enjoy but don’t find time for these days…

Ok going to sleep but HAPPY (belated) MOTHERS DAY YALL!!!!!!
Gigs good to hear from you. At first it caused me a little anxiety but as more results came back and was able to chill out and think logically, In fine and glad to know something. Seriously, I probably would have been worse not knowing. My liver enzymes came back normal from my lab draw 2 weeks ago. Honestly, thinking it has to do with losing weight. Rapid weight loss is a risk factor for choleycystitis and while I've been only seeing a 4 to 5lb loss on scales/month I've been gaining muscle so I know I've been losing more fat weight than the scales show. Will just wait and see what she says at my appt.

I'm sorry to hear about MIL diagnosis. Prayers it is early as they think and easily/swiftly treated. I know she's been a big support for you and seems like a wonderful, caring woman.

I'm glad you were able to get yourself back to eating healthy. It can be hard to get back. Hope you can find the time for what you enjoy :)

Also Happy anniversary!

Winter, just waiting my appt on June 2nd to discuss results.

I agree am thankful for this community. I don't have many IRL friends. Nothing like I used to at least. It is hard with 3 kids, all kids pretty young, and not a lot of support from our parents. My mom helps out the most but she lives almost an hour away and works full time.

Oh yeah I recall seeing those when I was ttc. I considered buying a CBFM but decided not to. I am glad it works well though and nice to use it to avoid conception instead of hormonal birth control or condoms all the time.

Shae, any of the preK's that are associated with the public schools are income based. There are a few that are private and you pay. With the continuing inflation, I am too scared to put us in a bind financially to pay for preK. I just hope this inflation stops soon.

I am always impressed when someone homeschools. DH thought about it but he also feels like it would be difficult to keep their attention. We are going public for now.

Hope that works out with the potential photographer. It is crazy how expensive wedding photography is. I mean I know they put a lot of time and effort into the photos before releasing them to you but it sure can break the bank. I had a coworker do mine as she dabbled in photography and I really liked her work. It was much cheaper and still think we got great photos .

Dobby that is good to know that the non preK students were caught up by end of K.

Glad you got to get some "me time" and catch a movie on Mother's Day. I really want to go see Dr Strange. Thinking maybe MIL can watch the girls one day after work in a few weeks and DH and I can catch a matinee maybe.

What is ESH and YTA?

Murphys law about the pimple and picture day. Do the photo companies do any "fixes" so you can't tell he had a pimple?

Pretty thinking of you and baby girl! Can't wait for you to meet her :)

AFM all liver enzymes were normal from 2 weeks ago. Just thinking it's related to weight loss. All labs were normal except for my iron was low. When my Dr came back from vacation she messaged me that liver enzymes were normal and we'd discuss results when I had my appt. So really feel like if ot was more urgent she would have told me to call and get seen sooner. Not stressing about it anymore.

I haven't done a beachbody workout in almost 2 weeks. Between vacation and then just being tired I haven't had the energy to do them. I think I was just worn out from vacation and then I started my period Tuesday as well as getting up early for work the past 3 days. I still walked every night but no more energy after that. Hoping to get a workout done today. I weighed Friday morning and lost nearly a lb since Saturday. Will weigh after I get the girls up and going. I haven't logged my foods but I want to start doing that again.

We are all doing pretty good. I'm the admin on call next week so not looking forward to that.

V's birthday is coming up and I'm excited for that. I need to figure out what we are eating/serving. Kind of hoping DH will offer to smoke burgers and hot dogs as her party is on memorial day. If not thinking of making some BBQ pulled pork, coleslaw, and baked beans. She chose a frozen theme so that is already figured out.

Not much going on other than work being busy.
Fluek I’m glad your levels are back to normal! That’s awesome. Hopefully all good news on the 2nd and it was just from the weight loss. Your party food always makes me hungry haha. I love it all. FXed it’s a mellow admin week. And hopefully you can go see it soon! Not just because MCU is marvelous but also always nice to get a break.

ESH is everyone sucks here as in we both messed up LOL. YTA you’re the a**hole. So re Mother’s Day tiff, we both screwed up but I screwed up a bit more LOL

I know they do have a touch up feature. I usually don’t opt for it just because I don’t know how extensively they edit. I just think Instagram filter and immediately no LOL. The proofs are so cute but I can’t see if the pimple is visible.

Gigs, Happy Anniversary!!!! 11 years is major. Congratulations! Are you planning anything for the occasion?

