General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Dobs, biggest hugs. I am so sorry things didn’t work out. I know how you felt toward him and ending the relationship when you feel that way has got to be so tough. Biggest higs. And also do give yourself huge credit for attempting to elevate your mood in really healthy ways! I’m sorry they didn’t feel helpful though. And good grief, what a shitty time to have YOUR ENTIRE support system fail!! Wtf? Well you know you are always always welcome to vent here :hugs:

pretty do seriously do carry weight well!! And dang that little girl is taking up your whole body practically! I can’t wait to see her newborn photos, especially compared to the other two.

Shae! That dress is just so timeless and classy! I LOVE the floral appliqué over the tulle! Were you able to keep things in budget? And did you cry???
Dobs it’s SO’s mom who will make the veil but yeah. Super exciting. I’m not planning on doing a first look before the ceremony (SO also thinks it’s bad luck before the ceremony) but I definitely want them to get pics of his face when he sees me start walking down the aisle. Based on the fact that he teared up proposing, I’m pretty sure he’s gonna cry. I totally would’ve posted it with my face, I just was avoiding the admittedly tiny risk of it somehow coming back to him through internet magic lol. I’m going to have my hair done properly but my natural waves/curls were a decent stand-in for the pics.

Gigs I did stay in budget, my budget pre-customization stuff was $2,000, and it was $1,740 I believe after customization additions. I added a layer of sparkle tulle under the top layer of the skirt and behind the sheer bodice, which will reduce the sheerness of the bodice, but I can add an additional liner for cheap too if needed. The pics only show the sparkle tulle in the front of the skirt in some pics, we pinned a layer from another dress underneath lol. I had a liner in the photos so the bodice wasn’t sheer, and if I got a liner it would be over the nude cups so I wouldn’t have those nude just in the boob spots lol. I did not cry, I just smiled excessively, which is what I did when SO proposed, I didn’t cry then either. SO’s mom got all teary, she gets super red in the face when she starts to cry at all so I could tell immediately. My mom said she teared up but I didn’t notice cuz she was wearing a mask.
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Hope you are all doing well!

i am 168 as of this morning so solidly back in the 160’s :thumbup: now to keep the momentum going.

glad you stayed in budget shae! I love the details of your bodice. Has all the wedding stuff helped keep your mind off the baby stuff?

pink any labor updates?
Will be lurking. Exhausted physically and emotionally. So I’ll be reading just not posting

s* hit the fan at that meeting.

my stepdad hung out with us all over the weekend saying he had a sore throat but neg covid. But he tested positive like two days later. Brother tested positive today. A had neg pcr Friday, and I was neg Fri and Mon. We just did rapids, neg. So hopefully another exposure dodged. Just thinking logistically how this messes up the holiday/party plans
Shae! You look absolutely stunning ❤️ Beautiful dress, and I'm sure that your SO will cry!! I feel like crying! What a lovely moment to share with your Mom and MIL too. :D

I was expecting to log on and see baby pics, Pretty :lol: A lovely bump pic will do for now instead. ;) You look beautiful. Not exaggerating at all when I say that I looked bloated and awful for the last 6 weeks of pregnancy :rofl: I never glowed like that! And from the pics I've seen of you not pregnant- I feel like your figure is really balanced, and you look feminine and beautiful at whatever weight. I'm a pear, so I feel like when my top half look good, my bottom half is too big. And if I'm happy with my legs and butt then my top half is super skinny. Whatever! At least I have a bigger butt in the era when it is fashionable. :rofl: thanks, Kardashians!

