Campn- Don't stress the school thing. My son was an Oct baby so he didn't get to start last year, but He is a whiz and it's not gonna cause him issues- he just gets to brag he's older lol, and if he continues his whiz kid ways, we can always speak with staff about bumping him up a grade- they wanted to with my daughter.
Also- all kiddos are diff as you know, and might not be rdy for school at 5.
My exhub has a friend whose son plays with ours, and he is struggling hard in kindergarten, because he doesn't want to focus, just wants to play, and he's a bit of a brat/bully to the other kids- his way of defying the teachers effort to make him sit and learn lol.
If my son had gone in at 4 he would have been just fine, because he soaks up knowledge like a sponge.
Hehe - he "teaches" my 75 y/o mom how to use her tablet on youtube lol.
Now as a kid who went into kinder at 4, and graduated at 17- I hated being the youngest in every class. Mainly cuz in Highschool I couldn't sign any papers myself, nor could I battle which college I wanted.
I wanted to go out of state- parents said no way...I had a scholarship to DUKE!?
And they said no...had I been 18 like other kids, I woulda

to the parents and had a very diff career path hmph