Shae that’s such wonderful news! I’m so glad there’s a plan that honestly sounds like a win for everyone! Just make sure that house is in a living trust not willed to you. Probate is a b*. I hope the visit goes well. That’s so exciting!
Re overnight oats I see it all the time as an ad on Instagram lol. My mom was talking to her doctor and recommended it to. I’m wary of the texture and idk that I can force myself to eat healthy oatmeal compared to buttery sugary oatmeal. I couldn’t scan switch to steel cut oats lol. Plus the milk would be an issue. I get to work at about 7:30, doors open 7:57, and then recess at 9:55-10:15. I had yard duty twice a week. So anything I can just have sitting in my classroom would be ideal though I could technically mix it real quick when I tag out for a potty run. I should look into it though.
I was a tooth wiggled too haha. I swear his tooth is back in place and not moving. He’s still saying it’s loose when he eats so idk.
Oooo nice! At least he’s not asking to swap or trade hahah. Any games in particular? I haven’t had a desktop since college! Ah the glory days of possuming kids in Left 4 Dead 2.
I’m honestly terrified of totaling what I spent. It’s mostly all stuff I needed but can live without, so I added it to a wishlist to see if it or a similar product went on sale. But I went hard! =\. The one splurge for me was a foot spa that was nearly half off. My next thing on my self care is to take better care of my hands and feet. I only ever soak my feet when I’m doing a pedicure. And it’s usually in a mop bucket I got at target for like $5

I figured it’s my birthday present to myself. I deserve one splurge. It says I can use any epsom salt and I have one I love but I got some foot bath bombs for fun.
As for practical stuff I needed to get or replace: got a garden rack on wheels, a new privacy curtain for my kitchen window, blue 4 in heels and thigh high stockings because why not, a new garden shovel, new garden gloves, a space saver coffee table and rug to go under, a utensil holder, walking shoes, a 512 gig microsd for A’s tablet that keeps running out of storage, a rock mix as I want to plant a bunch of succulents and keep the dumb feral cats out of them, lightbulbs, small butterfly decorations for my fictitious garden, a play mat for the garage so A can jump in there and stop pissing off the neighbor at 7am, a car seat travel bag/backpack, two small art pieces, some magnetic shelves for my fridge, a couple pots, a toaster, a 5 tier storage rack, seed starter kits cuz trying to plant milkweed, a new phone mount for my bike, vacuum bags, and aforementioned electric tea kettle. Also grabbed some stuff for A: a new wall name decal to finish his room, some tooth fairy stuff, a ridiculous amount of kids horse books, a pinkfong plush and a baby shark animal book, and a Dino floor puzzle.