General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Claire Oh lol That happened in I was 33 and he was 32. Yea you are supposed to take the progest until you are sure you aren't preg, as once you come off you will DEF bleed heavy in like 2-3 days. So I will likely take it thru 16dpo:shrug:
I hope you are right about a bean getting comfy. I did have a temp shift today so praying it was a late implant...straws I know lol

GigsLOL but NO forking the vajay F*#k not Fork!!
Yea he ruined a good thing, but we are still friends. He and the wife are TOTAL opposites, but she puts up with him taking off days at a time to go fish off shore and overnight pffft...I can neither confirm nor deny but ...there is a possibility such said person has or has not approached me for such a thing...which I decline to comment upon...:blush:
Perhaps before the marriage, but not while I was with ANYone. I don't cheat, ever, so he only pesters me when I am not with someone. He says I go Ghost mode when dating lol.
I will just say this...She was someone he messed with while we were together as well (co workers) and he never wanted to marry. They have an agreement that he gets to do his thing and have his "freetime" (WTF right??)
Anyhoo, she gained a bunch of weight after the back to back babies, and he's not attracted and she is not interested anymore...and spends some nights "at her moms" during the week in another city:saywhat:
They have a VERY weird marriage. I never approach him, he is the one bugging me.
I am actually friends with her- I can't imagine she doesn't know something. He and I talk literally a couple hours a day with her right there.
I have been at their home for our kids to play, and he will be like "Come to the bedroom so I can show you something":shock: and I'm like hellll naw that is awkward as hell to go to a married man's bedroom and leave his wife sitting in the fam room.
So I am always like "I'm talking to your WIFE, you come out here!"
And she is all "Oh no girl, Go ahead, you two catch up.."
She moved in his home when they married, and he told me one day after having sex ( pre-kids) she asked him is it weird to kiss me knowing I have sucked other guys ------Insert missing words here lol. So he told me he said "Is it weird knowing (insert my name) made a wet spot before right where you are laying?"
OMG WTF They have a verrry odd relationship.
He told me he regrets getting married but he loves his girls he won't go anywhere.
Wow that was alot lol
That IS bizarre...however if it's an open relationship and thy both consent, I see no harm. I personally would never be able to do it...and I'd be too jealous if hubs did. We talked about me with ladies, but I doubt it'll ever happen (hubs is my first "real" boyfriend, I only dated ladies before him).
Well to each their own thing.. not something I could do.
Can you imagine the jealousy polygamists (multiple wives) go through sharing 1 husband. I told my hubby right form the beginning no cheating or we are done. You don't get a second chance. Same applies to me I think, and my relationship with him isn't something I'd want to risk.
Don't think I could share my husband either, hats off to those that can!
Yea I couldn't share- I was an only child, and never learned to share LOL
Ok ladies need some eyes...are these faints the SAME, getting LIGHTER?? Darker??
I have stared at them so long I literally can not find the lines without leaving the room for a while- no bueno!
I feel like 10 dpo am is the darkest, but that means they are lighter now at 12 dpo!?
sigh- I need eyeballs:hissy: Let me know waht ya think...I have to play cabbie and go get my oldest son...
That is the craiest story I've ever heard, from him cheating to their current marriage. Oh jeez. But as long as that's what they both want. Lol however, I do not believe once a cheater always a cheater and I think it's different for every person. I think it's really easy for someone to say "if they cheat they're out" but until you're in that position you'll never know what you'll do. But your cheating story was super hard core with him moving her out here and living together. That's a little more extreme than the average one night stand. Haha.

