General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Haha science can fight me. You know my opinion. My body will act preggo when I haven’t DTD in months :rofl: but I think symptom spotting is half the fun of ttc. And is fun to look at in hindsight. I’m torn because science says you won’t get symptoms that early or that they’re caused by something else, but overlapping my temps and charts of my non bfp vs bfp charts I definitely saw interesting patterns on terms of noting symptoms in those early dpos that were consistent to my bfp cgarts but different from my non bfp. So it’s all good and fun. And sounds like DH is right along with you with the symptom spotting, so that’s always special :). I’ll keep my FXed for you. Like I said cute story and as much as I hoped for full baby making ttc for you the second best experience is well we had our plans but God (I believe you’ve mentioned being religious) had others ;)
Feeling nervous about my chances this morning. I had major night sweats last night and my progesterone dropped to 15 from 40 (2 days ago). It’s still plenty high enough for a pregnancy (10 or more), but I’m still not happy about it. And no nausea this morning. I will say, I’m only 5dpo, so it’s too early for a “not pregnant” progesterone drop. I know my night sweats were caused by the sudden change in hormone levels. But I’m still not thrilled by it. I’m hoping it’s just a transient drop. My temp is still nice and high, over 98 which is rare for me post-ovulation. That makes me feel a little better.

Dobs I totally agree, best is trying, second best is “we had our plans, but God”. And yes, I’m very religious.

Summary of how that happened, feel free to skip if you want, lots of religion talk incoming:

I didn’t grow up religious, I just believed in “God” with no information about who God was, assumed some far off creator of the universe. My mom left the church as a teenager, so God was not mentioned much or elaborated on. I always struggled with what to believe and spent years trying to find a religion that fit me best. At some point in college I was trying out witchcraft and in the midst of it I was writing in a journal meant for witchcraft and all of a sudden I realized that I believed Jesus was the Son of God, and deep down I think I always did. And if I believe that, why the heck am I not a Christian? Then I was like “well the Bible says a lot of stuff I don’t like, so it can’t be true”, and I had his thought come to my brain that said “just because you don’t like it, doesn’t mean it’s not true. The truth doesn’t care what anyone thinks of it, it will still be true, and God knows better than you do.” So that sent me on a crazy journey of learning about Christianity and led me to where I am today. I believe that God intervened that day to give me faith, and I’m so incredibly grateful for that. I always felt like something big was missing in my soul, and now I feel whole. “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I’m found, was blind but now I see”. Those lyrics mean so much now. They truly describe the Christian experience.

If anyone is interested, I’m always happy to talk about Jesus in DMs. If not, totally fine!
So my mom said that with her pregnancies, the pre-BFP nausea was very on and off, some days she felt totally fine. Makes me feel better for sure. Also she had night sweats. I already figured it didn’t mean much and was just from hormonal changes. But I’m very relieved that my temp is still nice and high.
Not getting enough sleep seems to be quite the nausea trigger for me ever since ovulation. Coffee smell at work made me nauseous, cafeteria smelled eggy in a nauseating way (usually smells good), spent the drive to work trying not to retch. I never get enough sleep before work though, so this isn’t new, but the nausea is. 7dpo now. May start testing tomorrow. Progesterone went back up to 29, thank goodness. Didn’t test it yesterday because the app was giving me a ton of issues, had to delete and re-install, so I decided maybe I just wasn’t supposed to test my hormones that day lol.
Are you gonna test tomorrow? You know I vote yes lol esp if you got multiple 3 packs :rofl:

Yeah I mean my grandparents used physical force to get us to church/pray so big turn off. Most of my friends are atheists. But my view is boo organized religion yay faith. The song “Jesus Can” is me. Like yes hard work created a lot of things for me but I’ve seen my fair share of miracles
Are you gonna test tomorrow? You know I vote yes lol esp if you got multiple 3 packs :rofl:

Yeah I mean my grandparents used physical force to get us to church/pray so big turn off. Most of my friends are atheists. But my view is boo organized religion yay faith. The song “Jesus Can” is me. Like yes hard work created a lot of things for me but I’ve seen my fair share of miracles
I did test, BFN, but I had 2 (now 1) inito strips left and my cervix had elevated plus a small temp dip, so I tested my hormones, and my estrogen rose significantly, progesterone dipped slightly but I know it fluctuates so I’m not worried, it’s still nice and high. We’ll see tomorrow!

