General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Dobs, that is horrible that his dad would treat him like that!
As for sitting alone, are the other kids simply to loud for him? A probably knows a fairly quiet home/environment at home.

As for the getting angry easily, kids do have to learn ways to express themselves. Before it was tears or smiles and all of a sudden we expect them to say yes or no with a smile. That's a whole new concept.
We very early on started pointing out body parts and when he starts refusing food we say "belly full?" and hell repeat, food goes away. or when putting on his PJs "bye bye belly" and he gets that concept.
A lot of my training comes from dog training, and honestly a lot of those concepts are transferable. If the lesson just isnt understood, break it down into easier bits, teach one piece at a time until such a time that you can add the pieces of the whole concept together again. As a teacher you know what I mean.
A brilliant dog trainer is Monique anstee, shebwrote a book called "as a dog thinketh" and just about every time she says dog, you might as well read child. Her background is child psychology before she started dog training. I know her personally and is absolutely brilliant. ;)

Shae: what about those stick on nails or stickers or whatever they are called?

We just did our Costco and superstore run. Afterwards L was hungry and tired, so I gave him a few crackers. We'll he fell asleep with a cracker still half way sticking out of his mouth....
PL I appreciate you trying to ease my mind, but this is not normal. You have to see it really. I’ve spent a good deal of time around young children and my friend is literally a resource specialist who works a lot with kids with have ASD. Plus, he dad has something and there is definitely that genetic component and my brother has been considered to be Aspie/social issues. I’m really not bothered by it. I have had plenty of successful ASD students over the years.

He had one unsupervised visit because my lawyer f*ed up. My new lawyer immediately got them revoked.
But yeah I used to train shelter dogs to help them be more adoptable, and I feel the same way about training dogs is similar conditioning to raising/teaching kids. People don’t like it when you say that though haha. Got a lot of weird looks when I ended my advice with it’s totally just like training a dog :rofl:
Pacific my water intake over the weekend was a bit poor, but good starting Monday. I think I just worked a little too much for my body.

Your dress is very cute and L will look so cute in a tux :) you'll have to share pics.

Lol on L falling asleep with a cracker hanging out his mouth. Poor thing was exhausted

Shae I would think they'd let it slide especially since you'd just have a practicum. Also, could maybe just do toenails yourself and a pale pink for fingernails ;) I really think no polish is a bit extreme anyways. We are allowed "tame" nail polish colors, but no acrylics, etc due to infection control/prevention.

Dobby thanks, I think that's all it was too.

I'm sorry it's looking like ASD. I hear you on the talking thing. I'm an introvert and by the time I get home I really just like some space. I have to really try to "make conversation" with vin the way home. I always enjoyed that time to just listen to the radio.

Also he's fed. To anyone who thinks your a bad mom because you don't make all his food or do this or that, screw them. He's fed, loved, and happy that's what is important.

That's so horrifying what he put A through. That just absolutely disgusts me. I have no remorse for someone so negligent and selfish!!!! Shame on your old lawyer for messing up and letting him have another unsupervised visit.

AFM was a bit of a busy day but I also was just really slow from being exhausted. I had 5 hours of broken sleep. I am a bit thankful V didn't nap for sitter so she passed out on way from the grocery store. I've got a few things to do then I'm going to bed. Also, no cramping today!

Hope everyone is well and has a good night :)
PL hm I’ve never used stick on nails before. If I can find some cheap and make them look decent, I’ll go for it. I just had paint night at my college. Now I have to go to CVS. Paint night went late and I’m now realizing that the dollar store closes at 10 pm, and it’s now 10 pm. Oops. I could try Walmart maybe... CVS is expensive, I’m just going there to pick up a prescription.

Dobs yikes about the old lawyer, glad the new one got them revoked. Honestly, I don’t think the ex should get to see him at all, A clearly is scared of him and has no interest in seeing him.

Flueks sorry you’re so tired! Yeah acrylics are the huge no-no because of them harboring bacteria. I won’t try to paint my fingernails my self, been there, done that, immediately ruined them even though they’d been drying for 30 minutes, had to take them off. That was back when SO made the fancy dinner for me.
Was too lazy to also go to Walmart, so just went to CVS (which much closer to my dorm than Walmart). Picked up a pack of stick on French nails, dark blue nail polish, nail polish remover, tinted lip balm cuz my lips are too dry for anything else, and 4 Arizona iced teas which were on sale 2/$1 (props to the cashier for letting me know, cuz I originally had 3).
They make stick on french tips?! I need to look into this. I actually do my own. It involves acetone (the strong stuff, not nail polish remover), a small paint brush, white polish and clear polish. But is kind of take some skill and no doibt is easier because of my painting background.

