General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Dobs, I hope you get your little man! I can't wait for your appointment. I have the same feeling about twins and their unique bond.

J, wheres your FRER?! I know you're on my coast! You've already peed on one, share with the class!
Yes share the FRER please J tut tut..

20miu isnt a a very sensitive test .. Anythung under 10 is though, Drs office tests a rubbish, some are like 50miu? Uhh crappy!

Ooh Ovia, im gonna search my app store now :)
This Fing site has crashed twice while I type this grrrrrr

Oh sorry chaos here getting son off to his dad this morning, and in the madness I went on auto pee mode and totally forgot to FRER:brat:
Tried to stop peeing when I realized, which I can usually do, but since I made sure not to drink much before bed there was nothing left to squeeze in a cup:dohh:
I have to run to speak with atty about my idiot ex hub starting crap in court again, so I will hold now for a few hours, and then post frer. Sorry to those waiting, I am very much on the same cliffhanger! OMG I am on my way to take a voluntary drug screen for everything possible, as my atty just told me my ex hub is now accusing me of using drugs!!!
WTF!!!??? I have NEVER used drugs in my life, EVER, not even Weed!!
The next thing I file on him is going to be harassment and perjury charges! I am sooo sick of him pulling random crap out of his ass every few months. I am so over his bullshit!
Last hearing he said I had satanic books and child porn!
WTF!?!?!:shock: My atty asked why he never said anything about this since he says he found it in 2013- He said he called the cops and they told him to "throw it away":rofl:
Trusssst me no cop is losing their job and their pension over telling this idiot to throw out child porn!
Seriously this is the kind of crap I deal with from him.
He needs to get a frickin life already that does NOT include harassing me.
Anyhoo, this "hold " is going to be wasted on a stupid urine screen now, so will have to HOLD again after that ....frickin moron....
Giggle, I just read through a good number of pages of your pregnancy with Des... geez, hope your next bun won't give you any scares!!

As for me: I am stressed, we still don't know if we can finish the financing on time for our new home or the seller can walk away on friday. DH was talking about asking for another extension.
It's stressing me that I don't want to be in this province anymore and not knowing when we will be able to move now or if.

My ducks are still stressed from their move, so only 5 eggs yesterday which is better then 2 the day before! But did get 29 on moving day... Yesterday's 5 is a good sign tho that they are getting over their stress
JLM, sorry you have to go through this with your ex... I agree, press charges back for harassment. The judge hasn't caught on to his game yet?
No!!! But you know, frers suck with fmu. I get much better results with sum or later. Even if it's only an hour and a half hold. As long as it has some color to it.
Bummer! I just gotta see some lines!

And not my own. Mine are boring. My opk looks just like yesterdays. I'm already over using them haha

J, your ex sounds like a douche bag. Definitely push back. You're already paying an attorney, so might as well. Maybe tack on a restraining order to so he can't contact you.

Pl, glad those duckies are coming back with production! We bought 2 6mo laying buffs just so we could get eggs before ours started laying, it it took them 4-5 weeks to lay on our farm :dohh: 5 eggs already is great!

We only got 3 today after the 6 yesterday. I'm not that bummed though. The thing is, if it was amazing every day, i wouldn't be excited for the larger numbers.

Now. Ladies. How can i talk hubs into letting things go? Or at least one round of penis roulette?

Well my hub tried to talk me into a couple years ago by saying if it happens it's meant to be. Haha. He also used the whole "your mom had problems getting pregnant and what if you do too" turns out I should have listened to him... Ugh oh well.
Gigs I can't restr oder him since we have joint custody and visitation. The judge that was well aware of his games left family court argghhh So we are starting all over with someone who thinks he is a choir boy at this point, but I think when he threw out the kid porn she looked at him like :saywhat: lol.
Gee, maybe it's just me...but I'm thinking you don't wait 2.5 yrs to bring up the fact that your ex has kid porn??? He's a moron.
Anyhoo- took my random screen for everything- atty made him pay LOL
Oh and since I have awesome "stop flow ability" I didn't give up all my pee hold, just the min she needed:dance:
Sooo I have had nothing more to drink in the last 4 hrs, and still have half a bladder of pee that was VERY yellow in her cup hehe.
So, I am chilling at panera with the laptop- so I can chat with you all:friends:
Continuing hold as I might as well stay on this side of town to pick up my older son from work in 2 hrs.
Oh and I bought another bottle of progest cream as I was really worried I would run out and my level would drop before I get more causing poss mc:shock:
As soon as I have a good strong bfp, I will make the soonest appt available with my ob/gyn to get a Rx for progest tabs.
The cream is measured pump amt, but honestly I have NO idea what my baseline progest is before cream, so I just want to be on the right level, plus at $25/bottle it's not covered by my insir without a script. With a RX i pay 0.
I could just stay on cream after the RX is written, but I like a simple pill twice a day, not to mention the cream has Evening Prim Oil in it, and what I've read has mixed reviews on whether it's safe in preg:shrug:
--By the time I get home it will be about 3:30pm EST...that will be a 6 hr hold basically. Urine should be like molasses by then :rofl:
Dobs I would skip selective reduction honestly and place the other with fam if need be.
There is always a risk of losing both twins when you do one, and not to mention, without knowing gender you may lose your boy!
Sounds like you two are doing well tho. Do you only want one child or is your budget that set?
Either way if the kiddo finds out one day about reduction or say you give one to fam, they will always have deep questions for you.
Easier to at least explain keeping one in the fam.
How's your hubs feel about having 2?
J....that's great you didn't at least have to pay for the drug testing. I! Is he at least a good father?