Sorry about your break up, dobby. :hugs:And sorry about the meeting not going well. A's graduation picture is absolutely adorable. ❤️ He will do well, and you will do well by him no matter how the placement issue all works out. I hope that you get what you want for him, though. Thinking of you, and also hoping everyone avoids COVID or manages an uncomplicated recovery if they get it. :hugs:

Giggle- that's awesome about the weight loss! Wow, you can really drop weight fast! I'm 166 as of today, which is ok. I had been 160-166 since LO was born and I dropped the initial baby weight. Actually maybe I've been in that window even longer than that... :-k I feel like I was just under 160 when I fell pregnant. I don't even know any more- hoping to be in the 150s when IVF rolls around. Seems achievable! Good for you kicking butt. And what did you do re: SIL and the shower? How rude! I've given up trying to be friends with my SIL. We don't live near each other, and she's been really deliberately unkind a few times. So, I'm just done with that. Sadly, I did like my brother's wife, but they're divorcing and will likely not see her again. So :shrug:. Hope your MIL is doing ok. When will she get her genetic test results?

Hi flueky! How is your MIL doing? That's absolutely insane that they would make her wait until July 22. Do you know which doctor she is seeing? And would she let you call on her behalf? Id try and maybe call the nurse line and explain (with MIL's blessing). I had to do that for a friend to get her newborn seen at her pediatrician. The receptionist kept pushing her off because they hadn't verified insurance. I mean WTF?! This was my non-American bump buddy, and I think she felt uncomfortable being pushy, but really needed to be! Anyway... Hope that you find a way to help her. ❤️

Afm- we took an unplanned beach trip and had an amazing time. We realized that schools hadn't let out yet, and we could avoid the summer crowds. So, we got into restaurants (LO loves going to them for some reason), went to the beach, went to the pool and just hung out :) We also cancelled Netflix a year ago, so enjoyed some Netflix titles while we were there. LOL. We watched the first episode of Stranger Things, and now want to get Netflix back to see more. Now just back to normal life!
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Dobs I hope this whole string of crap and drama ends soon. I feel like you’ve been constantly tested for months now! Hopefully calmer days are ahead. I am really sorry for such an update about the meeting :( I was hoping they’d be more apathetic.

winter 3lbs my first week back at it is ok, I don’t think that’s fast for me though. And if it slows down from here that will be a bummer. Typically my first week is when I lose the most. It was hard to get back into it, but I am “feeling it” now which is nice. Sugar cravings have drastically reduced. Unfortunately my toddler, who was starting to sttn, has stopped and we’re back to 2am and 4am wake ups with him crawling into my bed around 6. The sleep has always been problematic when I’m trying to lose weight so we’ll see…

anyway you said you’re 166, are you actively trying to lose weight now? What did you start out at?

your mini vacation sounds wonder! My middle kiddo also love restaurants, and shopping, and basically going anywhere. He’s like his mom :P how was the water? Still cold? Did you get a tan? Oh no you’ve been bitten by the stranger things bug!! It’s such an addicting show. Definitely got worse as the seasons progressed but the first season is sooooo good.
Winter thank you! I can’t stop looking at my dress pics, I look at them like 5 times a day :rofl:
I’m also a pear shape, not a super severe one but my measurements are 36-29-41, I hate wearing tight around the hips dresses because I have noticeable hip dips and my hips just look quite large compared to the rest of me. On the bright side, I have a good sized butt! But, a ballgown style dress is perfect for not worrying about my boob-hip imbalance. That’s not the reason I wanted it, but it’s a lovely bonus!

I feel like it’s expected to be bloated when heavily pregnant, but like how could anyone tell you were bloated when you already had a big pregnant belly? I feel like being pregnant is a lovely way to conceal the fact that you’re bloated because they expect a belly!

Re: stranger things, season 4 is coming out tomorrow, you have a lot to catch up on! I quite like the series. Season 3 was quite different and I personally liked the first two seasons better, but I didn’t dislike season 3. I’m very excited to see what they came up with for season 4, especially with the kids being so much older!

Dobs sorry about the meeting and COVID exposure :(
3lbs in a week is awesome! That's a great start. I got up to 174lb through the last pregnancy/loss. And it has been a grind to start losing. But happy enough with 8lb since Feb. 160 is my next goal. I think 145-150 is my ideal weight. But I'd be plenty happy to stay around 160 if I can get there. (Pregnancy aside!) I hope that your son gets back to some decent sleep! Did you "do" anything to achieve the recent improvements? Or he just got there in his own and then relapsed? Either way- Fx he gets back there!