Speaking of which what did you paint Shae?

Pl 100% agreed on training dogs vs kids. I realized this very quickly with ds1. In fact i used to say that having a young kid felt like having an extravagant pet.

Dobs if it is ASD sounds like his chances are pretty high for being high functioning. Glad you're on top of things. His dad sounds like a true dirt bag.

Blood levels went up! Bad news is they were at 113; for whatever reason i thought they were 126 at last check :/ but they went up to 120 :thumbup: so even though the dr said there's nothing i can do, i have been trying to eat more meat & greens and taking supplements and will continue to do that. Next draw is in 4-5 weeks so fx levels stay up or increase!
Gigs, my platelet levels always drop massively in pg aswell, i think its a general common pg thing.. i know they always advise the worse case scenario's aswell, was it your platelet levels or Iron levels that went up? Im awaiting my Iron bloods to come back as mine were border line, i know il end up with tabs to boast them esp with a csection being planned but i just hope i dont get constipated, pooping at the moment is such a painful thing with all the baby butt pressure Lol! When do you get your planned csection date have they said?

Flueks, hope your crampyness eased off hun, you had probs over done it that day, i dont rest enough & i been crampy lots lately, im on early labour alert lol!

Dobby, i cant believe you ex-SO did that with A, poor lil dude.. with regards to the ASD, he's so young atm aswell & if it did get diagnosed there are so many ends to the spectrum, please dont stress :hugs: I totally hear u on the non-sleeping thing though, he wakes as you stir & vice-versa, i had this with Riley, he actually slept better in his own room but i know the CIO thing was said to avoid, A will get better with age most definately but i feel for you right now, if your mum offers to have him overnight, even though she may be tired, maybe let her one eve over w wknd & catch up on some zzzZ's? Does you Mum work at wknds?

Awww Shae your outfit sounds lovely, def do a lil make-up it'll make you feel all glammed up hehe not that you need it of course as your lovely without it :) Im not sure i could do open toe sandals in this cold weather though, any-chance of finding some enclosed sandals or slinky calf length boots to go with the dress? Yes - stick on french tips for the nails, easy, last the night & look glam if u fancied them..

Im worried im gonna go into labour before my csection date lol, my bowel habits have been diff these past 5 days, gross i know.. but i was going regaular like every 3 days for the last 2/3 months or so but these past days i been going EVERY day like clockwork! i wonder if my bodies gearing up for it?? eek!! i been achey aswell, lordy!! il end up with an emergency section lol
Gigs I’m glad your blood levels are up! The stick ons are full nails, not just tips, but they have the French tips painted on. They actually had ones for toes but I figured it’d feel super weird (I already expect the fingernail ones to feel weird, but I think toes would feel weirder). I’ll post a pic of my painting.

CB yikes, I hope baby stays in there for the scheduled c-section. I think I’ll wear mascara and tinted lip balm, that’s about it. I tried the eyeliner, it wasn’t great. I’ll bring the foundation (I’m going home first) in case my skin is having a bad day. I’m sticking with the open toed shoes, I shouldn’t be outside too long.
Nice painting! Did you enjoy it?

Cb eeee that is exciting! From what i was told, if you start having contractions just get into l&d and it shouldn't be an issue for a c section. When you get further along in labor that's when it gets tricky, and closer to delivering is when it becomes an emergency situation.

They haven't said anything about my iron :shrug: but i feel like it must be lower (but maybe still normal range). I'm having that run down feeling again. Idk. Anywho they think they may be low outside of pregnancy but the only labs they have are from when I was pregnant and when I had we'll see. Hopefully it's not an issue and if it is, only a minor one.

Remind me when your c section is scheduled? Mine is 1/29 but that is subject to change based on my platelets as well as my scar tissue. If either is bad they'll want me in earlier to make sure I don't go into labor -- they want to control as many factors as they can I suppose.
CB thanks :) I think I’m going to put on the nails and do the toes tonight. The tinted lip balm is a bit redder than I planned so I may go buy a pink one to use instead.
Did you say if this is your last child? I thought someone was getting fixed during their c-section but I can’t remember who.