As for the test the 10dpo is standing out to me a lot and idk why. Fx for you though!
Thx Mrs G ...10 dpo is to me too!!!:shrug:

Yea, I gave him the benefit of the doubt on his other questionable co-worker relations earlier that year, so when I busted her in his bed, it was All over but his whining lol.
I think in his case, he would have cheated again.
He admits I was his perfect match, but he is one of those guys that loves attention from ladies and flirts ALOT. Like he needs some reassurance he's still "got it"
He also is always afraid to miss something even if what he has is good.
I don't see him and the wifey staying together long term, as he still thinks very much like a single guy, but she puts up with it:shrug:
They are butting heads over how to raise the kids right now, and I think that will eventually break them- he considers her older girls "her kids" and the younger 2 "his kids"...I was just telling him they have to be on the same team with kids, you can't give the older 2 free reign, and restrict the heck out of the younger 2- those kids will resent that later .

Gigs! Dobby! Pacific! Breeaa! Claire!! where are you all!
Sorry. Been dealing with pet surrenders and escrow complications and kids who just do what they want all day. Exhausted. Falling asleep will hopefully catch up tomorrow <3
Ahhh mama D :sleep: Sweet dreams!

GigsSo I'm curious now! What made you switch teams? Or were you always between teams? I would think it is VERY diff being with another woman than with a man...if you dated fems...I see some transgender women...not sure that is the right phrasing ( women that live as men??) on youtube vids that are going thru ALOT with taking T and all, but OMG the amzing changes! Some of them have blossomed into some REALLY muscular men who are cute as hell! Like I would never have known!
So is there a reason you went for your SO or is it just the compatibility thing?
Hi! I am at my parent's place currently. Went out with some local friends for dinner, hence my silence.

Mrs, not to pry, but those sound like words spoken from someone with experience! Did you cheat? Or did you give someone a second chance after cheating on you? Maybe i'm way off base, but my spidey senses are tingling :haha:

J...I don't know, I think it may be a personality thing more than anything. I had sex wayyyy to young so maybe that deterred me from men? Don't know....'cause i also fooled around with a friend of mine wayyyy too young so i don't know. I guess on a pure sexual level, i'm more attracted to women, but i've never experienced seeing a man or woman and just being instantly turned on. I can certainly find them attractive, but the sexual attraction doesn't hit until I actually talk to people and feel out their personality. I think i just coincidentally was connecting with females on an emotional level, and the sex just followed. Hubs and i knew each other for awhile, and a friend of mine was desperately trying to hook us up, but it wasn't until we found out we had a common interest (he was just starting to get into Nine Inch Nails, and it was my favorite band) that I started becoming attracted to him, and eventually asked him on a date. Our conversation just rolled and that's when he became bangable :haha:

That said, I've been to strip clubs and the dancing is a turn on, and porn, i don't know what that means as far as my sexuality goes. I think there's actually a label for people like me who are attracted to personalities versus looks/gender, but I just identify as bisexual since i don't have a preference as such.

Does that sum it up well enough? Lol. I'm an open book so ask away!
Oh! The tests! Definitely the 10dpo ones are the darkest to me. I'm not sure what it means :-k
I thought I was going to relax but am already thinking ahead.. I am still disappointed when AF shows up each month. Mind you, we haven't been at it very long at all.

I probably wouldn't trust an adult cat with baby chicks, but adult chickens have means to protect themselves. A mother would protect her young though. I might just not get the bantams or super fluffy chickens first :winkwink: Something to keep an eye on for sure in the beginning.[/QUOTE]

We haven't been at it long either but the disappointment and sadness are definitely still there. I'm dreading testing this month. Whoops! Somehow unquoted this. Sorry!!

That IS bizarre...however if it's an open relationship and thy both consent, I see no harm. I personally would never be able to do it...and I'd be too jealous if hubs did. We talked about me with ladies, but I doubt it'll ever happen (hubs is my first "real" boyfriend, I only dated ladies before him).

I couldn't do it either. I'm a jealous one. Hubs is pretty cute and women, married women, flirt with him at work or in public all of the time. Thank goodness I'm not there at work. He is so clueless to it too.

