Plot thickens.
So he confirmed baby.
He confirmed they will only coparent.
He profusely apologized that I’m processing this while he’s in a different country.
Being me and now done with report cards, I was having a pity party about how we DTD like a week before her fertile week. How it was one of my fav nights with him but I could tell he was seeing someone from something he said. So I was going through all my texts/audios with my friend from around that time and running on my treadmill.
Woke up at 3am with anxiety. Went back to see what we talked about around that time. Girls. Make it make sense for me. I feel like my due dates were always pretty accurate to my ovulation date. I know there’s some plus minus but…
We have an agreement that he texts me any times he flies because that’s how my family is/my dad dying on a trip. He flew to Seattle like crack of dawn on 9/27. I’ve DTD with him before the night before a trip or even morning of and left when he leaves for the airport. So it’s not impossible to say they could have DTD 9/26 or 9/27. He flew back very late. He wouldn’t have gotten home until nearly 11pm with work the next day. He’s not usually one to request fun that late. At least not with me but I also wouldn’t tolerate that level of disrespect for a call time after 10pm at this age or thus dynamic. Other people might. So realistically improbably but earliest deed would be 10/3 but more likely 10/4. We were pretty chummy and chatty when he got back and were making plans to see each other the next week. So assuming he was in the mood and I do require childcare plans, it’s possible her rang her for fun from super late 10/3 up to early morning 10/5. He would have had his daughter 10/6 after school until 10/9 morning. He had to fly back to Seattle (issue with the deal and it was like multi millions) on 10/11 early morning because we had plans 10/10 that got postponed due to the work crisis.
So mathing here…
- Her due date is 6/25/2024
- Reverse conception calculators are saying most probably O date was 10/1-10/3
- Logistically, the closest BD pre trip is 9/26 or 9/27.
- Logistically, the closest post trip bd would be 10/3, 10/4, or 10/5. Which could potentially have been O or O+1.
All this said, he has taken exes on work trips while they dated. So she could have gone with him. I really don’t think he’d have DTD on 10/3. He’s old. He would have been stressed and tired from the trip. He got in so late. So really it’s more likely they’d do it 10/4. We usually do it T night because it’s his first night of the week without his daughter or Th night because he’ll have her all weekend. So 10/4 would fit his pattern of T. He’d also never ask me with a single day notice.
I feel like stars aligned sure if they did it 9/27 morning and she Oed on the early range for her due date OR they did it 10/4 and she Oed on the later range then sure. But I feel like he’s 50. His deposit isn’t huge. She’s 40. It just seems like a stretch to me. And now it’s 5am and I haven’t slept lol
ETA I really think 10/3 is out. Sleep is important to him. We’ve only ever done it that late if I was over all day and there was napping. I also just realized in two years of DTD I can’t think of a time that he ever finished at night. I almost always sleepover. We start and stop a lot because he’s old

and he only ever finishes in the morning. And his deposit is comparatively weak and small to most guys I’ve been with. I assumed it’s an old man thing. I’m used to 20-30s guys out here making deposits 3-7x in sleepover

so idk ladies I’m skeptical that this baby is his but is that just wishful thinking lol