General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Sometimes the new layers or the old layers lay some odd eggs. As long as the egg looks fine on the inside, I always use them.

Yes, chickens can get egg bound, I've never had any issues. I do supplement the girls with crushed oyster shell for extra calcium should they need it. It's free choice for them. Hopefully that avoids any problems.

Your ex needs to get his shit together, do you have any amo against him in court?
Love the highlights! Your hair is still super long. I like the quail egg beat hehe

J, that stinks. Sorry to hear he puts you through this crap. At least DS will have a fun Halloween this year and probably with a trick or treat buddy :)

Thanks! People keep saying my hair is still long, LOL. Want to know moms first response? "Why didn't you get it cut shorter?":growlmad: She is the one with 1" long hair and has always wanted me to have short hair too... those highlights are thanks to the sun, apparently my hair just loves to bleach by it very quickly!

What I find neat about the quail eggs is that none ever look the same!! And you'd have to use 5 quail eggs to make up for one chicken egg in cooking/baking... People still seem to like them, they have a nice delicate flavour to them.
No ammo really. I took the high road in court, and everything he accused me of durgs ( neg random tests for TWO years may I add), Domestic violence ( he filed to prevent me from it since you can't both file at same time here), he dropped that when we walked in the courtroom, and let's see Satanic Books and Kiddie porn lol,,,he said the Sheriff told him to throw away the kiddie porn, and since he is Christian:rofl:
he didn't want to touch the books...Umm they are FICTION forensic detective novels By Sandra Brown, Janet Evanovich, Karin Slaughter, Lisa Gardner...Idiot

This court battle cost me my cooking biz as I had no finances to continue cooking AND battling him. So restarting it all now sigh.
Oh yea, and he has filed Dom Viol against me twice this year...which is very interesting as we have not lived together since 2012, and he is never home when I get my son OR stays inside and makes his 68 y/o mother walk my son out to the driveway???
My atty said it's very easy to file here in FL, but it's been kicked out immed upon filing so neither my atty or I even knew he did it until we checked a couple months ago lol.
He's a miserable idiot who is very bitter over my divorcing him.
Misery loves company, but I assure you he is sitting at that table ALL by himself!
UGH so annoyed. I got an email from my doctor at 1:30 saying a patient was scheduled at 3. HOW THE F* can they schedule someone when I never cancelled my appointment? AND THEN at 1:50, they nurse called to say she was switching my 3 to a phone appointment. So it's 30 minutes past 3 and still no phone call.... um... ok. And in the email my gyn said she might not get the results by 3 after I asked the tech if my gyn would have it by then and she said definitely.

Filing for DV is ridiculously easy. Thank you OJ Simpson effect as my stepdad puts it. Getting it to stick is the hard part. Glad you are taking the high road and that you took the road far away from him :)
Sorry Dobs...I hate when Doc offices get stuff all botched up.
Hopefully you start feeling 100% very soon.
Sad you lost a twin, but hopefully that means the hormone levs won't be mega crazy, so you won't feel bad the whole way thru!

On a TTC note...I doing great with the new dude, but have NO idea when to bring up the fact that I'm 42 next month buddy and the clock is TICKING loudly lol:haha:
Def don't wanna bring it up early on, but have no idea how to broach the ide to pick his brain!
I am a Scorpio( That's why the Tat is there hehe) So I tend to think over all my options, scenarios, and what ifs VERY quickly with ppl. I have always been a good ppl reader as far as tone and emotion, and my intuition hasn't been wrong yet.
We talk about our kids ALL the time and he is a fierce Daddy Bear when it comes to his daughter, and very protective, but also was GREAT with my son yesterday- :blush: who is admitedly ALL boy, and at 5 yrs old considerably more energetic than his 8y/o daughter.
While I was talking to her ystrdy, she told me she is all excited to be an Aunt "again: :shock:
Apparently his 20 y/o daughter ( not bio stepD from prev marriage) is preggers and lives JUST around the corner with her fiance. He also has 2 step sons from
Now I am feeling uber awkward about bringing it up, cuz I can just see him saying he doesn't want kids younger than his grandkids!
He also told me last night It had been a very long time since he had these kind of feelings for someone (Awww he is in :dog:puppy love lol)
But this is SUPER awkward...
I even tried to picture just being happy if it all works out with a step daughter...but it's NOT the same!!!:brat: Lol
Dobs (((hugs))) stupid doctors, just wait for him to blame the lab or something..

JLM, sorry not much for advice here. I say bring it up next time you talk about babies (his, yours, step daughters, etc) better find out his intentions early before you get disappointed in a year or two down the road...
I'm a blurter so I just blurt stuff. So not the person to ask for advice hahah. I mean if there's pregnancy in the family and his daughter is bringing up that she wants to be an aunt, you could transition into the topic and ask for his opinion before divulging yours. Not like do you see yourself having kids with me but does the thought ever cross your mind to have another kid kind of convo. You are in like Flynn if his daughter brings it up or you could say, "Hey, you know your daughter keeps making comments about wanting babies around. What are your thoughts on that?" But that might be too obvious if you bring it up hahaha idk. Start there then get into hey btw I'm ovulating lol

