Tested my progesterone level for peace of mind when I got home from work, it was 8.6, so I can relax and know for absolute certain that I’m not pregnant. A bit sad of course, but I’m pretty much at peace with it. I think I’d have to quit my current job immediately because of the significant increased risk of miscarriage for night shift workers, and I only have 3 more weeks of this job, so I’d rather not lol.
It’s probably best for me not to get pregnant for the next few months since I’m starting the new job and everything is so up in the air about DH’s job prospects and also housing (recent family drama from just one aunt making a fuss makes me think we won’t be getting Papa’s house, and at the same time, it needs so much work that we might not want it). If DH does get a job in his field it could require relocation and I’m nervous about the idea of having to relocate prior to my Papa passing since he shouldn’t live alone and he could have a good few years left in him with his current state of health. If that happened, we’d need to arrange for someone else to move in with him, and I’m not sure if anyone would be willing to do so. The chances of Papa leaving that house to move in with someone are slim to none. Of course, if I end up pregnant, I’ll be thrilled, and I’ll probably (definitely) beg DH to let us TTC anyway lol because hormones don’t care about logic.
Unrelated, if the acid reflux I’ve been having for the past week could F off, it would be much appreciated.