ETA: religious trauma is the worst, the abuse of something that’s supposed to bring peace and comfort is despicable. I’m sorry that happened to you.
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Hey ladies I’m playing catch up with very limited time so sorry in advance for the short response!

Shae eeeeee I’m busting with excitement for you! Just fyi my confirmed BFP’s were 10dpo, 9dpo, 9dpo, and 8dpo so I definitely think you’re still in with a chance…how exciting! I wonder if this will put DH i to proper ttc mindset if it doesn’t work out this time. Just remind him he gets to do “full payload” every time he wants for 9 months, haha

Pretty omg huge congrats!! 2 of each, how perfect!

Dobby actually science says early symptoms are possible because of “early Pregnancy Factor”, another hormone related thing…if I’m remembering that right
Gigs I hadn’t heard of that before! Though I will say, there doesn’t seem to be any studies on whether EPF causes symptoms, just that it’s released shortly after conception and can be detected within 36-48 hours, but the test is far more difficult to do which is why it’s not commonly used for pregnancy testing. It’s apparently an immunosuppressant so that the body doesn’t reject the embryo, and it’s also supposed to prevent “luteal phase regression” which I assume means progesterone drop and loss of uterine lining. It could make sense that an immunosuppressant could cause symptoms, though.

Also, importantly, the FRERs I got have the new opaque dark pink caps, which I only realized this morning when I opened them. I’ve seen a lot of people say they’re way less sensitive, comparing them to BFP on cheapies with a negative FRER (and they were actually pregnant). So there could be a delay in BFP due to that, as they’re the only tests I have. We’ll see.
How are you Gigs?!

Shae 8dpo is early and yeah small dips is normal. Glad the hormones are still high. Speaking of saying stuff with no science (typing the out of order lol) I feel like are the tears really less sensitive or are people not accounting for variability in implantation and hcg production rates? Like just because one bfp came at 8dpo but the next one was 10dpo doesn’t necessarily mean the test is less sensitive vs maybe the second pregnancy just had different levels. Either way FXed for a bfp and on the sooner side.

How are you planning to tell DH? I remember you said you ordered some stuff back in the day. Same plan or new plan?

I mean I base nothing in science. I just say stuff :rofl: I agree so much is unknown about what really happens to our bodies from conception to bfp though. I definitely think pregnancy causes symptoms but I also am camp so do a lot of other things. So it’s mostly hindsight connections. Where my doubt comes in is the sheer amount of times I’ll feel super pregnant (sore breasts, in “the mood” when I’m not usually, bloated, achy, emotional) or even people will ask me if I’m pregnant. And for a split second I’ll think omg maybe I am but then I remember to have to have sex to be pregnant. And being that I only DTD once every 2/3 months :rofl: just the other week I put on a couple bloat lbs and my breasts were hurting and I was sooooo insatiable. But I literally haven’t DTD since 12/1 and I’ve had two “periods” since
How are you Gigs?!

Shae 8dpo is early and yeah small dips is normal. Glad the hormones are still high. Speaking of saying stuff with no science (typing the out of order lol) I feel like are the tears really less sensitive or are people not accounting for variability in implantation and hcg production rates? Like just because one bfp came at 8dpo but the next one was 10dpo doesn’t necessarily mean the test is less sensitive vs maybe the second pregnancy just had different levels. Either way FXed for a bfp and on the sooner side.

How are you planning to tell DH? I remember you said you ordered some stuff back in the day. Same plan or new plan?

I mean I base nothing in science. I just say stuff :rofl: I agree so much is unknown about what really happens to our bodies from conception to bfp though. I definitely think pregnancy causes symptoms but I also am camp so do a lot of other things. So it’s mostly hindsight connections. Where my doubt comes in is the sheer amount of times I’ll feel super pregnant (sore breasts, in “the mood” when I’m not usually, bloated, achy, emotional) or even people will ask me if I’m pregnant. And for a split second I’ll think omg maybe I am but then I remember to have to have sex to be pregnant. And being that I only DTD once every 2/3 months :rofl: just the other week I put on a couple bloat lbs and my breasts were hurting and I was sooooo insatiable. But I literally haven’t DTD since 12/1 and I’ve had two “periods” since
Well they weren’t comparing the FRERs to cheapies from a different cycle, they were comparing tests done on the exact same urine. So yeah, quite possible they’re less sensitive.