Yea I couldn't share- I was an only child, and never learned to share LOL
Ok ladies need some eyes...are these faints the SAME, getting LIGHTER?? Darker??
I have stared at them so long I literally can not find the lines without leaving the room for a while- no bueno!
I feel like 10 dpo am is the darkest, but that means they are lighter now at 12 dpo!?
sigh- I need eyeballs:hissy: Let me know waht ya think...I have to play cabbie and go get my oldest son...
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I have no idea what's going on with these lines! I'm curious on tomorrow's. Wow, your ex! You are a better woman that I. I probably would've smacked her a few times. Kicked him a few times, and then taken the money and stuff for myself. Lol

Thx Mrs G ...10 dpo is to me too!!!:shrug:

Yea, I gave him the benefit of the doubt on his other questionable co-worker relations earlier that year, so when I busted her in his bed, it was All over but his whining lol.
I think in his case, he would have cheated again.
He admits I was his perfect match, but he is one of those guys that loves attention from ladies and flirts ALOT. Like he needs some reassurance he's still "got it"
He also is always afraid to miss something even if what he has is good.
I don't see him and the wifey staying together long term, as he still thinks very much like a single guy, but she puts up with it:shrug:
They are butting heads over how to raise the kids right now, and I think that will eventually break them- he considers her older girls "her kids" and the younger 2 "his kids"...I was just telling him they have to be on the same team with kids, you can't give the older 2 free reign, and restrict the heck out of the younger 2- those kids will resent that later .

Gigs! Dobby! Pacific! Breeaa! Claire!! where are you all!

Here. Finally caught up and replied to a few. I missed a few I wanted to reply to though. After my shower I'll finish. Long day, thankfully it's almost over and one dpo down!!! Woot woot. Hoping I get some kind of implantation spotting as an early sign in the next few days. I'm going crazy waiting.
Hi! I am at my parent's place currently. Went out with some local friends for dinner, hence my silence.

Mrs, not to pry, but those sound like words spoken from someone with experience! Did you cheat? Or did you give someone a second chance after cheating on you? Maybe i'm way off base, but my spidey senses are tingling :haha:

J...I don't know, I think it may be a personality thing more than anything. I had sex wayyyy to young so maybe that deterred me from men? Don't know....'cause i also fooled around with a friend of mine wayyyy too young so i don't know. I guess on a pure sexual level, i'm more attracted to women, but i've never experienced seeing a man or woman and just being instantly turned on. I can certainly find them attractive, but the sexual attraction doesn't hit until I actually talk to people and feel out their personality. I think i just coincidentally was connecting with females on an emotional level, and the sex just followed. Hubs and i knew each other for awhile, and a friend of mine was desperately trying to hook us up, but it wasn't until we found out we had a common interest (he was just starting to get into Nine Inch Nails, and it was my favorite band) that I started becoming attracted to him, and eventually asked him on a date. Our conversation just rolled and that's when he became bangable :haha:

That said, I've been to strip clubs and the dancing is a turn on, and porn, i don't know what that means as far as my sexuality goes. I think there's actually a label for people like me who are attracted to personalities versus looks/gender, but I just identify as bisexual since i don't have a preference as such.

Does that sum it up well enough? Lol. I'm an open book so ask away!

I had a short period in high school where I had some girl crushes. Butterflies and giggles but it was never anything but that. I can't imagine doing it with a woman now though. So funny how he became bangable!! Totally understand, it's sort of like the guy (or girl) you're unattractive to but as you become better friends and get to know each other it changes. Lol I used to love nine inch nails.
^^^yes, exactly! Hubs and i were both totally NOT attracted to each other until we dated a bit first, haha.