AND I CAN'T WAIT FOR YOUR TEST! I am so excited to see that liiiine!

Mrs, sorry it's taking longer than expected :hugs: but once you are holding that bundle, all this time won't even matter anymore.
Thx you actually giggle alot? Picturing you with a wind up key on your back...or a pull string :haha:

NO he sux as a father. He works ALOT at least 5 10 hr shifts a week, so all his time he leaves my son with his parents! I will be bringing that up in court as well.
Anytime he is gone a total of 12 hrs he is supposed to offer ME to watch my son before a third party- and grandparents do not outrank parents here. He has never once in 3 years offered, and his commute is 2 hrs round trip.
Also they are all very over weight and refuse to do anything outside with my son, and they hate chuck E Cheese- so all he gets to do is sit in the house, or go to the play area at the mall:roll:
My son literally has to be carried out to him for pick up, he runs TO me when I pick up. I make sure we do ALOT when he's with me. Art and science projects, games, movies, go to the pool and the parks and take him to playdates with my friends kids. Also take him to petstores. He loves looking at the animals and they all hate animals gahh.
We just had a Bass Pro Shop Open here- not sure if you all are familiar, but they have TONS of taxidermy animals all over the ceiling, walls, shelves etc.
I am NOT a fan of stuffed critters, nor hunting if you aren't killing it to eat it, but I had never been in one so I didn't know before hand.
They also have a HUGE aquarium in the store with all the fish native to FL waters.
So he will ask if we can go to the "fishtank store" lol, and he likes climbing up on the boats they have there. The stuffed animals are kinda neat tho as they have everything from coyote, to armadillo, wild boar, mountain goats ( mountains in FL??) deer, skunk, possom, raccoon, gators, marlin fish, and even a Grizzly. So it is kinda cool to see those things in real life size as they are not in the zoos here.
Enough babble hehe
How is everyone feeling?
I'm super emotional. I think it's from watching sad and emotional tv haha...but it's set me in a mood :/ now i'm all teary eyed about family and crap lol

And yes, i'm familiar with bass pro. I like their country store :thumbup: good fudge! The fish tank is cool, too. Also not a fan of the stuffed animals :( but what can ya do. We don't have any bass pros around here, only a gander mountain. I'm not sure if it's the same...? I've also been in a cabella's in KY which was basically the same.

And yes, i giggle. It's like an involuntary filler in my conversation, especially when i'm getting to know people. I hate it!
Also, i'm glad your son has you to bring some joy to his life!

And i have a playdate in 40 minutes. I'd better see a frer before then!
So i just went onto Fertility Friend (first time) & they have an App!! Awesome!! I can chart my temps yay, i was actually going on there to print off a chart like last time when i fell pg! Just got myself a digi thermomette hehe sad right Lol

I have FF too, and kindara. I haven't used them much this month but I plan on it if a bean doesn't implant this month. I just need to get in the habit of temping!

FF app is amazing. I absolutely love it. I used ovia, too. Just because they give you a fertile score. It sucks at automatically pinpointing O but they added a manual thing.

J, due 6/2. Is that still Gemini? Must be. My twin brothers are gems and they are last week of may babies.

My hcg doubling 5x and then some in a week o_O. I should feel like death. Idk why my body is handling this so well. Shrugs.

Honestly, if it's twins one boy and one girl would make it easier. I'm having one boy at the end of this. It's non negotiable. But I hate the idea of a selective reduction because I am very spiritual, and I do believe in that twin connection.

Escrow opens today!!!

Yay for escrow! We just bought a house in July. It was super stressful but the end result was us getting our first house. We love it!