I have a little pregnancy book for dads and a onesie, I figured I’d lay those and the test on the bed for him to see. Nothing crazy, just a little nicer than “hey, test is positive”. If I can control myself lol
Shae you’re going to be so jazzed you immediately tell him, if I’ve learned anything about you in these past, what, 7 years now?! Lollll
Maybe not because you can’t keep a secret but because your emotions are going to explode out of you involuntarily hahahaha

Have you ever had the temp dip before? I mean the one I understand is called an implantation dip? Pardon me, I never did do the chart thing. I do find it interesting though!

Hi Dobs! I’m good, just keeping busy. I recently got back into the aquarium hobby so between that and crochet and youtube then every day life/family stuff I just stay busy all the time. But I enjoy it! I’m not good at sitting still. Hubby keeps threatening to tie me down to the couch so I am forced to relax, haha.
Gigs after a quick look through past charts, it looks like I have had temp dips before in some cycles, some temp was just erratic and a few had a temp dip 6-7dpo. I wasn’t terribly excited by it anyway, more so by the estrogen spike.
And oh I absolutely can’t keep a secret, half my coworkers know I might be pregnant
Oooooooo, shae. FX! That's girl timing, according to The Babydust Method. lol

Thanks, Gigs. I'm so excited!

And shae, I didn't get a faint BFP with Matthew til 11dpo. So, there's still hope for you. :)
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Re frers Ooo well that's unfortunate then. Hopefully you still get an early bfp. Super cute! I wouldn't blame you for spilling the beans haha especially since you're not allowed to tell us first technically.

Pretty good to see you pop in too! Hope you're doing well as well!

Gigs LMFAO that's amazing tie you to the couch. You do do a lot! Idk how you juggle and manage everything! So impressive.
Dobby - Ya, I apparently haven't been getting emails notifying me of new posts again.
And I'm good. Been feeling a lot of movement down low and seeing it on the outside a wee bit. I have an anterior placenta, in case I haven't mentioned that. Still looking for a job and time is seriously of the essence. Otherwise, just been keeping busy doing some 2nd tri nesting. lol
BFN today but only 9dpo. The vvvvfl’s I’ve gotten were all 11-12dpo so I’m tempering my expectations re: an early BFP. I can’t test tomorrow morning but I’ll try to do a good hold tonight and test before bed, and again tomorrow night after work. I woke up nauseous and freezing this morning, so I was worried my temp would be low, but my temp shot back up from 97.6 to 98.2! Anything over 98 makes me happy because I usually don’t hit 98 post-O, I run cold, and 98+ is ideal conditions for pregnancy. Also FF took notice of my temp dip in the interpretation thing, yay!

Gigs DH’s family is the type who need to be tied to the couch if you want them to relax for a single day.

Pretty yesss on girl timing, I really hope so! Especially with the increased risk of me having the gene causing 50% of boys to miscarry, my sister has it and so does my mom, I haven’t been tested yet.
Update: my mom officially thinks I’m pregnant and that it’s a girl. We will have to see if she’s right!

ETA: Also I’m dumb and took another test with like no hold :rofl: obviously it was negative. I’m still gonna try to get a good hold and take one before bed since I can’t test in the morning. I’ve still got 6 non-digis left.
Post-dinner test was negative, blah. DH wants to get up early to make me breakfast in the morning so I might test. Unless he doesn’t actually get up which there’s a good chance of lol, he’s not a morning person. If he doesn’t, I’ll take one when I get home from work.
No early BFP for me. BFN 10dpo. FF says less than half of people get their BFP by now, which makes me feel a bit better. Plus I woke up nauseous again and my temp is still high, and the obvious faint line I had like 1-2 years ago was 12dpo. Maybe I’m not the person who gets an early BFP. But I have to admit it’s discouraging.

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