The weather ended up being pretty nice. Hot, but not too hot. So comfortable to be on the beach/in the water. Have tan lines, which suggests I did get a tan ;) Although most noticeably I forgot one day to put sun block on my stomach and feet, so they got a very noticeable burn. LO had the time of his life. He sobbed when we left the Air BnB and realized we were going home. We went last summer too, but obviously he'd forgotten, so the beach was like a brand new thing for him (again). And not sure why but he loves the whole restaurant experience. :rofl:

The dress looked perfect on you, shae. I think choosing the right dress is about both a beautiful dress, and knowing what looks good on you/compliments your features. It is a lovely dress, but also just looked fantastic on you. Glad that you love it! Every bride should feel like a million bucks on their wedding day! ❤️ Love that you keep looking at the pics.

There's definitely cute pregnant and big and bloated pregnant. I was cute pregnant for a bit, and then just big, and waddling. Don't get me wrong, I was fat and happy, and didn't much care about how I looked. But I was definitely not cute. :rofl:

I'm surprised that I liked Stranger Things. I hate horror stuff, and especially hate anything about kids like that! But it was really well done and now I want to see what happens. We didn't miss Netflix, but there were a few things on there that we were interested in. So maybe we will get Netflix back for the summer and work through stuff before quitting again. Have any of you seen Travelers? That's really good, too! I noticed it had a third season now, too! We also watched "Our Father", true story about an ivf doctor who used his own sperm as "donor" sperm, so fathered hundreds of kids without the women knowing :shock:
Gigs I forgot to respond to you, it has indeed helped my baby fever, mostly because I really don’t want to be pregnant at my wedding and if I got pregnant now I doubt I would be back down to a wedding dress size 10 in time for the wedding. I also would not be able to afford a baby and a wedding at the same time, so there’s that.

Winter awww poor baby being sad to leave, at least you know he had a great time!

Re: the dress, I really didn’t love how it looked in the model photos on the model (though they had some secondary models I liked it on) and I just saw another video of it on a bridal salon stylist advertising it on Instagram and I really didn’t think it looked right on her either, she was too busty and it just made the top look large and ill fitting (to be fair, it likely wasn’t her exact size). I do think wedding dresses are often the case of finding what looks good on your body. I do have the advantage of being a street size 6, which is more the body type dresses are designed around, and enough boobs to fill out the dress but not so much I have to size up to contain them. Though I did size up for my waist so I had some extra breathing room, so hopefully the bust will still fit well.

Re: Stranger Things, it definitely gets scarier the further into it you go, so maybe don’t watch it with the lights off lol

AFM I finally bought that arm band BBT tracker I’d been thinking about getting for years, TempDrop. I’d like to be able to track my temp but I haven’t in months due to not caring enough to stress over remembering to take it as soon as I woke up. I only have to remember to put on the band and turn it on before bed with this.

Also have a lovely garden developing on my little apartment balcony. I’m growing carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, strawberries, mint (just letting it return from last year), and parsley, plus some flowers, some of which have not bloomed yet because I planted them from seed, some of which I bought from Home Depot already bloomed. I only bought perennial flowers though, I hate when I have to replant every year.
Dobby - So sorry about your break up. Hopefully you'll find someone who has the time to give you the focus and attention you deserve.
So, what exactly happened at the meeting?
And that sucks about your stepdad and bro getting Covid. Hopefully their symptoms have been mild. Yay for dodging that bullet again though.

shae - That dress looks so great. Glad to hear you came in under budget. And that's so sweet that your MIL is gonna make your veil. What a perfect future family heirloom to pass down to your daughter. :)
Oooo, nice garden. I'd love to be able to grow strawberries and blueberries this year. The boys love them.

Winter - Aww, I'm sure you looked great when pg. In all honesty, everything below my knees is noticeably swollen, as well as my lips and nose. But c'est la vie. It's all temporary and for a good cause.
Glad to hear your had a nice little trip. :) I haven't been to a beach since I was like 6 month pg with Matthew.

