General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Tex it's so good to hear from you. I still wish for a miracle/surprise bfp, but I'm glad you seem to be at peace with lack of ttc. Oh and lol my DH plays games for too long sometimes too. I'm too tired to do anything at that point. H8ope you don't get strep.

Greenie haha what a cute way to announce. Glad he took it well. Oh and awesome doubling time!!!

I saw a lady last month with 5 kids and there were 2 sets of twins so only one singleton. I have no idea if natural or medicated, and was none of my business but I was amazed.

How was your mom's reaction??

This pregnancy has been easier other than fatigue. Every one is different, but hope it's an easy pregnancy.

Pretty by lmp what is your due date?? Just go in with mindset at scan baby will measure behind so you aren't so panicked something is wrong. Mine was 2 or 3 days off from lmp so they just kept my edd by lmp rather than O date.

Gigs certain labs normals are lower in pregnancy. I think my rbcs were but it's because your blood volume is increased so much. After I respond to everyone I'll look at mine from last pregnancy and get back to ya.

I'm glad you passed gtt!!

Pacific yay for good sleep!! I slept better last night than I have in awhile.

Dobby I'm sorry he has croup. I was disappointed V got her first cold of tge season in October. Oh well I try to think that this will give her better immunity when she starts school.

HR if you Od on the 10th then yesterday was 9dpo still not too late. I will say as much fun as it can be I try to not put much stock into symptoms as it can really mislead you. I've been crushed before by symtom spotting.

Future wow that opk is nearly positive. I believe a cp can mess with your cycle either way.

CB thank you. Think it went really well and we really surprised them. Most thought it was a boy :haha:

They did 3d/4d at my anatomy scan and depending on what all we get at my 24 week scan, I maay or may not pay for one at 26 or 28 weeks. It's $150 which isn't terrible but with Christmas coming up I can put that money to that shopping. We are getting V a twin mattress and some bedroom furniture. Probably cheap stuff for now and we will splurge once she's older and won't draw on her furniture like I did :blush:

You should post a pic of your outfit it sounds lovely. Some of my maternity bits could be worn afterwards too.

I've never watched the Halloween films. I'm really not into horror much, especially "slashers". Never watched Saw either.
Thats the thing. I’m not even trying to get pregnant. All of this stuff has hit me like a ton of bricks. That’s why I’m so stressed. Lol! I mean we would love to have one but it’d definitely be a surprise! Lol
Flueky - Today was noticeably better. Thanks. And I was gonna wait til I had booked my first scan.

Gigs - No cravings or anything. Not much in the way of symptoms at all.

So, I made another Dr. appt for about 2 weeks from now. That should be when I'll get a requisition for a scan. I also was finally able to get my blood results. Here's a comparison with my blood work with Alex. I figured I'm not actually 6 weeks, but does that number seem kinda low? I'm a little worried. I think I'm like 22dpo right now.

Flueks yeah none of the stuff I said was sexual in nature, it wasn’t in front of patients, and I wasn’t acting like a toddler lol.
I’ll feel cheated if they get rid of ones I got right, too.

Gigs you definitely were bigger with Des, wow. Did you gain more weight that pregnancy, or start at a different weight? Or maybe it was just the way Des was positioned... either way, all the bump pics are gorgeous. I’m glad your SO will plan a makeup date, hopefully he remembers the babysitting.

Pretty, 14dpo is 4w0d, so 22dpo would only be 5w1d, wouldn’t it? If you’re worried about the numbers, definitely ask your doctor. The reference ranges aren’t 100%, everyone is different, many viable pregnancies will be outside those ranges.
Pretty okay so positive opk at cd22 means likely ovulation the next day, cd23. You’re currently 22dpo, you said. So that would mean your LMP based gestation is 6w3d, BUT your ovulation based gestation is 5w1d. Providers will base your EDD off of your LMP because most people don’t know exactly when they ovulated, but an ovulation based EDD is much more accurate if you actually know your ovulation date. The egg won’t start producing hcg on its own before it’s even fertilized, and the egg won’t be dividing and growing before fertilization either. So ovulation based weeks estimate is more accurate. They say you’re 2 weeks at conception because the standard cycle is cd14 ovulation. If you ovulate late, it doesn’t make you 3 weeks pregnant at ovulation/conception by development standards. Whenever you conceive/ovulate is the 2 weeks pregnant mark. When the embryo implants, 7-12ish days post-conception, hcg production begins. So if you ovulate 8 days later than the standard, hcg production starts 8 days later than it would’ve if you’d ovulated on day 14. For comparing expected hcg levels to test result ones, you’ll want to use the ovulated based weeks estimate.
Listen to shae lol

Shae oh my yes i was much bigger with des. I started almost 20lbs heavier and gained almost 60lbs when all was said and done. With lev I started about 10lbs heavier than this time and gained aboute 40lbs.

Hr when are you testing? A test now should be accurate.
oh your Black top bump piccy is def lots bigger Gigs!