I’m so sorry to hear about MIL. Early is really good. My auntie was diagnosed stage 4 and metastatic (?) like a decade ago. They said she had months to live but she’s still going strong. Some days better than others. Hopefully your MIL is feeling alright and you have much more time with her. Hugs

I’ll be moving into the duplex in July. My coworker’s daughter is chomping at the bit to rent my place since I’m renting it way less than I should to her in exchange for having a tenant I can trust. She has a 2 year old and is pregnant, so she’s been wanting to move back to the area to be closer to her mom (her hubby’s fam us east coast and they’re young so they were the first of her friends to get married have kids so not much support from friends). My mom said whatever I get from them can be my rent. Which is great. Just bummed I didn’t get the job with bennies as that’d free up nearly $600/month. Have to crunch numbers to see how tight it’ll be.

I definitely give him a lot of grace because when he’s able to, he dials in 100% and he gives me grace with my flaws as well. He reminds me a lot of myself. But part of the problem is I went out with my friend a couple of weeks ago, got a bit tipsy, and I told her I loved him. And there were a ton of guys there, cute, Stanford grad students, charming. I had zero interest in anything more than intellectual conversation. Didn’t want to dance with anybody. Just wished he was there. And it hit me that I just want him. I had agreed to exclusivity just because. But it hit me in that moment that I wanted to be exclusive with him. And now that my guard is down and I sit around thinking about how much I really appreciate him as a partner, dad, coparent, person... I keep dreaming about telling him I love him or fighting the urge to say it at the end of conversations. I feel like I can’t love him. I barely know him. Boots on the group getting statistical, we’ve spent less than 48 hours together (1 dinner date, 3 lunch dates, 1 overnight date). I’ve DTD with him less in two months than I did with unhinged tech guy in one week. Idk. I’m just pretty sure he’s not there so I’m just going to keep my cringe to myself. And part of me wonders if it’s not falling in love/catching feelings versus my attachment style playing mind games.

Wishing both of you more success on getting back on the diet and exercise train. I don’t even want to weigh myself, I can see I gained at least a few pounds this past month. But I give up until school is out.

AFM picture day proofs are adorable. I’m so scared because it’s expensive in general. But he’s got cap and gown and I want to get these cute all about the grad things. 16 more school days!!! Took A to do another pcr since a few more kids popped up positive in his class last weekend and his cough is getting worse not better.
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There's no such thing as a perfect person or perfect relationship- so if you can deal with his work lifestyle, and you love him... I guess that is a pretty strong indicator that you're keen to keep it going. So, hope it all works out. Why the low level of BD action? Is it just about infrequently seeing each other in person?

I'm sorry to hear about your MIL, Giggle :hugs:i hope that they've caught it early and she will recover without too much in the way of treatment/surgery etc. Thinking of you! ❤️ It is hard for you, and hard to be the partner of someone with a sick parent, too. Is there anything you could do to make her feel loved in this moment? Just wondering if she likes anything in particular, or would love special artwork from the kids or something? I've also plateaued on the weight loss. :nope:

Glad that your liver numbers were much better, flueky. That would go a long way to making me feel a calmer about whatever is going on. Weight loss can trigger all kinds of things, so that theory sounds like a logical theory to me. I hope you get good info/feedback at your appt. :hugs:
The frozen bday party theme sounds lovely!! ❤️ And I agree- the inflation issue is getting totally out of control. Gas alone is :devil:

Afm- yep, the fertility monitor sets a test window for you and wants a test (pee on a stick) once a day from CD5 until ovulation. The unit and test sticks aren't cheap, but at the same time- peace of mind is valuable! Plus now I know when to expect AF etc too. The only other thing we have going on is that I met a Mom with a teen who babysits and I texted her to see if she is interested in doing some babysitting this summer. She hasn't answered in almost a whole day, and now I wonder whether she didn't get the text/I had the wrong number or I'm getting ghosted :rofl: this is like dating! :dohh:
Winter yes the peace of mind is great. My only worry with it is I want to say you mentioned having pcos? I never used the full on fertility monitor because of its price, but I used the advanced sticks and sometimes I'd miss my estrogen surge or I'd get a false early surge. So for me personally, I don't know how much I trust it if my aim was to avoid vs try. But I'm glad it's accurate and working out for you! I do agree, much better choice to hormonal alternatives with the IVF coming up. And awww yeah that's definitely like dating. Maybe she's just trying to get her kid to sit and think about it. Hope it all works out! Be nice to get some hands in so you can rest or go out.

