I can see the line on the first FRER .. Hurry up lil bean & start sending out lots more HCG)))
I agree with J, i dont think i could go down the girl relationship part, im a moody bitch aswell sometimes & that dbl'd just equals booooom Lol!
I think if we all lived local we'd all have a right hoot having drinks, chatting s**t & talking the best way to baby dance & how to make a fab vineragette for ya vaghahaaa
I'll be in sacremento in 3 weeks. Sadly my entire schedule is made up for me. So close, yet so far away....LOL idk why J but the duck dream got the duck tails (tales?) theme song stuck in my head
Gigs, if you were in Cali I would totally say let's grab a drink (I'll dd) and we can swap stories.
Ack Pacific Hurry home lol
I'm finallly done with my mom and shopping. I dread every Sat morning. All she does is bitch about how much stuff WE are costing her every week, then she goes shopping EVERY single day until next Sat, and bitches again about how much WE are costing her
I mean I have been married with 2 kids in the house...$140/wk for EVERYTHING without coupons is much less than I used to spend...She spazzes about everything!
Would love to hang out as a group- def would be hilarious and some raunchy bits hehe
20 minutes left.....