Dr said man good generally irritates the Cervix esp when pg & as it has hormones in it, it had made the Cervix blisters bleed.. he said i can carry on having jiggy but if i bleed again, i need to get checked to make sure its the same thing #eyeroll Its a very common thing ladies go in for with bleeding it seems, but you can have them all the way through pg & have no issues at all..

HR - Will you be testing today if your period doesnt arrive still..
Pretty with A I was 397 at 15dpo. So depending on your doubling rate totally makes sense to be 1500 at 22dpo

Didn’t read much else going back to bed lol
Totally shae nailed it but my gyn told me hcg starts upon conception it’s just so tiny you couldn’t measure it via urine or blood.
Hope you having a nice snooze Dobs :)

Pretty, i think your ranging of beta No's is fine, each pg is def diff with doubling times etc plus your tests are mega dark & positive :thumbup:
Thanks ladies for the praise on my explanation <3

Gigs ah that makes sense then that you had a bigger bump with Des.

CB ouch, interesting (and unfortunate) that man goo can cause the bleeding to reoccur. So I guess that means your SO is pulling out cuz he cares about you and doesn’t want to hurt you, and he cares about that much more than he worried about accidental pregnancy. That’s fair.

Dobs hm that could be true about hcg production. An internet search shows very divided information. It could make sense with doubling time that say if it’s 20 mIU at 10 dpo, it was 10 at 8 dpo, 5 at 6, 2.5 at 4, 1.25 at 2, etc.

Good news, I got my nursing exam grade back, and I got an 88! I legit didn’t believe it at first cuz it’s the same grade as last test so I had to double check I was on the right page lol, after I confirmed that I squealed out loud haha, I’m so excited and happy about it!
Just popping in to say great job Shae!!

Hope everyone is well!

I was traveling across the country this week for work but luckily think I made it back in time for ovulation! Looks like I am getting close. CD 14 today!

Just popping in to say great job Shae!!

Hope everyone is well!

I was traveling across the country this week for work but luckily think I made it back in time for ovulation! Looks like I am getting close. CD 14 today!
Awesome result Shae, well done chicky :)

Ov strips looking good Future.. get jiggy Mrs :thumbup:
HR test as a hpt should be accurate now. Bfps after AF due are rare.

Pretty your numbers are spot on girl. Shae explained it all beautifully.

Shae ah they are just being teachers and tryimg to set forth professional beaviour standards then I'm sure.

Huge congrats on your test score :happydance:

Dobby I always felt like hcg was being created before fertilization. Glad to know I wasn't crazy.

CB interesting it's the semen and not the penetration and motions that irritate the cervix.

Future yay for nearly positive opk!! Get to BDing!!!

Greenie just wondering how you are doing dear.

AFM was going to work Saturday but V is sick so I'm not. Not to mention my mom whom would watch her isn't feeling great. I'm not disappointed though.

Got my pump today. I cannot believe how quiet it is. I even tested out how it feels and it's so much gentler. I'm really pleased with it so far. I'll leave it alone now until S is here.

Update on my makena injections claim for October. It was approved but they changed it from in network to out of network??? I looked at the pharmacy and they are in network with my plan. I'm thinking it was an error but I want it fixed.

If all goes as planned my money for leave between std, mml, pto, and savings should be what I had for V including the loan I got with V. So here's hoping I don't have to take another loan. I may even take the full 16 weeks if I can swing it.

I had a but of a moment last night thinking how am I going to be able to take care of 2. I know it'll be an adjustment but I'll figure it out.

Not much else I can think of.
Thanks shae and everyone else. And congrats on your exam mark.

Good luck this cycle, Future.

Sorry to hear V and your mom are under the weather, Flueky. Glad you like your pump though. And I hear you about taking care of 2 kids. I have a bad feeling Alex is gonna be clingy and jealous.

Ugh, my 2nd prenantal appt is Nov 5 and it feels like forever away. And then I need to wait another few-ish days for my scan. At least I have Halloween to keep me busy for a bit. I'm hella unprepared and there's so much to do. And then we have a funeral for SO's grandpa on the 1st. That kind of got me thinking about something though. Sorry if this sounds weird or morbid...

- 11 days after my nephew was born, my maternal aunt passed
- 2 months after my cousin had a baby girl, my dad passed
- A few months before my son was born, my paternal great aunt passed
- A few months before 2 of my cousins were gonna give birth to boys, my paternal grandma passed

So, with this recent male passing, it makes me think I'm carrying a girl. I bought one of those at home gender blood tests, so I guess I'll take it in a few weeks and see what the results are.
Wait what they have home gender BLOOD tests now?! I’ve seen the in gender urine one but WHAT?!

Shae kudos!!!! You are killing it! Also yeah idk came up in convo when I had weird lines and she was saying something about hcg at fertilization and maybe I conceived but never implanted properly blah blah idk I forgot clearly

Future gl!

Hr teeeeest lol

I am not sleeping and have reached the point of exhaustion when I am not functioning at work and have my internal brain screaming and doing stupid shit like micro sleeping while driving and leaving the oven on and leaving A’s milk on the counter and forgetting to buy a picture day outfit... you get the gist.

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