Yeah. I'm definitely open to keep trying and see where it goes. I'd let him meet my family at this point but not A. Long ways away from that. Esp with my one friend texting me all hours of the day that he just broke up with his gf of 2 years and his daughter is just as upset as he is about it.

The BD thing is because we don't see each other. He's really respectful. It's clear his drive and style in bed is a complete match to mine, but my consent is very important to him. I caved second date and we BDed. He was being so vulnerable and open with me, and that's such a turn on. My second love language is physical touch haha. Then obviously the romantic outting in SF we DTD that night and next morning. The first lunch date we did not BD, even though I actually tried. He said I had made a (technically joking) comment that I didn't want to do it on that date. So when I tried to initiate things, he told me I'm not a hook up and he wanted to just enjoy our time together and he didn't want me to be late getting A. And then I was like that's well and great but for lunch next time I want you. So that time we did it then sat around cuddling and talking until I had to get A.
I'm not relying exclusively on the monitor for that reason. :) Thank you for bringing it up, though! I'm in a crappy spot as I fall pregnant so easily, but now am really scared of it happening as it appears my odds of a bad outcome are high. Just useful for me to monitor, and should give me some indications about when my cycle will start over the summer, and especially when we get to ivf. Can't believe that August/September will be here so soon :shock:

That's good that you're in a place of just letting things unfold :) FX everything trends the right way! Not at all suggesting you rush to this point- but if y'all really stay together long term, the travel etc might not be as big of a deal in the end. If you live together, you'd see more of him (obviously) than you do now when you have to schedule it. And good on you for keeping A out of things until it's serious. I don't envy you being a parent dating :hugs:but sounds like you've got the right threshold for getting the kids emotionally involved etc. Good if you do connect on that intimate level. I was just wondering whether it was a logistics or connection issue ❤️ logistics you can deal with, not connecting is more of a red flag moment!
Thanks y’all for the kind words about MIL. I appreciate them.

As an aside it looks like I’m going to have to find a babysitter over here, too. With MIL soon to be out of commission, and my Mom hours away…and my SIL being weird and difficult*…hired help it will have to be if we have any hope of a date day more frequently than once every couple of months.

*so my SIL got bent out of shape because I asked if MIL could take her kids to a low key indoor kids place in the city for ds2’s bday (it was during the week so SIL would be at work). She said she wasn’t comfortable with it, her kids aren’t old enough to go places without a parent, and, the kicker, she’s not even comfortable with them coming to my house without her…? I was so insulted by this! What she means by that is with my MIL being there also (MIL watches her kids during the week and sometimes she comes to my place so the cousins can play). Hubby was telling me not to take it personally but how could I not? And what’s more confusing is they had us watch their kids overnight before…??? So wtf?? I don’t think BIL cares really, as she mentioned the play dates were something she and BIL negotiated on. I don’t even know. That girl is wound tighter than a watch.


Glad to hear things sound overall find Fluek! And yay for birthdays! Tbh I am burnt out on them. Maybe because ds1 and ds2’s are only a month apart. Also trying to plan something special for my mom’s 70th this year (suggestions welcome), and hubby’s will be here before ya know it. Anyway we’ve been so busy with family obligations— ds3 bday, a cousins bday, MIL & step FIL’s bdays, BIL’s and ds1’s bday then ds2’s…plus eastern is thrown in there and mother’s day and our anniversary…the first fee month of the year are chaos.

Wow I am totally making this all about me, sorry!!

anyway fluek glad you have a general theme and idea. Would you ever do one of those hire a princess things? Where you have someone in costume come to the party? They’re the perfect age for it!

wow winter, so much information from just a little pee! Very neat. Yes August and September will be here before you know it!! I’m excited to love vicariously through you.

Ok truth be told I am falling asleep. I will fry to write more later.
For sure, lots of good info to have in your back pocket. And yes! Fall will be here soon! So exciting!

Gigs I’m sorry. I do hope that you can find a reliable babysitter. Any local colleges? I know my college had a job board that alumni’s could post to when they were specifically looking for people. The range was huge, and I actually found an alum who was looking for a babysitter for his 1 and 3 year old. And generally speaking a college kid would have that implied responsible nature. So hard to find a babysitter.