Being with women is definitely different. Sex is definitely more sensual. I'd never be able to make a relationship work long term though. I've realized over the years that women are f'ing crazy :haha:
GigsCool, so you are Pansexual...attracted to a person for who they are not a specific gender...
I think alot in life just depends on what you are exposed to.
I am odd in the way that I find 2 very masculine men kissing passionately very sex-uh! lol Don't want to really do a 3 some or anything but shows like Queer as Folk and Spartacus have some smokin arse scenes between men. No idea why I find it interesting. I think due to the contrast of masculinity and the taboo thing:shrug:
I'm not interested in gay male porn tho...have seen all kinds, I'm just not a huge porn fan. The scenes and nudity are good for getting juices flowing but I can NOT due cheesy plots or girls being over the top with the dirty talk and screaming:roll: Turn off to me lol.
I have never been with a woman or anything, and after working the ER an L&D have NO desire for my mouth anywhere down yonder lol.
I only ever found one girl VERY interesting and she was on MTV-Real World yearrrs ago. She basically would be called Transgender today, as she totally looked like a super cute dude. Again I think it's the contrast thing.

I am very open minded sexually...just don't play the cheating thing. A threesome fantasy may sound good, but once that door is opened...well you can't unring a bell if you decide you don't like it- the image is in your head forever, and if your partner DID like it...trouble lol.

I always wanted to open a sex type club for couples. Like with naked silhouette dancers and porn rooms and male and female strippers on stage dancing WITH each other hehe
No sex in the champagne room! Just the atmosphere of it.
Turn the couples on and I guess have a hotel connected lol ---> go :sex: over therrre not in my club!!! off topic :haha:
Gigs I forgot I like NIN:haha:
All that sex talk immed brought back memories F#$* you like an animal
rawr baby lol
Hahaaa yup me too!! Frustrates SO but hey, what can ya do hey??! Id live to be one of those women who do, f**k me, maybe id be jigging more often :rofl;

Yes we are eagerly awaiting some more pucs.. After dinner gor me, its 18:54 here! My wine bottle has just been opened ha ha

I so badly wanted to buy a bottle of wine at the grocery store earlier. I figured I better buy it after the :witch: shows, but just in case she doesn't.
Yea...not that a glass or two would hurt the bean this early... it does thin the blood ...maybe help implant hehe
Many a wasted college partyer has been surprised by a bfp at 5 wks preg lol, so I would say if it was guaranteed to botch up ttc, we all would drink over taking pills and Iuds and shots!:drunk::haha:
Man it's hard to keep up anymore! Lol and yes gig I have experience. My husband (at the time boyfriend) cheated once. And I always say "never judge someone by saying you think they should do something else" because I was always the one that said "he anyone ever cheated I'd be gone screw him!" But when it happens it's way different. It took a couple years but I can honesty say I fully trust him. Of course it'll always be a little different, like neither of us have passwords on our phone and always allow access to each other's. But it's amazing.

I should also mention about a year after this happened I started to crush on a coworker and to make sure nothing happened and be honest I told my husband, again at that time boyfriend. And I think it's really about honesty. We've grown so much and have never been closer, but it took lots of work.
Hey!!! J, says your online.. Are you up early doors still ha ha BnB addicted lol! Its 0800 here!

Havent read all to catch up but i took my temp again this morning & excited to see a couple of lines on my Chart haha!! Have you done that Frer yet??

Yes the 10dpo & i can see faints on the last 12dpo aswell..

Giggs - were you with a woman then?? Just caught a last comment on J's thread lol!!
Hahaaa yup me too!! Frustrates SO but hey, what can ya do hey??! Id live to be one of those women who do, f**k me, maybe id be jigging more often :rofl;

Yes we are eagerly awaiting some more pucs.. After dinner gor me, its 18:54 here! My wine bottle has just been opened ha ha

I so badly wanted to buy a bottle of wine at the grocery store earlier. I figured I better buy it after the :witch: shows, but just in case she doesn't.

Hehe! Hope it stays away for you Breeea :) when are you due af?

Im trying to be relaxed abit more.. Pahaa!! Just finishing my Period so wine it was, although i think until i see a positive test il carry on as normal but i dont drink lots in the week anyway, maybe an odd glass here & there especially at the weekend..

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