Doc called. Said little bean is looking healthy and measuring just under 7 weeks like he sound be. She said she can see the second whatever it is, but it's small and hard to tell it if was a sac or bleed. In either case, she said it can take 1-2weeks to resolve. So since my prenatal is in a week and a half she'll just check on it then. I'm feeling a little less faint, but she attributes that to getting over the cold which she said sounded AWFUL last time she talked to me. So she gave me some home care advice and said I can probably go back to work Wednesday or Thursday if I continue to improve. Otherwise, I need to come in on Wednesday.
Dobs that's good news, hurray! Sounds like she doesn't have a definite answer on what the second sac is... (hugs)

Co-worker brought me half a jar of his home made pickled carrots. Delish! Then some more co-workers spotted it and lets just say most of it is gone now... barely lasted 10 minutes, vultures!! LOL
It shall be a mystery. But she said no matter what it is that it won't affect the baby. Sigh. Speaking of idiots, someone cancelled my prenatal so my first prenatal ever is with a complete stranger who I don't like from the one email I got from her.
Wow I missed a lot. Sorry your ex is a jerk, J. Dobs, I'm glad your bean is healthy, sorry about the cancellations though.
Dobs<<Start there then get into hey btw I'm ovulating lol>>
God I love you woman! I just literally laughed out loud for the first time ALL day LOL

Pickled carrots do sound interesting!

Glad to know the BOY is doing great Dobs!!
Pickled carrots sounds... like pickled carrots... goodness now I want a pickle. Mmm I want SO's pickle!!!! HAHAHAH jk but not. I'm not allowed to have pickles atm and he is out with coworkers tonight anyway.

You know. I had a moment where I was like I could be happy with a girl. Plus, I think SO is going to be too tough with a boy. If I have a girl, then we can have moments and her lullaby can totally be "Just the Way You Are". I know a lot a gils do covers and just change her to his, but it's not the same. And obviously the kissing and whatever parts would be left out lol

Jk, baby's lullaby is going to be "Flashlight" since I made it honorarily SO's and my song. I forced him to watch "Pitch Perfect", but then he ended up liking it so much we went to see the sequel and got all cuddly and made eyes at each other during this song. PLUS hello my alma mater is in the music video.
Dobs, is it bad I instantly thought at first you were talking about sex with a girl? Hahahhaha
Glad bubs is looking good, dispite the mystery sac. Also glad you're feeling a bit better! Sorry about the new doc. Nothing is more annoying that a doc you don't respece gettin' all up in your hoo ha.

PL, I LOVE YOUR HAIR! It's a lovely length on you, don't let momma tell you any different!

We got a double yolker last week, as well as a no yolker. It must have been a new layer....same thing happened the first time we got a third egg (the 2 first ones beging from ducks we purchased who were already laying). We also got an egg last week that hadboth sides pointy (instead of one rounded out and one pointed).

J, can you sue him for harassment? It seems beyond warrented to me.

Shae, not to be a nay sayer but I think you cm doesn't really mean much. Since you're on a hormonal IUD, you can only count on one thing--your periods will be confusing and everything else doesn't mean much as far as symptoms go. If it were me, i'd just stop worrying and test every so often to make sure you're not pregnant, like every month or every other month.


Day 5dpo is coming to a close. My boobs don't hurt. I'm tired. I'm starving. I actually bought mac and cheese today, which i'm not a huge fan of...all these things can be explained away, except the lack of boob pain. That was my big tip off with Des. I'm sure i'm just jinxing myself now, but I guess we'll find out for sure in a few days....
Lol not bad. Definitely excited for you! Love for you to come join us on the dark side of the moon. No I have "I'll Make a Man out of You" stuck in my head hehe. :) I feel like finding all of these funky eggs would be really awesome and cool if I wasn't trying to sell them.

I'll be alright. I've been sitting up for 30 minutes!!! It shouldn't be as exciting as it is, but I'm pretty excited. Although I will say I am getting some definite pains from the left. Nothing major, but =/ I hate wondering if I'm going to bleed it out or absorb it.
Dobs SOOOO glad you changed from the disney vid lol
I went to TRY and listen and was like...nope...I can't even
DEF like Flashlight tho
Dobs SOOOO glad you changed from the disney vid lol
I went to TRY and listen and was like...nope...I can't even
DEF like Flashlight tho

Real talk... I posted it and then I was like nope, J's not going to love the Disneyness hahaha CHANGE
Lol Dobby!
I was twitching a bit there as I contemplated playing that first vid lol.
I'm sooo tired after 1am here and went to bed after 330am yesterdy...
Getn DS in am so we shall try the bday celebrating yet AGAIN lol
G'night Ladies!
Glad you're on the mend Dobs!

J, best of luck today! I hope it's fun and amazing and he loves it. I still want to see the shirt and cake you made.

Dobs, hope to be joining you soon but we'll see....what's the likelihood of getting a squinter at 7dpo? Having a great debate about testing tomorrow morning. My boobs don't hurt, and that along with the being hungry but not wanting to eat thing are my big "tells". The boob thing could always just be my body messing with me though...but they always hurt in the tww, and they feel awesome. Happened with my son....don't remember if it did with the supposed c/p.

The hunger thing hasn't happened yet though. I'm just straight up starving all day.

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