Sorry SIL isn’t up to task. I’d be offended and confused as well. I’m pretty wound tight about Aiden, but I also have a lot of trauma and abuse as a kid so I have zero trust in the world. When is the outting? Any chance of things resolving before then?

afm had dinner with bro’s new gf. I was worried how she’s interact with A, but she was super nice. He wanted to sit next to her and kept trying to talk to her. He even asked her to carry him to the car and she obliged. Immediately clear she’s an only child because he child carrying technique was not good LOL but it was just a short walk to the car so I didn’t fix it. But she was definitely going to hurt her back keeping that up. I know my bro felt bad about breaking up with his last gf because of her relationship with Aiden, so I’m sure they’ve talked about the importance of impressing me/ being nice to A.

and our latest pcrs also came back negative woot
Dobby thank you. I talked to DH about trying to see Dr. Strange sometime but we both think that is probably not going to happen and will have to wait until it's on Disney+. MIL is having some issues and I'm thinking it's pretty serious.

Glad the proofs look great but I'm sorry his cough isn't getting better. Do you think it might have been too early to test positive for Covid?*sees your update*. Well nevermind on that but woo-hoo it's negative! In any case whatever it is, I hope he improves fully soon.

Glad to hear things went well with brows new GF. Glad he was able to let go from his old GF.

Winter thank you, I'm looking forward to the appt but not stressing right now. Sorry for weight loss plateau. Hope that you're able to reach your goals.

Hope the teen mom gets back to you soon. Some "me time" is healthy.

Gigs oh man that sounds like a lot of birthdays and events. We have quite a few April (mine, FIL, and MIL). We don't have birthday party's though for adults so it's not bad. Not sure I'd pay for a princess to appear at a party. It's cool but just not my thing. I might if they said they wanted a specific princess to show up at their party. I just find between cost of presents, food, etc. enough money has been spent.

Sorry SIL is so bent out of shape. It sounds like she has some issues, hope she can get help. Try not to take it personal as it sounds like there is an issue with her.

AFM weighed today and was 170.2! So excited to be so close to the 160s :) Not sure how well things will go over the next couple months but I will just do my best.

MIL texted yesterday asking about Vs clothing size. She said that she was anemic again. I'm not sure if she's still been taking the iron or not. If she has then I'm really concerned. She talked about being set up with a hematologist/oncologist so I'm definitely concerned.

MIL is a poor advocate for herself and her primary dr is not very proactive about things. When I met DH I told him she had COPD, she finally got diagnosed a few years after that. She coughs a lot and DH told me that she said on Friday it tool her an hour to get the groceries in because she couldn't breathe. She doesn't want to go to urgent care or ER. I'm pretty prepared for the worst at this moment. She smoked for many years and has been a welder for 40+ years. She is 66 and still working. It's hard because she won't take advice, she is stubborn. Am thinking maybe she's in denial. "If I don't have a diagnosis, it doesn't exist" kind of thing. In any case will pray for the best.
The babysitter texted back and we've set up a day for her to come and meet him/us/see the house. FX this is a good fit! I'm thinking we will just start with her watching him while I clean the house or do whatever, but am around. And work up to her watching him while we go to lunch or dinner etc :) I just happened to meet her Mom, but had been thinking about looking anyway. I have had lots of parents say that they've had good luck finding people via I know they do background checks etc.

Sorry about both MILs, Flueky and Gigs. I hope both of them get better news than what you're fearing the outlooks will be :hugs:

How strange that whole episode is with SIL giggle. I would be insulted too. My first thought is that something happened that she didn't like, but she didn't say anything about it and now she's all worked up. Or maybe she's jealous about you and MIL hanging out with the kids? In any case- I would just leave it be, and let her get over it. Not worth causing a bigger fight, even if she's definitely the one who is in the wrong.

Glad that you like your brothers new GF, dobby! Does anyone actually know anyone who has had COVID twice? I see random people on social media saying they've had it 3 times etc, but in real life, everyone we know is in the 0-1 range. I do believe that natural immunity is pretty robust, and I don't expect we'll get it again any time soon, hopefully never!

Awesome on your weight loss, flueky! That is really amazing :) And you haven't told us the most important party info- what will the cake be?!
Read and run will respond but on the covid multiple times I have a coworker who had it twice (roughly year apart) and my bestie has had it either 2x or 3x. She’s very social and hasn’t gotten vaccinated and was pretty loose with her masking. I know she got it in July at a family bbq and then again in November at her thanksgiving party. I just can’t remember if there was a third time.
Winter thank you. I hope things go well with the babysitter :) it sounds like you have a good plan in place.