Gigs thank you! I did enjoy it. I don’t really like how the water came out, but tbh it came out better than most people’s at the class lol. I’ve figured out how I could fix it but I don’t want to go buy paint so I’ll just leave it. I quite like the top half of the painting.
Hopefully baby gets to stay in until the planned c-section date so he can bake fully!
Dilemma: an old friend reached out to me. We haven’t spoken in five years because I was dating an abusive guy and he liked me, so since we couldn’t separate our emotions from our friendship he moved and we just ended our friendship.

Now, he wants to be there as a friend but I can tell that he is open to starting a relationship still. So thers’s no way to develop a platonic relationship. We’d end up right where we left: fighting.

He can give me a lot of what I want. He’s a friend that wouldn’t ever abuse Aiden or me. He would treat Aiden like his own son. He is open to having one more child, and he would even agree to do gender selection if I still feel set on having a girl. He does have a girl, though she is in fifth grade now so I missed the fun dressing up baby stage. She’s sweet. I spent a lot of time with her when she was five. He comes to Cali about 8 times a year, which is good for me because I can’t commit to a full time thing right now. But he would move back (her mom and stepdad live in SJ anyway) if we got serious. My drama with ex doesn’t phase him. His family is estranged, so I can continue to be with my family a lot. I would want to do some coparent holidays though because her mom gets her all holidays, but again SJ is so close to my parents and my house that we could still see her holidays and still do my stuff.

But I hesitate because I was like really committed to my one and done single forever decision. He has a degree and a job but not a career. He takes care of his daughter, they do fun things and have vacations. By no means a deadbeat. But like that’s not the model I want for A. My family came here to get higher education, we don’t settle for an AA or BA. We want careers not jobs. He also doesn’t have a filter around his daughter, and I believe in having some filters with kids. So ultimately I worry about clashing over parental styles.

And lastly, I worry we don’t like each other. We make each laugh and we’re so comfortable. We were on the phone for three hours like time never passed. But I have always wondered if he just likes me as a mom for his daughter and vice versa.

And I know we could just do things and see where it goes, but there are kids involved. That I hate to hurt his daughter again. Like she literally blocked me out of her memories because “people just leave”.

So he wants to go do the holiday thing at Great America, but I don’t know if this can of worms should be opened. And based on our conversation, our old habits have not died. So hanging out is like saying let’s try. And he and I both commit in casual dating.

GYi hoduexhicyi. Thoughts?
Shae I used to be pretty good at nail painting. Nothing fancy with designs mind you. I got out of practice plus I have a bad habit of chipping away my polish. I'm a notorious scab picker too..... yeah notone of my finer qualities especially as I know that's not good. Share pics when you can :)

Also I think you did a great job on your painting :)

Gigs I'm so happy your levels have improved!!! It's reassuring that a conscious delivery is possible :)

CB it has thankfully. I hope your Thomas waits until your date. I will say the night before I went into labor I had awful wake you in the middle of the night diarrhea multiple times. I thought it was a side effect from a new antibiotic I took before bed that night. :haha:

In any case here's hoping he stays put until your date, but if not go in as soon as contractions start would be my advice.
Dobby hmmm tough call. If you are only interested in a platonic relationship and you absolutely know it cannot be just that I'd pass. Others may have better advice, but that's what I would do.
Dobs- first of all so sorry I wasn't around to advise on the Kaiser freak out. Glad they got back to you. I know your concerns and A sounds so much like how max was. I'm still hopeful he isn't autistic but I understand with ex it's more likely. He sounds high functioning if he is. Seriously so much like max.
About this new guy. If you don't see it going anywhere let dead dogs lie. If you're just scared and cautious for A which I think might be the case I think you're expectations are a little high. Like he has a good job but not a career? He obviously is doing well enough to be able to provide for his daughter and travel.

Pl- L is going to look so handsome in his tux! And that sweater is super cute!

Cb- what's your scheduled c-section date? Can't believe it's so close!
That’s my issue. I don’t know if I want a romantic relationship. If I don’t, we can’t be friends. I just wonder if i’m settling or if i’m being over picky.
He has a decent job but he moved to Portland to be able to afford more things. His job plus mine won’t have the lifestyle I want in the bay. But I also can’t have it anyway so why factor that? Hjxutxhxtu

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