Ok, I believe I'm caught up. Please excuse me if I miss anything.
Dobby - I can't believe you're having to go to this extent just to keep A in school. I don't even know if I'd be mentally equipped to deal with half of it. As I said in my last post, give 'em hell.
And how has he been since he's been on meds for a little bit now?
We also watch Ahsoka and all that too. SO's cousin comes over and we make a night of it. And Star Wars in my house is called Pew Pew, cuz of the sound the blasters make. lol
shae - Jeez, that sounds like a lot of drama. Both with the state of the house and family stuff. Just to clarify though, you're still moving in but, you're just not sure who will take possession of the house once your Papa passes, right?
Sorry that you'll probably have to wait a little longer for a BFP. Life does sound like it's gonna be hectic in the next few months though. Probably best to wait for the dust to settle a bit. The last thing you wanna deal with is morning sickness while moving and starting a new job. Just my 2 cents.
Jez - Hope you had a great time in Europe. And FX your nausea clears up soon. How far along are you now?
Hope everyone is doing well.
Re: skunk. SO's mom's dog got sprayed several years ago. Unfortunately, they didn't realize until the dog had already run inside and rubbed it's face all over the furniture. That smell is something else. For future reference, if anyone or any animal gets sprayed, follow these steps..
What to do when a skunk sprays your dog
AFM, the boys going back to school has gone pretty seemlessly. Matthew didn't cry and was even complaining that there wasn't any school during the first weekend. lol
My mom is having her house hella reno'd, so she's living with us for at least a few weeks. The majority of her floors were done a few years ago after a water leak on the main floor. Now, she's getting a lot of new drywall, a new kitchen, her only full bathroom is totally gutted. It'll look like a totally new house. It's a little bittersweet cuz that's where all my childhood memories were made. But time marches on and this reno is long overdue.
Speaking of reno, SO and I have tentatively agreed to get out kitchen reno'd in January. So, we'll see if that pans out.
Also, I believe we've basically decided that we'll do Florida for a couple weeks in the 2nd half of November, just after my leave officially ends. So, I'll hopefully find a new job shortly after we get back, which means Zoey will be starting daycare before we know it. More bittersweetness. :')
Couple recent pics of the kiddos.