K hey again y'all. Once again I should desperately be working on my research because one of my meetings got cancelled (I'm just finishing my clinical residency) so I'll just throw caution to the wind. I did catch up last night on the last few weeks of this thread, so here goes...
Shae it's truly awesome to see that you're married and a nurse now after knowing both those things were what you were working towards last time I was on here. How are you enjoying nursing? That's also great news about moving in with your papa... it really does sound like win-win in so many ways. Did DH straight up say he's up for starting TTC full force next cycle? I really hope so. I know you thought you may have been pregnant in the past and I was curious if they happened after proper ejaculation during your fertile window...? If not, I feel like things will be much more hopeful with proper efforts. Also, LOL @ your impulse gaming purchase. That reminds me of last year when I bought a VR headset and then used in like less than 15 times since.
Dobs I'm sorry to have read about your aunt and also about your friend's friend passing away. Any unexpected deaths due to heart issues in young people freak me out now because I worry about long-term impact of COVID of CV health. The same day I read what happened to your friend's friend I also saw an article on how more and more young people are having heart attacks. Not great for my health anxiety but at least motivates me more to try to be healthy. I see you've been doing intermittent fasting too. I've been doing in religiously as well for the past year and it's made a huge difference, but I haven't been doing exercise very regularly so I've also lost quite a bit of muscle mass I think. Of course I've stopped IF since finding out my pg so now I really do need to exercise. Since we moved out of Toronto (where I walked all the time) and to a suburban area, I drive everywhere and basically don't do much except occasionally dance around my kitchen or attend a "heels" class with a friend (where everyone where's high heels--except me, actually--and dances sexy lol... it's quite empowering). Also, that was an impressive amazon haul that you got a while back. I was certain it would've cost you way more, but maybe I'm thinking of Canadian dollars. I think I accidentally caught the prime day when I was ordering UV resin and it happened to be very cheap. Otherwise I will like I'm addicted to Temu

. Good call on wills, too. I'm ashamed to say DH and I still haven't sorted ours, which is so bad considering we're parents. Re: ADHD, it's funny you mentioned reading about the hunter/farming thing because a while back I read an article on the evolutionary-based advantages of genes that predispose folks to things like anxiety, ADHD, etc. If you're interested I'll try to find it. Also, are you guys renting a horse? lol. So jealz. Oh, and who's OA?
Pink - I am so impressed at you wanting a fourth child. Truly, it's taken me almost 7 years to get to the point where I could even imagine the remote possibility of being able to handle two children, and even that is almost entirely motivated by wanting a sibling for Matilda (who no longer wants to be called Tilly... right after I ordered a bunch of new name labels and personally hand-embroidered a nice sweater with 'Tilly' on it). I'm particularly in awe of anyone who takes having multiple young children in their stride. I feel like a weak parent and I often think DH and I generally suck at life lol. Same with kids' parties - last year we paid a tonne to do one of those parties at a soft play place so that I wouldn't have to organize much (we've avoided non-family-only parties for her previously), and I still found it quite stressful. I vowed I'd never have a winter baby so that we can just do a party at a local playground with bbq food or picnic or something, but a friend pointed out that with rain risk I can never count on that anyway. Booo. So I guess my point is that you sound like a way better mum than me, ha.
Flueks - how are your little ladiessss? I'll be honest, I don't recall much of what you wrote previously, but I think you had fewer messages. Hope you're doing well in any case!
Has Gigs been about at all?
AFM, I'm still finishing my stupid PhD as you might've guessed, but it HAS to happen next year. If having a baby screws that plan, it will not be good. I still also have to do one year of supervised practice after that before I can become a completely autonomous psychologist, so I feel at this rate my peers will have retired by the time I even get my proper career started.
Haven't checked for typos, sorrrrryyyyyy