Oh I'm getting a frozen themed cake from publix. Chcoclate with buttercream icing, nothing too fancy. The local bakery I have been ordering from is closed on Sundays and also Memorial Day. I was afraid the cake would be stale if I picked up Saturday and then had party on Monday. I prefer the party on Memorial as everyone will be off including DH.
TOTAL SELFISH POST, sorry y’all, I jist stepped on a scale today and saw 171!!! This is terrible for me; I haven’t seen the 170’s in 3 years or so. The fatassery ends NOW! I had gotten my diet under control, or so I thought, and was completely disheartened when I saw that number today. I can’t believe it. So I decided rather than sulk and load up on some sort of sugary treat I would take it as motivation and get my butt in gear. I did a weight lifting workout this morning and just went for a sprint/walk session while hubby watched the kids. It occurs to me that diet alone won’t do it; the only times I’ve been successful with weight loss is in conjunction with working out…so here we go!

and on that note, congrats fluek for your weight loss!! That is wonderful. I am impressed you are continuing the weight loss and haven’t hit the dreaded plateau. Heck yes! And yay for pre-ordered cakes! My kids have come to expect I personally decorate the cakes with whatever they request and it’s so stressful!

oh and I keep forgetting to mention that we homeschool! I love it because we keep things lax af. We may be considered more “unschoolers” but tbh I don’t fully get that term. But it’s been good and allows us a lot of freedom. We don’t do every subject every day because it’s too much and not necessary to get through the curriculum. I don’t have to get up at 6:30 and rush to get all the kids fed and loaded up into the car to drive 20 minutes to school every morning (what we used to do). We also school year around so we don’t have to cram as much into each day, so they have more time to play/create. My son is thinking about starting his own YouTube channel with stop motion animations he makes. He also has the freedom to dive deeper into subjects that interest him rather than being forced into topics he doesn’t care about (for example he isn’t forced to read books but chooses to read non-fiction books about chickens and space).
Anyway I’m far from an expert but am happy to answer any questions:)

ok shower time!
Also any work from Pretty? She should have had the baby by now right?
Gigs no words from Pretty. I feel liker it's her due date or very close. Definitely pins and needles waiting for her big update.

Sorry it made you feel so bad to see that number but glad you are getting that motivation. Getting motivated or keeping motivated can be the most difficult part.

Thank you, I feel like having those occasional days of "bad eating" help. I've heard it can boost your metabolism if you have been in a calorie deficit which can actually slow your metabolism. Also strength training and just mixing up my workouts I feel is helpful to avoid plateaus. I'm sure I will reach one at some point though.
Strength training is probably a very important part of it. Muscles are constantly burning calories, so it makes sense. I am definitely incorporating that into my routine this time, vs when I lost a load of weight with ds1 which was exclusively by cardio (running and swimming). I hit a plateau, then gave up, and gained some back but not much. Most of the weight gain was slow over several years, and then capped off by 2 more babies :P my heaviest non-pregnant (and actually before ds1) was almost 200; the highest I saw I think was 198 but it’s possible I went higher, I didn’t check. My lowest was 140 after weight loss with ds1 and I felt incredible. Actually I felt the best at about 145 which I’d love to get back to, but 138 has always been my ultimate goal.

what was y’alls highest & lowest & goal?

dobs I’d be lying of I said I didn’t agree that feeling love seems soon, but I was in love with hubby about three months in. So who knows. All you can do is what feels right. It must be scary dating after being burned so many times, even by people that seemed good for you in the beginning. I guess proceed with caution? Idk. When will you introduce him to A? Haha that’s awesome your bro wants your approval on his gf. Did he have an interest in this chick before breaking up with the last girl?
Gigs, my highest non pregnancy weight was 201 (204 pregnancy), my lowest weight as an adult was 140. I currently have my long term goal as 150. My long term goal may change but I'm happy with that for now. My current short term goal is to reach 160s. Once I do that, I'll have a goal of 165, 150s, then 155, and finally my long term goal. Having those smaller goals keep me motivated and from feeling overwhelmed.
I like the idea of smaller attainable goals. I need to make those, and maybe write them down. I’m considering a food journal but don’t know if I necessarily need to…I might if I don’t see any progress with this new routine.