Gigs - Yay for the 160's! Hella jealous. lol

Re: Stranger Things. Never seen it and have zero interest. I like light-hearted and/or funny stuff. The closest I'll come to a drama is Call The Midwife. lol

AFM, it's 40 mins away from being the 28th and still no baby or labour. Went for a scan today and all they'd tell me was she's allegedly 9.7lbs. And the tech low key gave me crap about no being induced yet. Like, how the hell am I supposed to know how big the baby is. It's your job to tell me. Plus, I've birthed a 10 pounder. I'm not scared. lol But anyway, last I've heard, my MWs weren't sent the official report yet. That being said, if there were any major issues, they would've been contacted ASAP. So, I guess no news is good news.
At my appt on Monday, I was 0cm, 30%, head at -3. But I know all of that can change at the drop of a hat. I realized something this evening though. The anniversary of my Oma's (grandma) passing is the 29th. I got my BFP on what would've been her BDay (Sept 3). So, maybe this is meant to come full circle and Baby Girl will arrive on the 29th. We shall see. I did 2 separate pumping sessions and ate 2 large date squares on Thursday, but clearly it didn't help. Gonna try to DTD with SO tonight. See if we can get her out the same way we got her in. lol

Looking beautiful was so here for that birth update haha. That’s really sweet about the coincidences. Definitely would be something amazing to have her on the 29th

love y’all. Coworker made me cry so hard another took my class. No family this week cuz everyone is isolating and I even asked my grandmother if we could go down there and she’s like I’d your uncle is maniac rn it wouldn’t be good for A so I’m gonna catch a break just not today
Gigs yay for 160s!

Winter MIL is some better she had a 2nd transfusion on Monday. I know the Dr but I do feel like if I call on her behalf, I'm overstepping boundaries. I had already considered it but I don't feel that is appropriate. I know her and know she will not give me her blessing to do so. I have spoken my concerns to her and the ball is in her court to decide if she cares enough about her health and self to run with it.

Nice about the beach trip! Nice to get a trip out before the summer crowd shows up. Oh and yay for 166!

Also, love Stranger Things. I want to rewatch the 3rd season sometime before I get onto season 4. I don't like slasher horror films, but don't mind other horror type films/shows. I haven't seen Travelers or our father. I'm a bit slow with watching shows.i do recall reading the news about the ivf dr using his sperm to fertilize the eggs of patients.. Very disturbing!

Shae lovely balcony garden. I am definitely hoping to grow a small garden next year. Too much going on this summer to worry about it.

Also, glad that wedding stuff has quelled the baby fever at the moment.

Pretty you look lovely! I really hope baby girl makes her appearance today!! That would be a lovely connection to be born today. You are right that things can change very quickly as far as dilation, position, effacement.

Dobby sorry that you aren't able to catch a break this holiday weekend.

AFM Was a busy week at work. I'm exhausted and still trying to catch up while also prepping for Vs birthday party. I came home late Wednesday and noticed S was walking odd, turning her left foot on it's side(lateral side on the floor). I checked her foot and moves it around. No pain, no crying, just some swelling. I thought maybe she sprained her ankle. She started getting some better but after playing outside yesterday it had gotten worse again. It seems better again today. Since nothing appears broken, she isn't complaining of any pain, etc. I'm just going to schedule an appt with her dr. Even if I took her to an urgent clinic,.we couldn't make an appt with ortho or PT until after the holiday.

Vs party is tomorrow. Almost everything is ready. Excited for her to open her gifts and get her new bed.

Weight is back to 170.2 lb so I must have really gained some the other week. I have been tracking my food and will try to continue to do so. So hoping I get in the 160s next weekend. Will have to try hard since we will be having cake. My mom's birthday is also next weekend and she requested a dessert so another thing against me. Then again, if I meet my 160s goal a week or two later then who cares.

Not much else to report. Hope everyone has a great holiday!
Good morning ladies.

Just popping in to say that Baby Girl is here. She was born at 4:12pm on the 29th. 8lbs 14oz, 20in, and perfect. No name yet, but we'll be deciding that today.

