Shae! You look absolutely stunning

Beautiful dress, and I'm sure that your SO will cry!! I feel like crying! What a lovely moment to share with your Mom and MIL too.
I was expecting to log on and see baby pics, Pretty

A lovely bump pic will do for now instead.

You look beautiful. Not exaggerating at all when I say that I looked bloated and awful for the last 6 weeks of pregnancy

I never glowed like that! And from the pics I've seen of you not pregnant- I feel like your figure is really balanced, and you look feminine and beautiful at whatever weight. I'm a pear, so I feel like when my top half look good, my bottom half is too big. And if I'm happy with my legs and butt then my top half is super skinny. Whatever! At least I have a bigger butt in the era when it is fashionable.

thanks, Kardashians!
Sorry about your break up, dobby.

And sorry about the meeting not going well. A's graduation picture is absolutely adorable.

He will do well, and you will do well by him no matter how the placement issue all works out. I hope that you get what you want for him, though. Thinking of you, and also hoping everyone avoids COVID or manages an uncomplicated recovery if they get it.
Giggle- that's awesome about the weight loss! Wow, you can really drop weight fast! I'm 166 as of today, which is ok. I had been 160-166 since LO was born and I dropped the initial baby weight. Actually maybe I've been in that window even longer than that...

I feel like I was just under 160 when I fell pregnant. I don't even know any more- hoping to be in the 150s when IVF rolls around. Seems achievable! Good for you kicking butt. And what did you do re: SIL and the shower? How rude! I've given up trying to be friends with my SIL. We don't live near each other, and she's been really deliberately unkind a few times. So, I'm just done with that. Sadly, I did like my brother's wife, but they're divorcing and will likely not see her again. So

. Hope your MIL is doing ok. When will she get her genetic test results?
Hi flueky! How is your MIL doing? That's absolutely insane that they would make her wait until July 22. Do you know which doctor she is seeing? And would she let you call on her behalf? Id try and maybe call the nurse line and explain (with MIL's blessing). I had to do that for a friend to get her newborn seen at her pediatrician. The receptionist kept pushing her off because they hadn't verified insurance. I mean WTF?! This was my non-American bump buddy, and I think she felt uncomfortable being pushy, but really needed to be! Anyway... Hope that you find a way to help her.
Afm- we took an unplanned beach trip and had an amazing time. We realized that schools hadn't let out yet, and we could avoid the summer crowds. So, we got into restaurants (LO loves going to them for some reason), went to the beach, went to the pool and just hung out

We also cancelled Netflix a year ago, so enjoyed some Netflix titles while we were there. LOL. We watched the first episode of Stranger Things, and now want to get Netflix back to see more. Now just back to normal life!