I’m definitely highly motivated right now though. My legs are so sore from yesterday; like that good kind of sore where you feel accomplished haha

anyway dang fluek you might reach your next goal this week!! Eek!
Gigs I’m so sorry! If you believe misery loves company, I hit a range that I haven’t seen since I was pregnant/ postpartum. So I’m highly unamused. Definitely pro the combo of diet and exercise. I know you can do it! You got this! I second Fluek, I do normal eating/ eat what I want on the weekends. I had heard it helps as well. But every day is bad eating lately for me hahaha

I was just telling my coworker about your homeschooling! We were all talking about how it’s so funny we’ll come and teach 30 kids every day but if you asked us to homeschool our 1-3 kids then it’s a hell no :rofl: and then one of my coworkers had asked if anybody actually knew anybody who successfully homeschooled, and I was like I DO! She’s killing it! I actually know two. You and this person I met whale watching once, and now we’re FB friends and I just sit here in awe of her life and kids.

Re weight. My 23 and Me says my genetic predisposition is to weigh 135. I was 110-115 all of high school and college, but I was really active running track, playing soccer, and doing color guard. Plus, at UCLA I lived in the farthest dorm on the top on a hill/ lived in Westwood and walked to school even though I had a car. The highest I have been I think was about 165? It was when I was pregnant then breastfeeding and couldn’t control my appetite. I agree with Flueky that having the mini goals is really motivating. I really liked the way I looked at 115, but I don’t think it’s sustainable at this point in my life to exercise at that level. I felt like 125 is more realistic, still a lot of diet and exercise work, but I was sustaining it for a long period before I came back to working in person :( It’s really interesting how different my body will look 125-130 vs 130-135. Like what bothers me about how I look now is that I’m not toned. OA loves my body, but for my own ego I’d like to get to like 127. I just have no energy to exercise.

Re the gf, I know she’s a junior. They met because she’s in his acapella group. I know she liked him immediately, but she had told her mom he was in a serious relationship. I don’t think she actively pursued him, but I’m sure he caught on that she liked him. And I don’t think that’s why he broke up with his gf, but I think it was a contributing thought. I know he asked me not too long after the break up when it was ok to date someone else.

Re OA yeah def proceed with caution. I always thought 6 months, but as we approach 4.5 months I think 6 months is too soon. And it’s now less about the timeline versus the comfort. I’ll introduce him when I feel like I can live with this travel/work schedule. I’d also wait until there was a mutual desire to introduce me to his daughter. I want to feel secure that I see a future, but also that he sees a future. Basically, I would have to feel like I want to marry him if A likes him and he’s good with A m

Winter ooo when is the interview for the potential babysitter?! So excited. Hope it’s a good fit! Sounds like a great plan! When I was a nanny in college, the couple had me interview then said plan to stay 1-2 hours to basically hang out with their kids while they were home. Then the first time I went over was just a few hours. Then we started doing longer stuff/ things involving me driving the kids places.

Flueks sorry to hear that MIL is having some serious issues. FXed. That’s really hard. Hopefully the anemia is just her not taking the iron and she can be convinced to take it more consistently :( I will say that I feel like people are better about not spoiling things/ it’s easier to get around waiting to see something once it’s streaming. A few years ago, I feel like I’d hear spoilers within the opening weekend.

Major kudos on the weight loss! Always so thrilling to get into a new range.

The cough is still lingering. I have a ton of kids coughing in my class as well. My allergies are super bad. His nasty looking runny nose has finally dried up. But yeah nobody else in his room has come forward with a positive test, so I think that wave is done. Just going to chalk our luck up to him still having immunity. I may test him one more time this Friday, but I’m so tired and I don’t wanna LOL

They did have a comment box when you select the touch up feature so I said just retouch the pimple so hopefully they listen. Still waiting on them to come back. They said it can take 3-5 business days.

Re birthday I am with you! If they don’t ask :lol: I originally wanted to take A to Disneyland for his 5th birthday, but I don’t think he’ll enjoy it enough to justify the cost and headache. Then I was thinking I don’t really want to invest in a party when he’s pushing all these kids at school. But like maybe a backyard petting zoo. But also. I’m broke. So. Since he didn’t ask LOL idk what I’m going to do

Glad you were able to find a cake on the holiday weekend!

I’m also wondering how Pretty is! I know she can disappear for a few days when she’s busy but I wanna know if this time she’s disappeared because she’s had her little girl. Eeeeee so exciting!
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Hi ladies. Will respond properly later. Just letting you all know Baby Girl is still on the inside. It's just after midnight here, so it's the 19th/her EDD according to my MWs. If things change though, I'll let you know.

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