I agree twins have a connection. I would love twins. I hope you get your boy! Two boys would be fun! :winkwink:

Thx you actually giggle alot? Picturing you with a wind up key on your back...or a pull string :haha:

NO he sux as a father. He works ALOT at least 5 10 hr shifts a week, so all his time he leaves my son with his parents! I will be bringing that up in court as well.
Anytime he is gone a total of 12 hrs he is supposed to offer ME to watch my son before a third party- and grandparents do not outrank parents here. He has never once in 3 years offered, and his commute is 2 hrs round trip.
Also they are all very over weight and refuse to do anything outside with my son, and they hate chuck E Cheese- so all he gets to do is sit in the house, or go to the play area at the mall:roll:
My son literally has to be carried out to him for pick up, he runs TO me when I pick up. I make sure we do ALOT when he's with me. Art and science projects, games, movies, go to the pool and the parks and take him to playdates with my friends kids. Also take him to petstores. He loves looking at the animals and they all hate animals gahh.
We just had a Bass Pro Shop Open here- not sure if you all are familiar, but they have TONS of taxidermy animals all over the ceiling, walls, shelves etc.
I am NOT a fan of stuffed critters, nor hunting if you aren't killing it to eat it, but I had never been in one so I didn't know before hand.
They also have a HUGE aquarium in the store with all the fish native to FL waters.
So he will ask if we can go to the "fishtank store" lol, and he likes climbing up on the boats they have there. The stuffed animals are kinda neat tho as they have everything from coyote, to armadillo, wild boar, mountain goats ( mountains in FL??) deer, skunk, possom, raccoon, gators, marlin fish, and even a Grizzly. So it is kinda cool to see those things in real life size as they are not in the zoos here.
Enough babble hehe
How is everyone feeling?

Ugh that sounds awful! I'm sorry you have to deal with him. I can't believe he is being so childish!!!! How pathetic.

I don't like taxidermy either. Nor do I like hunting for fun, for food I understand.

I am feeling just fine. My boobs keep getting small jolts of pain every now and then but this happens everymonth so I'm not counting it as anything but pms. :cry:
Bummer! I just gotta see some lines!

And not my own. Mine are boring. My opk looks just like yesterdays. I'm already over using them haha

J, your ex sounds like a douche bag. Definitely push back. You're already paying an attorney, so might as well. Maybe tack on a restraining order to so he can't contact you.

Pl, glad those duckies are coming back with production! We bought 2 6mo laying buffs just so we could get eggs before ours started laying, it it took them 4-5 weeks to lay on our farm :dohh: 5 eggs already is great!

We only got 3 today after the 6 yesterday. I'm not that bummed though. The thing is, if it was amazing every day, i wouldn't be excited for the larger numbers.

Now. Ladies. How can i talk hubs into letting things go? Or at least one round of penis roulette?

Start showing baby pics of your Lo. That's what got mine to start getting the feels. Lol then maybe have a breakdown or two regarding how badly you want another. :winkwink:
Oh yeah, he definitely needs a punch in the feels! He was looking at photos yesterday actually haha

I'm leaving for one day tomorrow. I'm going to just try and not say anything about things and maybe see if i can get a game of penis roulette in on the weekend while Des is at my mom&dad's :haha:

He's the type to be more inclined to say "no" the harder he is pushed into something.
Childcare is almost 2k a month for working parents around here. We can't have two kids. I'd honestly rather risk both and have none than have two. We don't have the means to provide for two. I also can't emotionally go through having a child and placing just one. =/

Sorry for the short reply. Speaking of shitty money issues, the loan qualifications on just changed so we no longer qualify for our loan programs and need to come up with twice as much down. Stress out. Had to give my kids choice time because I can't even teach right now.
My first ducks took a few weeks as well. With these guys I am trying to give them a few familiar things, same water pail, same hay (that we transported them in) for a few days, and their favourite treat: frozen peas. Seems to work so far.

Other then that no news here...
frer not really showing ANYTHING wth?? I ended up doing a SEVEN hour hold!:nope:
Walmart has the same faint line, just waiting for ink to finish shifting fully, as with faint lines I can't tell if darker till ALL the ink stops moving...Not amused right now. I was sure something should show even a squinter with the temp spike:growlmad:

Dobs I thought you said before you had someone that would take one if you had twins? Better to see them that way than work all this time for one to end up with nothing:( Hope you just have a crazy jelly bean in there gettin turned UP lol.

Gigs - men are stubborn that way- has to be their idea or they pull away like mules.
Maybe the day away and alone time on wknd will help get him onboard. :shhh:If he pulls out and finishes on you SCOOP it up quick LOL

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