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She's gorgeous Pretty!! Congrats and oh how special that she was born on the 29th!
Thanks ladies. :)

So, we ended up going with the name Zoey. Zoey Mae Lynn S****.

I had a couple questionable twinges starting on the evening of the 28th. That turned into about 3-5 contraction every hour over night. By the morning, I was getting light contractions every 7-10 mins. The boys had soccer that morning, so SO, my mom, and I all went. While there, my contractions actually slowed down to 25 mins apart. Once we got home, they ramped up again. I was back to getting them every 7 mins and they were lasting 1-2+ mins. I called the MWs and they headed straight over. By the time they got there (just before 3), I was definitely in transition. I was shaking, my contractions were back to back or lasting 4+ mins. They checked me and I was already 7/8cms. So, they got me on the gas ASAP and I had the mask glued to my face for the next hour and a half. lol. About 40 mins before I delivered her, my water broke. Like a major gush you'd see in the movies. All over our area rug. We were already planning to toss it soon, so no big deal. I'm honestly not sure how long I pushed for (and forgot to ask the MWs), but I feel like it wasn't long. She ended up coming head first, but sunny side up. The umbilical cord was long enough that I could actually cut it this time (I couldn't with the boys). Ended up "needing" 3 stitches. My MW said I would've probably healed up fine without them, but it doesn't hurt to err in the side of caution. Kinda hard to say how long I was actually in labour for. I'd estimate 16 hours total, but only about 4 of those were active labour. Feeling super proud and fortunate that I was able to deliver at home again.

Today, I've been dealing with a fair amount of back and hip pain, but overall, I feel like I'm healing up well. I needed SO to take Matthew to daycare on is own, but I was able to help walk Alex to school, with Zoey in the stroller. MIL and her husband are coming by to see her on Thursday and SO's aunt and cousin are coming on Sunday.

So far, she's a healthy girl. Good at latching, even better at sleeping. She slept from 1:30 - 7 am. 4 poop/meconium diapers and a really big pee. Lots of brown hair and slate eyes. I feel like I can already see some blue in them though. And the boys are so smitten with her. Alex keeps asking to hold her, Matthew wants to read her books. It's still early days, but so far, so good. :)

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Ahhhhh Pretty congratulations on your beautiful little girl!!!! That’s so lovely about the special birthday. And I love the name Zoey! I just think it’s so cool that women’s bodies will often slow down labor when we’re not in an ideal environment for giving birth (ie. at a soccer game). I’m so glad you got to have your home birth :)
Congratulations, pretty!! ❤️ So glad that she came on the right day. And love the name Zoey. Just so happy for you- enjoy your new little girl!!!
Huge congratulations Pink!!! She’s beautiful. Those eyes and that hair! Ahh!! Is there any significance to her name that connects to your grandmother? And oddly enough one of my grandmothers also died on May 29th…
Your labor sounds amazing. Kudos on another home birth!!

I hope everyone had a good memorial day! We just had a small family get together which was fine with me. A bit hot and sweaty but hey, unofficially summer now! I actually started looking at swim suits the other day…that didn’t last long. I still can’t get comfortable with the idea of wearing a bathing suit and nothing else. I think it’ll just be a bikini with a tshirt thrown over top, per my norm for the past few years haha.

on the plus side, hit 166.6 yesterday :thumbup: next goal is 164.something; hoping to hit it by next week or so…
Wow, giggle! Good work with the weight loss. I need to get moving again- you're about to overtake me!!! What are you doing? Food? Exercise?

Wear the bikini! Admittedly, I wear high waisted bottoms (just because I like how it looks). But you for sure don't need a t-shirt (although that is a good choice re: the sun!).

Yes, flueky- I wouldn't call the doctor without her consent. Was just hoping that she would give you the go ahead to advocate for her. Fingers crossed she is feeling better already with what treatment she's had so far. And you're absolutely right about the weight loss- it's about getting there and maintaining, not rushing just because. :) You've done amazing to date, and I'm sure will continue til you hit all your goals.

Congratulations again, Pretty. She's lovely! :cloud9:

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